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Yan Tan Tethera or yan-tan-tethera is a sheep-counting system traditionally used by shepherds in Northern England and some other parts of Britain. [1] The words are numbers taken from Brythonic Celtic languages such as Cumbric which had died out in most of Northern England by the sixth century, but they were commonly used for sheep counting and counting stitches in knitting until the Industrial Revolution, especially in the fells of the Lake District. Though most of these number systems fell out of use by the turn of the 20th century, some are still in use.
Sheep-counting systems ultimately derive from Brythonic Celtic languages, such as Cumbric; Tim Gay writes: “[Sheep-counting systems from all over the British Isles] all compared very closely to 18th-century Cornish and modern Welsh". [2] It is impossible, given the corrupted form in which they have survived, to be sure of their exact origin. The counting systems have changed considerably over time. A particularly common tendency is for certain pairs of adjacent numbers to come to resemble each other by rhyme (notably the words for 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 6 and 7, or 8 and 9). Still, multiples of five tend to be fairly conservative; compare bumfit with Welsh pymtheg, in contrast with standard English fifteen.
Like most Celtic numbering systems, they tend to be vigesimal (based on the number twenty), but they usually lack words to describe quantities larger than twenty; this is not a limitation of either modernised decimal Celtic counting systems or the older ones. To count a large number of sheep, a shepherd would repeatedly count to twenty, placing a mark on the ground, or move a hand to another mark on a shepherd's crook, or drop a pebble into a pocket to represent each score (e.g. 5 score sheep = 100 sheep).
In order to keep accurate records (e.g. of birth and death) and to be alert to instances of straying, shepherds must perform frequent head-counts of their flocks. Dating back at least to the medieval period, and continuing to the present in some areas like Slaidburn, farms were granted fell rights, allowing them access to common grazing land. To prevent overgrazing, it was vitally important for each farm to keep accurate, updated head-counts. Though fell rights are largely obsolete in modern agriculture except in upland areas, farms are often subsidised and taxed according to the quantity of their sheep. For this reason, accurate counts are still necessary, and must be performed frequently.
Generally, a count is the first action performed in the morning and the last action performed at night. A count is made after moving the sheep from one pasture to another, and after any operation involving the sheep, such as shearing, tagging, foot-trimming, mulesing, etc., although sheep are far less likely to stray while being moved in a group rather than when grazing at large on open ground.
Their use is also attested in a "knitting song" known to be sung around the middle of the nineteenth century in Wensleydale, Yorkshire, beginning "yahn, tayhn, tether, mether, mimph". [3]
The counting system has been used for products sold within Northern England, such as prints, [4] beers, [5] alcoholic sparkling water (hard seltzer in U.S.), [6] and yarns, [7] as well as in artistic works referencing the region, such as Harrison Birtwistle's 1986 opera Yan Tan Tethera .
Jake Thackray's song "Old Molly Metcalfe" [8] from his 1972 album Bantam Cock uses the Swaledale "Yan Tan Tether Mether Pip" as a repeating lyrical theme.
Garth Nix used the counting system to name the seven Grotesques in his novel Grim Tuesday. [9]
The word yan or yen for 'one' in Cumbrian, Northumbrian, and some Yorkshire dialects generally represents a regular development in Northern English in which the Old English long vowel /ɑː/ <ā> was broken into /ie/, /ia/ and so on. This explains the shift to yan and ane from the Old English ān, which is itself derived from the Proto-Germanic *ainaz. [10] [11] Another example of this development is the Northern English word for 'home', hame, which has forms such as hyem, yem and yam all deriving from the Old English hām. [12]
Number | Bowland | Rathmell | Nidderdale | Swaledale | Wharfedale | Teesdale | Wensleydale |
1 | Yain | Aen | Yain | Yan | Yan | Yan | Yain |
2 | Tain | Taen | Tain | Tan | Tan | Tean | Tain |
3 | Eddera | Tethera | Eddero | Tether | Tether | Tether | Eddero |
4 | Peddera | Fethera | Peddero | Mether | Mether | Peddero | |
5 | Pit | Phubs | Pitts | Pip | Pip | Pitts | |
6 | Tayter | Aayther | Tayter | Azer | Lezar | Tayter | |
7 | Layter | Layather | Layter | Sezar | Azar | Later | |
8 | Overa | Quoather | Overo | Akker | Catrah | Overro | |
9 | Covera | Quaather | Covero | Conter | Borna | Coverro | |
10 | Dix | Dugs | Dix | Dick | Dick | Disc | |
11 | Yain-a-dix | Aena dugs | Yaindix | Yanadick | Yan-a-dick | Yain disc | |
12 | Tain-a-dix | Taena dugs | Taindix | Tanadick | Tean-a-dick | Tain disc | |
13 | Eddera-a-dix | Tethera dugs | Edderodix | Tetheradick | Tether-dick | Ederro disc | |
14 | Peddera-a-dix | Fethera dugs | Pedderodix | Metheradick | Mether-dick | Peddero disc | |
15 | Bumfit | Buon | Bumfit | Bumfit | Bumfit | Bumfitt | |
16 | Yain-a-bumfit | Aena buon | Yain-o-Bumfit | Yanabum | Yan-a-bum | Bumfitt yain | |
17 | Tain-a-bumfit | Taena buon | Tain-o-Bumfit | Tanabum | Tean-a-bum | Bumfitt tain | |
18 | Eddera-bumfit | Tethera buon | Eddero-Bumfit | Tetherabum | Tethera-bum | Bumfitt ederro | |
19 | Peddera-a-bumfit | Fethera buon | Peddero-Bumfit | Metherabum | Methera-bum | Bumfitt peddero | |
20 | Jiggit | Gun a gun | Jiggit | Jigget | Jiggit | Jiggit | |
Number | Derbyshire | Weardale | Tong | Kirkby Lonsdale | Derbyshire Dales | Lincolnshire |
1 | Yain | Yan | Yan | Yaan | Yan | Yan |
2 | Tain | Teyan | Tan | Tyaan | Tan | Tan |
3 | Eddero | Tethera | Tether | Taed'ere | Tethera | Tethera |
4 | Pederro | Methera | Mether | Mead'ere | Methera | Pethera |
5 | Pitts | Tic | Pick | Mimp | Pip | Pimp |
6 | Tayter | Yan-a-tic | Sesan | Haites | Sethera | Sethera |
7 | Later | Teyan-a-tic | Asel | Saites | Lethera | Lethera |
8 | Overro | Tethera-tic | Catel | Haoves | Hovera | Hovera |
9 | Coverro | Methera-tic | Oiner | Daoves | Dovera | Covera |
10 | Dix | Bub | Dick | Dik | Dick | Dik |
11 | Yain-dix | Yan-a-bub | Yanadick | Yaan'edik | Yan-a-dik | |
12 | Tain-dix | Teyan-a-bub | Tanadick | Tyaan'edik | Tan-a-dik | |
13 | Eddero-dix | Tethera-bub | Tetheradick | Tead'eredik | Tethera-dik | |
14 | Peddero-dix | Methera-bub | Metheradick | Mead'eredik | Pethera-dik | |
15 | Bumfitt | Tic-a-bub | Bumfit | Boon, buom, buum | Bumfit | |
16 | Yain-o-bumfitt | Yan-tic-a-bub | Yanabum | Yaan'eboon | Yan-a-bumfit | |
17 | Tain-o-bumfitt | Teyan-tic-a-bub | Tanabum | Tyaan'eboon | Tan-a-bumfit | |
18 | Eddero-o-bumfitt | Tethera-tic-a-bub | Tetherabum | Tead'ereboon | Tethera-bumfit | |
19 | Peddero-o-bumfitt | Methera-tic-a-bub | Metherabum | Mead'ereboon | Pethera-bumfit | |
20 | Jiggit | Gigget | Jigget | Buom'fit, buum'fit | Figgot | |
Number | South West England (Variations) | West Country Dorset |
1 | Yahn | Hant |
2 | Tayn | Tant |
3 | Tether | Tothery |
4 | Mether | Forthery |
5 | Mumph | Fant |
6 | Hither | Sahny |
7 | Lither | Dahny |
8 | Auver | Downy |
9 | Dauver | Dominy |
10 | Dic | Dik |
11 | Yahndic | Haindik |
12 | Tayndic | Taindik |
13 | Tetherdic | Totherydik |
14 | Metherdic | Fotherydik |
15 | Mumphit | Jiggen |
16 | Yahna Mumphit | Hain Jiggen |
17 | Tayna Mumphit | Tain Jiggen |
18 | Tethera Mumphit | Tother Jiggen |
19 | Methera Mumphit | Fother Jiggen |
20 | Jigif | Full Score |
Number | Coniston | Borrowdale | Eskdale | Westmorland |
1 | Yan | Yan | Yaena | Yan |
2 | Taen | Tyan | Taena | Tahn |
3 | Tedderte | Tethera | Teddera | Teddera |
4 | Medderte | Methera | Meddera | Meddera |
5 | Pimp | Pimp | Pimp | Pimp |
6 | Haata | Sethera | Seckera | Settera |
7 | Slaata | Lethera | Leckera | Lettera |
8 | Lowra | Hovera | Hofa | Hovera |
9 | Dowra | Dovera | Lofa | Dovera |
10 | Dick | Dick | Dec | Dick |
11 | Yan-a-Dick | Yan-a-Dick | Yan Dick | |
12 | Taen-a-Dick | Tyan-a-Dick | Tahn Dick | |
13 | Tedder-a-Dick | Tethera-Dick | Teddera Dick | |
14 | Medder-a-Dick | Methera-Dick | Meddera Dick | |
15 | Mimph | Bumfit | Bumfit | |
16 | Yan-a-Mimph | Yan-a-bumfit | Yan-a-Bumfit | |
17 | Taen-a-Mimph | Tyan-a-bumfit | Tahn-a Bumfit | |
18 | Tedder-a-Mimph | Tethera Bumfit | Teddera-Bumfit | |
19 | Medder-a-Mimph | Methera Bumfit | Meddera-Bumfit | |
20 | Gigget | Giggot | Jiggot | |
Note: Scots here means "Scots" not "Gaelic"
Number | Wilts | Scots | Lakes | Dales | Welsh |
1 | Ain | Yan | Auna | Yain | Un |
2 | Tain | Tyan | Peina | Tain | Dau |
3 | Tethera | Tethera | Para | Edderoa | Tri |
4 | Methera | Methera | Peddera | Peddero | Pedwar |
5 | Mimp | Pimp | Pimp | Pitts | Pump |
6 | Ayta | Sethera | Ithy | Tayter | Chwech |
7 | Slayta | Lethera | Mithy | Leter | Saith |
8 | Laura | Hovera | Owera | Overro | Wyth |
9 | Dora | Dovera | Lowera | Coverro | Naw |
10 | Dik | Dik | Dig | Dix | Deg |
11 | Ain-a-dik | Yanadik | Ain-a-dig | Yain-dix | Un ar ddeg |
12 | Tain-a-dik | Tyanadik | Pein-a-dig | Tain-dix | Deuddeg |
13 | Tethera-a-dik | Tetheradik | Para-a-dig | Eddero-dix | Tri ar ddeg |
14 | Methera-a-dik | Metheradik | Peddaer-a-dig | Pedderp-dix | Pedwar ar ddeg |
15 | Mit | Bumfitt | Bunfit | Bumfitt | Pymtheg |
16 | Ain-a-mit | Yanabumfit | Aina-a-bumfit | Yain-o-bumfitt | Un ar bymtheg |
17 | Tain-a-mit | Tyanabumfitt | Pein-a-bumfit | Tain-o-bumfitt | Dau ar bymtheg |
18 | Tethera-mit | Tetherabumfitt | Par-a-bunfit | Eddero-bumfitt | Deunaw |
19 | Gethera-mit | Metherabumfitt | Pedder-a-bumfit | Peddero-bumfitt | Pedwar ar bymtheg |
20 | Ghet | Giggot | Giggy | Jiggit | Ugain |
Number | Ancient British | Old Welsh | Welsh | Cornish (Kemmyn) | Breton |
1 | *oinos (m + n), *oinā (f) | un | un | unn; onan | unan |
2 | *dwāu (m), *dwī (f) | dou, (?) | dau, dwy | dew, diw | daou, div |
3 | *trīs (m), *tisres (f) | tri, (?) | tri, tair | tri, teyr | tri, teir |
4 | *petwares (m), *petesres (f) | petuar, (?) | pedwar, pedair | peswar, peder | pevar, peder |
5 | *pempe | pimp | pump | pymp | pemp |
6 | *swexs | chwech | chwech | hwegh | c'hwec'h |
7 | *sextan | seith | saith | seyth | seizh |
8 | *oxtū | wyth | wyth | eth | eizh |
9 | *nawan | nau | naw | naw | nav |
10 | *dekan | dec | deg | deg | dek |
11 | *oinodekan | un ar ddeg | unnek | unnek | |
12 | *dwāudekan | deuddeg | dewdhek | daouzek | |
13 | *trīdekan | tri ar ddeg, tair ar ddeg | trydhek | trizek | |
14 | *petwardekan | pedwar ar ddeg, pedair ar ddeg | peswardhek | pevarzek | |
15 | *pempedekan | pymtheg | pymthek | pemzek | |
16 | *swexsdekan | un ar bymtheg | hwetek | c'hwezek | |
17 | *sextandekan | dau ar bymtheg, dwy ar bymtheg | seytek | seitek | |
18 | *oxtūdekan | deunaw | etek | triwec'h | |
19 | *nawadekam | pedwar ar bymtheg, pedair ar bymtheg | nownsek | naontek | |
20 | *wikantī | ugain | ugens | ugent | |
The Brittonic languages form one of the two branches of the Insular Celtic languages; the other is Goidelic. It comprises the extant languages Breton, Cornish, and Welsh. The name Brythonic was derived by Welsh Celticist John Rhys from the Welsh word Brython, meaning Ancient Britons as opposed to an Anglo-Saxon or Gael.
Loch is a word meaning "lake" or "sea inlet" in Scottish and Irish Gaelic, subsequently borrowed into English. In Irish contexts, it often appears in the anglicized form "lough". A small loch is called a lochan.
In linguistics, a numeral in the broadest sense is a word or phrase that describes a numerical quantity. Some theories of grammar use the word "numeral" to refer to cardinal numbers that act as a determiner that specify the quantity of a noun, for example the "two" in "two hats". Some theories of grammar do not include determiners as a part of speech and consider "two" in this example to be an adjective. Some theories consider "numeral" to be a synonym for "number" and assign all numbers to a part of speech called "numerals". Numerals in the broad sense can also be analyzed as a noun, as a pronoun, or for a small number of words as an adverb.
Rheged was one of the kingdoms of the Hen Ogledd, the Brittonic-speaking region of what is now Northern England and southern Scotland, during the post-Roman era and Early Middle Ages. It is recorded in several poetic and bardic sources, although its borders are not described in any of them. Archaeological work from 2012 onwards suggests that its stronghold was located in what is now Galloway in Scotland rather than, as was previously speculated, being in Cumbria. Rheged possibly extended into Lancashire and other parts of northern England. In some sources, Rheged is intimately associated with the king Urien Rheged and his family. Its inhabitants spoke Cumbric, a Brittonic dialect closely related to Old Welsh.
Cumbria is a ceremonial county in North West England. It borders the Scottish council areas of Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish Borders to the north, Northumberland and County Durham to the east, North Yorkshire to the south-east, Lancashire to the south, and the Irish Sea to the west. Its largest settlement is the city of Carlisle.
Bernicia was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom established by Anglian settlers of the 6th century in what is now southeastern Scotland and North East England.
Deira was an area of Post-Roman Britain, and a later Anglian kingdom.
A vigesimal or base-20 (base-score) numeral system is based on twenty. Vigesimal is derived from the Latin adjective vicesimus, meaning 'twentieth'.
Cumbric is an extinct Celtic language of the Brittonic subgroup spoken during the Early Middle Ages in the Hen Ogledd or "Old North", in Northern England and the southern Scottish Lowlands. It was closely related to Old Welsh and the other Brittonic languages. Place-name evidence suggests Cumbric may also have been spoken as far south as Pendle and the Yorkshire Dales. The prevailing view is that it became extinct in the 12th century, after the incorporation of the semi-independent Kingdom of Strathclyde into the Kingdom of Scotland.
English is the most widely spoken and de facto official language of the United Kingdom. A number of regional and migrant languages are also spoken. Regional English variant languages include Scots and Ulster Scots, and indigenous Celtic languages include Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Welsh. There are many non-native languages spoken by immigrants, including Polish, Hindi, and Urdu. British Sign Language is sometimes used as well as liturgical and hobby languages such as Latin and a revived form of Cornish.
Ip dip is a rhythmic counting-out game with many variations, the purpose of which is to select an individual from a group, for instance to choose the starting player of a game. It has been commonly used in British playgrounds for many years. It also exists as "dip, dip, dog shit" in Australia.
The Britons, also known as Celtic Britons or Ancient Britons, were the indigenous Celtic people who inhabited Great Britain from at least the British Iron Age until the High Middle Ages, at which point they diverged into the Welsh, Cornish, and Bretons. They spoke Common Brittonic, the ancestor of the modern Brittonic languages.
The spoken English language in Northern England has been shaped by the region's history of settlement and migration, and today encompasses a group of related accents and dialects known as Northern England English or Northern English.
Yr Hen Ogledd, meaning the Old North, is the historical region that was inhabited by the Brittonic people of sub-Roman Britain in the Early Middle Ages, now Northern England and the southern Scottish Lowlands, alongside the fellow Brittonic Celtic Kingdom of Elmet, in Yorkshire. Its population spoke a variety of the Brittonic language known as Cumbric which is closely related to, if not a dialect of Old Welsh. The people of Wales and the Hen Ogledd considered themselves to be one people, and both were referred to as Cymry ('fellow-countrymen') from the Brittonic word combrogi. The Hen Ogledd was distinct from the parts of Great Britain inhabited by the Picts, Anglo-Saxons, and Scoti.
Cumbrian dialect or Cumberland dialect is a local dialect of Northern England in decline, spoken in Cumberland, Westmorland and Lancashire North of the Sands. Some parts of Cumbria have a more North-East English sound to them. Whilst clearly spoken with a Northern English accent, the Cumbrian dialect shares much vocabulary with Scots. A Cumbrian Dictionary of Dialect, Tradition and Folklore by William Rollinson exists, as well as a more contemporary and lighthearted Cumbrian Dictionary and Phrase Book.
Cumbrian toponymy refers to the study of place names in Cumbria, a county in North West England, and as a result of the spread of the ancient Cumbric language, further parts of northern England and the Southern Uplands of Scotland.
The Northern Subject Rule is a grammatical pattern that occurs in Northern English and Scots dialects. Present-tense verbs may take the verbal ‑s suffix, except when they are directly adjacent to one of the personal pronouns I, you, we, or they as their subject. As a result, they sing contrasts with the birds sings; they sing and dances; it's you that sings; I only sings. Various core areas for the rule have been proposed, including Yorkshire and southern Scotland.
The languages of Scotland belong predominantly to the Germanic and Celtic language families. The main language now spoken in Scotland is English, while Scots and Scottish Gaelic are minority languages. The dialect of English spoken in Scotland is referred to as Scottish English.
Yan Tan Tethera is a chamber opera by the English composer Harrison Birtwistle with a libretto by the poet Tony Harrison, based on a supernatural folk tale about two shepherds, their sheep, and the Devil. It was first performed at Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, on 7 August 1986. The title comes from a traditional way of counting sheep.
Common Brittonic, also known as British, Common Brythonic, or Proto-Brittonic, is a Celtic language historically spoken in Britain and Brittany from which evolved the later and modern Brittonic languages.