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...prepare a throne for Hezekiah, the King of Judah, who is coming [15]
According to the Talmud, Yochanan ben Zakkai lived 120 years. [16] Upon his death, his students returned to Yavneh, and he was buried in the city of Tiberias; eleven centuries later, Maimonides was buried nearby. As leader of the Sanhedrin, he was succeeded by Gamliel II.
![]() | This section contains too many or overly lengthy quotations .(May 2021) |
The following story is told in the Jewish classic, Avoth deRabbi Nathan, version B, chapter 4:5, about the war with Rome.
When Vespasian came to destroy Jerusalem, he said to them: 'You fools! Why do you seek to burn down the holy house? After all, what am I asking of you? I merely ask that you relinquish unto me each man his bow and arrow, and I will depart from you.' They answered him in return: 'Just as we went out against two [Roman armies] that came before you and killed them, so, too, will we go out against you and kill you!' (i.e., the reference is to the Roman general Cestius who was defeated by the Judeans in 66 CE, marking the beginning of the war with Rome).
When our Master, Yochanan ben Zakkai, heard these words, he called out to the men of Jerusalem and said to them: 'My sons, why would you destroy this city, or seek to burn down the holy house!? After all, what is he (i.e., Vespasian) asking of you? Look, he's not asking from you anything except that you relinquish your bows and arrows, and he'll depart from you.' They replied to him: 'Just as we went out against two [Roman armies] before him and killed them, so, too, we will go out against him and kill him.'
Vespasian had armored men positioned along the walls of Jerusalem, and informants within the city. Everything that they'd hear, they'd write it down upon arrows and shoot the arrows outside the wall, one of which said that Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai was among those that admired the Caesar, and that he'd make mention of this fact to the people of Jerusalem.
When Rabbi Yochanan b. Zakkai's repeated warnings went unheeded, he sent and called for his disciples, Rabbi Eliezer [ben Hyrcanus] and Rabbi Yehoshua [ben Hananiah]. He said to them: 'My sons, stand up and take me out of this place! Make me a coffin and I'll sleep in it.' Rabbi Eliezer held on to the front end of the coffin, and Rabbi Yehoshua held on to the back end. They carried the coffin as he laid in it until sunset, until they stopped at the gates of Jerusalem's walls. The porters at the gates enquired who it was that had died. They answered them: 'It's a dead man, as if you did not know that we're not permitted to let a corpse remain within Jerusalem overnight!' The porters replied: 'If it's a dead man, remove him.' They then removed him, and remained with him until the sun had set, which, by that time, they had reached Vespasian. They opened up the coffin and he stood up before him. He (i.e. Vespasian) enquired of him: 'Are you Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai? Ask what I shall give you.' He said to him: 'I ask for nothing, except Yavneh (Jamnia). I will go and teach therein my disciples, and I'll establish therein prayer, and I'll perform therein all of the duties prescribed in the divine Law.' He answered him: 'Go, and do all that you want to do.' Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai then said to him: 'Would you like me to tell you something?' Vespasian answered him: 'Say it.' He said to him: 'You are destined to rule over the Roman Empire!' He asked him: 'How do you know that?' He replied: 'Thus has it been passed down unto us, that the holy house will not be given into the hands of a mere commoner, but rather into the hands of a king, as it says (Isaiah 10:34): He shall cut down the forest thickets with an iron [instrument], and Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one.'
They said that no more than two or three days had passed when a certain messenger came from his city, informing him that Caesar had just died, and that they have nominated him to head the Roman Empire. They brought unto him a catapult made of hardened cedar wood, and turned it toward the wall of Jerusalem. They brought unto him planks of cedar wood and put them into the catapult made of hardened cedar wood, and he would hit the wall with them until he made a breach in the wall...
When Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai heard that he (i.e., Caesar's son, Titus, who was left to govern the Roman army) destroyed Jerusalem and burnt down the holy house with fire, he rent his clothes, and his disciples rent their clothes, and they were crying and shouting and pounding their chests as mourners, etc.
Jewish tradition records Yohanan ben Zakkai as being extremely dedicated to religious study, claiming that no one ever found him engaged in anything but study. [17] He is considered to be someone who passed on the teachings of his predecessors; on the other hand, numerous homiletic and exegetical sayings are attributed to him [18] and he is known for establishing a number of edicts in the post-destruction era: [19]
If you are holding a sapling in your hand and someone tells you, 'Come quickly, the Messiah is here!', first finish planting the tree and then go to greet the Messiah. [21]
If you have been studious in learning the Torah, do not take credit to yourself, since it is to this end that you were created. [22] [23]
Some of Rabbi Yohanan's comments were of an esoteric nature. [18] On one occasion he advises that mankind should seek to understand the infinity of God, by imagining the heavens being extended to unthinkable distances. [24] He argued that Job's piety was not based on the love of God, but on the fear of Him. [25]
He was challenged to resolve several biblical curiosities by a Roman commander, who was familiar with the Torah, but whose name has been lost in confusion. Among the issues were the fact that the numbers [26] [27] [28] in the Book of Numbers didn't add up to their totals, [29] [30] and the reasoning behind the ritual of the red heifer; [31] on this latter question the answer he gave didn't satisfy his own students, so he decreed that the ritual was one that shouldn't be questioned. [32]
He is buried in HaRambam compound / complex in Tiberias / Tveria.
Other notable rabbis also buried in HaRambam compound / complex:
Judah ha-Nasi or Judah I, known simply as Rebbi or Rabbi, was a second-century rabbi and chief redactor and editor of the Mishnah. He lived from approximately 135 to 217 CE. He was a key leader of the Jewish community in Roman-occupied Judea after the Bar Kokhba revolt.
Yavne is a city in the Central District of Israel. In 2022, it had a population of 56,232.
Tannaim were the rabbinic sages whose views are recorded in the Mishnah, from approximately 10–220 CE. The period of the Tannaim, also referred to as the Mishnaic period, lasted about 210 years. It came after the period of the Zugot "Pairs" and was immediately followed by the period of the Amoraim "Interpreters".
The Zealots were a political movement in 1st-century Second Temple Judaism that sought to incite the people of Judaea Province to rebel against the Roman Empire and expel it from the Holy Land by force of arms, most notably during the First Jewish–Roman War (66–70). Zealotry was the term used by Josephus for a "fourth sect" or "fourth Jewish philosophy" during this period.
Yohananיוֹחָנָן, sometimes transcribed as Johanan, is a Hebrew male given name that can also appear in the longer form of יְהוֹחָנָן, meaning "YHWH is gracious".
Johanan bar Nappaha was a leading rabbi in the early era of the Talmud. He belonged to the second generation of amoraim.
Rabbinic Judaism, also called Rabbinism, Rabbinicism, or Rabbanite Judaism, has been an orthodox form of Judaism since the 6th century CE, after the codification of the Babylonian Talmud. Rabbinic Judaism has its roots in the Pharisaic school of Second Temple Judaism and is based on the belief that Moses at Mount Sinai received both the Written Torah and the Oral Torah from God. The Oral Torah, transmitted orally, explains the Written Torah. At first, it was forbidden to write down the Oral Torah, but after the destruction of the Second Temple, it was decided to write it down in the form of the Talmud and other rabbinic texts for the sake of preservation.
The Jewish–Roman wars were a series of large-scale revolts by the Jews of Judaea against the Roman Empire between 66 and 135 CE. The term primarily applies to the First Jewish–Roman War (66–73) and the Bar Kokhba revolt (132–136) which sought restoring Judean independence that was lost since the Hasmonean civil war. Some sources also include the Diaspora Revolt (115–117), a campaign waged by the Jewish diaspora across the Eastern Mediterranean.
Nasi is a title meaning "prince" in Biblical Hebrew, "Prince [of the Sanhedrin]" in Mishnaic Hebrew. Certain great figures from Jewish history have the title, including Judah ha-Nasi, who was the chief redactor of the Mishnah as well as nasi of the Sanhedrin.
Generically, a Galilean is a term that was used in classical sources to describe the inhabitants of Galilee, an area of northern Israel and southern Lebanon that extends from the northern coastal plain in the west to the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan Rift Valley to the east.
Rabban Gamaliel II was a rabbi from the second generation of tannaim. He was the first person to lead the Sanhedrin as nasi after the fall of the Second Temple in 70 CE.
Simeon ben Gamliel (I) (Hebrew: שמעון בן גמליאל or רשב"ג הראשון; c. 10 BCE – 70 CE) was a Tanna (sage) and leader of the Jewish people. He served as nasi of the Great Sanhedrin at Jerusalem during the outbreak of the First Jewish–Roman War, succeeding his father in the same office after his father's death in 50 CE and just before the destruction of the Second Temple.
Eliezer ben Hurcanus, also known as Hyrcanus, was one of the most prominent Judean tannaitic Sages of 1st- and 2nd-century Judaism, a disciple of Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai, and a colleague of Gamaliel II and Joshua ben Hananiah. He is the sixth most frequently mentioned Sage in the Mishnah.
Joshua ben Hananiah, also known as Rabbi Yehoshua, was a leading tanna of the first half-century following the destruction of the Second Temple. He is the seventh-most-frequently mentioned sage in the Mishnah.
Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri was a tanna of the 1st and 2nd centuries.
The Talmudic academies in Syria Palaestina were yeshivot that served as centers for Jewish scholarship and the development of Jewish law in Syria Palaestina, and later Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Secunda. The academies had a major influence on Judaism through the development of the Jerusalem Talmud, or Palestinian Talmud, which was compiled into book form in around 350–400 CE.
Bnei Bathyra were a family of Jewish sages who were religious leaders around the period of the Destruction of the Second Temple. This family is known for its many important Jewish Sages over the course of several generations. Some tannaim are considered to belong to this family; the best known of these is Judah ben Bathyra, who resided in Nusaybin west to Babylon.
Abba Sakkara, was a 1st-century leader of the Jewish Zealots, who had revolted against the Romans in Jerusalem during the first Jewish-Roman war. He is understood to be the same person known as Ben Batiach mentioned in the midrashic commentaries Lamentations Rabbah and Ecclesiastes Rabbah.
Legend of Destruction is a 2021 animated historical drama film, directed by director Gidi Dar, who wrote the screenplay in collaboration with Shuli Rand. It is an interpretation of Talmudic stories of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple.
The Rabbinic period, or the Talmudic period, denotes a transformative era in Jewish history, spanning from the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE to the Muslim conquest in 638 CE. Pivotal in shaping Judaism into its classical form, it is regarded as the second most important era in Jewish history after the Biblical period.
We suggest that the avoidance of the title "Rabbi" for pre-70 sages may have originated with the editors of the Mishnah. The editors attributed the title to some sages and not to others. The avoidance of the title for pre-70 sages may perhaps be seen as a deliberate program on the part of these editors who wanted to create the impression that the "rabbinic movement" began with R. Yochanan b. Zakkai and that the Yavnean "academy" was something new, a notion that is sometimes already implicitly or explicitly suggested by some of the traditions available to them. This notion is not diminished by the occasional claim to continuity with the past which was limited to individual teachers and institutions and served to legitimize rabbinic authority.