1st Division (Australia)

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1st Division
Lone Pine trench 6 August 1915.jpg
Members of the 7th Battalion in a trench at Lone Pine, 6 August 1915
Branch Australian Army
Type Division
RoleMain deployment force
Garrison/HQ Brisbane, Queensland
EngagementsFirst World War Second World War
Major General Ash Collingburn
William Bridges
James Legge
Talbot Hobbs
Harry Chauvel
William Glasgow
Herbert Lloyd
Peter Cosgrove
Unit colour patch 1st Division 1st AIF formation colour patch.png

The 1st Division, also known as the 1st (Australian) Division, is division headquartered in Enoggera Barracks in Brisbane. The division was first formed in 1914 for service during the First World War as a part of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF). It was initially part of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) and served with that formation during the Gallipoli campaign, before later serving on the Western Front. After the war, the division became a part-time unit based in New South Wales. During the Second World War it undertook defensive duties in Australia. It was disbanded in 1945.


After the Second World War, the division remained off the Australian Army's order of battle until the 1960s, when it was reformed in New South Wales. In 1965 it adopted a certification role, determining the operational readiness of units deploying to Vietnam. It was re-formed in 1973 as a full division based in Queensland and in the decades that followed it formed the Australian Army's main formation, including both Regular and Reserve personnel. Throughout this period, the division's component units undertook multiple operations, mainly focused on peacekeeping in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Following the restructuring of the Australian Army under the "Adaptive Army" initiative, the 1st Division no longer had any combat units assigned to it, although the 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment became a direct command unit in late 2017. The division is tasked with co-ordinating the Army's high-level training activities and maintaining the "Deployable Joint Force Headquarters" (DJFHQ). In the event of the Australian Army undertaking a large-scale land-based operation, the division would have further combat units force assigned to it and would command all deployed assets including those of the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force. [1]


First World War


The Australian 1st Division was raised during the initial formation of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) on 15 August 1914, shortly after the outbreak of the First World War. The division consisted of around 18,000 men, organised into three infantry brigades, each of four battalions, and various supporting units including artillery, light horse, engineers and medical personnel. [3] Each infantry battalion initially consisted of eight companies, although in January 1915, they were reorganised into the British four-company system. [2] Its first commander was the senior Australian general and head of the AIF, Major General William Bridges. [4] Over the course of six weeks, the division's subordinate units were raised separately in the various states before embarking overseas. The transports then concentrated off the Western Australian coast and the combined fleet sailed for Britain. [5] While en route, concerns about overcrowding in the training camps in the United Kingdom meant that the decision was made to land the division in Egypt, where it would complete its training before being transported to the Western Front. [6]

The 11th Battalion posing on the Great Pyramid of Giza, 1915. Australian 11th Battalion group photo.jpg
The 11th Battalion posing on the Great Pyramid of Giza, 1915.

While in Egypt, the division was assigned to the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps along with the New Zealand and Australian Division. Following the Allied decision to force a passage through the Dardanelles, the division was allocated to take part in a landing on the Gallipoli peninsula along with Anglo-French forces. [6] The 1st Division made the initial landing at Anzac Cove on 25 April 1915. The 3rd Brigade formed the covering force which landed first, around dawn. [7] The 1st and 2nd Brigades followed, landing from transports, and all were ashore by 9:00 am. While the landing was lightly opposed on the beach by elements of a single Turkish battalion, [8] the Australians were checked short of their objectives as Turkish reinforcements arrived to secure the high ground around Chunuk Bair and Sari Bair. [9] Critical fights developed on the left, over the hill known as Baby 700, and on the right on 400 Plateau, [10] but stalemate set in and little further progress would be made for the remaining eight months of the campaign. [11]

On 15 May 1915, after Bridges was mortally wounded by a sniper, [12] an English officer, Brigadier General Harold Walker was given temporary command while a replacement was dispatched from Australia. [13] This was Colonel James Legge, [14] the Australian Chief of the General Staff, who was not an immediately popular choice with either his corps commander, Lieutenant General William Birdwood, or his subordinate brigade commanders. [15] That same month, the division's artillery – three field artillery brigades each operating twelve 18-pound pieces, which had proved inadequate in the early battle, was boosted by the arrival of several Japanese-made trench mortars. They were later joined by several heavier guns including a 4.7-inch gun and two 6-inch howitzers. [16] On 24 June, Legge replaced Walker, who returned to command of the 1st Brigade, but after Legge was evacuated from Gallipoli he was moved sideways to command of the newly formed Australian 2nd Division and Walker resumed command of the 1st Division. [17]

The 1st Division's role in the August Offensive was to hold the front line and conduct a diversion on 400 Plateau at Lone Pine on 6 August. [18] The resulting battle was the only occasion when a significant length of the Turkish trench line was captured, but resulted in heavy casualties. The main assault was made by the 1st Brigade, which was later reinforced by the 7th and 12th Battalions. Out of an assault force of 2,900 men, 1,700 were killed or wounded. [19] On 7 August, the 6th Battalion from the 2nd Brigade made an unsuccessful attempt to capture the German Officers' Trench as a preliminary operation to other assaults by light horsemen at Quinn's Post and the Nek. [20]

In October, Walker was severely wounded and replaced by the division's artillery commander, Brigadier General Talbot Hobbs who in turn fell ill and was replaced on 6 November by the commander of the Australian 1st Light Horse Brigade, Brigadier General Harry Chauvel. [21] The 1st Division was evacuated from the peninsula in December, returning to Egypt. During the early months of 1916 the AIF underwent a period of re-organisation and expansion, and the division's experienced personnel were used to provide cadre staff to the newly formed 4th and 5th Divisions before being brought back up to strength in preparation for deployment to the Western Front. [22] On 14 March, Walker, having recovered from his wounds, resumed command of the division, now part of I Anzac Corps. [23] Seven members of the division received the Victoria Cross for their actions during the campaign: Alexander Burton, William Dunstan, Frederick Tubb, Patrick Hamilton, Leonard Keysor, Alfred Shout, William Symons. [24]

Somme, 1916

After reorganising in Egypt, where it was briefly employed to defend the Suez Canal against an Ottoman attack that never came, [25] the 1st Division was transferred to France in mid-March. Arriving in Marseilles, they were moved by train to northern France where it was initially sent to a quiet sector south of Armentières to acclimatise to the Western Front conditions. [26] The division was not considered ready to be committed to the fighting at the start of the offensive on the Somme in early July, [26] but as it dragged on I Anzac was sent to join the British Reserve Army of Lieutenant General Hubert Gough who intended to use the Australian divisions to take the village of Pozières. [26] Walker resisted Gough's efforts to throw the 1st Division into battle unprepared, insisting on careful preparation. When the 1st Division attacked shortly after midnight on 23 July, it succeeded in capturing half of the village but failed to make progress in the neighbouring German trench system. After enduring a heavy German bombardment, far surpassing anything yet experienced by an Australian unit, the 1st Division was withdrawn, having suffered 5,285 casualties, and was replaced by the Australian 2nd Division. [27]

The division's respite was brief as in mid-August, with its battalions restored to about two-thirds strength, it returned to the line on Pozières Ridge, relieving the Australian 4th Division and continuing the slow progress towards Mouquet Farm. On 22 August, having lost another 2,650 men, the division was once again relieved by the 2nd Division. [27] The division rotated through the line, conducting patrols and raids until 5 September when I Anzac Corps was withdrawn from the Somme and sent to Ypres for rest. The division anticipated spending winter quarters in Flanders but was recalled to the Somme for the final stages of the British offensive. This time they joined the British Fourth Army, holding a sector south of Pozières near the village of Flers. The battlefield had been reduced to a slough of mud but the 1st Division was required to mount a number of attacks around Gueudecourt during the Battle of Le Transloy; all ended in failure which was inevitable in the conditions. [28]

German withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line, 1917

Starting on 24 February 1917, the 1st Division took part in the pursuit of the German forces as they retreated to their prepared fortifications in the Hindenburg Line. [29] The division advanced against the German screen towards Bapaume and, on the night of 26 February, the 3rd Brigade captured the villages of Le Barque and Ligny-Thilloy. On the morning of 2 March, they withstood a German attempt to retake the villages. The 1st Division was then withdrawn to rest, joining the 4th Division. I Anzac's pursuit was carried on by the 2nd and 5th Divisions. [30]

By April, the 1st Division (and I Anzac Corps) was once again part of Gough's Fifth Army (formerly the Reserve Army). On 9 April – the day the British launched the Battle of Arras  – the 1st Division captured the last three villages (Hermies, Boursies and Demicourt) used by the Germans as outposts of the Hindenburg Line, [31] thereby bringing the British line in striking distance of the main Hindenburg defences. This action cost the division 649 casualties. [32] For actions during the fighting at Boursies, Captain James Newland and Sergeant John Whittle, both of the 12th Battalion (3rd Brigade), were awarded the Victoria Cross. [33]

Hindenburg Line, 1917

The 1st Division was in support during the First Battle of Bullecourt which was the Fifth Army's main contribution to the Arras offensive. [34] Once the first attempt on Bullecourt had failed, British attention concentrated on Arras and the Fifth Army's front was stretched thin with the 1st Division having to cover more than 12,000 yards (11,000 m). [35]

The Germans, well aware of the vulnerable state of the British defences, launched a counter-stroke on 15 April (the Battle of Lagnicourt). The Germans attacked with 23 battalions against four Australian battalions. [29] The German plan was to drive back the advanced posts, destroy supplies and guns and then retire to the Hindenburg defences. However, despite their numerical superiority, the Germans were unable to penetrate the Australian line. The 1st Division's artillery batteries in front of Lagnicourt were overrun and the village was occupied for two hours but counter-attacks from the Australian 9th and 20th Battalions (the latter from the 2nd Division) drove the Germans out. In this action the Australians suffered 1,010 casualties, mainly in the 1st Division, against 2,313 German casualties. [36] Only five artillery guns were damaged. [37]

On 3 May the Second Battle of Bullecourt commenced. Initially the 1st Division in reserve but it was drawn into the fighting on the second day when the 1st Brigade was detached to support the 2nd Division's attack. The Australians seized a foothold in the Hindenburg Line which over the following days was slowly expanded. By 6 May, they had captured over 1,000 yards (910 m) of the German trenchline, and the 3rd Brigade had also been committed. The German attempts to drive the British from their gains finally ceased on 17 May and the 1st Division was withdrawn for an extended rest, having suffered 2,341 casualties. [38]

Third Battle of Ypres

Soldiers from the 1st Division at Hooge, 5 October 1917 1stAustralianDivisionHooge5October1917.jpeg
Soldiers from the 1st Division at Hooge, 5 October 1917

The 1st Division's artillery was in action from the start of the Third Battle of Ypres on 31 July 1917 but the infantry were not called upon until the second phase of the battle commenced on 20 September with the Battle of Menin Road. Attacking across 1,000-metre (1,100 yd) front, along with ten other divisions, including the Australian 2nd Division on their left, the 1st Division captured around 1,500 metres (1,600 yd) of ground, securing Glencorse Wood and gaining a foothold in Polygon Wood. [39] The Australian divisions suffered 5,000 casualties from the battle – the 1st Division lost 2,754 men [32]  – mainly due to retaliatory shelling from heavy artillery after the advance had completed. [40]

The 1st Division was relieved by the Australian 5th Division before the next assault, the Battle of Polygon Wood (26 September), but in turn took up the advance for the following Battle of Broodseinde (4 October), the third and final of the successful bite-and-hold attacks conceived by General Herbert Plumer of the British Second Army. This battle marked the peak of British success during 3rd Ypres and apart from minor roles on the southern flank of the Canadian Corps during the Battle of Poelcappelle, First Battle of Passchendaele and the Second Battle of Passchendaele, it was the end of the 1st Division's involvement. [41] The division's casualties were 2,448 men killed or wounded. [32]


The Australians wintered in Flanders, engaging in vigorous patrolling and raiding. The 1st Division was still at Messines when the Germans launched their final offensive starting on the Somme with Operation Michael on 21 March 1918. In the first week of April, the 1st Division, along with the 2nd, began moving to the Somme when, on 9 April, the Germans launched Operation Georgette; an attack north and south of Armentières followed by a swift drive towards the vital rail junction of Hazebrouck. [28] [42]

The 1st Division, having reached Amiens and about to join up with the Australian Corps, was ordered to turn around and hurry back north. [28] Hazebrouck was reached on 12 April, just in time to relieve the exhausted British divisions. Holding a line 5 miles (8.0 km) east of the town, the 1st Division helped halt the German advance on 13 April (the Battle of Hazebrouck) and then repulsed a renewed offensive on 17 April after which the Germans abandoned their push, concentrating instead on the high ground west of Messines. [43]

The division remained active in Flanders from May to July, engaging in a process of informal but carefully planned raiding known as peaceful penetration. [44] Their greatest success came on 11 July when they took 1,000 yards (910 m) of front, 120 prisoners and 11 machine guns from the German 13th Reserve Division. This unrelenting pressure had a severe impact on German morale. [45]

Hundred Days, 1918

The 1st Division returned to the Australian Corps on 8 August 1918, the day on which the final British offensive commenced with the Battle of Amiens. The division was sent into action the following day, relieving the 5th Division, but arrived late due to its rushed preparation. [46] The 1st Division continued the attack for the next three days, driving towards Lihons, but progress was slow as the Australians moved beyond their supporting guns and tanks. [47]

On 23 August the 1st Division attacked south of the River Somme towards Chuignes with the British 32nd Division on its southern flank attacking Herleville. The Australians suffered 1,000 casualties but took 2,000 German prisoners out of a total of 8,000 captured by both the British Third and Fourth Armies on that day. The 1st also captured a German 15-in naval gun. [48] On 18 September, despite being severely depleted – only 2,854 infantrymen out of division's 12,204 nominal strength were available – the 1st Division took part in the assault on the Hindenburg "Outpost" Line during the Battle of Épehy, capturing a large section of the line. [38]

After this, the division was withdrawn from the line. [49] They would take no further part in the fighting, having lost 677 men in their final battle. [32] In early October, the rest of the Australian Corps, severely depleted due to heavy casualties and falling enlistments in Australia, was also withdrawn upon a request made by Prime Minister Billy Hughes, to re-organise in preparation for further operations. [50] On 11 November, an armistice came into effect, and as hostilities came to an end, the division's personnel were slowly repatriated back to Australia for demobilisation and discharge. This was completed by 23 March 1919, when the division was disbanded. Throughout the course of the war, the division suffered losses of around 15,000 men killed and 35,000 wounded, [51] out of the 80,000 men that served in its ranks. [52]

In commemoration of its war dead, the division built a memorial a stone obelisk memorial at Pozières, as the division lost more casualties there than any other battle (7,654 casualties in six weeks). The memorial lists the division's main battles as: Pozières, Mouquet Farm, Le Barque, Thilloy, Boursies, Demicourt, Hermies, Lagnicourt, Bullecourt, Third Ypres, Menin Road, Broodseinde Ridge, Poelcapelle, Second Passchendaele, Hazebrouck, Second Somme, Lihons, Chuignolles, Hindenburg Line and Épehy. [53]

Inter war years

In 1921, after the AIF was disbanded, the part-time Citizens Forces was re-organised to adopt the numerical designations of the AIF. [55] Thus the 1st Division was re-raised as a reserve formation, initially under the command of Colonel Charles Brand, composed primarily of infantry units based in New South Wales and Queensland. [56] During the inter-war years, the assignment of battalions to brigades and divisions varied considerably within the Army and as a result the 1st Division's composition was changed a number of times; its initial order of battle included three infantry brigades – the 1st, 7th and 8th  – each of four infantry battalions, and various supporting elements including engineers, field ambulance, artillery, signals, transport, medical, veterinarians and service corps troops. [54] The division was based headquartered at Burwood, New South Wales. [57]

Second World War

Upon the outbreak of Second World War the 1st Division consisted of two infantry brigades – the 1st and 8th  – as well as two field artillery regiments, one medium artillery regiment and two engineer field companies. [58] At this stage the division was partly mobilised, although as the provisions of the Defence Act (1903) precluded the deployment of the Militia to fight outside of Australian territory, it was decided to raise an all volunteer force for overseas service. This force was known as the Second Australian Imperial Force, and initially about a quarter of its soldiers were drawn from the Citizens Military Forces. After fighting broke out in the Pacific, however, in December 1941 members of the Militia were prevented from joining the AIF and were called up for full-time service to bolster defences in Australia in an effort to counter the possibility of attacks by Japanese land forces against the Australian mainland. [59] Later a number of Militia formations took part in the fighting against the Japanese in the Pacific, notably in New Guinea and Borneo, however, the 1st Division remained in Australia throughout the war. [58] Based in New South Wales, the division formed part of the Port Kembla Covering Force during the early stages of the Pacific War and in March 1942 became part of the II Corps, First Army. [57]

During this time the division's composition changed numerous times as many of its subordinate units were transferred. Shortly after mobilisation the division lost its engineer field companies and in June 1940 the three artillery regiments assigned to the division were also transferred out, to be replaced by a light horse regiment which had been converted to the machine gun role although this too was later removed from the division's order of battle. [58] In mid-1942, the division's headquarters staff were transferred along with their commander, Major General Cyril Clowes, to Milne Force, which later took part in the Battle of Milne Bay. [57] Later the division was transferred to the Second Army. [60] By April 1943, the division consisted of the 1st, 9th and 28th Brigades, and was headquartered in Parramatta. [61] As manpower restrictions in the Australian economy forced the early demobilisation of large numbers of men, the majority of which came from infantry units in Australia that were not involved in fighting overseas. The 1st Division was one of these units and by January 1945, when the 2nd Brigade was disbanded, the division consisted of only one infantry brigade, the 1st. [62] The division was officially disbanded on 6 April 1945. [60]

Post Second World War

1RAR soldiers prepare to board a United States Marine Corps helicopter in Somalia Op Solace DN-ST-93-02615.jpg
1RAR soldiers prepare to board a United States Marine Corps helicopter in Somalia

After the Second World War, the Australian military was demobilised. [64] By 1948 this process had been completed and a period of reorganisation began. This resulted in the establishment of a Regular infantry force consisting of a single brigade and two divisions of part-time soldiers in the Citizens Military Force (CMF). [65] There was no room within this structure for the 1st Division and as a result it remained off the Australian Army's order of battle until 1960, when its headquarters was reformed in Sydney, following the implementation of the Pentropic divisional structure, commanding all Army units – Regular and CMF – in New South Wales. It was also responsible for training some CMF units in other states. [60]

In 1965, the Pentropic structure was abolished and the divisional headquarters' was tasked with determining the readiness of units deploying to Vietnam. It fulfilled this role until Australia's commitment to the conflict ended in late 1972. In November the following year, the division was established at Enoggera Barracks in Brisbane, Queensland, and was re-formed as the Australian Army's "main striking force". [60] Throughout the Cold War era, the division grew into a formation of over 13,000 personnel, which, at its peak in the early 2000s consisted of four brigades: two Regular, one integrated and one Reserve spread across Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory. [60] In 1997, the formation's headquarters assumed the additional task of raising a deployable joint force headquarters, tasked with commanding Army, Royal Australian Air Force and Royal Australian Navy assets during large-scale operations. [60]

During this time, the division was not deployed as a complete formation, although its elements undertook numerous operations. These include peacekeeping operations in Namibia, Western Sahara, Cambodia, Somalia, Rwanda, East Timor, and the Solomon Islands. The division also deployed personnel to Iraq as part of Operation Catalyst and to Afghanistan as part of Operation Slipper. [66]


1st (Australian) Division organization 2023 Australian Army - 1st Australian Division organization 2023.png
1st (Australian) Division organization 2023

Following the establishment of Forces Command, in 2009, and the implementation of the "Adaptive Army" initiative it was decided that no combat units would be directly assigned to the 1st Division on a permanent basis. [67] Instead, it was decided that all combat forces would be assigned to Forces Command and the Headquarters 1st Division would provide a command and control function for "high-level training activities", during which activities combat units would be force assigned to the division. [1] It was also tasked with commanding "large scale ground operations" and, at the behest of Headquarters Joint Operations Command (HQJOC), the divisional headquarters was tasked with forming the "Deployable Joint Force Headquarters (DJFHQ)", responsible for commanding all deployed forces including those of the Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force. [1]

As of mid-October 2017, the 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment became a direct command unit of headquarters of the 1st Division, serving as a specialist amphibious warfare unit. The unit remains based at Lavarack Barracks in Townsville. [68]

Effective 1 July 2023, the division was renamed the 1st (Australian) Division. The 1st, 3rd and 7th Brigades were also placed under the direct control of the division's headquarters. This reform aimed to improve the connections between the divisional headquarters and the brigades it commands during deployments. [69]

Commanding generals

Date commencedDate endedCommander [70]
26 October 191415 May 1915 Major General William Bridges CMG
15 May 191522 June 1915 Brigadier General Harold Walker DSO
22 June 191526 July 1915Major General James Legge CMG
26 July 191513 October 1915Brigadier General Harold Walker DSO
13 October 19156 November 1915Brigadier General Talbot Hobbs
6 November 191514 March 1916Major General Harry Chauvel CB , CMG
14 March 191631 May 1918Major General Sir Harold Walker KCB , DSO
30 June 19186 May 1919Major General Sir Thomas Glasgow KCB , CMG , DSO
1 May 192131 December 1925Major General Charles Brand CB , CMG , DSO
1 January 192631 May 1927Major General Julius Bruche CB , CMG
1 June 19275 April 1929Brigadier General Thomas Dodds CMG , CVO , DSO
23 July 192930 November 1931Brigadier Francis Heritage CBE , MVO
16 January 193231 January 1933Brigadier James Corlette CMG , DSO , VD
1 February 193310 July 1934Brigadier General Owen Phillips CMG , DSO
24 August 19341 June 1935Brigadier Edward Norrie DSO , VD
1 June 19355 November 1939Major General John Hardie DSO , OBE
5 November 19391 May 1940Major General Robert Jackson CMG , DSO
2 May 19406 January 1941Major General Albert Fewtrell DSO
7 January 194231 July 1942Major General Cyril Clowes DSO , MC
1 August 194221 September 1943Major General Francis Derham DSO
22 September 19437 May 1945Major General Herbert Lloyd CB , CMG , CVO , DSO
12 December 196030 November 1963Major General Ian Murdoch CBE
1 December 19638 May 1966Major General John Andersen CBE
8 May 196613 January 1967Major General Douglas Vincent OBE
24 May 196716 December 1968Major General Kenneth Mackay MBE
30 January 196920 August 1969Brigadier Stuart Weir MC (Acting)
13 October 196928 February 1970Major General Cedric Pearson DSO , OBE , MC
20 April 19706 December 1970Major General Robert Hay CB , MBE
5 April 197131 October 1973Major General William Henderson DSO , OBE
1 November 1973February 1974Major General Stuart Graham DSO , OBE , MC
13 February 19741975Major General Ronald Hughes CBE , DSO
February 1975March 1977Major General Bruce McDonald DSO , OBE , MC
21 March 19773 June 1979Major General Phillip Bennett DSO
June 1979March 1981Major General John Kelly DSO
March 1981March 1984Major General David Drabsch AO , MBE
March 1984March 1985Major General Adrian Clunies-Ross MBE
March 1985March 1988Major General Michael Jeffery AO , MC
March 1988January 1991Major General Arthur Fittock AO
January 1991June 1994Major General Peter Arnison AO
June 1994February 1996Major General Michael Keating AM
February 1996March 1998Major General Tim Ford
March 1998November 1999Major General Peter Cosgrove AM , MC
November 1999July 2002Major General Jim Molan AO
July 2002April 2004Major General Mark Evans DSC , AM
April 2004July 2005Major General Mark Kelly AM
2 July 20056 July 2007Major General Ash Power AM , CSC
6 July 20072009Major General Richard Wilson AO
200922 February 2011Major General Michael Slater DSC , AM , CSC
22 February 201131 October 2012Major General Rick Burr DSC , AM , MVO
31 October 2012November 2015Major General Stuart Smith AO , DSC
November 20155 December 2018Major General Paul McLachlan AO , CSC [71]
6 December 201830 November 2021Major General Jake Ellwood DSC , AM
30 November 202112 December 2023Major General Scott Winter AM
12 December 2023IncumbentMajor General Ash Collingburn AM , DSM

See also


  1. 1 2 3 1st Division – Australian Army.
  2. 1 2 Stevenson 2013, p. 42.
  3. Stevenson 2007, pp. 185–187.
  4. Grey 2008, pp. 85–88.
  5. Stevenson 2007, p. 188.
  6. 1 2 Stevenson 2007, p. 189.
  7. Grey 2008, p. 94.
  8. Haythornthwaite 2004, p. 39.
  9. Coulthard-Clark 1998, p. 102.
  10. Broadbent 2005, p. 85.
  11. Coulthard-Clark 1998, p. 103.
  12. Grey 2008, p. 96.
  13. Broadbent 2005, p. 194.
  14. Broadbent 2005, p. 236.
  15. Mionnet 2004, p. 33.
  16. Stevenson 2013, p. 43.
  17. Mionnet 2004, pp. 31–34.
  18. Ekins 2009, p. 24.
  19. Haythornthwaite 2004, p. 72.
  20. Broadbent 2005, pp. 199 & 203.
  21. Mionnet 2004, pp. 31–37.
  22. Stevenson 2007, pp. 189–190.
  23. Mionnet 2004, p. 31.
  24. Mionnet 2004, pp. 4 & 19.
  25. Mionnet 2004, p. 4.
  26. 1 2 3 Stevenson 2007, p. 190.
  27. 1 2 Mionnet 2004, p. 5.
  28. 1 2 3 Stevenson 2007, p. 191.
  29. 1 2 Mionnet 2004, p. 6.
  30. Bean 1946, p. 319.
  31. Stevenson 2013, p. 5.
  32. 1 2 3 4 Stevenson 2013, p. 63.
  33. Mionnet 2004, p. 19.
  34. Bean 1946, p. 326.
  35. Bean 1946, pp. 334–335.
  36. Stevenson 2013, p. 166.
  37. Bean 1946, p. 336.
  38. 1 2 Mionnet 2004, p. 7.
  39. Stevenson 2013, p. 171.
  40. Bean 1946, p. 367.
  41. Stevenson 2013, pp. 178–179.
  42. Stevenson 2013, p. 185.
  43. Bean 1946, pp. 428–429.
  44. Stevenson 2013, p. 188.
  45. Bean 1946, p. 455.
  46. Stevenson 2013, p. 195.
  47. Bean 1946, pp. 474–475.
  48. Stevenson 2013, p. 203.
  49. Bean 1942, p. 935.
  50. Grey 2008, p. 109.
  51. Stevenson 2007, pp. 192–193.
  52. Stevenson 2007, p. 197.
  53. McLachlan 2007.
  54. 1 2 Mionnet 2004, p. 20.
  55. Grey 2008, p. 125.
  56. Mionnet 2004, p. 8.
  57. 1 2 3 Mionnet 2004, p. 9.
  58. 1 2 3 Orders of Battle.
  59. Grey 2008, pp. 145–147.
  60. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mionnet 2004, p. 10.
  61. Dexter 1961, p. 16.
  62. Long 1963, p. 25.
  63. Mionnet 2004, p. 27.
  64. Grey 2008, pp. 198–200.
  65. Grey 2008, pp. 200–201.
  66. Mionnet 2004, p. 11.
  67. Adaptive Army.
  68. Doran, Mark (10 August 2017). "Amphibious Display". Army: The soldiers' newspaper (1402 ed.). Canberra: Department of Defence. p. 12. ISSN   2209-2218 . Retrieved 20 July 2023.
  69. "Commands, divisions adjusted". Army: The soldiers' newspaper (1539 ed.). Canberra: Department of Defence. 20 July 2023. p. 2. ISSN   2209-2218 . Retrieved 15 July 2023.
  70. Mionnet 2004, p. 12.
  71. "Commander 1st Division". Australian Army. 18 March 2016. Archived from the original on 24 March 2016. Retrieved 18 March 2016.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">3rd Division (Australia)</span> 1916-1991 Australian Army division

The 3rd Division was an infantry division of the Australian Army. Existing during various periods between 1916 and 1991, it is considered the "longest serving Australian Army division". It was first formed during World War I, as an infantry division of the Australian Imperial Force and saw service on the Western Front in France and Belgium. During this time it fought major battles at Messines, Broodseinde Ridge, Passchendaele, Amiens, and the St Quentin Canal.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">4th Division (Australia)</span> 1916-1944 Australian Army infantry division

The Australian 4th Division was formed in the First World War during the expansion of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) infantry brigades in February 1916. In addition to the experienced 4th Brigade were added the new 12th and 13th Brigades. From Egypt the division was sent to France, where it took part in the fighting on the Western Front during 1916–1918. After the war ended, the AIF was demobilised and the division was dissolved.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">New Zealand and Australian Division</span> First World War Australian and New Zealand infantry division

The New Zealand and Australian Division was a composite army division raised for service in the First World War under the command of Major General Alexander Godley. Consisting of several mounted and standard infantry brigades from both New Zealand and Australia, it served in the Gallipoli Campaign between April and December 1915.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Australian and New Zealand Army Corps</span> First World War army corps

The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) was originally a First World War army corps of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. It was formed in Egypt in December 1914, and operated during the Gallipoli campaign. General William Birdwood commanded the corps, which primarily consisted of troops from the First Australian Imperial Force and 1st New Zealand Expeditionary Force, although there were also British and Indian units attached at times throughout the campaign. The corps disbanded in 1916, following the Allied evacuation of the Gallipoli peninsula and the formation of I ANZAC Corps and II ANZAC Corps. The corps was re-established, briefly, in the Second World War during the Battle of Greece in 1941. The term 'ANZAC' has been used since for joint Australian–New Zealand units of different sizes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2nd Division (Australia)</span> One of two divisions of the Australian Army

The 2nd Division of the Australian Army, also known as the 2nd (Australian) Division, commands all the Reserve brigades in Australia. These are the 4th in Victoria and Tasmania, the 5th in New South Wales, the 11th in Queensland, the 13th in Western Australia, and the 8th spread across the country. The division is also responsible for the security of Australia's northern borders through its Regional Force Surveillance Units.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">3rd Brigade (Australia)</span> Formation of the Australian Army

The 3rd Brigade is a combined arms brigade of the Australian Army, principally made up of the 1st and 3rd Battalions of the Royal Australian Regiment. Initially raised in 1903 as part of the post-Federation Australian Army, it was removed from the order of battle in 1906 following the restructure of the field force. It was re-formed in 1914 for service during World War I, taking part in the fighting at Gallipoli and on the Western Front in Europe. During World War II the brigade was used in a defensive role before it was disbanded in 1944. It was re-raised in 1967 for service during the Vietnam War and later went on to provide the nucleus of the deployment to East Timor during the Australian-led intervention in 1999. The brigade is currently based at Lavarack Barracks in Townsville, Queensland.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">11th Battalion (Australia)</span> Infantry battalion of the Australian Army

The 11th Battalion was an Australian Army battalion that was among the first infantry units raised during World War I for the First Australian Imperial Force. It was the first battalion recruited in Western Australia, and following a brief training period in Perth, the battalion sailed to Egypt where it undertook four months of intensive training. In April 1915 it took part in the invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula, landing at Anzac Cove. In August 1915 the battalion was in action in the Battle of Lone Pine. Following the withdrawal from Gallipoli, the battalion returned to Egypt where it was split to help form the 51st Battalion. In March 1916, the battalion was deployed to the Western Front in France and Belgium where it took part in trench warfare until the end of the war in November 1918.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Henry Arthur Goddard</span> Australian general

Henry Arthur Goddard, was an Australian Army colonel and temporary brigadier general in the First World War.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">5th Division (Australia)</span> Australian Army formation of World War I and II

The 5th Division was an infantry division of the Australian Army which served during the First and Second World Wars. The division was formed in February 1916 as part of the expansion of the Australian Imperial Force infantry brigades. In addition to the existing 8th Brigade were added the new 14th and 15th Brigades, which had been raised from the battalions of the 1st and 2nd Brigades respectively. From Egypt the division was sent to France and then Belgium, where they served in the trenches along the Western Front until the end of the war in November 1918. After the war ended, the division was demobilised in 1919.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">10th Battalion (Australia)</span> Australian Army infantry battalion

The 10th Battalion was an infantry battalion of the Australian Army that served as part of the all-volunteer Australian Imperial Force during World War I. Among the first units raised in Australia during the war, the battalion was recruited from South Australia in August 1914 and formed part of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division. After basic training, the battalion embarked for Egypt where further training was undertaken until the battalion was committed to the Gallipoli campaign. During the landing at Anzac Cove, it came ashore as part of the initial covering force. Members of the 10th Battalion penetrated the furthest inland of any Australian troops during the initial fighting, before the Allied advance inland was checked. After this, the battalion helped defend the beachhead against a heavy counter-attack in May, before joining the failed August Offensive. Casualties were heavy throughout the campaign and in November 1915, the surviving members were withdrawn from the peninsula. In early 1916, the battalion was reorganised in Egypt at which time it provided a cadre staff to the newly formed 50th Battalion. It was transferred to the Western Front in March 1916, and for the next two-and-a-half years took part in trench warfare in France and Belgium until the Armistice in 1918. The last detachment of men from the 10th Battalion returned to Australia in September 1919.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">12th Battalion (Australia)</span> Australian Army infantry battalion

The 12th Battalion was an infantry battalion originally raised for the First Australian Imperial Force during the First World War. The battalion was recruited from Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia and formed part of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division. It served throughout the war, firstly during the Gallipoli Campaign and then on the Western Front. During the interwar years, the 12th Battalion was re-raised as a part-time military unit and during the Second World War undertook garrison duties in Australia, but did not see combat. Today its lineage is perpetuated by the 12th/40th Battalion, Royal Tasmania Regiment, a unit which continues to serve in the Australian Army Reserve.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Military history of Australia during World War I</span>

In Australia, the outbreak of World War I was greeted with considerable enthusiasm. Even before Britain declared war on Germany on 4 August 1914, the nation pledged its support alongside other states of the British Empire and almost immediately began preparations to send forces overseas to engage in the conflict. The first campaign that Australians were involved in was in German New Guinea after a hastily raised force known as the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force was dispatched in September 1914 from Australia and seized and held German possessions in the Pacific. At the same time another expeditionary force, initially consisting of 20,000 men and known as the Australian Imperial Force (AIF), was raised for service overseas.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Maurice Wilder-Neligan</span> World War I Australian Army officer

Lieutenant Colonel Maurice Wilder-Neligan,, was an Australian soldier who commanded the South Australian-raised 10th Battalion during the latter stages of World War I. Raised and educated in the United Kingdom, he was briefly a soldier with the Royal Horse Artillery in London, after which he travelled to Australia where he worked in Queensland. He enlisted as a private in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) on 20 August 1914 at Townsville, under the name Maurice Wilder, giving Auckland, New Zealand, as his place of birth. A sergeant in the 9th Battalion by the time of the Gallipoli landings of April 1915, he was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal, the second highest award for acts of gallantry by other ranks. He was quickly commissioned, reaching the rank of temporary captain before the end of the Gallipoli campaign. During his time at Gallipoli he was wounded once, and formally changed his name to Wilder-Neligan.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">16th Battalion, Royal Western Australia Regiment</span> Australian Army Reserve unit

The 16th Battalion, Royal Western Australia Regiment is an Australian Army reserve infantry battalion located in Western Australia and one of the two battalions of the Royal Western Australia Regiment. The battalion was first formed during the First World War, during which it fought during the Gallipoli Campaign and on the Western Front in France and Belgium as part of the Australian Imperial Force. It was re-formed as a part-time unit in Western Australia during the inter-war years, and served in the New Britain Campaign against the Japanese during the Second World War. In the post war years, the battalion became part of the Royal Western Australia Regiment and currently forms part of the 13th Brigade.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2nd Brigade (Australia)</span> Brigade of the Australian Army

The 2nd Health Brigade (2HB) is an Australian Army brigade. The 2nd Brigade was formed in 1903 as a militia infantry formation based in Victoria, the brigade later served during the First World War as part of the Australian Imperial Force, allocated to the 1st Division. During the war, the 2nd Brigade took part in the fighting at Gallipoli, including the Battle of Krithia where it lost almost a third of its strength. Later they took part in the Battle of Lone Pine before being withdrawn back to Egypt in December 1915. Following this the brigade was transferred to the Western Front in France and Belgium where, between March 1916 and the armistice in November 1918, they took part in most of the major Allied operations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Australian Army during World War I</span> Military unit

The Australian Army was the largest service in the Australian military during World War I. The First Australian Imperial Force (AIF) was the Army's main expeditionary force and was formed from 15 August 1914 with an initial strength of 20,000 men, following Britain's declaration of war on Germany. Meanwhile, the separate, hastily raised 2,000-man Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force (AN&MEF), landed near Rabaul in German New Guinea on 11 September 1914 and obtained the surrender of the German garrison after ten days; it later provided occupation forces for the duration of the war. In addition, small military forces based on the pre-war Permanent Forces and part-time Citizen Forces were maintained in Australia to defend the country from attack.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">5th Pioneer Battalion (Australia)</span> Military unit

The 5th Pioneer Battalion was an Australian infantry and light engineer unit raised for service during the First World War as part of the all volunteer Australian Imperial Force (AIF). Formed in Egypt in March 1916, the battalion subsequently served on the Western Front in France and Belgium, after being transferred to the European battlefields shortly after its establishment. Assigned to the 5th Division, the 5th Pioneer Battalion fought in most of the major battles that the AIF participated in between mid-1916 and the end of the war in November 1918. It was subsequently disbanded in early 1919.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">1st Pioneer Battalion (Australia)</span> Military unit

The 1st Pioneer Battalion was an Australian infantry and light engineer unit raised for service during the First World War as part of the all volunteer Australian Imperial Force (AIF). Formed in Egypt in March 1916, the battalion subsequently served on the Western Front in France and Belgium, after being transferred to the European battlefields shortly after its establishment. Assigned to the 1st Division, the 1st Pioneer Battalion fought in most of the major battles that the AIF participated in between mid-1916 and the end of the war in November 1918. It was subsequently disbanded in early 1919.


Further reading