2023 Argentine primary elections

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2023 Argentine primary elections
Flag of Argentina.svg
  • 13 August 2023
Presidential primary
Opinion polls
Javier Milei in 2022.jpg
Sergio Massa (49619602321) (cropped).jpg
Seguridad patricia bullrich (cropped).jpg
Nominee Javier Milei Sergio Massa Patricia Bullrich
Alliance LLA UP JxC
Running mate Victoria Villarruel Agustín Rossi Luis Petri
States carried1652 + CABA
Popular vote7,352,2445,277,5384,139,566

Conferencia horacio rodriguez larreta 15-4-21 1 (cropped).jpg
Conversa com Juan Grabois, Lisboa, Mar. 2023 (52760468063) (cropped).jpg
Nominee Horacio Rodríguez Larreta Juan Grabois
Alliance JxC UP
Running mate Gerardo Morales Paula Abal Medina
States carried00
Popular vote2,756,3751,441,504

Elecciones primarias de Argentina 2023.svg
Resultados de las Elecciones primarias de Argentina de 2023 (por departamento).svg
Legislative primary

On 13 August 2023, [1] [2] the Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries (PASO) were held in Argentina to determine candidatures for national offices in the presidential and legislative elections on 22 October 2023. It was the first election where Peronism lost and ended in third place. [3]



In these primary elections, the candidates for President of Argentina and national legislators (national senators and deputies) will be elected. However, the fronts that will compete independently, to be qualified for the general elections in October, must meet the requirement of reaching at least 1.5% of the valid votes. While in the fronts with several candidates, the candidate with the most votes with the aforementioned minimum is enabled.

The elections for provincial offices (governors, provincial deputies, provincial senators, etc.) and municipal (mayors, councilors, etc.) are independent of the elections for national offices and may or may not be held on the same dates.

Citizens of 16 years of age and also people of 15 years of age who turn before October 27 (with the exception of the province of Córdoba) will also be authorized to vote.

The Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries (PASO) will be held on 13 August 2023. With this system, the candidates are elected within each alliance, in the same mandatory electoral act, in which citizens can vote for any pre-candidate from any party, but they can only cast one vote. When there is more than one pre-candidate per alliance, the one that obtains the most votes will be chosen as that alliance's candidate for the general elections, to be held two months later. The PASO also define which forces can appear in the general elections, since only those that obtain a minimum of 1.5% of the valid votes can do so.

It had the particularity that in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA), to vote for the head of the Buenos Aires government, an electronic ballot was used.



PresidentVice President
Union for the Homeland 134 ACeleste y Blanca Sergio Massa Agustín Rossi [4]
134 BJusta y Soberana Juan Grabois Paula Abal Medina
Juntos por el Cambio 132 AEl Cambio de Nuestras Vidas Horacio Rodríguez Larreta Gerardo Morales
132 BLa Fuerza del Cambio Patricia Bullrich Luis Petri
La Libertad Avanza 135 ALibertad por Siempre Javier Milei Victoria Villarruel
Workers' Left Front 136 AUnir y Fortalecer a la Izquierda Myriam Bregman Nicolás del Caño
136 BUnidad de Luchadores y la Izquierda Gabriel Solano Vilma Ripoll
Hacemos por Nuestro País 133 AHacemos Juan Schiaretti Florencio Randazzo
Principles and Values 137 1ATierra, Techo y Trabajo Guillermo Moreno Leonardo Fabre
137 2BTransformarEliodoro MartínezVicente Souto
137 3CTres BanderasJorge OliverEzequiel San Martín
137 4DGente de TrabajoCarina BartoliniMabel Gómez
137 5ELaboristaPaula AriasWalter Vera
Frente Liber.AR 131 ADemosNazareno EtchepareFernando Lorenzo
131 BReconquistaRamiro VasenaAníbal Lagonegro
131 CAnticorrupción Julio Bárbaro Ramona Pucheta
Freemen of the South 40 AAzul y RojoJesús EscobarMarianella Lezama Hid
New Movement for Socialism 13Izquierda AnticapitalistaManuela CastañeiraLucas Ruiz
Política Obrera 92Unidad Obrera Marcelo Ramal Patricia Urones
Youth and Dignity Left Movement 90 ADignidad Raúl Castells Adriana Reinoso
90 BConfederal Santiago Cúneo Gustavo Barranco
Proyecto Joven 94 ACoalición Paz, Democracia y Soberania Mempo Giardinelli Bárbara Solernou
94 BPatria UnidaMartín AyerbeHugo Rodríguez
94 CTodexReina Xiomara IbáñezGonzalo Ibarra
Federal Patriot Front 95Primero la PatriaCésar BiondiniMariel Avedaño
Union of the Democratic Centre 20 AApertura Liberal ArgentinaAndrés PassamontiPamela Fernández
Neighborhood Action Movement 57Compromiso VecinalRaúl AlbarracínSergio Pastore

Election day


2019 30%Decrease2.svg 2%42%48%Steady2.svg 0%58%66%Decrease2.svg 4.5%76.4% [5]
202328%48%61.5%66%69,6% [6] [7] [8] [9]


Presidential primaries

PartyPresidential candidateRunning mateCandidate votesOverall votes
La Libertad Avanza Javier Milei Victoria Villarruel 7,352,24429.867,352,24429.86
Together for Change Patricia Bullrich Luis Petri 4,139,56616.816,895,94128.00
Horacio Rodríguez Larreta Gerardo Morales 2,756,37511.19
Union for the Homeland Sergio Massa Agustín Rossi 5,277,53821.436,719,04227.28
Juan Grabois Paula Abal Medina1,441,5045.85
We Do for Our Country Juan Schiaretti Florencio Randazzo 914,8123.71914,8123.71
Left and Worker's Front-Unity Myriam Bregman Nicolás del Caño 451,2751.83642,7732.61
Gabriel Solano Vilma Ripoll 191,4980.78
Principles and Values Guillermo Moreno Leonardo Fabre189,7560.77194,1600.79
Eliodoro MartínezVicente Souto2,5160.01
Paula AriasWalter Vera1,5070.01
Jorge OliverEzequiel San Martín1970.00
Carina BartoliniMabel Gómez1840.00
Freemen of the South Movement Jesús EscobarMarianella Lezama Hid158,8400.65158,8400.65
New Movement for Socialism Manuela CastañeiraLucas Ruiz87,6810.3687,6810.36
Youth and Dignity Left Movement Santiago CúneoGustavo Barranco57,7540.2384,3610.34
Raúl Castells Adriana Reinoso26,6070.11
Workers' Party Marcelo Ramal Patricia Urones64,2130.2664,2130.26
Federal Patriot Front César BiondiniMariel Avedaño51,8500.2151,8500.21
Neighbourhood Action Movement Raúl AlbarracínSergio Pastore43,4800.1843,4800.18
Youth Project Mempo Giardinelli Bárbara Solernou11,9440.0524,3040.10
Martín AyerbeHugo Rodríguez8,8290.04
Reina Xiomara IbáñezGonzalo Ibarra3,5310.01
Liber.ARRamiro VasenaAníbal Lagonegro12,9900.0523,5540.10
Nazareno EtchepareFernando Lorenzo7,7320.03
Julio BárbaroRamona Pucheta2,8320.01
Union of the Democratic Centre Andrés PassamontiPamela Fernández12,0410.0512,0410.05
Blank votes1,356,4805.51
Valid votes24,625,77698.76
Invalid votes309,8071.24
Total votes24,935,583100
Registered voters/turnout35,405,01370.43
Source: [10] [11]

Legislative primaries

Chamber of Deputies

Party or allianceVotes%
Together for Change The Force of Change (Patricia Bullrich) [a] 3,188,98215.09
The Change of Our Lives (Horacio Rodríguez Larreta) [b] 2,389,53911.31
Together for Change [c] 666,0703.15
Corrientes Meeting210,2391.00
Wake Up Chubut66,4650.31
Radical Civic Union [d] 16,5280.08
UNIR Constitutional Nationalist Party 2,1930.01
Salta Renewal Party 2,0620.01
Union for the Homeland Celestial and White (Sergio Massa) [e] 4,615,39921.85
Union for the Homeland [f] 725,7773.44
Civic Front for Santiago 271,5191.29
October 17th195,0090.92
Union for Salta80,8860.38
Let's Go San Juan72,4530.34
Union for Victory68,3880.32
Union for Chubut61,1790.29
San Juan Comes Back58,6960.28
Renewal Unity37,9800.18
Union for Jujuy34,2040.16
Santa Cruz Agreement17,9370.08
Let's Build Together14,2870.07
Union for the Happiness of Salta9,5330.05
The María Eva9,0830.04
Rebuild Chubut3,6380.02
La Libertad Avanza La Libertad Avanza 5,003,81323.68
Ahora Patria312,2891.48
Republican Force 261,0281.24
Partido Renovador Federal141,1730.67
Partido Fe134,6560.64
Arriba Neuquén132,9910.63
Light Blue and White Union 125,0770.59
Republicanos Unidos29,8860.14
Fuerza Liberal8,9390.04
Hacemos por Nuestro País Hacemos por Nuestro País 709,4313.36
Christian Democratic Party [g] 16,1090.08
Aptitud Renovadora15,4650.07
Federal Commitment 13,0510.06
Partido Autonomista [h] 10,6480.05
Socialist Party [i] 8,0580.04
Partido Unión y Libertad6,5530.03
Federal Popular Union [j] 6,2220.03
Nuevo Espacio de Opinión2,2150.01
Nueve de Julio2,2030.01
Patria Grande1,9870.01
Santiago lo Merece1,3870.01
Santiago Autonomista1,1970.01
Workers' Left Front Unir y Fortalecer a la Izquierda (PTSIS)428,8982.03
Unidad de Luchadores y la Izquierda (POMST)186,6100.88
Party of Workers 7,5760.04
New Left 6,6840.03
Freemen of the South Movement Freemen of the South Movement 126,9830.60
Libres y Socialistas 12,4190.06
Principles and Values Tierra, Techo y Trabajo (Guillermo Moreno) [k] 54,5370.26
Gobernar es Crear Trabajo21,7870.10
Santa Fe Primero7,2980.03
Unidad Santafesina5,5260.03
Por los Principios Sociales4,7320.02
Partido Popular3,6650.02
Movimiento Integración Latinoamericana de Expresión Social3,3180.02
Producción y Trabajo2,1540.01
Producción y Justicia Social2,2730.01
Por Club, Capilla y Colegio1,8600.01
La Nueva Santa Fe1,4400.01
Unidos por la Gente1,0670.01
Crezcamos por Santa Fe8370.00
Voces Libertarias SdE7830.00
Recuperando Nuestra Cultura6290.00
Por los Valores2550.00
New MAS 50,0520.24
Youth and Dignity Left Movement Confederal (Santiago Cúneo)25,3090.12
Dignidad (Raúl Castells)10,4240.05
Santa Fe Segura1,5790.01
Together We Are Río Negro 36,7620.17
Neuquén People's Movement Neuquén País30,7370.15
Unidos por Neuquén5,2640.02
Política Obrera35,3300.17
Renewal Front [l] 24,0890.11
Patriot Front 23,1930.11
Nueva Unión Celeste21,3810.10
Partido Agrario y Social21,0980.10
Salta Independiente16,8970.08
Libertarian Party14,0230.07
Proyecto JovenPaz, Democracia y Soberanía6,5300.03
Frente Joven1,7470.01
Patria Unida (Martín Ayerbe)1,0190.00
Nuevas Ideas5870.00
Centro, Norte y Sur Unidos5670.00
Jóvenes en Acción4660.00
Viva la Libertad2440.00
Patria y Futuro1750.00
DEMOS Libertad1230.00
Encuentro Republicano FederalMovimiento Viable5,5160.03
Republicano Popular1,1260.01
Despierta Santiago5700.00
Buenos Aires Primero9,0440.04
Construyendo Porvenir8,5900.04
Somos Fueguinos8,5620.04
Por Santa Cruz8,2830.04
Frente Amplio por la Soberanía7,6270.04
Nuevo Rumbo Federal Commitment 1,9790.01
Por los Valores1,8360.01
Recreo Social1,8180.01
Vecinos con Rumbo1,7180.01
Corriente de Pensamiento Bonaerense7,3470.03
Política Abierta para la Integridad SocialPrimero Santa Fe2,5410.01
Con los Mismos, No1,9510.01
Azul Única1,5410.01
Partido FeNuevo Horizonte2,5770.01
Vamos con Fe2,1230.01
Siempre con Fe1,2790.01
Partido Todos por Buenos Aires5,4430.03
Confianza Pública5,3430.03
Partido Autonomista [m] Futuro Mejor1,7560.01
Dignidad Animal1,2930.01
Autonomista en Marcha1,2390.01
Movimiento de Organización Democrática4,8910.02
Union of the Democratic Centre La Libertad Primero3,4620.02
Union of the Democratic Centre 8350.00
Democratic Party 4,2770.02
Partido Unidad Social4,1930.02
Frente Federal de Acción Solidaria3,9630.02
Frente Liber.ARDemos (Nazareno Etchepare)2,7660.01
Anticorruption (Julio Bárbaro) [n] 1,1840.01
Frente Integrador3,8110.02
Movimiento Independiente Renovador3,2830.02
Justicia y Dignidad Patriotica2,7560.01
Movimiento de Acción Vecinal2,5960.01
Republicanos Unidos2,3410.01
Generation for a National Encounter 2,2150.01
Christian Democratic Party [o] 1,9900.01
Renewal Crusade 1,9430.01
Movimiento de Jubilados y Juventud1,9420.01
La Nueva Independencia1,9260.01
Humanist Party 1,9230.01
Labour Party Libertad y Trabajo1,3940.01
La Clase Obrera1840.00
Frente Laborista1500.00
Partido Tres BanderasSoberanía6960.00
Por La Justicia3280.00
Auténticos Liberales CatamarcaLibertarios90.00
Liberar y Popular60.00
  1. incl. Sumamos Fuerzas en Santa Cruz, Gana Catamarca
  2. Podés Confiar, Sigamos Cambiando Jujuy, Juntos por La Pampa, Cambia San Juan
  3. Entre Ríos, Mendoza, Chaco
  4. Radical Change, UCR A Real Path
  5. Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Cordoba, Corrientes, Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro, Tierra del Fuego, Tucumán
  6. Capital Federal, Entre Ríos, La Pampa, Misiones, San Luis, Santa Fe
  7. incl. Foro Social Cristiano
  8. in Salta
  9. incl. Hacemos Juntos
  10. in Misiones
  11. incl. Populares Cba
  12. in Santiago del Estero
  13. in Santa Fe
  14. Campo Popular in Córdoba
  15. in Capital Federal


Milei and his coalition's win achieved international recognition and headlines, from The New York Times to El País and Latin American media and Asian news agencies, which reported on Milei's surprise win and the uncertain electoral scenario in Argentina for the 2023 October general election. [12] Analysts saw his win as the voters being frustrated by both Peronist and non-Peronist governments. [13]

See also

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Events in the year 2023 in Argentina.

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  1. "Voters express frustration ahead of Argentina primary election". Al Jazeera. 11 August 2023. Retrieved 25 August 2023.
  2. "Voter anger, apathy hang over Argentina primary elections". Reuters. 11 August 2023. Retrieved 25 August 2023.
  3. Uki Goñi (14 August 2023). "Far-right outsider takes shock lead in Argentina primary election". The Guardian . Retrieved 25 August 2023.
  4. "Cámara Nacional Electoral". www.electoral.gob.ar. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
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  6. "#Elecciones2023 Ya votó el 28% del #Padrón". Twitter - @CamaraElectoral . 13 August 2023. Retrieved 13 August 2023.
  7. "#Elecciones2023 Ya votó el 48% del #Padrón". Twitter - @CamaraElectoral . 13 August 2023. Retrieved 13 August 2023.
  8. "#Elecciones2023 Ya votó 61,5% del #Padrón". Twitter - @CamaraElectoral . 13 August 2023. Retrieved 13 August 2023.
  9. "#Elecciones2023 Ya votó el 66% del #Padrón, aunque los/as electores/as que aguardan su turno continuarán votando". Twitter - @CamaraElectoral . 13 August 2023. Retrieved 13 August 2023.
  11. "Consulta de Escrutinios Definitivos". www.padron.gob.ar.
  12. "Los medios del mundo reflejaron el triunfo de Javier Milei en las PASO 2023". Perfil (in Spanish). 14 August 2023. Retrieved 27 August 2023.
  13. "Reaction: Javier Milei Surprises in Argentina Primary Election". Americas Quarterly. 14 August 2023. Retrieved 27 August 2023.