
Last updated
Paradigm object-oriented, procedural, 4-GL
Developer VFP Community
First appeared2001;20 years ago (2001)
Stable release
6.03 / January 29, 2013;8 years ago (2013-01-29)
Typing discipline Dynamic, weak
Implementation language Visual FoxPro 9 SP2
OS Windows
License MIT
Filename extensions Common extensions
Other extensions

ActiveVFP (also known as AVFP) is a server-side scripting framework designed for Web development to produce dynamic Web pages. Similar to PHP, but using the native Visual Foxpro (VFP) language and database (or other databases like Microsoft SQL and MySQL), ActiveVFP can also be used in Model-View-Controller (MVC) web applications as well as RESTful API. ActiveVFP is completely free and open source and does not require the purchase of Microsoft Visual FoxPro or any additional software.


ActiveVFP was originally created in 2001. The main implementation of ActiveVFP is now produced by the Foxpro Community at and serves as the formal reference to ActiveVFP. ActiveVFP is free software released under the MIT License.

ActiveVFP is unique among server-side web languages and frameworks because it has a database and database functionality built into the language.


ActiveVFP uses the native Visual Foxpro language as it exists in the latest version produced by Microsoft, Visual FoxPro 9 SP2. The multi-threaded VFP runtime, vfp9t.dll, is used instead of the regular desktop version of the VFP runtime. [1]

Using ActiveVFP, the VFP compiler only executes VFP code within its delimiters. Anything outside its delimiters is not processed by VFP. The most common delimiters are ASP-style short forms <% or <%= and %>. <% %> executes a FoxPro code block and <%= %> prints the variable out immediately. The purpose of all these delimiters is to separate VFP code from non-VFP code, including HTML.

The main objects available to ActiveVFP for web programming are: oRequest, oResponse, and oSession (and all of the objects that have been available in Classic Active Server Pages (ASP)). These objects are used entirely within Visual FoxPro to accomplish web programming with FoxPro.

The FoxPro language contains commands quite similar to other programming languages such as Basic. Loops include do, if, while, for, else commands in a usage easily understood by anyone familiar with other programming languages. Commands take the form of "command" and "endcommand". The language also has extensive database manipulation and indexing commands. [2]

Like PHP, ActiveVFP takes advantage of automatic memory Garbage Collection (GC) and Dynamic/Weak Typing, [3] boosting programmer productivity.

In addition to “scripting” mode, ActiveVFP offers Model-View-Controller (MVC) design as well. The Controller consists of FoxPro class code located in a Foxpro .prg file. Output can consist of .avfp views, JSON, and others, similar to other modern MVC implementations. The Model can be DBF files or other back end databases.


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset="utf-8"><title>VFP code in HTML</title> ... <%*SettingslnTotPerPage=10lnpagenumbers=5lnStart=VAL(oRequest.querystring("page"))lcButton=oRequest.querystring("nav")*sqlSELE*FROMCustomerINTOCURSORtCursor*createpagenumbersSTART=0lnPageMax=0lnPageBegin=0lnRowCount=RECCOUNT()SETPROCtooProp.AppStartPath+'prg\pages' ADDITIVE   lcPages=pages(lnTotPerPage,lnpagenumbers,lnStart,lcButton,lnRowCount)%> ...  <%FORlnX=lnPageBeginTOlnPageMaxIFlnX<=lnRowCountGOTOlnX%><tr><tdwidth="40%"><fontface="helvetica, arial"size="2"><ahhref="<%=JustPath(oProp.ScriptPath)+[/detail.avfp?cust_id=]+;ALLTRIM(cust_id)%>"><></a></font></td><tdwidth="36%"><fontface="helvetica, arial"size="2"><%=tCursor.Contact%></font></td><tdwidth="24%"><fontface="helvetica, arial"size="2"color="#000000"><%=tCursor.Title%></font></td></tr><%ENDIFENDFOR%>                                ... <%=lcPages%>
* customers.prg -Customers Controller * * bypasses Main.prg and .AVFP script code *  DEFINE CLASS customersController AS restController  *  PROCEDURE openData   SELECT 0   USE (THIS.homeFolder + "customers.dbf") ALIAS customers  ENDPROC    PROCEDURE infoAction && GET   RETURN "homeFolder: <b>" + THIS.homeFolder + "</b>"  ENDPROC    PROCEDURE getAction && GET<id>   LOCAL cCustId   cCustId = THIS.Params[1]   THIS.openData()   SELECT CUSTOMERS   LOCATE FOR custId = cCustId   IF FOUND()    LOCAL cJSON    **USE mydbf  &&test error    *quick and dirty JSON    cJSON = [{"custId":"] + RTRIM(custId) + [","custName":"] + RTRIM(custName) + [",] + ;            ["custStat":"] + RTRIM(custStat) + ["}]    RETURN cJSON    ENDIF  ENDPROC    PROCEDURE listAction  && GET   LOCAL cHTML   cHTML = ""   *oEmp=newOBJECT('schedbizobj','c:\avfp5.61Demo\prg\utiltest2.prg')   SET PROC to substr(oProp.AppStartPath,1,AT([\],oProp.AppStartPath,2))+'prg\AVFPutilities' ADDITIVE   && Make sure you use ADDITIVE or bad things happen!   THIS.openData()   SELECT CUSTOMERS   cHTML= oHTML.mergescript(FILETOSTR(substr(oProp.AppStartPath,1,AT([\],oProp.AppStartPath,2))+'viewtest.avfp'))   RETURN cHTML   ENDPROC    PROCEDURE helloworld      && custom method (&& GET   LOCAL cHTML   cHTML = ""   *USE mydbf   *SET PROC to substr(oProp.AppStartPath,1,AT([\],oProp.AppStartPath,2))+'prg\AVFPutilities' ADDITIVE   && Make sure you use ADDITIVE or bad things happen!   cHTML= oHTML.mergescript(FILETOSTR(substr(oProp.AppStartPath,1,AT([\],oProp.AppStartPath,2))+'hello.avfp'))   RETURN cHTML   ENDPROC    PROCEDURE getemployees      && custom method   (&& GET<id>     oJSON=NEWOBJECT('json','json.prg')          SET PATH TO oProp.AppStartPath+'data\AVFPdemo41\'    select e.emp_id as id, e.first_Name as firstName, e.last_Name as lastName, e.title as title, [images/Emps/]+e.picture as picture,count(r.emp_id) as reportCount ;  from employee e left join employee r on VAL(r.reports_to) = VAL(e.emp_id) ;  INTO Cursor SearchResults;  group by e.last_Name,e.emp_id, e.first_Name,e.title, e.picture ;  order by e.last_Name,e.first_Name   oJSON.keyforcursors="items"   * send JSON data and properties back  oResponse.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8"    oResponse.Write(oJSON.stringify('SearchResults'))  oResponse.Flush  lcHTMLout=[]  ENDPROC  ************************************************************************  ENDDEFINE 

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  1. Advanced VFP Servers by Calvin Hsia, Microsoft
  2. Visual FoxPro Code Samples
  3. Windows Web Scripting Comparison