P (programming language)

Last updated
P logo.png
Developer Ankush Desai, Vivek Gupta: not the politician, Ethan Jackson, Shaz Qadeer, Sriram Rajamani, Microsoft
First appeared2012;13 years ago (2012)
OS Cross-platform
License MIT License
Filename extensions .p
Website p-org.github.io/P/

P is a programming language for asynchronous event-driven programming and the IoT that was developed by Microsoft and University of California, Berkeley. [1]


P enables programmers to specify systems consisting of a collection of state machines that communicate asynchronously in terms of events. [2] P programs can run and be analyzed on any platform supported by .NET. Additionally, P programs can generate C# and C code.

P is open source, licensed under MIT License, and available on GitHub. [3]


machine BankServer {   var database: Database;    start state Init {     entry (initialBalance: map[int, int]){       database = new Database((server = this, initialBalance = initialBalance));       goto WaitForWithdrawRequests;     }   }    state WaitForWithdrawRequests {     on eWithDrawReq do (wReq: tWithDrawReq) {       var currentBalance: int;       var response: tWithDrawResp;        // read the current account balance from the database       currentBalance = ReadBankBalance(database, wReq.accountId);       // if there is enough money in account after withdrawal       if(currentBalance - wReq.amount >= 10)       {         UpdateBankBalance(database, wReq.accountId, currentBalance - wReq.amount);         response = (status = WITHDRAW_SUCCESS, accountId = wReq.accountId, balance = currentBalance - wReq.amount, rId = wReq.rId);       }       else // not enough money after withdraw       {         response = (status = WITHDRAW_ERROR, accountId = wReq.accountId, balance = currentBalance, rId = wReq.rId);       }        // send response to the client       send wReq.source, eWithDrawResp, response;     }   } } 

See also


  1. Microsoft open-sources P language for IoT
  2. Ankush Desai; Vivek Gupta; Ethan Jackson; Shaz Qadeer; Sriram Rajamani (November 2012). "P: Safe Asynchronous Event-Driven Programming". Microsoft . Retrieved 20 February 2017.
  3. Sergio De Simone. "Microsoft Open-Sources P Language for Safe Async Event-Driven Programming". InfoQ. Retrieved 20 October 2016.

Further reading