Adrenergic blocking agents are a class of drugs that exhibit its pharmacological action through inhibiting the action of the sympathetic nervous system [1] in the body. The sympathetic nervous system(SNS) is an autonomic nervous system that we cannot control by will. It triggers a series of responses after the body releases chemicals named noradrenaline and epinephrine. [1] These chemicals will act on adrenergic receptors, with subtypes Alpha-1, Alpha-2, Beta-1, Beta-2, Beta-3, which ultimately allow the body to trigger a "fight-or-flight" response to handle external stress. [1] These responses include vessel constriction in general vessels whereas there is vasodilation in vessels that supply skeletal muscles or in coronary vessels. [1] Additionally, the heart rate and contractile force increase when SNS is activated, which may be harmful to cardiac function as it increases metabolic demand. [1]
Adrenergic blocking agents treat certain diseases through blocking the adrenergic receptor, [2] [3] preventing it from being activated by noradrenaline and epinephrine. As a result, it stops the body from producing the "fight-or-flight" responses.
There are drugs that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), whereas there are some off-label uses as well.
The alpha blockers mostly act in our smooth muscles, especially the ones that control the size of vessels. [3] Thus, alpha1 blockers can dilate blood vessels and decrease the blood pressure. [3] Depending on its site of action, it can be used to treat different diseases. [3] They can be used to treat signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, hypertension (but not as first line agent), pheochromocytoma, extravasation management and reversal of local anesthesia. [3]
There are some off- label use as well, such as chronic prostatitis and lower urinary tract symptoms in males, ureteral calculus expulsion, ureteral stent-related urinary symptoms. [3] It can be used in post-traumatic stress disorder, Raynaud phenomenon, hypertensive crisis, Extravasation of sympathomimetic vasopressors, problem with urine related to neurogenic bladder, functional outlet obstruction and partial prostate obstruction. [3]
Alpha2 blocker reduces the transmission of neurotransmitters circulating around the body, which contributes to contraction of smooth muscle. [4] Instead of treating diseases, they are used as antidotes for reversing overdose of alpha-2 agonist, reducing the toxic effect of the agonist. [4] Only limited indications are present for this drug. More research is in progress to investigate the possible use of alpha2 blockers. [4]
Since beta 1 receptor are mainly located in the heart, most beta 1 blockers take abnormalities associated with the heart as the target. [5] It treats medical conditions like hypertension, arrhythmias, heart failure, chest pain, myocardial infarction. It treats other symptoms unrelated to heart like migraines and anxiety. [5]
Beta2 blockers promote vasodilation in some tissues as mentioned above(arterioles in skeletal muscles or ciliary muscle in the eye etc.). Currently, there is no beta-2 blocker with FDA approval. [6] Butoxamine, an example of beta 2 blocker, has no clinical use but is used in research. [6]
Due to the relatively limited study on beta-3 receptor, there is not much development of beta-3 blocker. Therefore, beta-3 blocker has no clinical use now. [7]
Some drugs, being non-selective, can exert actions on 2 or more different receptors. Examples include non-selective beta blocker, which block both beta-1 receptor and beta-2 receptor as well. [2]
The adverse effects of non-selective alpha blockers are caused by the autonomic response to the systemic changes induced by the adrenergic blocking agents. [3] The common adverse effects of alpha blockers are due to the blockade of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors in tissue that requires high level of alpha adrenergic sympathetic input such as arterial resistance, vascular capacitance and the outflow tract of the urinary bladder. [8] The undesirable symptoms are mentioned in the following 'selective alpha-1 blocker' part.
With the vasodilation and smooth muscle relaxation caused by alpha-1 blockers, [9] around 10 to 20% of patients present undesirable effects of asthenia(weakness), dizziness, faintness and syncope. [8] Other adverse outcomes that are even more uncommon include headache, drowsiness, palpitations, urinary incontinence and priapism. [8] Mild body weight gain of 1–2 kg, which may be associated with secondary hyperaldosteronism, is also observed in some patients. [8]
The alpha-1 blockers are associated with the first-dose effect, which refers to the tachycardia response and orthostatic hypotension that caused by the systemic vasodilation at the initial administration of alpha-1 blockers. [3] After the first administration, patients may experience a short period of orthostatic hypotension with a sensation of intense faintness, which is aggravated by upright posture, intravascular volume depletion or concurrent administration of other antihypertensive medications. [8]
Apart from increasing the noradrenaline release, the selective alpha-2 blockers have the potential to bind with other receptors such as the 5-HT serotonin receptor. [10] However, the serotonin receptor antagonism has side effects such as weight gain and impaired movement. [11] Hence, alpha-2 blockers are not used clinically due to its extensive binding.
Similar to the alpha-1 blocker, the alpha-2 family will also present the first-dose effect, but it is generally less pronounced compared with the alpha-1 blockers. [3]
The Central Nervous System (CNS) side effects of beta blockers including sleep impairment, dreaming, nightmares and hallucinations are generally small. Also, the effects on short-term memory are minimal. [12]
The cardio-selective beta-1 blockers could cause adverse effects including bradycardia, reduced exercise ability, hypotension, atrioventricular nodal blockage and heart failure. [5] Other possible adverse effects include nausea and vomiting, abdominal discomfort, dizziness, weakness, headache, fatigue, and dryness in mouth and eye. [5] Sexual impairment, memory loss, and confusion are regarded as rare side effects. [5] For diabetic patients, there is an extra risk of masking hypoglycemia-induced tachycardia, while a continuous hypoglycemia could cause acute brain damage. [5]
The blockade of beta-2 receptors will result in vasoconstriction and smooth muscle constriction, [6] and the effects are similar to the agonism of alpha-1 receptors. The side effects include hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia and subcutaneous ischemia at the site of injection. [3] Other possible side effects include Raynaud phenomenon, hypoglycemia during exercise, muscle cramps, and increase of airway resistance. [6]
Due to the relatively limited study on beta-3 receptor, there is not much development of beta-3 blocker. Therefore, there is limited information on the adverse effects caused by beta-3 blocker.
As alpha 1 blocker will dilate blood vessels, it lowers the blood pressure. [3] Thus, it contraindicate to patients with a history of orthostatic hypotension and in current use of phosphodiesterase inhibitors. [3] Moreover, alpha 1 blocker should not be given to patients with heart failure since it expands blood volume. [13]
There are limited information about the contraindication of alpha-2 blocker, since it has limited clinical uses.
Traditionally, Beta-1 blocker has several contraindications, including, recent history of fluid retention without use of diuretics, and complete or second degree of heart block. [5] Whilst some studies suggest that there are only minor differences in terms of adverse effect between asthma patients and non-asthma patients, beta-1 blockers are generally not prescribed to asthma patients or patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, due to its potential blockage of beta 2 receptors. [5] Additionally, beta1 blocker should not be given to patients with peripheral vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, since blockage of beta-2 receptors may lead to vasoconstriction and delayed response to hypoglycemia respectively. [5]
Beta 2 blocker should be avoided for patients with asthma, COPD as it causes bronchoconstriction. [6] It may also increase the chance of hypoglycemic comas in diabetic patients. [6]
Due to the relatively limited study on beta-3 receptor, there is not much development of beta-3 blocker. Therefore, beta-3 blocker has no clinical use. The contraindications of beta-3 blocker can not be observed.
Overdose of alpha-1 blocker will lead to an unopposed parasympathetic activity. [3] Symptoms include bradycardia, hypotension, miosis and sedation.
There is a lack of information regarding toxicity caused by overdose of alpha-2 blocker, due to its limited clinical uses.
Toxicity of beta-1 blocker will contribute to symptoms including bradycardia, hypotension, due to its extensive blockage of beta-1 receptor. [5] Moreover, overdose of beta-1 blocker may lead to the loss of their selectivity and bind to beta-2 receptor, causing bronchopulmonary symptoms. [5] Overdose of lipophilic beta-1 blocker can disturb neurologic functioning, which eventually lead to altered mental states. [5]
To mitigate the toxicity of Beta-1 blocker, glucagon, salts like calcium and sodium bicarbonate, magnesium sulfate are used to reverse beta-1-blocker effect and treating hypotension respectively. [5]
Similar to alpha-2 blocker, there is a lack of information about beta-2 blocker's toxicity, due to its limited clinical uses.
Due to the relatively limited study on beta-3 receptor, there is not much development of beta-3 blocker. Therefore, there is not much information regarding the toxic effect of beta-3 blocker.
Alpha-1 blockers such as alfuzosin, doxazosin, tamsulosin, and silodosin involve CYP450 enzyme metabolism, particularly by CYP3A4. [14] Alpha-1 blockers will conjugate in glucuronidation during metabolism. CYP3A4 inhibitors inhibit glucuronidation and hence reduce the glucuronide-conjugated metabolite. [15] Hence, potent CYP3A4 inhibitors can potentially increase their exposure to those alpha blockers. However, there are no clinically significant evidence supporting the drug interaction between alpha-1 blocker and CYP3A4 inhibitors. [16]
Since alpha-2 blocker has limited clinical uses, there is a lack of information on drug interaction regarding alpha-2 blocker.
Additional hypotensive effects may occur when patients are taking beta-1 blockers with other antihypertensive drugs such as nitrates, PDE inhibitors, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers. [17] The combination of beta blockers and antihypertensive drugs will work on different mechanism to lower blood pressure. [17] For example, the co-administration of beta-1 blocker atenolol and ACE inhibitor lisinopril could produce a 50% larger reduction in blood pressure than using either drug alone. [18]
Antihypertensive drugs and hypertensive drugs affect blood pressure in an opposite way. [19] The most common hypertensive drugs in the UK are NSAIDs and steroids. [19] NSAIDs inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandin, which increases the blood pressure and potentially reduce the efficacy of several antihypertensive drugs. [20]
Since beta-2 blocker has limited clinical uses, there is a lack of information on drug interaction regarding beta-2 blocker.
Since beta-3 blocker is still under development, there is a lack of information on drug interaction about beta-3 blocker.
Alpha 1 blocker exerts its action on alpha-1 receptor, dilating the smooth muscles. [3] Alpha-1 receptor is a Gq type G-protein coupled receptor. [3] When it is activated, it will lead to activation of phospholipase C, raising the intracellular level of IP3 and DAG. [3] As a result, a higher intracellular concentration of Calcium is achieved, contributing to smooth muscle contraction and glycogenolysis. [3] Alpha 1 blockers, in contrast, bind to and act as inhibitors of alpha-1 receptors, hence preventing the downstream action mentioned(increase of phospholipase C, IP3 and DAG hence increase of Ca Concentration). [3] As a result, the contraction of smooth muscle is suppressed.
The alpha-2 blocker acts on alpha-2 receptors. The alpha-2 receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor as well, which exert its action by Gi function, leading to an inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and thus reducing synthesis of cAMP. [3] It lowers the amount of calcium inside the cell. [3] Ultimately, release of noradrenaline and epinephrine will be inhibited and smooth muscles tend to dilate. [3] Alpha-2 blocker stops the downstream signaling pathway (inhibit adenylyl cyclase, reduce cAMP and Ca), thus lead to release of the mentioned neurotransmitters(noradrenaline and epinephrine) and contraction of smooth muscle eventually. [3]
Beta1 blocker will stop the action of beta-1 receptor via occupying the beta-1 receptor without any activation. [5] The beta-1 receptor is a G-protein-coupled receptor with Gs alpha subunit as its main communication method. [5] By signaling Gs, adenylyl cyclase is recruited to activate a cAMP pathway, which potentiates the receptor. [5] This kind of receptor is located at the heart, kidney and adipose tissue. [5] Eventually, a higher cardiac output(or an increased amount of perfusion to organs) will be resulted. [5] Moreover, more renin is released from the kidney to produce more angiotensin II, increasing the blood volume. [5] Moreover, it encourages lipolysis in adipose tissue. Beta-1 blocker blocks the beta-1 receptor and stops the action mentioned above. (signaling Gs, thus activate cAMP pathway by recruiting adenylyl cyclase, leading to higher cardiac output, renin release and lipolysis)
Beta 2 blockers cease action of beta-2 receptor by blocking the receptor and preventing it from being activated. [6] Similar to beta-1 receptor, the activated beta-2 receptor will lead to the detach of alpha subunit of Gs protein and attachment of adenylate cyclase. [6] Adenosine triphosphate(ATP), is then catalyzed to form cAMP. [6] cAMP will facilitate release of protein kinase A as well as reduction of intracellular calcium level, relaxing the smooth muscles. [6] Beta-2 blockers stops the above-mentioned signaling pathway, (formation of cAMP, release of protein kinase A, reduction of intracellular calcium level) by blocking the receptor.
The alpha-1 receptor has an opposite action when it is compared with beta 2 receptor. However, the location of the two receptors differs in different tissues, which gives rise to different action of smooth muscle. [21] For example, in the eye, under stimulation of sympathetic nervous system, radial muscles of the iris contract through activation of alpha-1 receptor to allow more light to enter, while the ciliary muscle in the eye relaxes through activation of beta-2 receptor to allow far vision. [21] In the arterioles of skeletal muscle, there is only mild constriction under activation of SNS, due to the balance between alpha-1 and beta-2 receptors. [21] [1]
Beta-3 blocker will inactivate beta-3 receptor and stops the following action. [7] Beta 3 receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor, similar to beta-1 and beta-2 receptors. [7] The receptor is involved in G-as activation. [7] The receptor will also stimulate adenylyl cyclase. [7] Eventually, it will lead to effects like increase of tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptamine level, increase of lipolysis in adipose tissue. [7] Beta-3 blocker will antagonize the receptor, which will stop the signaling pathway(G-as activation, stimulation of adenylyl cyclase). [7]
In 1978, a successful alpha blocker, phenoxybenzamine was confirmed to be clinically beneficial through a randomized, placebo-controlled study. [22] It was the first alpha blocker which was used for treating Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. [22]
Another Alpha Blocker Prazosin, which was the first drug selective to alpha 1 receptor, was developed in 1987 [22] for the therapy of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Other alpha blockers are then introduced for several diseases. [22]
The first beta blocker, propranolol, was introduced in the early 1960s by the winner of The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1988- Sir James W. Black. [23] The drug was originally developed in order to induce a calm effect on the heart by blocking the beta receptor for adrenaline, treating a range of cardiovascular disorders. [23]
Unlike other subtypes of receptor, beta 3 receptors were more recently discovered in 1989. [7] Therefore, Beta 3 blockers are still under development.
The following examples are the common adrenergic blocking agents used clinically.
Beta blockers, also spelled β-blockers, are a class of medications that are predominantly used to manage abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia), and to protect the heart from a second heart attack after a first heart attack. They are also widely used to treat high blood pressure, although they are no longer the first choice for initial treatment of most people.
Antihypertensives are a class of drugs that are used to treat hypertension. Antihypertensive therapy seeks to prevent the complications of high blood pressure, such as stroke, heart failure, kidney failure and myocardial infarction. Evidence suggests that a reduction of blood pressure by 5 mmHg can decrease the risk of stroke by 34% and of ischaemic heart disease by 21%. It can reduce the likelihood of dementia, heart failure, and mortality from cardiovascular disease. There are many classes of antihypertensives, which lower blood pressure by different means. Among the most important and most widely used medications are thiazide diuretics, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers or antagonists (ARBs), and beta blockers.
Atenolol is a beta blocker medication primarily used to treat high blood pressure and heart-associated chest pain. Although used to treat high blood pressure, it does not seem to improve mortality in those with the condition. Other uses include the prevention of migraines and treatment of certain irregular heart beats. It is taken orally or by intravenous injection. It can also be used with other blood pressure medications.
Betaxolol is a selective beta1 receptor blocker used in the treatment of hypertension and angina. It is also a adrenergic blocker with no partial agonist action and minimal membrane stabilizing activity. Being selective for beta1 receptors, it typically has fewer systemic side effects than non-selective beta-blockers, for example, not causing bronchospasm as timolol may. Betaxolol also shows greater affinity for beta1 receptors than metoprolol. In addition to its effect on the heart, betaxolol reduces the pressure within the eye. This effect is thought to be caused by reducing the production of the liquid within the eye. The precise mechanism of this effect is not known. The reduction in intraocular pressure reduces the risk of damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision in patients with elevated intraocular pressure due to glaucoma.
Prazosin, sold under the brand name Minipress among others, is a medication used to treat high blood pressure, symptoms of an enlarged prostate, and nightmares related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is an α1 blocker. It is a less preferred treatment of high blood pressure. Other uses may include heart failure and Raynaud syndrome. It is taken by mouth.
Alpha-1 blockers constitute a variety of drugs that block the effect of catecholamines on alpha-1-adrenergic receptors. They are mainly used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), hypertension and post-traumatic stress disorder. Alpha-1-adrenergic receptors are present in vascular smooth muscle, the central nervous system, and other tissues. When alpha blockers bind to these receptors in vascular smooth muscle, they cause vasodilation.
Bisoprolol, sold under the brand name Zebeta among others, is a beta blocker which is selective for the beta-1 receptor and used for cardiovascular diseases, including tachyarrhythmias, high blood pressure, angina, and heart failure. It is taken by mouth.
Fenoldopam mesylate (Corlopam) is a drug and synthetic benzazepine derivative which acts as a selective D1 receptor partial agonist. Fenoldopam is used as an antihypertensive agent. It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 1997.
alpha-1 (α1) adrenergic receptors are G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) associated with the Gq heterotrimeric G protein. α1-adrenergic receptors are subdivided into three highly homologous subtypes, i.e., α1A-, α1B-, and α1D-adrenergic receptor subtypes. There is no α1C receptor. At one time, there was a subtype known as α1C, but it was found to be identical to the previously discovered α1A receptor subtype. To avoid confusion, naming was continued with the letter D. Catecholamines like norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline) signal through the α1-adrenergic receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The crystal structure of the α1B-adrenergic receptor subtype has been determined in complex with the inverse agonist (+)-cyclazosin.
The alpha-2 (α2) adrenergic receptor is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) associated with the Gi heterotrimeric G-protein. It consists of three highly homologous subtypes, including α2A-, α2B-, and α2C-adrenergic. Some species other than humans express a fourth α2D-adrenergic receptor as well. Catecholamines like norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline) signal through the α2-adrenergic receptor in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
The beta-1 adrenergic receptor, also known as ADRB1, can refer to either the protein-encoding gene or one of the four adrenergic receptors. It is a G-protein coupled receptor associated with the Gs heterotrimeric G-protein that is expressed predominantly in cardiac tissue. In addition to cardiac tissue, beta-1 adrenergic receptors are also expressed in the cerebral cortex.
Alpha-adrenergic agonists are a class of sympathomimetic agents that selectively stimulates alpha adrenergic receptors. The alpha-adrenergic receptor has two subclasses α1 and α2. Alpha 2 receptors are associated with sympatholytic properties. Alpha-adrenergic agonists have the opposite function of alpha blockers. Alpha adrenoreceptor ligands mimic the action of epinephrine and norepinephrine signaling in the heart, smooth muscle and central nervous system, with norepinephrine being the highest affinity. The activation of α1 stimulates the membrane bound enzyme phospholipase C, and activation of α2 inhibits the enzyme adenylate cyclase. Inactivation of adenylate cyclase in turn leads to the inactivation of the secondary messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate and induces smooth muscle and blood vessel constriction.
An adrenergic antagonist is a drug that inhibits the function of adrenergic receptors. There are five adrenergic receptors, which are divided into two groups. The first group of receptors are the beta (β) adrenergic receptors. There are β1, β2, and β3 receptors. The second group contains the alpha (α) adrenoreceptors. There are only α1 and α2 receptors. Adrenergic receptors are located near the heart, kidneys, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. There are also α-adreno receptors that are located on vascular smooth muscle.
A sympatholytic (sympathoplegic) drug is a medication that opposes the downstream effects of postganglionic nerve firing in effector organs innervated by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). They are indicated for various functions; for example, they may be used as antihypertensives. They are also used to treat anxiety, such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and PTSD. In some cases, such as with guanfacine, they have also shown to be beneficial in the treatment of ADHD.
Alpha blockers, also known as α-blockers or α-adrenoreceptor antagonists, are a class of pharmacological agents that act as antagonists on α-adrenergic receptors (α-adrenoceptors).
Beta adrenergic agonists or beta agonists are medications that relax muscles of the airways, causing widening of the airways and resulting in easier breathing. They are a class of sympathomimetic agents, each acting upon the beta adrenoceptors. In general, pure beta-adrenergic agonists have the opposite function of beta blockers: beta-adrenoreceptor agonist ligands mimic the actions of both epinephrine- and norepinephrine- signaling, in the heart and lungs, and in smooth muscle tissue; epinephrine expresses the higher affinity. The activation of β1, β2 and β3 activates the enzyme, adenylate cyclase. This, in turn, leads to the activation of the secondary messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP); cAMP then activates protein kinase A (PKA) which phosphorylates target proteins, ultimately inducing smooth muscle relaxation and contraction of the cardiac tissue.
Peripherally selective drugs have their primary mechanism of action outside of the central nervous system (CNS), usually because they are excluded from the CNS by the blood–brain barrier. By being excluded from the CNS, drugs may act on the rest of the body without producing side-effects related to their effects on the brain or spinal cord. For example, most opioids cause sedation when given at a sufficiently high dose, but peripherally selective opioids can act on the rest of the body without entering the brain and are less likely to cause sedation. These peripherally selective opioids can be used as antidiarrheals, for instance loperamide (Imodium).
Autonomic drugs are substances that can either inhibit or enhance the functions of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. This type of drug can be used to treat a wide range of diseases an disorders, including glaucoma, asthma, and disorders of the urinary, gastrointestinal and circulatory systems.
Adrenergic neurone blockers, commonly known as adrenergic antagonists, are a group of drugs that inhibit the sympathetic nervous system by blocking the activity of adrenergic neurones. They prevent the action or release of catecholamines such as norepinephrine and epinephrine. They are located throughout the body, causing various physiological reactions including bronchodilation, accelerated heartbeat, and vasoconstriction. They work by inhibiting the synthesis, release, or reuptake of the neurotransmitters or by antagonising the receptors on postsynaptic neurones. Their medical uses, mechanisms of action, adverse effects, and contraindications depend on the specific types of adrenergic blockers used, including alpha 1, alpha 2, beta 1, and beta 2.
Tedral, or theophylline/ephedrine/phenobarbital, is a medicine formerly used to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. It is a combination drug containing three active ingredients - theophylline, ephedrine, phenobarbital. This medication relaxes the smooth muscle of the airways, making breathing easier. The common side effects of Tedral include gastrointestinal disturbances, dizziness, headache and lightheadedness. However, at high dose, it may lead to cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, seizures or other serious cardiovascular and/or central nervous system adverse effects. Tedral is contraindicated in individuals with hypersensitivity to theophylline, ephedrine and/or phenobarbital. It should be also used in caution in patients with cardiovascular complications, such as ischemic heart disease and heart failure and/or other disease conditions. It can cause a lot of drug–drug interactions. Therefore, before prescribing patient with Tedral, drug interactions profile should be carefully checked if the patient had other concurrent medication(s). Being used as a treatment option for respiratory diseases for decades, Tedral was withdrawn from the US market in 2006 due to safety concerns.