Ancient Somali city-states

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Ancient Somali City-States
Near East - india 3.JPG
The most prominent cities of the Old World from the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea.
Geographical range Somalia, Djibouti
Datesc. 1–800AD

In antiquity, the ancestors of the Somali people were an important link in the Horn of Africa connecting the region's commerce with the rest of the ancient world. Somali sailors and merchants were the main suppliers of frankincense, myrrh and spices, items which were considered valuable luxuries by the Ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Mycenaeans and Babylonians. [1] [2] During the classical era, several ancient city-states competed with the Sabaeans, Parthians and Axumites for the wealthy Indo-Greco-Roman trade.


The Somali city-states on the northern Somali coast have been active since the late bronze ge until Islamic period with evidence of the ancient city-state of Mosylon. According to historical records, the Egyptian Pharaoh Sesostris led his forces to mosylon and passed the Port of Isis. The ancient local commercial center of the Port of Isis is believed to correspond with the town of Bulhar, situated near Zeila. The port of Mosylon is identified in modern-day Bosaso city in the northeast of Somalia. This is the region from which the Pharaohs launched their ships to obtain precious goods from the Bari region of punt-land state which is home to valued items such as incense, frankincense, myrrh, and rare animals and birds, used to trade with the Kush Kingdom of Nubia and ancient Egypt in antiquity.

Additionally, Pliny indicated that the Port of Isis was located near stone pillars on which unknown letters were engraved. Samuel Sharpe suggests that these old inscriptions were probably hieroglyphical. Ruins of tumuli and pyramid structures are today found in the vicinity of the city, which was part of the classical era Somali city-state under the regional name Barbario. Meanwhile, Bulhar, known as the Port of Isis, existed long before the classical era, reaching its peak and largest trade activity during the classical era. The Somali city-state was preceded by the Kingdom of Macrobia, which had its center at Opone, located in the modern-day Hafun Peninsula. This is suggested by Agarwal, an Indian scholar who has been studying the Macrobian civilization and its history, placing it in Somalia. After the fall of the Macrobian Empire, the Somali city-state was formed. Various cities flourished during the Late Iron Age and early Classical era, with the greatest cities being Opone and Mosylon, which were heavily involved in trade with ancient Egypt, as noted by Herodotus.


Ancient Greek travelers including the likes of Strabo and Cosmas Indicopleustes made visits to the Somali peninsula between the first and fifth century CE. The Greeks referred to Somalis as the Barbaria and their land as Barbars. [3]

After the Roman conquest of the Nabataean Empire and the Roman naval presence at Aden to curb pillaging, Somali and Gulf Arab merchants by agreement barred Indian ships from trading in the free port cities of the Arabian peninsula [4] to protect the interests of Somali and Arab merchants in the extremely lucrative ancient Red SeaMediterranean Sea commerce, However Indian merchants continued to trade in the port cities of the Somali peninsula, which was free from Roman interference. [5]

Ancient Indian merchants brought large quantities of cinnamon from Sri Lanka and Indonesia to Somalia and Arabia. This is said to have been the best kept secret of the Somali and Gulf Arab merchants in their trade with the Roman and Greek world. The Romans and Greeks believed the source of cinnamon to have been the Somali peninsula, but in reality, the highly valued product was brought to Somalia by way of Indian ships. [6] Through collusive agreement by Somali and Gulf Arab traders, Indian and Chinese cinnamon was also exported for far higher prices to North Africa, the Near East and Europe, which made the cinnamon trade a very profitable revenue generator, especially for the Somali merchants through whose hands large quantities were shipped across ancient sea and land routes. [7] They also had an understanding of the monsoons, and used them to link themselves with the port cities of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. They also developed an understandable way of defining the islands of the Indian Ocean in their navigational reach. They would name archipelagos or groups of islands after the most important island there, from the Somali point of view. However, Indian merchants continued to trade in the port cities of the Somali peninsula, which was free from Roman interference. [8]

The Monumentum Adulitanum a 4th-century monumental inscription by a King of Axum perhaps named Sembrouthes recording his various victories in war, copied in the 6th century by Cosmas Indicopleustes in his Christian Topography . [9] It describes Ezana's easternmost conquest as the "land of Aromatics", [10] [11] also translated "Land of Incense" [12] or "frankincense country": [13]

I am the first and only of the kings my predecessors to have subdued all these peoples by the grace given me by my mighty god Ares [ Mahram ], who also engendered me. It is through him that I have submitted to my power all the peoples neighbouring my empire, in the east to the Land of Aromatics, to the west to the land of Ethiopia [ Kush ] and the Sasou [?Sesea ]; some I fought myself, against others I sent my armies. [10] [11]

Aromata was one of the ports that lay in a line along the north Somali coast. Aromata was the sixth port after Zeyla (Aualites), Berbera (Malao), Heis (Moundou), Bandar Kasim (Mosullon) and Bandar Alula (Akannai). [14] It is to be identified with Damo, a site protected on the south but exposed on the north. [15]

In ancient times Somalia was known to the Chinese as the "country of Pi-pa-lo", which had four port cities each trying to gain the supremacy over the other. It had twenty thousand troops between them, who wore cuirasses, a protective body armor. [16]

According to the Chinese The people of the land of Pi-pa-lo did not eat any grains but ate a lot of meat, the people would also pick a vein of one of their oxen, mix the blood with milk and eat it raw. They did not use any clothes, but wrapped sheep's skin around their waists which hanged down and covered them. [16]

Trade and Governance

An ancient document called the Periplus described the Political system of the city states as desentralised and lacking a strong centralised government with each port city administered by a chief called tyrannidas. The vast majority of the settlements were found inshore, each port city had its own unmistakable character some were unwelcoming to the Romans others welcoming and often depended on the conditions and perspectives of the locals. [17] [18] The port cities such as Avalites were described as very unruly , Whereas other port cities like Malao the natives were described as peaceful. [19] [20]

A ship called the Beden was the principal ship for traders from the different city-states. It was a fast, durable, double masted ship. The Beden was used as the main trading vessel. The boat was used mainly because of its speed [21]

Somali Beden ship from Fra Mauro's map. Somali Frau Mauro ship.JPG
Somali Beden ship from Fra Mauro's map.

The ports of Mosylon, Mundus, Opone, Malao, Avalites And Sarapion, were trading in items such as incenses, frankincense, myrrh and cassia. The cities would engage in a lucrative trade network connecting Somali merchants with Phoenicia, Tabae, Ptolemic Egypt, Greece, Parthian Persia, Saba, Nabataea and the Roman Empire. Somali sailors used the ancient Somali maritime

The Somali coast formed a section of the greater incense trade alongside Southeast Asia, South Asia, and southern Arabia on the Red Sea. Incense was mainstream in the Mediterranean region, where the products would be consistently used in strict religious purposes and for other everyday uses, which has made incense a noteworthy commodity in the Indian Ocean trade. [22]

List of City States

The most prominent cities of the Old World from the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea. Near East - india 3.JPG
The most prominent cities of the Old World from the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea.

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  1. Phoenicia pg 199
  2. The Aromatherapy Book by Jeanne Rose and John Hulburd pg 94
  3. Abdullahi, Abdurahman (2017). Making Sense of Somali History. London. p. 47. ISBN   978-1909112797.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
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  8. Eric Herbert Warmington, p. 187.
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  13. McCrindle 2010, p. 63.
  14. Huntingford 1980, p. 83.
  15. Neville Chittick (1979), "Early Ports in the Horn of Africa", International Journal of Nautical Archaeology8(4), 273–277. doi : 10.1111/j.1095-9270.1979.tb01131.x
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  17. McLaughlin, Raoul (2014-09-11). The Roman Empire and the Indian Ocean: The Ancient World Economy & the Kingdoms of Africa, Arabia & India. Pen and Sword. ISBN   978-1-4738-4095-9.
  18. Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi, Culture and Customs of Somalia, (Greenwood Press, 2001), pp.13–14
  19. Schoff, Wilfred Harvey (1912). The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea: Travel and Trade in the Indian Ocean by a Merchant of the First Century. London, Bombay & Calcutta. Retrieved 7 June 2016.
  20. Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, Schoff's 1912 translation
  21. Kete, Molefi (18 December 2018). The History of Africa: The Quest for Eternal Harmony. Routledge. ISBN   9781351685153.
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  23. Chittick, Neville (1975). An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Horn: The British-Somali Expedition. pp. 117–133.
  24. The Culture of the East African Coast: In the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in the Light of Recent Archaeological Discoveries, By Gervase Mathew pg 68