This article compares the syntax of many notable programming languages.
Programming language expressions can be broadly classified into four syntax structures:
(* (+ 2 3) (expt 4 5))
(2 + 3) * (4 ** 5)
2 3 + 4 5 ** *
(2 + 3)(45) $$ note implicit multiply operator
A language that supports the statement construct typically has rules for one or more of the following aspects:
Some languages define a special character as a terminator while some, called line-oriented, rely on the newline. Typically, a line-oriented language includes a line continuation feature whereas other languages have no need for line continuation since newline is treated like other whitespace. Some line-oriented languages provide a separator for use between statements on one line.
Language | Statement delimitation |
ABAP | period separated |
Ada | semicolon terminated |
ALGOL | semicolon separated |
ALGOL 68 | semicolon and comma separated [1] |
APL | newline terminated, [Direct_function ⋄] separated |
AppleScript | newline terminated |
AutoHotkey | newline terminated |
BASIC | newline terminated, colon separated |
Boo | newline terminated |
C | semicolon terminated, comma separated expressions |
C++ | semicolon terminated, comma separated expressions |
C# | semicolon terminated |
COBOL | whitespace separated, sometimes period separated, optionally separated with commas and semi-colons |
Cobra | newline terminated |
CoffeeScript | newline terminated |
CSS | semicolon terminated |
D | semicolon terminated |
Eiffel | newline terminated, semicolon separated |
Erlang | colon separated, period terminated |
F# | newline terminated, semicolon |
Fortran | newline terminated, semicolon separated |
Forth | semicolons terminate word definitions; space terminates word use |
GFA BASIC | newline terminated |
Go | semicolon separated (inserted by compiler) |
Haskell | in do-notation: newline separated, in do-notation with braces: semicolon separated |
Java | semicolon terminated |
JavaScript | semicolon separated (but often inserted as statement terminator) |
Kotlin | semicolon separated (but sometimes implicitly inserted on newlines) |
Lua | whitespace separated (semicolon optional) |
Mathematica a.k.a. Wolfram | semicolon separated |
MATLAB | newline terminated, separated by semicolon or comma (semicolon – result of receding statement hidden, comma – result displayed) |
MUMPS a.k.a. M | newline terminates line-scope, the closest to a "statement" that M has, a space separates/terminates a command, allowing another command to follow |
Nim | newline terminated |
Object Pascal (Delphi) | semicolon separated |
Objective-C | semicolon terminated |
OCaml | semicolon separated |
Pascal | semicolon separated |
Perl | semicolon separated |
PHP | semicolon terminated |
Pick Basic | newline terminated, semicolon separated |
PowerShell | newline terminated, semicolon separated |
Prolog | comma separated (conjunction), semicolon separated (disjunction), period terminated (clause) |
Python | newline terminated, semicolon separated |
R | newline terminated, semicolon separated [2] |
Raku | semicolon separated |
Red | whitespace separated |
Ruby | newline terminated, semicolon separated |
Rust | semicolon terminated, comma separates expressions |
Scala | newline terminated, semicolon separator |
Seed7 | semicolon separated (semicolon termination is allowed) |
Simula | semicolon separated |
S-Lang | semicolon separated |
Smalltalk | period separated |
Standard ML | semicolon separated |
Swift | semicolon separated (inserted by compiler) |
V (Vlang) | newline terminated, comma or semicolon separated |
Visual Basic | newline terminated, colon separated |
Visual Basic (.NET) | newline terminated, colon separated |
Xojo | newline terminated |
Zig | semicolon terminated |
Listed below are notable line-oriented languages that provide for line continuation. Unless otherwise noted the continuation marker must be the last text of the line.
, then inserting a -
in column 7 (same position as the *
for comment is used.)The C compiler concatenates adjacent string literals even if on separate lines, but this is not line continuation syntax as it works the same regardless of the kind of whitespace between the literals.
![]() | This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (December 2009) |
Languages support a variety of ways to reference and consume other software in the syntax of the language. In some cases this is importing the exported functionality of a library, package or module but some mechanisms are simpler text file include operations.
Import can be classified by level (module, package, class, procedure,...) and by syntax (directive name, attributes,...).
#include <filename>
or #include "filename"
– C preprocessor used in conjunction with C and C++ and other development toolsaddpath(directory)
– MATLAB [8] COPYfilename.
– COBOL :-include("filename").
– Prolog #include file="filename"
– ASP #include <filename>
or #include "filename"
– AutoHotkey, AutoIt #import "filename"
or #import <filename>
– Objective-C Import["filename"]
– Mathematica, Wolfram Language include'filename'
– Fortran include "filename";
– PHP include [filename] program
or #include [filename] program
– Pick Basic include!("filename");
– Rust load "filename"
– Ruby load%filename
– Red require('filename')
– Lua require "filename";
– Perl, PHP require"filename"
– Ruby source(""filename"")
– R @import("filename");
– Zig #include filename
– C, C++ #[path = "filename"] mod altname;
– Rust @import module;
– Objective-C <<name
– Mathematica, Wolfram Language :-use_module(module).
– Prolog:from module import *
– Python extern crate libname;
– or extern crate libname as altname;
or mod modname;
– Rust library("package")
– R:IMPORT module
– Oberon import altname "package/name"
– Go:import package.module;
or import altname = package.module;
– D import Module
or import qualified Module as M
– Haskell import package.*
– Java, MATLAB, Kotlin import "modname";
– JavaScript import altname from "modname";
– JavaScript import package
or import package._
– Scala import module
– Swift import module
– V (Vlang) import module
– Python require('modname')
– Lua require"gem"
– Ruby use module
– Fortran 90+use module, only : identifier
– Fortran 90+use Module;
– Perl use Module qw(import options);
– Perl use Package.Name
– Cobra uses unit
– Pascal with package
– Ada @import("pkgname");
– Zig from module import Class
– Python import package.class
– Java, MATLAB, kotlin import class from "modname";
– JavaScript import {class} from "modname";
– JavaScript import {class as altname} from "modname";
– JavaScript import package.class
– Scala import package.{ class1 => alternativeName, class2 }
– Scala import package._
– Scala use Namespace\ClassName;
– PHP use Namespace\ClassName as AliasName;
– PHP from module import function
– Python import package.module : symbol;
– D import package.module : altsymbolname = symbol;
– D import Module (function)
– Haskell import function from "modname";
– JavaScript import {function} from "modname";
– JavaScript import {function as altname} from "modname";
– JavaScript import package.function
– MATLAB import package.class.function
– Scala import package.class.{ function => alternativeName, otherFunction }
– Scala useModule('symbol');
– Perl use function Namespace\function_name;
– PHP use Namespace\function_name as function_alias_name;
– PHP use module::submodule::symbol;
– Rust use module::submodule::{symbol1, symbol2};
– Rust use module::submodule::symbol as altname;
– Rust use const Namespace\CONST_NAME;
– PHP The above statements can also be classified by whether they are a syntactic convenience (allowing things to be referred to by a shorter name, but they can still be referred to by some fully qualified name without import), or whether they are actually required to access the code (without which it is impossible to access the code, even with fully qualified names).
import altname "package/name"
Go import altname from "modname";
JavaScript import module
Python A block is a grouping of code that is treated collectively. Many block syntaxes can consist of any number of items (statements, expressions or other units of code) – including one or zero. Languages delimit a block in a variety of ways – some via marking text and others by relative formatting such as levels of indentation.
... }
... )
... ]
... end
, do/while
& do/until
loops), OCaml, SCL, Simula,
... end
... done
& while
loops), F# (verbose syntax) [9] Visual Basic, Fortran, TUTOR (with mandatory indenting of block body), Visual Prolog do
... end
(e.g. if
... end
, while
, until
, def
, class
, module
statements), OCaml (for
& while
loops), MATLAB (if
& switch
conditionals, for
& while
loops, try
clause, package
, classdef
, properties
, methods
, events
, & function
blocks), Lua (then
/ else
& function
... end if
... :EndIf
or :If
... :End
... fi
, do
... done
, case
... esac
... end
, (
... )
, if
... fi
, do
... od
... until
... END-IF
, etc. for statements; ... .
for sentences.If
... End If
, For
... Next
, Do
... Loop
... EndIf
, For
... EndFor
, While
... EndWhile
With respect to a language definition, the syntax of Comments can be classified many ways, including:
Other ways to categorize comments that are outside a language definition:
In these examples, ~
represents the comment content, and the text around it are the delimiters. Whitespace (including newline) is not considered delimiters.
Syntax | Languages |
comment ~ ; | ALGOL 60, SIMULA |
¢ ~ ¢ ,# ~ # , co ~ co ,comment ~ comment | ALGOL 68 [12] [13] |
/* ~ */ | ActionScript, AutoHotkey, C, C++, C#, D, [14] Go, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Objective-C, PHP, PL/I, Prolog, Rexx, Rust (can be nested), Scala (can be nested), SAS, SASS, SQL, Swift (can be nested), V (Vlang), Visual Prolog, CSS |
#cs ~ #ce | AutoIt [15] |
/+ ~ +/ | D (can be nested) [14] |
/# ~ #/ | Cobra (can be nested) |
<# ~ #> | PowerShell |
<!-- ~ --> | HTML, XML |
=begin ~ =cut | Perl (Plain Old Documentation) |
#`( ~ ) | Raku (bracketing characters can be (), <>, {}, [], any Unicode characters with BiDi mirrorings, or Unicode characters with Ps/Pe/Pi/Pf properties) |
=begin ~ =end | Ruby |
#<TAG> ~ #</TAG> , #stop ~ EOF ,#iffalse ~ #endif , #ifntrue ~ #endif ,#if false ~ #endif , #if !true ~ #endif | S-Lang [16] |
{- ~ -} | Haskell (can be nested) |
(* ~ *) | Delphi, ML, Mathematica, Object Pascal, Pascal, Seed7, AppleScript, OCaml (can be nested), Standard ML (can be nested), Maple, Newspeak, F# |
{ ~ } | Delphi, Object Pascal, Pascal, PGN, Red |
{# ~ #} | Nunjucks, Twig |
{{! ~ }} | Mustache, Handlebars |
{{!-- ~ --}} | Handlebars (cannot be nested, but may contain {{ and }} ) |
|# ~ #| | Curl |
%{ ~ %} | MATLAB [11] (the symbols must be in a separate line) |
#| ~ |# | Lisp, Scheme, Racket (can be nested in all three). |
#= ~ =# | Julia [17] |
#[ ~ ]# | Nim [18] |
--[[ ~ ]] ,--[=[ ~ ]=] ,--[= ...=[ ~ ]= ...=] | Lua (brackets can have any number of matching = characters; can be nested within non-matching delimiters) |
" ~ " | Smalltalk |
(comment ~ ) | Clojure |
#If COMMENT Then ~ #End If [a] | Visual Basic (.NET) |
#if COMMENT ~ #endif [b] | C# |
' comment _ or REM comment _ [c] | Classic Visual Basic, VBA, VBScript |
Indenting lines in Fortran 66/77 is significant. The actual statement is in columns 7 through 72 of a line. Any non-space character in column 6 indicates that this line is a continuation of the prior line. A 'C
' in column 1 indicates that this entire line is a comment. Columns 1 though 5 may contain a number which serves as a label. Columns 73 though 80 are ignored and may be used for comments; in the days of punched cards, these columns often contained a sequence number so that the deck of cards could be sorted into the correct order if someone accidentally dropped the cards. Fortran 90 removed the need for the indentation rule and added line comments, using the !
character as the comment delimiter.
In fixed format code, line indentation is significant. Columns 1–6 and columns from 73 onwards are ignored. If a *
or /
is in column 7, then that line is a comment. Until COBOL 2002, if a D
or d
was in column 7, it would define a "debugging line" which would be ignored unless the compiler was instructed to compile it.
Cobra supports block comments with "/#
... #/
" which is like the "/*
... */
" often found in C-based languages, but with two differences. The #
character is reused from the single-line comment form "#
...", and the block comments can be nested which is convenient for commenting out large blocks of code.
Curl supports block comments with user-defined tags as in |foo# ... #foo|
Like raw strings, there can be any number of equals signs between the square brackets, provided both the opening and closing tags have a matching number of equals signs; this allows nesting as long as nested block comments/raw strings use a different number of equals signs than their enclosing comment: --[[comment --[=[ nested comment ]=] ]]
. Lua discards the first newline (if present) that directly follows the opening tag.
Block comments in Perl are considered part of the documentation, and are given the name Plain Old Documentation (POD). Technically, Perl does not have a convention for including block comments in source code, but POD is routinely used as a workaround.
PHP supports standard C/C++ style comments, but supports Perl style as well.
The use of the triple-quotes to comment-out lines of source, does not actually form a comment. [19] The enclosed text becomes a string literal, which Python usually ignores (except when it is the first statement in the body of a module, class or function; see docstring).
The above trick used in Python also works in Elixir, but the compiler will throw a warning if it spots this. To suppress the warning, one would need to prepend the sigil ~S
(which prevents string interpolation) to the triple-quoted string, leading to the final construct ~S""" ... """
. In addition, Elixir supports a limited form of block comments as an official language feature, but as in Perl, this construct is entirely intended to write documentation. Unlike in Perl, it cannot be used as a workaround, being limited to certain parts of the code and throwing errors or even suppressing functions if used elsewhere. [20]
Raku uses #`(...)
to denote block comments. [21] Raku actually allows the use of any "right" and "left" paired brackets after #`
(i.e. #`(...)
, #`[...]
, #`{...}
, #`<...>
, and even the more complicated #`{{...}}
are all valid block comments). Brackets are also allowed to be nested inside comments (i.e. #`{ a { b } c }
goes to the last closing brace).
Block comment in Ruby opens at =begin
line and closes at =end
The region of lines enclosed by the #<tag>
and #</tag>
delimiters are ignored by the interpreter. The tag name can be any sequence of alphanumeric characters that may be used to indicate how the enclosed block is to be deciphered. For example, #<latex>
could indicate the start of a block of LaTeX formatted documentation.
The next complete syntactic component (s-expression) can be commented out with #;
ABAP supports two different kinds of comments. If the first character of a line, including indentation, is an asterisk (*
) the whole line is considered as a comment, while a single double quote ("
) begins an in-line comment which acts until the end of the line. ABAP comments are not possible between the statements EXEC SQL
because Native SQL has other usages for these characters. In the most SQL dialects the double dash (--
) can be used instead.
Many esoteric programming languages follow the convention that any text not executed by the instruction pointer (e.g., Befunge) or otherwise assigned a meaning (e.g., Brainfuck), is considered a "comment".
There is a wide variety of syntax styles for declaring comments in source code. BlockComment
in italics is used here to indicate block comment style. LineComment
in italics is used here to indicate line comment style.
Language | In-line comment | Block comment |
Ada, Eiffel, Euphoria, Occam, SPARK, ANSI SQL, and VHDL | -- LineComment | |
ALGOL 60 | comment BlockComment; | |
ALGOL 68 | ¢ BlockComment ¢
| |
APL | ⍝ LineComment | |
AppleScript | -- LineComment | (* BlockComment *) |
Assembly language (varies) | ; LineComment one example (most assembly languages use line comments only) | |
AutoHotkey | ; LineComment | /* BlockComment */ |
AWK, Bourne shell, C shell, Maple, PowerShell | # LineComment | <# BlockComment #> |
Bash | # LineComment | <<EOF : ' |
BASIC (various dialects): | 'LineComment (not all dialects)
| |
C (K&R, ANSI/C89/C90), CHILL, PL/I, REXX | /* BlockComment */ | |
C (C99), C++, Go, Swift, JavaScript, V (Vlang) | // LineComment | /* BlockComment */ |
C# | // LineComment /// LineComment (XML documentation comment) | /* BlockComment */ /** BlockComment */ (XML documentation comment)#if COMMENT (Compiler directive) [b] |
COBOL I to COBOL 85 | * LineComment (* in column 7) | |
COBOL 2002 | *> LineComment | |
Curl | ||LineComment | |# BlockComment #|
Cobra | # LineComment | /# BlockComment #/ (nestable) |
D | // LineComment /// Documentation LineComment (ddoc comments) | /* BlockComment */ /** Documentation BlockComment */ (ddoc comments)
DCL | $! LineComment | |
ECMAScript (JavaScript, ActionScript, etc.) | // LineComment | /* BlockComment */ |
Elixir | # LineComment | ~S""" @doc """ (Documentation, only works in modules)@moduledoc (Module documentation)@typedoc (Type documentation) |
Forth | \ LineComment | ( BlockComment ) (single line and multiline)
FORTRAN I to FORTRAN 77 | C LineComment (C in column 1) | |
Fortran 90 and later | ! LineComment | #if 0 [d] |
Haskell | -- LineComment | {- BlockComment -} |
J | NB. | |
Java | // LineComment | /* BlockComment */
Julia | # LineComment | #=BlockComment=# |
Lisp, Scheme | ; LineComment | #|BlockComment|# |
Lua | -- LineComment | --[==[ BlockComment]==] (variable number of = signs, nestable with delimiters with different numbers of = signs) |
Maple | # LineComment | (* BlockComment *) |
Mathematica | (* BlockComment *) | |
Matlab | % LineComment | %{ Note: Both percent–bracket symbols must be the only non-whitespace characters on their respective lines. |
Nim | # LineComment | #[BlockComment]# |
Object Pascal | // LineComment | (* BlockComment *) { BlockComment } |
OCaml | (* BlockComment (* nestable *) *) | |
Pascal, Modula-2, Modula-3, Oberon, ML: | (* BlockComment *) | |
Perl, Ruby | # LineComment | =begin (=end in Ruby) (POD documentation comment)
PGN, Red | ; LineComment | { BlockComment } |
PHP | # LineComment // LineComment | /* BlockComment */ /** Documentation BlockComment */ (PHP Doc comments) |
PILOT | R:LineComment | |
PLZ/SYS | ! BlockComment ! | |
PL/SQL, TSQL | -- LineComment | /* BlockComment */ |
Prolog | % LineComment | /* BlockComment */ |
Python | # LineComment | '''BlockComment''' (Documentation string when first line of module, class, method, or function) |
R | # LineComment | |
Raku | # LineComment | #`{
Rust | // LineComment
| /* BlockComment */ (nestable)
SAS | * BlockComment; /* BlockComment */ | |
Seed7 | # LineComment | (* BlockComment *) |
Simula | comment BlockComment; ! BlockComment; | |
Smalltalk | "BlockComment" | |
Smarty | {* BlockComment *} | |
Standard ML | (* BlockComment *) | |
TeX, LaTeX, PostScript, Erlang, S-Lang | % LineComment | |
Texinfo | @c LineComment
| |
TUTOR | * LineComment command $$ LineComment | |
Visual Basic | 'LineComment Rem LineComment | 'BlockComment _ Rem BlockComment _ [c] |
Visual Basic (.NET) | 'LineComment
| #If COMMENT Then |
Visual Prolog | % LineComment | /* BlockComment */ |
Wolfram Language | (* BlockComment *) | |
Xojo | ' LineComment // LineComment rem LineComment | |
Zig | // LineComment /// LineComment //! LineComment |
/* ... */
, compiler directives can be used to mimic them just as in VB.NET._
can be used to extend a single-line comment to the next line without needing to type '
or REM
again. This can be done up to 24 times in a row.