Ocimum is a genus of aromatic annual and perennial herbs and shrubs in the family Lamiaceae, native to the tropical and warm temperate regions of all 6 inhabited continents, with the greatest number of species in Africa. It is the genus of basil and its best known species are the cooking herb great basil, O. basilicum, and the medicinal herb tulsi, O. tenuiflorum.

Clutia is a plant genus of the family Peraceae. It is native to sub-Saharan Africa and to the Arabian Peninsula.

Plectranthus is a genus of about 85 species of flowering plants from the sage family, Lamiaceae, found mostly in southern and tropical Africa and Madagascar. Common names include spur-flower. Plectranthus species are herbaceous perennial plants, rarely annuals or soft-wooded shrubs, sometimes succulent; sometimes with a tuberous base.

Trachyandra is a genus of plant in the family Asphodelaceae, subfamily Asphodeloideae, first described as a genus in 1843. It is native to eastern and southern Africa, as well as to Yemen and Madagascar. Many of the species are endemic to South Africa.
- Trachyandra acocksiiOberm. - Cape Province in South Africa
- Trachyandra adamsonii(Compton) Oberm. - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra affinisKunth - Cape Province, KwaZulu-Natal
- Trachyandra arenicolaJ.C.Manning & Goldblatt - Cape Province
- Trachyandra aridimontanaJ.C.Manning - Cape Province
- Trachyandra arvensis(Schinz) Oberm. - Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia
- Trachyandra asperataKunth - South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini
- Trachyandra brachypoda(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra bulbinifolia(Dinter) Oberm. - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra burkei(Baker) Oberm. - Botswana, Limpopo, Free State, Cape Province
- Trachyandra capillata(Poelln.) Oberm. - KwaZulu-Natal
- Trachyandra chlamydophylla(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra ciliata(L.f.) Kunth - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra dissectaOberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra divaricata(Jacq.) Kunth - Cape Province; naturalized in Australia
- Trachyandra ensifolia (Sölch) Roessler - Namibia
- Trachyandra erythrorrhiza(Conrath) Oberm. - Gauteng
- Trachyandra esterhuysenaeOberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra falcata(L.f.) Kunth - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra filiformis(Aiton) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra flexifolia(L.f.) Kunth - Cape Province
- Trachyandra gerrardii(Baker) Oberm. - Eswatini, South Africa
- Trachyandra giffenii(F.M.Leight.) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra glandulosa(Dinter) Oberm. - Namibia
- Trachyandra gracilentaOberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra hantamensisBoatwr. & J.C.Manning - Cape Province
- Trachyandra hirsuta(Thunb.) Kunth - Cape Province
- Trachyandra hirsutiflora(Adamson) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra hispida(L.) Kunth - Cape Province
- Trachyandra involucrata(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra jacquiniana(Schult. & Schult.f.) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra kamiesbergensisBoatwr. & J.C.Manning - Cape Province
- Trachyandra karrooicaOberm. - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra lanata(Dinter) Oberm. - Namibia
- Trachyandra laxa(N.E.Br.) Oberm. - South Africa, Namibia, Botswana
- Trachyandra malosana(Baker) Oberm. - Malawi to Zimbabwe
- Trachyandra mandrarensis(H.Perrier) Marais & Reilly - Madagascar
- Trachyandra margaretaeOberm. - Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal
- Trachyandra montanaJ.C.Manning & Goldblatt - Cape Province
- Trachyandra muricata(L.f.) Kunth - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra oligotricha(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra paniculataOberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra patensOberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra peculiaris(Dinter) Oberm. - Namibia
- Trachyandra proliferaP.L.Perry - Cape Province
- Trachyandra pyrenicarpa(Welw. ex Baker) Oberm. Huíla Province in Angola
- Trachyandra revoluta(L.) Kunth - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra sabulosa(Adamson) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra saltii(Baker) Oberm. - eastern + southern Africa from Ethiopia to Cape Province; Yemen
- Trachyandra sanguinorhizaBoatwr. & J.C.Manning - Cape Province
- Trachyandra scabra(L.f.) Kunth - Cape Province
- Trachyandra smallianaHilliard & B.L.Burtt - Cape Province, KwaZulu-Natal
- Trachyandra tabularis(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra thyrsoidea(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra tortilis(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra triquetraThulin - Somalia
- Trachyandra zebrina(Schltr. ex Poelln.) Oberm. - Cape Province

Turraea is a genus of plants in the family Meliaceae, native to the Old World tropics and subtropics.

Hyparrhenia is a genus of grasses. Many species are known commonly as thatching grass.

Albuca is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae. The genus is distributed mainly in southern and eastern Africa, with some species occurring in northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Plants of the genus are known commonly as slime lilies.

Euclea racemosa is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree that is indigenous to the Indian Ocean coast of Africa from Egypt to South Africa, as well as in Comoros, Oman and Yemen.

Euclea crispa, commonly known as the blue guarri, is an Afrotropical plant species of the family Ebenaceae. The hardy and evergreen plants may form a dense stand of shrubs, or grow to tree size. It is widespread and common in the interior regions of southern Africa, and occurs northward to the tropics. Though some are present near the South African south and east coasts, they generally occur at middle to high altitudes. It is readily recognizable from its much-branched structure and dull bluish foliage colour. Those bearing lanceolate leaves may however resemble the Wild olive, another common species of the interior plateaus.

Aeollanthus (rocksage) is a genus in the mint family, Lamiaceae. All the species are native to Africa.

Acrotome (horsefrights) is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae, first described in 1838. The genus is native to the southern part of Africa.

Syncolostemon (sagebushes) is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae, first described in 1838. It is native primarily to South Africa, with some species in other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, plus one species in India.
- Syncolostemon albiflorus(N.E.Br.) D.F.Otieno - Transvaal, Eswatini
- Syncolostemon argenteusN.E.Br. - KwaZulu-Natal
- Syncolostemon bolusii(N.E.Br.) D.F.Otieno - KwaZulu-Natal
- Syncolostemon bracteosus(Benth.) D.F.Otieno - widespread across much of sub-Saharan Africa
- Syncolostemon canescens(Gürke) D.F.Otieno - Angola, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, South Africa
- Syncolostemon cinereum(Codd) D.F.Otieno & Retief - South Africa
- Syncolostemon comosus(Wight ex Benth.) D.F.Otieno - southern India
- Syncolostemon comptoniiCodd - Eswatini
- Syncolostemon concinnusN.E.Br. - Eswatini, South Africa
- Syncolostemon densiflorusBenth. - South Africa
- Syncolostemon elliottii(Baker) D.F.Otieno - Zimbabwe, Botswana, Transvaal
- Syncolostemon eriocephalusVerd. - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon flabellifolius(S.Moore) A.J.Paton - Chimanimani Mountains of Mozambique + Zimbabwe
- Syncolostemon floccosus(Launert) D.F.Otieno - Namibia
- Syncolostemon foliosus(S.Moore) D.F.Otieno - Eswatini, South Africa
- Syncolostemon gerrardii(N.E.Br.) D.F.Otieno - South Africa
- Syncolostemon incanus(Codd) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon latidens(N.E.Br.) Codd - KwaZulu-Natal
- Syncolostemon linearis(Benth.) D.F.Otieno - Zimbabwe
- Syncolostemon macranthus(Gürke) Ashby - Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa
- Syncolostemon macrophyllusGürke - South Africa
- Syncolostemon madagascariensis(A.J.Paton & Hedge) D.F.Otieno - Madagascar
- Syncolostemon modestus(Codd) D.F.Otieno - Eswatini, South Africa
- Syncolostemon namapaensisD.F.Otieno - Mozambique, Tanzania
- Syncolostemon obermeyerae(M.Ashby) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon oritrephes(Wild) D.F.Otieno - Chimanimani Mountains of Mozambique + Zimbabwe
- Syncolostemon ornatus(S.Moore) D.F.Otieno - Chimanimani Mountains of Zimbabwe
- Syncolostemon parviflorusE.Mey. ex Benth. - Eswatini, South Africa
- Syncolostemon parvifolius(Codd) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon persimilis(N.E.Br.) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon petiolatus(Ashby) D.F.Otieno - Eswatini, South Africa, Mozambique
- Syncolostemon pretoriae(Gürke) D.F.Otieno - Eswatini, South Africa
- Syncolostemon punctatus(Codd) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon ramosus(Codd) D.F.Otieno - KwaZulu-Natal
- Syncolostemon ramulosusE.Mey. ex Benth. - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
- Syncolostemon rehmannii(Gürke) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon rotundifoliusE.Mey. ex Benth. - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
- Syncolostemon rugosifolius(M.Ashby) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon stalmansii(A.J.Paton & K.Balkwill) D.F.Otieno - Mpumalanga, Eswatini
- Syncolostemon stenophyllus(Gürke) D.F.Otieno - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
- Syncolostemon subvelutinus(Gürke) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon teucriifolius(Hochst.) D.F.Otieno - Mozambique, Zimbabwe, South Africa
- Syncolostemon thorncroftii(N.E.Br.) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon transvaalensis(Schltr.) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon welwitschii(Rolfe) D.F.Otieno - Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Zaire, Tanzania, Zambia, Angola

Stenostelma is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1894. It is native to southern Africa, ranging from Mozambique, Zambia, and Namibia to South Africa.

Pachycarpus is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described in 1838. It is native to Africa.

Raphionacme is a plant genus in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1842. The genus is found primarily in Africa, with one species on the Arabian Peninsula.

Euclea natalensis, the Natal guarri, is a dioecious African plant species of the family Ebenaceae. It occurs from Ethiopia and Somalia in the north, southwards to the Western Cape, South Africa. It has nectar and also contains pollen Its hirsute, leathery leaves have an opposite arrangement, and the flower sprays grow from the leaf axils. The spherical fruit appear from October to June.