Folklore of the Low Countries

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Netherlandish Proverbs (1559), by artist Pieter Brueghel the Elder, showing peasant scenes illustrating several proverbs Pieter Brueghel the Elder - The Dutch Proverbs - Google Art Project.jpg
Netherlandish Proverbs (1559), by artist Pieter Brueghel the Elder, showing peasant scenes illustrating several proverbs

Folklore of the Low Countries, often just referred to as Dutch folklore, includes the epics, legends, fairy tales and oral traditions of the people of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. Traditionally this folklore is written or spoken in Dutch or in one of the regional languages of these countries.


Folk traditions

The folklore of the Low Countries encompasses the folk traditions of the Benelux countries: Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. This includes the folklore of Flanders, the Dutch-speaking northern part of Belgium, Frisia, Luxembourg and Wallonia.

Fairy tales

Many folk tales are derived from pre-Christian Gaulish and Germanic culture; as such, many are similar to French and German versions. In 1891, schoolteacher Jules Lemoine and folklorist Auguste Gittée published Folk Tales from the Walloon Country. They focused on strictly transcribing and translating tales from original Walloon manuscripts, mostly from Hainaut and Namur. [1] In 1918 William Elliot Griffis published Dutch Fairy Tales for Young Folks: [2] This was followed in 1919 by Belgian Fairy Tales. [3] Also in 1918, Belgian writer Jean de Bosschère published Folk Tales of Flanders (published in English as Beasts and Men). The Belgian tale "Karl Katz" is similar to both the German folk tale "Peter Klaus" and Washington Irving's "Rip Van Winkle". Charles Deulin was a French writer, born near the Belgian border. He wrote stories based on the folk tales of the countryside. [4] The Nettle Spinner is a Flemish fairy tale later included in Andrew Lang's 1890 The Red Fairy Book.

Dutch Fairy Tales for Young Folks

The Garden of Earthly Delights by Heronimus Bosch showing folklorist elements Jheronimus Bosch 023.jpg
The Garden of Earthly Delights by Heronimus Bosch showing folklorist elements

Among the stories are:

"The Little Dutch Boy" is commonly thought to be a Dutch legend or fairy tale, but is in fact a fictional story, Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates , written by American author Mary Mapes Dodge, and not known in the Netherlands as traditional folklore. [6]


Some old stories reflect the Celtic belief in the sacredness of trees.[ citation needed ] The oak as a venerable tree is a theme seen in the stories. In The Princess with Twenty Petticoats, a wise old oak counsels the king; in The Legend of the Wooden Shoe, another consoles a carpenter.

The Vrouwtje van Stavoren Het Vrouwtje van Stavoren.jpg
The Vrouwtje van Stavoren

Dutch folk tales from the Middle Ages are strong on tales about flooded cities and the sea. Legends surround the sunken cities lost to epic floods in the Netherlands: From Saint Elisabeth's Flood of 1421, comes the legend of Kinderdijk that a baby and a cat were found floating in a cradle after the city flooded, the cat keeping the cradle from tipping over. They were the only survivors of the flood. The town of Kinderdijk is named for the place where the cradle came ashore. [7] The story is told in The Cat and the Cradle.

The Saeftinghe legend, says that once glorious city was flooded and ruined by sea waters due to the All Saints' flood, that was flooded in 1584, due to a mermaid being captured and mistreated, and mentions the bell tower still rings. This is much like the story The Mermaid of Westenschouwen  [ nl ] (Westenschouwen) which also concerns the mistreated mermaid, followed by a curse and flood. [7] In some flood legends, the church bells or clock bells of sunken cities still can be heard ringing underwater.

De Reis van Sint Brandaen (Dutch for The Voyage of Saint Brandan) is a sort of a Christianized Odyssey, written in the 12th century that describes the legend of Sint Brandaen, a monk from Galway, and his voyage around the world for nine years. Scholars believe the Dutch legend derived from a now lost middle High German text combined with Celtic elements from Ireland and combines Christian and fairy tale elements. The journey was begun as a punishment by an angel. The angel saw Brandaen did not believe the truth of a book on the miracles of creation and saw Brandaen throw it into the fire. The angel tells him that truth has been destroyed. On his journeys Brandaen encounters the wonders and horrors of the world, people in distant lands with swine heads, dog legs and wolf teeth carrying bows and arrows, and an enormous fish that encircles the ship by holding its tail in its mouth. The English poem Life of Saint Brandan is an English derivative. [8]

Sea folklore includes the legend of Sint Brandaen and later the legend of Lady of Stavoren about the ruined port city of Stavoren.

Flemish Fairy Tales

In literature


The first written folklore of the Low Countries Carolingian romances about Charlemagne ("Karel" in Dutch). Karel ende Elegast (Charlemagne and Elegast) is a Middle Dutch epic poem written around the end of the 12th century or early 13th century. It is a Frankish romance of Charlemagne ("Karel") as an exemplary Christian king and his friend Elegast, whose name means "elf spirit" or "elf guest." Elegast has supernatural powers such as the ability to talk to animals and may be an Elf. He lives in the forest as a thief. The two go out on an adventure and uncover and do away with Eggeric, as a traitor to Charlemagne. [9]


Van den vos Reynaerde (About Reynard the Fox ) is the Dutch version of the story of the Reynard the fox by Willem, that derives and expands from the French poem Roman de Renart. However, the first fragments of the tale were found written in Belgium. It is an anthropomorphic fable of a fox, trickster. The Dutch version is considered a masterpiece, it regards the animals' attempts to bring Reynard to King Nobel's court, Reynard the fox outwits everyone in avoiding being hung on the gallows. [10] The animals in the Dutch version include: Reinaerde or Reynaerde the fox, Bruun the Bear, Tybeert the Cat, Grimbeert the badger, Nobel the lion and Cuwaert the Hare.

Dutch folklore also concerned the Christian saints and British themes of King Arthur chivalry and quests:

Tales of saints and miracles

Biographies of Christian saints and stories of Christian miracles were important genre in the Middle Ages. Original Dutch works of the genre are:

According to Griffis, mythology of Wodan on the Wild Hunt sailing through the sky, is thought to have been one of the tales that changed into tales of Christian Sinterklaas traveling the sky. [3] Zwarte Piet (Dutch for Black Pete) is his assistant.

Arthurian romance

Folk art

Folk art can also be seen in puppet and marionette theatres. The story of Genevieve of Brabant, a virtuous wife wrongfully accused of infidelity, was first presented in 1716 in Brabant. In the mid-18th century, it became very popular among traveling puppet companies. [14]


"Dutch ethnologists view community festivals and holidays as the most active and conspicuous living tradition in the Low Countries." [15]

The gift of a pewter or silver spoon to commemorate the birth of a child was traditional. [16]

Folk songs

The subject matter of the oldest Dutch folk songs (also called ballads, popular songs or romances) is very old and can go back to ancient fairy tales and legends. In fact, apart from ancient tales embedded in the 13th century Dutch folk songs, and some evidence of Celtic and Germanic mythology in the naming of days of the week and landmarks (see for example the 2nd century inscription to goddess Vagdavercustis), the folk tales of the ancient Dutch people were not written down in the first written literature of the 12th century, and thus lost to us.

One of the older folk tales to be in a song is Heer Halewijn (also known as Van Here Halewijn and in English The Song of Lord Halewijn), one of the oldest Dutch folk songs to survive, from the 13th century, and is about a prototype of a bluebeard. This song contains elements mythemes of Germanic legend, notably in "a magic song" within a song, that compares to the song of the Scandinavian Nix (strömkarlen), a male water spirit who played enchanted songs on the violin, luring women and children to drown. [17]

Other folk songs from the Netherlands with various origins include: The Snow-White Bird, Fivelgoer Christmas Carol, O Now this Glorious Eastertide, Who will go with me to Wieringen, What Time is It and A Peasant would his Neighbor See. Folk songs from Belgium in Dutch include: All in a Stable, Maying Song ("Arise my Love, Shake off this Dream") and In Holland Stands a House. [18]

Folklore from the Middle Ages

Dulle Griet, painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, c. 1562 Mad meg.jpg
Dulle Griet, painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, c.1562

The paintings of Pieter Brueghel the Elder from North Brabant, show many other circulating folk tales, such as the legend of Dulle Griet (Mad Meg) , 1562. Jheronimus Bosch (or Jeroen Bosch) is a world famous draughtsman and painter from North Brabant. He painted several mythical figures that he placed in heaven or hell. Examples are the tree man, The Ears with the knife, The Devil on the chair, The Choir Devil and The Egg monster.

Legendary people

Dieske, hero of 's-Hertogenbosch, by Alaert du Hamel Alaert du Hamel 002.jpg
Dieske, hero of 's-Hertogenbosch, by Alaert du Hamel
Painting of Pier Gerlofs Donia, the 7.5 feet tall freedom fighter Grutte Pier (Pier Gerlofs Donia), 1622, book illustration.JPG
Painting of Pier Gerlofs Donia, the 7.5 feet tall freedom fighter

Legendary creatures

Oberon 'King of Elves' Droomvlucht5.JPG
Oberon 'King of Elves'
Brabo and the giant's hand; sculpture in the Grote Markt, Antwerp Brabo antwerp.jpg
Brabo and the giant's hand; sculpture in the Grote Markt, Antwerp
Klaas Vaak Klaas Vaak Bosrijk Efteling.JPG
Klaas Vaak
Lange Wapper, Het Steen in Antwerp Antwerp Belgium Lange-Wapper-01.jpg
Lange Wapper, Het Steen in Antwerp

Mythological deities

From ancient regional mythology, names of ancient gods and goddesses in this region come from Roman, Celtic and Germanic origins.

Legendary places

Other folklore

See also


  1. Contes populaires du pays wallon / Par Auguste Gittée,... Et Jules Lemoine,... ; illustrations de J. Heylemans. 1891.
  2. Griffis, William Elliot. Dutch Fairy Tales for Young Folks, 1918
  3. 1 2 Griffis, William Elliot, Belgian Fairy Tales, 1919
  4. Malarte-Feldman, Claire L. (12 February 2016). Duggan, Anne E.; Haase, Donald (eds.). Folktales and Fairy Tales: Traditions and Texts from around the World. Vol. 1. Santa Barbara: Greenwood. p. 262. ISBN   978-1-61069-254-0. OCLC   923255058.
  5. Gombrich, E. H. "Bosch's 'Garden of Earthly Delights': A Progress Report". Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Volume 32, 1969: 162–170
  6. Margry, Peter Jan. "Ethnology and Folklore in the Netherlands", World Encyclopedia on Folklore, 2005
  7. 1 2 Meder, Theo.
  8. Meijer 1971:9.
  9. Meijer 1971:7-8.
  10. Meijer 1971:3-4, 23-24.
  11. Meijer 1971:4.
  12. Meijer 1971:20-21.
  13. Meijer 1971:11.
  14. "Geneviève de Brabant", World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts
  15. Bronner, Simon J., "Dutch Tolerance and Tension in Folklore", The Practice of Folklore, Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2019 ISBN   9781496822642
  16. "Customs, Cooking, and Folklore", New Netherland Institute
  17. Meijer, page 35.
  18. These songs are collected with the melody score in Folk Songs of Europe edited by Karpeles.
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dutch Fairy Tales for Young Folks by William Elliot Griffis
  20. Oe toch, spookjes en sprookjes uit het Brabantse Maasland, Gerard Ulijn, ISBN   90 6486 010 6.


Compilations of tales

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