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Metamonada retortamonas hexamita giardia.svg
Retortamonas (Retortamonadida), on left; Hexamita, on center, and Giardia , on right (both Diplomonadida)
Scientific classification

Dujardin, 1838

Hexamita columbae
Hexamita meleagridis
Hexamita muris
Hexamita pitheci
Hexamita salmonis
Hexamita truttae

Hexamita is a genus of parasitic diplomonads. It is related to Giardia . H. columbae and H. meleagridis live in the intestines of birds. H. muris and H. pitheci live in the intestines of mammals. H. salmonis and H. truttae live in the intestines of fish. Species in the Hexamita family are most commonly spread through fecal matter. [1]

The genus also includes the species Hexamita inflata . [2]

It is believed that Hexamita parasites are one possible cause for head and lateral line erosion ("hole-in-the-head disease") in aquarium fishes.

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  1. Lloyd D, Williams CF (October 2014). "Comparative biochemistry of Giardia, Hexamita and Spironucleus: Enigmatic diplomonads". Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 197 (1–2): 43–9. doi:10.1016/j.molbiopara.2014.10.002. PMID   25448769.
  2. Moon T, Wilkinson JM, Cavanagh HM (November 2006). "Antiparasitic activity of two Lavandula essential oils against Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis and Hexamita inflata". Parasitol. Res. 99 (6): 722–8. doi:10.1007/s00436-006-0234-8. PMID   16741725. S2CID   23062010.