Articles (arranged alphabetically) related to Guinea-Bissau include:
Abdul Injai (Abdoul Ndaiye) - Abdul Rahman al-Sadi - Administrador - Africa Squadron - Leo Africanus - Agriculture in Guinea-Bissau - Aldeamento - Alfa - Alfa Mahmoud Kati - Alfa Molo - Alfa Yaya - Amarildo Almeida - Jose Eduardo Araujo - Fernando Arlete (sprinter) - Olympic sprinter Fernando Arlete (distance runner) - Olympic distance runner Armazens do Povo (People's Stores) - Armee de Liberation Nacionale Guineene (ALNG) - Art of Guinea-Bissau - Askia Mohammad - Assembleia Nacional Popular (ANP) - Assimilados - Diego da Azambuja - Gomes Eannes de Azurara
Badius - Bafatá - Bagas - Baiotes - Balafon - Balantas - Balantes - Baldé - Adul Baldé - Ibraima Baldé - Mamadi Baldé - Bambaras - Bana - Banco National Ultramarino (BNU) - Banyuns; Banhuns; Bainuk - Rafael Paula Barbosa - Rui Duarte de Barros - Honorio Pereira Berreto - Ibn Battuta - Batuko; Batuco; Batuque - Beafadas; Biafadas - Phillip Beaver - Berlin Congress - Antonio de Barros Bezerra - Bijagos; Bidyogos; Bijegas; Bissagos; Bojagos; Bujagos - Judice Joaquim Biker - Bissau - Bissau-Guineans - José Câmnate na Bissign - Black Ladino - Bolama Island - Bolama Region - Bolama (town) - Bolanhas - Balana - Bulana - Bolola - Brames - Buba - Benjamin Pinto Bull - Jaime Pinto Bull -
Alfredo Lopes Cabral - Amílcar Cabral - Juvenal Cabral - Luis de Almeida Cabral - Maria da Conceição Nobre Cabral - Pedro Álvares Cabral - Vasco Cabral - Cacheu - Alvise Cadamosto - Caderneta - Marcello Caetano - Canary Current - Canchungo - Diogo Cão - Capitacao - Caravel - Adilson Soares Cassamá - Cipriano Cassamá - Carlos Correia - Casa dos Estudantes do Imperio (CEI) - Casablanca Group - Casamance - Casangas - Centro do Instrucao Politico Militar (CIPM) - Cinema of Guinea-Bissau - Class in Guinea-Bissau - Cobianas - Cocolis; Kokolis - Coli Tenguela - Christopher Columbus - Comissao Permanente - Companhia do Cacheu e Cabo Verde - Companhia Geral do Grão Pará e Maranhão - Companhia Lusitana do Aluminio da Guine e Angola - Companhia Uniao Fabril (CUF) - Conferência das Organizações Nacionalistas das Colónias Portuguesas (CONCP) - Conhaques (Conhaguis) - Conselho de Guerra - Comite Executivo da Luta (CEL) - Conselho Superior da Luta (CSL) - Contratado - Corubal River (Rio Corubal) - Manuel Saturnino da Costa - Crioulo - Currency of Guinea-Bissau -
Duarte Lobo da Gama - Vasco da Gama - Silvino da Luz - Baciro Dabó - Degredados - Demographics of Guinea-Bissau - Denianke; Denanke - Antonio de Noli - Dialonkes; Djalonkes; Jaloncas; Jallonkes - Bartolomeu Dias - Diniz Dias - Diolas; Djolas; Jolas - Direcao Geral de Seguaranca (DGS) - Baciro Dja - Kimi Djabate - Mamadú Iaia Djaló - Donatario - Abilio Augusto Monteiro Duarte - Dulce Almada Duarte - Dyulas; Diulas; Julas -
Consalo Eannes - Gil Eannes - Economy of Guinea-Bissau - Education in Guinea-Bissau - Elections in Guinea-Bissau - Talata Embalo - Exploration of Guinea-Bissau -
Francisco Fadul - Louis Faidherbe - Farim - Farim River; Cacheu River - Feitor - Feotoria - Felupe - Gil Vincente Vaz Fernandes - Valentim Fernandes - Antonio Batica Ferreira - Fode Kaba (Alfa Molo) - Fonio - Forcas Armadas Revolucionarias do Povo (FARP) - Foreign relations of Guinea-Bissau - Forrea - Fórum Cívico Guineense-Social Democracia (FCG/SD) - Frente de Libertacao da Guine (FLG) - Frente de Libertacao da Guiné Portuguesa e Cabo Verde (FLGC) - Frente de Luta Pela Independencia Nacional da Guiné-Bissau (FLING) - Frente Democratica (FD) - Frente Democratica Social (FDS) - Frente Revolucionaria Africana Para a Independencia Nacional das Colonias Portuguesas (FRAIN) - Front Uni de Liberation (FUL) - Fula language; Fula people; Fulbe; Fulani; Peul; Fellani; Ful; Foulah; Fellata - Fuladu - Funana - Fouta Djallon; Djalonkes; Jalonke; Dialonke; Jaalo - Futa Toro -
Gabú - Henriques Galvao - Rio de Geba; Geba River - Aristides Gomes - Carlos Gomes - Diogo Gomes - Fernando Gomes - Fernao Gomes - Flora Gomes - Antão Gonçalves - Goree - Griot - Grumetes; Grumettas - Grupo de Accao Democratica de Cabo Verde e da Guine (GADCVG) - Sofia Pomba Guerra - Guiledge - Guinala; Quinara - Guinea-Bissau Civil War
John Hawkins - Health in Guinea-Bissau - Henry the Navigator - Rogerio Araujo Adolfo Herbert - History of Guinea-Bissau -
Kumba Iala - Ilhas de Barlavento - Ilhas de Sotavento - Faustino Imbali - Indigena - Indigo - Antonio Indjai - Zamora Induta - Infali Sonco - Injai - Islam in Guinea-Bissau - Pansau na Isna -
Judaism in Guinea-Bissau - Juventude Africana Amilcar Cabral (JAAC) -
Kaabu; Gabu; Kabu - Inocencio Kani - Martinho Ndafa Kabi - Kansala; Cansala - Mahmoud Kati - Mamadu Ture Kuruma - Kussunde -
Henri Labery - Labor unions in Guinea-Bissau - Ladinos - Lançados - Landumas; Landomas - Languages of Guinea-Bissau - Lebanese in Guinea-Bissau - Legislative Assembly of Portugal - LGBT rights in Guinea-Bissau (Gay rights) - Liga Guineense - Aristides Raimundo Lima - List of companies based in Guinea-Bissau - Literature of Guinea-Bissau -
Antonio Malfante - Mali - Mamadu - Mandinka people; Mandinka language; Manding; Mandinga; Mandingo; Malinké; Mande - Ansumane Mané - Manjaco; Mandyako - Victor Saude Maria - Eneida Marta - Graciela Martins - Mansa Musa - Rio Mansoa; Mansoa River - Media in Guinea-Bissau - Francisco Mendes - Simoes Antonio Mendes - Jacira Mendonca - Mesticos - Mindelo - Minerals in Guinea-Bissau - Antonio Isaac Monteiro - António Mascarenhas Monteiro - Maria do Ceu Monteiro - Military of Guinea-Bissau - Moranca - Mouvement de Liberation des Iles du Cap Vert (MLICV) - Mouvement de Liberation de la Guinee Portugaise et des Iles du Cap Vert (MLGCV) - Mouvement des Forces Democratiques de la Casamance (MFDC) - Movimento Anti-Colonialista (MAC) - Movimento de Libertacao da Guine (MLG) - Movimento de Libertacao da Guine Portuguesa (MLGP) - Movimento de Unidade Para a Democracia (MUDe) - Movimento Para Democracia (MpD) - Movimento Para Independencia Nacional da Guine Portuguesa (MING) - Musa Molo Balde - Music of Guinea-Bissau -
Nalus; Nalous - Adiato Djalo Nandigna - Manuel Serifo Nhamadjo - Alamara Nhasse - Nova Lamego - Caetano N'Tchama -
Oil Palm - Ouri; Ayo; Mankala; Mankara; Ohwaree; Omweso; Wari -
Padrão - Pajadincas - Palmatoria - Pano - Mungo Park - Partido Africano da Independencia da Guine e Cabo Verde (PAIGC) - Partido da Convergência Democrática (PCD) - Partido da Renovação Social (PRS) - Partido Democrático do Progresso (PDP) - Partido Para Renovacao e Desenvolvimento (PRD) - Partido Unido Social Democrata (PUSD) - Guinea-Bissauan passport - Mamadu Pate - Pepels; Pepeis - Aristides Maria Pereira - Carmen Pereira - Peoples of Guinea-Bissau - Duarte Pacheco Pereira - Francisca Pereira - Raimundo Pereira - Permanent Secretariat/Commission - Petrofina - Sociedade Anonima de Refinacao de Petroleos (SOCAR) - Pijiguiti - Joao Teixeira Pinto - Pionieros de Partido (PP) - Mamadu Saliu Djalo Pires - Mario Pires - Pedro Verona Rodrigues Pires - Policia Internacional Para Defesa do Estado (PIDE) - Marquis de Pombal - Politics of Guinea-Bissau - Ponta - Prehistory of Guinea-Bissau - Helder Proenca -
Domingos Ramos - Rassemblement Democratique Africain de la Guinee (RDAG) - Regime do Indigenato - Regulo - Religion in Guinea-Bissau - Resistência da Guiné-Bissau-Movimento Bafatá (RGB-MB) - Rice in Guinea-Bissau - Henrique Rosa -
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar - Saloum; Salum - Sama Koli - Sao Tiago - Soares Sambu - Artur Sanha - Malam Bacai Sanhá - Mohamed Lamine Sanha - Saracotes; Saracole - Jose Carlos Schwarz - Veríssimo Correia Seabra - Senegambians - Serer - Abdulai Sila - Ernestina Sila - Holder da Silva - Pedro da Sintra - Slave trade -
Songhai - Soninke - Sonko - Antonio de Spinola - Susus; Soussous; Sossos; Sosos -
Tabanca Committee - Umar Tall - Tandas; Tendas - Tangomaos; Tangomaus - Bubo Na Tchuto -
Tekrur; Tukolor - Tenguella; Teengala; Tengella; Temala; Coli; Kooli; Koly - Constantino Teixeira - Timenes - Domingas Togna - Samori Toure - Transportation in Guinea-Bissau - Traore - Tiramakhan Traore - Nuno Tristão -
Uniao Caboverdeana Para a Independencia e Democracia (UCID) - Uniao da Populacoes das Ilhas de Cabo Verde (UPICV) - Uniao Democratica da Guine (UDG) - Uniao Democratica das Mulheres (UDEMU) - Uniao dos Naturais da Guine Portuguesa (UNGP) - Uniao Geral dos Estudiantes da Africa Negra (UGEAN) - Uniao Geral dos Trabalhadores da Guine-Bissau (UGTGB) - Uniao Nacional dos Trabalhadores de Guine (UNTG) - Uniao Popular Para Libertacao da Guine (UPLG) - Union des Ressortissants de la Guinee Portugaise (URGP) -
Carlos Veiga - João Bernardo Vieira - Osvaldo Vieira International Airport -
World Universities Debating Championship
Aristides Maria Pereira was a Cape Verdean politician. He was the first President of Cape Verde, serving from 1975 to 1991.
The African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde is a political party in Guinea-Bissau. Originally formed to peacefully campaign for independence from Portugal, the party turned to armed conflict in the 1960s and was one of the belligerents in the Guinea-Bissau War of Independence. Towards the end of the war, the party established a socialist one-party state, which remained intact until multi-party democracy was introduced in the early 1990s. Although the party won the first multi-party elections in 1994, it was removed from power in the 1999–2000 elections. However, it returned to office after winning parliamentary elections in 2004 and presidential elections in 2005, since which it has remained the largest party in the National People's Assembly.
This is a historical timeline of Portugal.
The Pidjiguiti massacre was an incident that took place on 3 August 1959 at the Port of Bissau's Pijiguiti docks in Bissau, Portuguese Guinea. Dock workers went on strike, seeking higher pay, but a manager called the PIDE, the Portuguese state police, who fired into the crowd, killing at least 25 people. The government blamed the revolutionary group African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), arresting several of its members. The incident caused PAIGC to abandon their campaign of nonviolent resistance, leading to the Guinea-Bissau War of Independence in 1963.
Zamora Induta is a Guinea-Bissauan lieutenant general. He was the Chief of Staff of the Military of Guinea-Bissau from October 27, 2009 to April 1, 2010.
This is a list of foreign ministers of Guinea-Bissau.
Maria Dulce de Oliveira Almada Duarte (1933–2019) was a Cape Verdean linguist who was a member and resistance fighter of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde.
Benjamin Pinto Bull was an activist in Guinea-Bissau, then Portuguese Guinea, who sought his country's independence from Portugal.
Francisca Lucas Pereira Gomes, normally known as Francisca Pereira, is a former Bissau-Guinean nurse, independence activist and current politician.
The Liberation Front of Guinea was a political party in Guinea-Bissau, the part of Portuguese Guinea, formed to seek independence from Portugal.
The Liberation Front of Portuguese Guinea and Cape Verde was a militant political party in Guinea-Bissau, then part of Portuguese Guinea, formed to seek independence from Portugal.
Rafael Paula Barbosa was a political activist in Portuguese Guinea, now known as Guinea-Bissau.
The Ministry of Justice of Guinea-Bissau has duties such as overseeing the administration and human resources of the judiciary and the Public Prosecutor, publishing and disseminating legal information to the public, and combating organized crime and drug trafficking that might threaten the safety of the country's citizens and impact the justice system.
Guinea-Bissau–Turkey relations are the foreign relations between Guinea-Bissau and Turkey. Turkey has an embassy in Bissau. Guinea Bissau has an embassy in Ankara.
Civil society is often loosely defined as independent organizations that form out of mutual interest and can act to influence the state. The degree of autonomy that civil society groups enjoy from the state reveals the extent to which the public sphere can act on its own to impact government policy, and as such is a helpful metric of democratization within a state. In Lusophone African countries, democratization varies considerably across borders; in 2021, of all the member states of the African States of Portuguese Official Language (PALOP), only São Tomé and Príncipe and Cape Verde were ranked "Free" on the Global Freedom Score by Freedom House, while Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique were classified as "Partly Free" and Angola and Equatorial Guinea as "Not Free". Though variations exist, conditions for civil society organizations in these states are often influenced by a common violent past, as independence from Portugal often came as a result of liberation wars followed by civil conflict.