Judy is a (usually) female personal name. It is sometimes a given name, but more often it is a hypocorism (affectionate diminutive of a personal name) which takes the place of a given name, usually Judith .
The great majority of persons named Judy are female, but not all.
Sharon, also spelled Saron, is a given name as well as a Hebrew name.
Anne, alternatively spelled Ann, is a form of the Latin female name Anna. This in turn is a representation of the Hebrew Hannah, which means 'favour' or 'grace'. Related names include Annie.
Carole is a feminine given name and occasionally a surname.
Maggie or Maggy is a common short form of the name Magdalena, Magnolia, Margaret, Marigold.
Fisher is an English occupational name for one who obtained a living by fishing.
Collins is a surname. There are a lot of alternative spellings or related surnames.
Dianne may refer to:
Johnston is in most cases a toponymic surname derived from several places in Scotland. Historically, the surname has been most common throughout Scotland and Ireland.
Nancy is an English language given name for women. The name Nancy was originally a diminutive form of Annis, a medieval English vernacular form of Agnes. In some English dialects, "mine" was used instead of "my" and "Mine Ancy" eventually became Nancy. The name was also later used as an English diminutive of Anne or Ann. It has been used as an independent name since the 18th century. In some instances it replaced variant Nanny, which was associated with the stereotype of a common, promiscuous woman from the 1600s onward. Spelling variants in use include Nancea, Nancee, Nancey, Nanci, Nancie, Nancsi, Nancye, Nanncey, Nanncy, Nansee, and Nansi. Similar names include Nan, Nance, Nanette, Nannerl, and Nannie.
Peggy is a female first name derived from Meggy, a diminutive version of the name Margaret.
Barbara is a given name used in numerous languages. It is the feminine form of the Greek word barbaros meaning "stranger" or "foreign". In Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox tradition, Saint Barbara was imprisoned in a tower by her father. She was then martyred by her father when she refused to renounce Christianity. According to legend, her father was then punished with death by lightning. As such, Saint Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. Early Christians occasionally referred to themselves as "barbarians" in opposition to the pagan Romans and Greeks. The story of Saint Barbara is said to have been an inspiration for the fairy tale Rapunzel and other European stories that feature a maiden in a tower.
Mary is a feminine given name, the English form of the name Maria, which was in turn a Latin form of the Greek name Μαρία, María or Μαριάμ, Mariam, found in the Septuagint and New Testament. The latter reflects the original Hebrew pronunciation of the name מרים, as attested by the Septuagint. The vowel "a" in a closed unaccented syllable later became "i", as seen in other names such as "Bil'am" (Balaam) and "Shimshon" (Samson).
Rosemary is a feminine given name, a combination of the names Rose which is a flower that belongs to the Rose family, and from the name Mary which is the name of the Virgin Mary and means Strong, Fertile. It can also be used in reference to the herb named rosemary. Rosemary has been in steady use in the United States and has ranked among the top 1,000 for 110 years. It was ranked as the 754th most popular name for American girls born in 1992. Its greatest period of popularity in the United States was between 1925 and 1950, when it was ranked among the top 150 names for girls. Rosemarie is another variant, and Romy is a German nickname for the name.
Graham is a given name in the English language. It is derived from the surname.
Janet is a feminine given name meaning "God is gracious" or "gift from God". It is the feminine form of John. It is a variation of the French proper noun Jeannette, Spanish proper noun Juanita, Russian Жанет (Zhanet), Circassian Джэнэт (Dzhenet), and Hungarian Zsanett. It is also the diminutive of Jeanne or Jane.
Janice is a modern feminine given name, an extended version of Jane, an English feminine form of John which is itself derived from the Hebrew Yohanan, meaning or Yehohanan. The name Janice was first used by American author Paul Leicester Ford for the heroine of the 1899 novel Janice Meredith. Janice Meredith was a 1924 silent film based on the novel by Ford and the 1900 stage play A Colonial Girl. Janis is a spelling variant.
Bond is a surname of English origin. It was derived from the Old Norse Bóndi, meaning 'farmer' or 'husbandman'. These Bóndi were generally considered the core of Norse/Viking society. This word and personal name evolved into the personal name Bonde with the Norman Conquest of 1066. Notable people with the surname include:
Alternative spellings include Daiane, Dianne, Dianna, Dian, Diahann, Dyan, Dyanne and Dyane. See also Di and Diana
Webb is an English and Scottish surname meaning weaver of cloth.
Rita is a female name, often a name in its own right, but mostly a shortened version of Margarita. The feast day of Rita is generally celebrated on May 22 in honor of Saint Rita of Cascia.