A patient treated by Al Haskey (Ian Midlane) who reveals himself as a former burglar. He sells stolen jewellery to fund a campaign to free Jimmi Clay (Morgan) from prison.
The wife and carer of Hugh Wadham (Rupert Frazer). When Hugh is in a minor surgery with Sid Vere (Rice), she runs away to have a shower since she barely gets time for herself. Sid arranges for Jean to have assistance with caring for Hugh.
A woman who accidentally takes Bear Sylvester's (Lee) phone in a shop. Her abusive boyfriend, Hayden Cracknell (Jack Hartley) plans on stealing it until Bear discovers the truth and gets Sasha into a safe house.
A businesswoman who produces and sells natural remedies for people with chronic illnesses. Zara Carmichael (Walsh) discovers that her remedies are dangerous.
The detective seargent investigating Abz Baker's (Amy Bowden) rape case. Rob Hollins (Walker) reveals to Karen Hollins (Pearson) that in the past, Nick has been accused of sexual assault.
The adoptive mother of Laurence Richards (Rishard Beckett). When Eileen sees the similarity between Laurence and Sid Vere (Rice), she learns that they are brothers. Eileen questions Sid about his intentions and he assures her that he just wants to be in Laurence's life.
A gang leader who makes homophobic comments to Emma Reid (Miles) and Jasmine Dajani (Sawalha). When they walk away from his gang, Blake beats Emma up, while his members hold Jasmine and beat her up. Two years later, Ren Mackintosh (Zita Sattar) holds a restorative justice session between Blake and the couple, where he apologises to them.
A family struggling to eat due to working on zero hour contracts. Corey visits Zara Carmichael (Walsh) due to having stomach pains, which are revealed to be hunger pangs.
A drunk woman who accidentally trespasses in her former house, where her young daughter died. The house now belongs to Bear Sylvester's (Lee) cousin, who is there babysitting for his niece.
A man who follows Doro Kitson into her former house. He believes babysitter Bear Sylvester (Lee) is trespassing, and hits him over the head with a vase, knocking him unconscious.
An elderly woman with dementia who sees her dead daughter, Heather (Georgia Conlan), in hallucinations. Elsie stabs Nathan Pilkington (Alan Wilyman), believing he is trying to kill Heather.
A police officer who pulls Sid Vere (Rice) and Bear Sylvester (Lee) over. She keeps Sid in the police car to wait for checks until he mentions that he is friends with her colleague, Rob Hollins (Walker).
A Muslim family fasting for Ramadan. Qamar has a problem with son Hamed being gay, so shunned him from the family. However, Ayesha Lee (Rollins) discovers Hamed is planning to donate a kidney to his father, and tells Farzana. When Qamar learns of this, he is initially reluctant, but the family later reconcile.
An elderly woman who is planning on selling her house. When Sid Vere (Rice) informs her that the trees at her new block of flats will be cut down, she refuses to move.
The owner of a real estate company who locks Dorothy Deerly (Anna Kirke) in a chest, thinking she has died, so that he will not break his chain of people moving home.
An elderly man who gets into a car accident when a cyclist swerves in front of his car. Emma Reid (Miles) persuades him to join a course to improve his confidence while driving.
A smart speaker in a technology shop that informs Zara Carmichael (Walsh) of the best phone on sale. Joe Granger Carmichael (Falconer) uses it to cheat on his homework with, and when he is caught out, he throws Harper out of the window. Harper is seen again being used by Ray McArdle (Paul Moriarty).
A patient who thanks Zara Carmichael (Walsh) for saving his life by gifting her a present, which turns out to be a taxidermic owl, which she sells online. He later returns when he realises he has gifted Zara the wrong present, and wants the owl back.
A teenager who reports a sexual assault against driving instructor Shawn Lawrence (Duncan Macinnes), but she later explains to Emma Reid (Miles) that her friend, Clara Bindon (Harriet Bibby), was the one who was assaulted.
A 14-year-old cheerleader who injures her knee while flying. Al Haskey (Midlane) comforts her when she talks about her mother not being her biological parent.
A teenager who argues with her mother, Claire Mortimer (Kate Baines). When Claire has a brain haemorrhage, Jessie thinks she is in hospital because of her, until Rob Hollins (Walker) informs her of what happened.
A woman who sees Al Haskey (Midlane) to acquire antibiotics for Thien Nguy (Max Vaccu). When Al explains that he cannot give them to her, she attains some using husband Patrick's (Matthew Jure) prescription.
A friend of Bear Sylvester's (Lee). After he has a vasectomy without telling wife Dana (Kerry Boyne), he confides in Bear and Dana that he has depression and does not want to pass it onto another child, like he did with Isaac (Joseph Obashon), who has been self harming.
A mother and daughter who discover that they are both having sex with the same man, their gardener Charlie Parchett (Michael Rivers). After their realisation, he tries to continue a relationship with the pair of them, to which they are disgusted at.
A practise nurse who applies for a position at the Mill. She states in her interview that she is leaving her workplace due to bullying, but Bear Sylvester (Lee) discovers that she stole from their petty cash and was fired.
An elderly woman suffering with lung cancer who is reunited with her daughter Sue (Amy Noble) by Valerie Pitman (Moyle). Mary explains to Sue that Sue's father was abusive, which is why she placed Sue into foster care.
Shak Hanif's (Sunjay Midda) neighbour who complains about the noise levels when he throws a party. She meets Bear Sylvester (Lee) at the party and the pair later have sex.
A student who attended Shak Hanif's (Midda) party. Shak exposes him for providing the student at the party with fake tequila which makes everybody ill.
A man with a head injury who believes criminal Josh Corrigan (Oliver Woollford) is his son. Ernest offers his father's war medals and his mother's jewellery for Josh to sell, until PC Jess Treen (Julie Lamberton) informs him that Josh is not his son.
Kenneth Leverstone's (Tim Berrington) colleague with whom he forms a relationship with. After Kenneth discovers she is having an affair with Stephan Hart (Seabert Henry), he ends their relationship. Julie then threatens to expose him to the CEO.
The father of Tom (Max True) and Ella Robson (Lily-Mae Evans) who confesses to the murder of his wife, Lisa. While in prison, he punches fellow inmate Dalton Williams (Andy Chaplin) in a random attack. Simon admits to Daniel Granger (Chambers) that Lisa used to physically abuse him. Out of guilt, Ella later confesses that she murdered her mother due to witnessing the abuse, revealing that Simon was covering for his daughter.
The fiancée of Lisa Smith (Lotte Rice), who is told that she no longer has cancer. She cancels their forthcoming wedding, but is adamant that she still wants to have a relationship with Lisa.
The ex-girlfriend of Sid Vere (Rice) who goes on a date with Bear Sylvester (Lee), Sid's best friend. Donna suggests that they have a threesome, to which they decline.
A houseguest of Emma Reid's (Miles) who is upset after being asked to leave in order for Danni (Moseley) and Oscar Colton (Hakim Kassama) to stay at her B&B.
A psychologist who runs a haunted house themed escape room. He researches Jimmi Clay (Morgan), Al Haskey (Midlane), Valerie Pitman (Moyle) and Emma Reid (Miles) in order to scare them with personal traumas they have been through. He is later scolded by Al, who informs Jonathan that he will inform his tutor of his unethical experiment.
1 2 3 Writer: Katharine Way; Director: Nimer Rashed; Producer: Gail Evans (18 February 2020). "I Can See Clearly Now". Doctors. BBC. BBC One. Archived from the original on 19 February 2020. Retrieved 18 February 2020.
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