List of MPs elected in the 2013 Czech legislative election

Last updated

Seventh Chamber of Deputies
of the Czech Republic
6th 8th
Praha, Poslanecka snemovna Parlamentu Ceske republiky.jpg
Legislative body Parliament of the Czech Republic
JurisdictionCzech Republic
Meeting placeThun Palace
Term27 November 2013 – 26 October 2017
Election 2013 Czech legislative election
Government Bohuslav Sobotka's Cabinet
Speaker Jan Hamáček
Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka
Party control ČSSDANO 2011KDU-ČSL

The 7th Chamber of Deputies is the legislature of the lower house of the Parliament of the Czech Republic following the 2013 legislative election, to elect 200 Members of Parliament (MPs). [1]


Results of election (October 2013)

National partyChairpersonSeats±
ČSSD Bohuslav Sobotka
50 / 200
Decrease2.svg 6
ANO 2011 Andrej Babiš
47 / 200
Increase2.svg 47
KSČM Vojtěch Filip
33 / 200
Increase2.svg 6
TOP 09 Karel Schwarzenberg
26 / 200
Decrease2.svg 16
ODS Petr Fiala
16 / 200
Decrease2.svg 32
Dawn Tomio Okamura
14 / 200
Increase2.svg 14
KDU-ČSL Pavel Bělobrádek
14 / 200
Increase2.svg 14

List of MPs (Deputies)

Name [2] Party [2] Region [2] Notes
Petr Adam Dawn (until September 2015) [3]
Independent (after September 2015)
South Moravian
Vojtěch Adam Communist South Moravian
Ivan Adamec Civic Democratic Party Hradec Králové
František Adámek Social Democracy Prague
Markéta Adamová TOP 09 Prague
Augustin Karel Andrle Sylor Dawn Pardubice
Pavel Antonín Social Democracy Vysočina
Hana Aulická Jírovcová Communist Ústí nad Labem
Andrej Babiš ANO 2011 Prague First Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister (until 24 May 2017)
Miloš Babiš ANO 2011 Central Bohemian
Miloslav Bačiak ANO 2011 Vysočina Left the Parliament on 19 November 2013 [4]
Margita Balaštíková ANO 2011 Zlín
Jan Bartošek KDU-ČSL South Bohemian
Zuzka Bebarová-Rujbrová Communist South Moravian
Jiří Běhounek Social Democracy Vysočina
Pavel Bělobrádek KDU-ČSL Hradec Králové Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Research
Marek Benda Civic Democratic Party Prague
Petr Bendl Civic Democratic Party Central Bohemian
Ondřej Benešík KDU-ČSL Zlín
Marie Benešová Social Democracy Ústí nad Labem
Martina Berdychová ANO 2011 Hradec Králové
Stanislav Berkovec ANO 2011 Central Bohemian
Zdeněk Bezecný TOP 09 South Bohemian
Adolf Beznoska Civic Democratic Party Central Bohemian Left the parliament on 14 March 2017 to join the Supreme Audit Office. [5]
Jan Birke Social Democracy Hradec Králové
Pavel Blažek Civic Democratic Party South Moravian
Vlasta Bohdalová Social Democracy South Bohemian Became a Deputy on 31 March 2014 [6]
Robin Böhnisch Social Democracy Hradec Králové
Jaroslav Borka Communist Karlovy Vary
Richard Brabec ANO 2011 Ústí nad Labem Environment Minister
Milan Brázdil ANO 2011 Olomouc
Marek Černoch Dawn (until June 2017)
Independent (after June 2017)
Central Bohemian
Jana Černochová Civic Democratic Party Prague
Alexander Černý Communist Olomouc
Karel Černý Social Democracy Vysočina
Pavel Čihák ANO 2011 Central Bohemian
René Číp Communist Moravian-Silesian
Ivana Dobešová ANO 2011 Central Bohemian
Richard Dolejš Social Democracy Central Bohemian
Jiří Dolejš Communist Prague
Jaroslav Faltýnek ANO 2011 Olomouc
Jan Farský TOP 09 Liberec
Petr Fiala Civic Democratic Party South Moravian
Radim Fiala Dawn (until May 2015)
Freedom and Direct Democracy (after May 2015)
Matěj Fichtner ANO 2011 Prague Became a Deputy on 26 October 2013 [7]
Karel Fiedler Dawn (until 29 February 2016)
Independent (after February 2016)
Vojtěch Filip Communist South Bohemian
Jana Fischerová Civic Democratic Party Vysočina
Jaroslav Foldyna Social Democracy Ústí nad Labem
Ivan Gabal KDU-ČSL Central Bohemian
Vlastimil Gabrhel Social Democracy South Moravian Became a Deputy on 30 April 2014, [8] replacing Michal Hašek
Petr Gazdík TOP 09 Zlín
Pavla Golasowská KDU-ČSL Moravian-Silesian Became a Deputy on 8 December 2014 [9]
Miroslav Grebeníček Communist South Moravian
Stanislav Grospič Communist Central Bohemian
Josef Hájek ANO 2011 Moravian-Silesian
Milada Halíková Communist Moravian-Silesian
Jan Hamáček Social Democracy Central Bohemian Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies
Michal Hašek Social Democracy South Moravian Left the parliament on 30 April 2014
Pavel Havíř Social Democracy Pardubice
Olga Havlová Dawn Moravian-Silesian
Leoš Heger TOP 09 Hradec Králové
Daniel Herman KDU-ČSL Prague Minister of Culture
Jana Hnyková Dawn (until June 2017)
Independent (after June 2017)
Jiří Holeček ANO 2011 Prague
Radim Holeček Civic Democratic Party Ústí nad Labem
Jaroslav Holík Dawn (until July 2015)
Freedom and Direct Democracy (after July 2015)
Pavel Holík Social Democracy Olomouc
Václav Horáček TOP 09 Liberec
Ludvík Hovorka KDU-ČSL Zlín
Gabriela Hubáčková Communist Ústí nad Labem
Stanislav Huml Social Democracy Central Bohemian
Jitka Chalánková TOP 09 Olomouc
Bohuslav Chalupa ANO 2011 South Moravian
Milan Chovanec Social Democracy Plzeň Interior Minister
Jan Chvojka Social Democracy Pardubice Minister for Human Rights and Equal Opportunities (from 1 December 2016)
Igor Jakubčík Social Democracy Plzeň
Vítězslav Jandák Social Democracy South Bohemian Left the parliament on 9 June 2017
Miloslav Janulík ANO 2011 South Moravian
Barbora Jelonková Social Democracy Moravian-Silesian Became a Deputy on 1 July 2017 [10]
Jaroslava Jermanová ANO 2011 Central Bohemian Left the parliament on 3 January 2017
Věra Jourová ANO 2011 Vysočina Minister of Regional Development from 29 January to 8 October 2014.
Left the parliament on 21 October 2014 to become European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality.
Jiří Junek KDU-ČSL Pardubice
Marian Jurečka KDU-ČSL Olomouc Minister of Agriculture
David Kádner Dawn Ústí nad Labem
Zuzana Kailová Social Democracy Ústí nad Labem
Miroslav Kalousek TOP 09 Central Bohemian
Vít Kaňkovský KDU-ČSL Vysočina
Simeon Karamazov Civic Democratic Party Pardubice
David Kasal ANO 2011 Pardubice
Jan Klán Communist Central Bohemian
Jaroslav Klaška KDU-ČSL South Moravian
Václav Klučka Social Democracy Moravian-Silesian
Martin Kolovratník ANO 2011 Pardubice
Martin Komárek ANO 2011 Liberec
Kateřina Konečná
Vladimír Koníček Communist Zlín
Daniel Korte TOP 09 Prague
Petr Kořenek Social Democracy Zlín
Jiří Koskuba Social Democracy Prague
Rom Kostřica TOP 09 South Moravian
Josef Kott ANO 2011 Vysočina
Jiří Koubek TOP 09 Prague
Pavel Kováčik Communist Vysočina
Věra Kovářová TOP 09 Central Bohemian
Jaroslav Krákora Social Democracy Ústí nad Labem
Roman Kubíček ANO 2011 South Bohemian
Michal Kučera TOP 09 Ústí nad Labem
Petr Kudela KDU-ČSL Moravian-Silesian
Helena Langšádlová TOP 09 Central Bohemian
Martin Lank Dawn (until May 2017) [11]
Independent (after May 2017)
František Laudát TOP 09 Prague
Jaroslav Lobkowicz TOP 09 Plzeň
Jana Lorencová ANO 2011 Moravian-Silesian
Leo Luzar Communist Moravian-Silesian Became a Deputy on 1 July 2014 [12]
Stanislav Mackovík Communist Liberec
Soňa Marková Communist Hradec Králové
Květa Matušovská Communist Pardubice
Radka Maxová ANO 2011 South Bohemian
Jiří Mihola KDU-ČSL South Moravian
Jan Mládek Social Democracy South Bohemian Minister of Industry and Trade
Josef Nekl Communist Olomouc
Miroslava Němcová Civic Democratic Party Prague
Alena Nohavová Communist South Bohemian
Nina Nováková TOP 09 Central Bohemian
Josef Novotný Social Democracy Karlovy Vary
Martin Novotný Civic Democratic Party Olomouc
Igor Nykl ANO 2011 Moravian-Silesian
Pavlína Nytrová Social Democracy Moravian-Silesian
Tomio Okamura Dawn – National Coalition (until May 2015)
Freedom and Direct Democracy (after May 2015)
Central Bohemian Leader of Freedom and Direct Democracy.
Ladislav Okleštěk ANO 2011 Olomouc
Zdeněk Ondráček Communist Hradec Králové
Miroslav Opálka Communist Moravian-Silesian
Jana Pastuchová ANO 2011 Liberec
Herbert Pavera TOP 09 Moravian-Silesian
Gabriela Pecková TOP 09 Prague
Marie Pěnčíková Communist Zlín
Miloš Petera
František Petrtýl ANO 2011 Central Bohemian Became a Deputy on 3 January 2017, [13] replacing Jaroslava Jermanová
Jiří Petrů Social Democracy South Moravian
Stanislav Pfléger ANO 2011 Ústí nad Labem
Ivan Pilný ANO 2011 Hradec Králové Finance Minister (from 24 May 2017)
Lukáš Pleticha Social Democracy Liberec
Martin Plíšek TOP 09 Prague Became a Deputy on 1 July 2014 [14]
Pavel Ploc Social Democracy Liberec
Pavel Plzák ANO 2011 Hradec Králové
Tomáš Podivínský
Ivo Pojezný Communist South Moravian
Stanislav Polčák
Jiří Pospíšil Civic Democratic Party Plzeň Left the parliament on 20 June 2014 to become a Member of the European Parliament for TOP 09.
Karel Pražák South Bohemian
Roman Procházka ANO 2011 Karlovy Vary
Anna Putnová TOP 09 South Moravian
Karel Rais ANO 2011 South Moravian
Miloslava Rutová ANO 2011 Plzeň Became a Deputy on 14 January 2016 [15]
Adam Rykala Social Democracy Moravian-Silesian
Antonín Seďa Social Democracy Zlín
Jan Sedláček ANO 2011 Moravian-Silesian
Martin Sedlář ANO 2011 Moravian-Silesian
Marta Semelová Communist Prague
Bronislav Schwarz ANO 2011 Ústí nad Labem
Karel Schwarzenberg TOP 09 Prague
Jiří Skalický TOP 09 Pardubice
Roman Sklenák Social Democracy South Moravian
Jan Skopeček Civic Democratic Party Central Bohemian Became a Deputy on 14 March 2017, [16] replacing Adolf Beznoska. [5]
Václav Snopek Communist Pardubice
Bohuslav Sobotka Social Democracy South Moravian Prime Minister (see Bohuslav Sobotka's Cabinet)
Jan Sobotka
Zdeněk Soukup ANO 2011 Karlovy Vary
Zbyněk Stanjura Civic Democratic Party Moravian-Silesian
Miroslava Strnadlová Social Democracy Zlín
Martin Stropnický ANO 2011 South Moravian Minister of Defence
Štěpán Stupčuk Social Democracy Prague
Bohuslav Svoboda Civic Democratic Party Prague
Zdeněk Syblík Social Democracy Central Bohemian Became a Deputy on 28 August 2014 [17]
Zuzana Šánová ANO 2011 Vysočina Became a Deputy on 21 October 2014, [18] replacing Věra Jourová.
Milan Šarapatka Prague
Josef Šenfeld Communist Ústí nad Labem
Karel Šidlo Communist Plzeň
Ladislav Šincl
Pavel Šrámek ANO 2011 Plzeň
Jiří Štětina Dawn Hradec Králové
Jeroným Tejc Social Democracy South Moravian
Lubomír Toufar Social Democracy South Moravian
Karel Tureček TOP 09 (until 10 March 2016) [19]
ANO 2011 (after 10 March 2016)
Josef Uhlík KDU-ČSL South Moravian
Milan Urban Social Democracy Central Bohemian
Dana Váhalová Social Democracy Moravian-Silesian
František Vácha TOP 09 South Bohemian
Jiří Valenta Communist Plzeň
Václav Valhoda Social Democracy South Bohemian Became a Deputy on 9 June 2017 [20]
Helena Válková ANO 2011 Prague Minister of Justice (until 1 March 2015)
Roman Váňa Social Democracy Olomouc
Ladislav Velebný Social Democracy Moravian-Silesian
Vladislav Vilímec Civic Democratic Party Plzeň Became a Deputy on 20 June 2014, [21] replacing Jiří Pospíšil.
Pavel Volčík ANO 2011 Zlín
Jan Volný ANO 2011 Plzeň
Radek Vondráček ANO 2011 Zlín
Josef Vondrášek Communist Central Bohemian
Miloslava Vostrá Communist Central Bohemian
Václav Votava Social Democracy Plzeň
Josef Vozdecký
Vlastimil Vozka ANO 2011 Ústí nad Labem
Rostislav Vyzula ANO 2011 South Moravian
Markéta Wernerová Social Democracy Karlovy Vary
Josef Zahradníček Communist Vysočina
Jan Zahradník Civic Democratic Party South Bohemian
Lubomír Zaorálek Social Democracy Moravian-Silesian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Jaroslav Zavadil Social Democracy Prague
Kristýna Zelienková TOP 09 Central Bohemian
Jiří Zemánek Social Democracy Olomouc
Václav Zemek Social Democracy Central Bohemian
Jiří Zimola
Jiří Zlatuška ANO 2011 Prague
Marek Ženíšek TOP 09 Plzeň


  1. Electoral system IPU
  2. 1 2 3 Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic - list of current members (in Czech)
  3. "Za Konvičku jsem zvolen nebyl, řekl poslanec Adam po odchodu z Úsvitu". (in Czech). 15 September 2015. Retrieved 15 September 2015.
  4. Königová, Marie; Adamičková, Naďa (20 November 2013). "První rezignace ve Sněmovně: Bačiak z ANO ještě před slibem složil mandát". Retrieved 25 November 2013.
  5. 1 2 "Sněmovna má nového poslance, Beznosku, mířícího do NKÚ, nahradil Skopeček". 14 March 2017. Retrieved 14 March 2017.
  6. "Vlasta Bohdalová". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  7. "Matěj Fichtner". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  8. "Vlastimil Gabrhel". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  9. "Pavla Golasowská". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  10. "Barbora Jelonková". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  11. "Poslanec Lank opustil Úsvit, míří k Realistům. Bude pro nás posilou, slibuje si šéf strany Robejšek". Aktuálně.cz (in Czech). 25 May 2017. Retrieved 6 June 2017.
  12. "Leo Luzar". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  13. "František Petrtýl". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  14. "Martin Plíšek". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  15. "Miloslava Rutová". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  16. "Jan Skopeček". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  17. "Zdeněk Syblík". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  18. "Zuzana Šánová". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  19. Kopecký, Josef (10 March 2016). "Turečka vyhodili z klubu TOP 09. Politika "Antibabiš" je mi cizí, říká". Retrieved 12 May 2016.
  20. "Václav Valhoda". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.
  21. "Vladislav Vilímec". Czech Parliament. Retrieved 16 July 2017.

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