List of bus operator companies in Indonesia

Last updated

This is a list of bus companies in Indonesia .

In Indonesia, long-distance buses are categorized into 2 types, namely "intercity bus within the province" (Indonesian : Antarkota Dalam Provinsi or AKDP) and "intercity interprovince bus" (Antarkota Antarprovinsi or AKAP). There are many bus companies that exist, numbering up to thousands of companies. [1]


Sudiro Tungga Jaya AKDP PATAS Surabaya-Magetan (Oktober_2022) Sudiro Tungga Jaya AKDP patas Surabaya-Magetan (Oktober 2022).jpg
Sudiro Tungga Jaya AKDP PATAS Surabaya–Magetan (Oktober_2022)

Inter-city buses

Sinar Jaya AKAP Surabaya-Jakarta (2022) Sinar Jaya AKAP Surabaya-Jakarta (2022).jpg
Sinar Jaya AKAP Surabaya–Jakarta (2022)
Efisiensi Bus tingkat.jpg

Bus rapid transit

TransJakarta at Harmoni Central Harmoni Central Busway Transjakarta 1.JPG
TransJakarta at Harmoni Central

Trans Pakuan Bus in Selter 2 Tugu Narkoba, 2021 Trans Pakuan Bus in Tugu Narkoba 2 Shelter, 2021.jpg
Trans Pakuan Bus in Selter 2 Tugu Narkoba, 2021

City bus companies

Kopaja (Koperasi Angkutan Jakarta), a city bus of Jakarta Mitsubishi Colt Diesel bus of Kopaja 20060708.jpg
Kopaja (Koperasi Angkutan Jakarta), a city bus of Jakarta

Greater Jakarta

Active operator

Former operators

  • APTB (Angkutan Perbatasan Terintegrasi Bus Transjakarta)
  • ARH (Arief Rahman Hakim)
  • Arion
  • BKTB (Bus Kota Terintegrasi Bus Transjakarta)
  • Himpurna
  • Garuda Mas
  • Medal Sekarwangi
  • Pahala Kencana
  • SMS

Greater Surabaya

The bumper color on each regular city bus unit in Surabaya shows the class identity of the bus. The dark blue bumper is used by the economy bus unit, while the red-orange bumper is used by the patas bus unit. However, the AC patas bus unit does not use this identity, but maintains the original bumper produced by the bodywork company. 14 Bus Kota Surabaya PO Akas NR Trayek D Tujuan Bratang Mengantre Jam Pemberangkatan di Shelter Bus Kota Terminal Purabaya.jpg
The bumper color on each regular city bus unit in Surabaya shows the class identity of the bus. The dark blue bumper is used by the economy bus unit, while the red-orange bumper is used by the patas bus unit. However, the AC patas bus unit does not use this identity, but maintains the original bumper produced by the bodywork company.


Passenger and freighter

Tourist bus

City tour buses

Bandros (Bandung Tour On The Bus), city tour bus in Bandung Perjalanan Bus Bandros.jpg
Bandros (Bandung Tour On The Bus), city tour bus in Bandung
Jakarta Doubledecker Tourist Bus at Sarinah Thamrin (cropped) Jakarta Doubledecker Tourist Bus at Sarinah Thamrin (cropped).jpg
Jakarta Doubledecker Tourist Bus at Sarinah Thamrin (cropped)

Other companies

A tourist bus from PO Budiman Bus pariwisata Budiman.jpg
A tourist bus from PO Budiman

City buses

Intercity buses

Tourist bus

See also


  1. Bus Indonesia: Daftar Perusahaan Otobis di Indonesia