This is a list of the current 163 state-funded fully selective schools (grammar schools) in England, as enumerated by Statutory Instrument. [2] [3] [4] The 1998 Statutory Instrument listed 166 such schools. However, in 2000 Bristol Local Education Authority, following consultation, implemented changes removing selection by 11+ exam from the entry requirements for two of the schools on this original list. [5] Two schools (Chatham House Grammar School and Clarendon House Grammar School) merged in 2013. [6] This list does not include former direct grant grammar schools which elected to remain independent, often retaining the title grammar school. For such schools see the list of direct grant grammar schools.
Under the Tripartite System of secondary education in England between the 1940s and 1960s, approximately a quarter of children were selected by the eleven plus exam for entry to grammar schools, either LEA-maintained grammar schools fully funded by the local education authority, or direct grant grammar schools funded by the Ministry of Education. Most of the maintained grammar schools were closed or converted to comprehensive schools in the 1960s and 1970s, though a few local authorities resisted this move and retained a selective system. There are also a number of isolated grammar schools, which admit the candidates who score highest on their entry tests. [7] [8]
In addition to and distinct from grammar schools, selection for entry to state schools also continues at partially-selective schools (sometimes known as bilateral schools). While technically classified as comprehensive schools, they occupy a middle ground between grammar schools and true comprehensives, and many of the arguments for and against grammar schools also apply to these schools.
The remaining 163 English state grammar schools are listed here grouped by region (from north to south) and Local Education Authority. There are no remaining state grammar schools in North East England. The gender indicated is that of the main school (ages 11–16). Several single-sex schools have sixth forms that also admit a small number of students of the opposite sex.