List of military aircraft of the Soviet Union and the CIS

Last updated

This list of the military aircraft of the Soviet Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) includes experimental, prototypes, and operational types regardless of era. It also includes both native Soviet designs, Soviet-produced copies of foreign designs, and foreign-produced aircraft that served in the military of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its successor states of the CIS. The service time frame begins with the year the aircraft entered military service (not the date of first flight, as reported by some sources). Stated production quantities, which are often very approximate, include all variants of the aircraft type produced for the USSR, unless otherwise noted.


Wikipedia convention is to use the Soviet or Russian names and designations for these aircraft, not the post-World War II NATO reporting names, although these will be used as redirects to guide the reader to the desired article. The reporting names assigned by Western intelligence agencies listed here are provided for ease of reference; they are by no means complete.


TypeNo. BuiltService periodNATO nameRemarks
Alekseyev I-21/211/215 3n/a
Bell P-39 Airacobra 4,7191943–1949Lend-Lease from the United States
Bell P-63 Kingcobra 2,3971944–1950FredLend-Lease from the United States
Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk/Kittyhawk 2,4251941–1945Lend-Lease from the United States
Grigorovich I-1 1n/a
Grigorovich I-2 & I-2bis2111924–?n/a
Grigorovich DI-3 1n/a
Grigorovich I-Z 731933–1936n/a
Grigorovich IP-1 91 ca.1936–1940n/a
Heinkel I-7 1341931–?
Ilyushin I-21 2n/a
Kochyerigin DI-6 2221934–?n/aTwo seater
Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Goudkov LaGG-1 ~1001940–1945?n/a
Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Goudkov LaGG-3 6,2581940?–1945n/a
Lavochkin La-5 9,9201942–1940s?n/aIncludes trainers.
Lavochkin La-7 5,7531944–?FinIncludes trainers.
Lavochkin La-9 1,559–1,8951946–?FritzIncludes trainers.
Lavochkin La-11 1,1821948–?Fang
Lavochkin La-15 2351949–1954Fantail
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-1 1001940–?n/a
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 3,1201941–1945n/aIncludes propeller-driven MiG-9.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-9 (jet)5501946–?FargoIncludes trainers.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-13/I-250 10-20-n/a
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 ~12,0001949–?FagotIncludes trainers.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 10,0001952–1970sFresco
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 ~8,5001955–?Farmerincludes foreign production.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 10,000+1959Fishbedincludes foreign production and trainers
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 ~5,0001970Flogger
Mikoyan-Gurevich I-75 1?Prototype interceptor lost to Su-9.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25P1,1901972-2007FoxbatIncludes trainers.
Mikoyan MiG-27 1,0701982Flogger D/J
Mikoyan MiG-29 1,600+1983FulcrumIncludes trainers.
Mikoyan MiG-31 ~5001982Foxhound
Mikoyan MiG-33 Fulcrum EMiG-29M marketing designation.
Mikoyan MiG-35 Fulcrum FPrototype for export.
Mikoyan LMFS 1.27Light Multi-function Frontal Aircraft.
Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-152A 11960–1965FlipperFinal MiG-21 experimental model.
Polikarpov I-1 35-n/anot used
Polikarpov I-3 3891929–1935n/a
Polikarpov I-5 8031931–1942n/a
Polikarpov I-6 2-n/aprototype for I-5
Polikarpov I-15 "Chaika"7,175+1935–1944n/a
Polikarpov I-16 "Ishak"9,004+1935–1940sn/aPossibly 7364 fighters and 1895 trainers built.
Polikarpov I-17 3n/aprototypes only
Sukhoi Su-1/I-33011940n/ahigh-altitude fighter prototype.
Sukhoi Su-1/I-36011941n/aSu-1 with revised wing, did not fly.
Sukhoi Su-5/I-10711945n/amixed-power propeller/motorjet prototype.
Sukhoi Su-7 (1944) 11944–1945n/aMixed-power interceptor developed from attack Su-6.
Sukhoi Su-7 < 2001956–?Fitter-ASwept-wing 'Fitter' model.
Sukhoi Su-9 < 1,1001959-1970Fishpot-A/B
Sukhoi Su-11 1081964–1983Fishpot-CImproved Su-9, some modified from Su-9.
Sukhoi Su-15 < 1,5001967–1992FlagonInclude trainers. Su-15TM not redesignated Su-21.
Sukhoi Su-27 ~6801984Flankerincludes exports and trainers
Sukhoi Su-30 630+1992Flanker-C/G/HInterceptor, was Su-27PU.
Sukhoi Su-33 ~351994Flanker-DIncludes trainer; carrier fighter, was Su-27K.
Sukhoi Su-35 1511997Flanker-EWas Su-27M.
Sukhoi Su-37 2Flanker-Fcancelled Su-35 development.
Sukhoi Su-47 FirkinTechnology demonstrator
Sukhoi Su-57 352020Felon25 Su-57 Felon Serial + 10 Prototypes
Tupolev I-4 3691928–1933n/a
Tupolev Tu-28/Tu-1281981965–1992Fiddler-A/B
Yakovlev Yak-1 ~8,7201940–1945n/aIncludes trainers.
Yakovlev Yak-3 4,8481944–1945n/aIncludes trainers.
Yakovlev Yak-9 16,7691942–?FrankIncludes trainers.
Yakovlev Yak-15 ~2801947–?Feather
Yakovlev Yak-17 4301948–?FeatherIncludes trainers.
Yakovlev Yak-23 3101949–1950sFloraReplaced by MiG-15.
Yakovlev Yak-25 4801955–1967Flashlight
Yakovlev Yak-28P~1,7001967–1980sFirebar
Yakovlev Yak-38 2311976–1991ForgerVTOL carrier fighter
Supermarine Spitfire Vb 1431943n/a British War-Aid
Supermarine Spitfire IX 12001943-1947n/a British War-Aid
Hawker Hurricane IIA 1961941-?n/a British War-Aid
Hawker Hurricane IIB 16061941-?n/a British War-Aid
Hawker Hurricane IIC11361941-?n/a British War-Aid
Hawker Hurricane IID 461942-?n/a British War-Aid
Hawker Hurricane IV301943-?n/a British War-Aid


TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
Ilyushin Il-2 "Sturmovik"29,9371941–1950sBarkExcludes Il-10.
Ilyushin Il-10 5,0261944–1956BeastExcludes Czech production; includes trainers.
Ilyushin Il-40 21953BrawnyPrototypes only.
Kochyerigin LBSh 21939n/aPrototypes only. Cancelled in favor of Il-2
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 5,0471970–1998FloggerIncludes 3,630 fighters and trainers, but excludes MiG-27s.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25BM~1001982–?Foxbat-F SEAD variant.
Mikoyan MiG-27 9251975Flogger-D/JExcludes Indian production. Ground-attack MiG-23.
Polikarpov I-15 "Chaika"> 7,1751935–1944n/a
Polikarpov I-16 "Ishak"> 9,0041935–1940sn/aPossibly 7,364 fighters and 1,895 trainers built.
Sukhoi Su-2 > 5001940–1942n/aLater used as squadron hacks.
Sukhoi Su-7B1,700–1,8001961–1986Fitter-AIncludes trainers and ~600 exports.
Sukhoi Su-17 "Strizh"2,8671971FitterIncludes 500+ for export and trainers.
Sukhoi Su-24 "Chemodan"1,4001974Fencer700+ for the USSR, includes 110+ reconnaissance variants.
Sukhoi Su-25 "Grach">5801981FrogfootIncludes trainers; ~80 being upgraded to Su-25SM.
Sukhoi Su-25T/Su-25TM/Su-39 201996Frogfoot20 Su-25T built; 8 upgraded to Su-39TM.
Sukhoi Su-30M500+1990sFlanker-F (Variant 2)Multirole Su-27; 4+ built.
Sukhoi Su-34/Su-27IB/Su-32FN742014FullbackDeliveries ongoing.
Yakovlev Yak-7 6,3391942–?n/aIncludes trainers.
Yakovlev Yak-38 2311976-1994ForgerNaval VTOL fighter-bomber.


TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
Archangelski Ar-2 ?1940–1941n/aRefined Tupolev SB
Bolkhovitinov DB-A 141935–?
Douglas A-20 Havoc 2,9081940sBoxLend-lease from the United States.
Ilyushin DB-3 1,5281936–?n/aExcludes Il-4.
Ilyushin Il-4 5,2561941-1950sBobIncludes trainers.
Ilyushin Il-28 2,000+1950–1980sBeagleexcludes Chinese Hong H-5 version.
Ilyushin Il-54/Il-1491BlowlampCancelled.
Myasishchev M-4 "Molot"1955-1960sBison93 all variants, few used; most converted to M-4-2 tankers.
M-50/M-52 21957BounderPrototypes only.
North American B-25C/D/S/G/J8661941BankLend-lease from the United States.
Petlyakov Pe-2 "Peschka"11,4271941-1950sBuckIncludes trainers.
Petlyakov Pe-8/TB-7~961941–1950sn/a93 or 96 built.
Polikarpov R-1 & R-2 2,800+1924–1934n/a Airco DH.9A copy.
Tupolev DB-1 181934–1937n/adevelopment of ANT-25
Tupolev SB "Katyusha"6,6561936–1944n/aIncludes trainers.
Tupolev TB-1 2121929–?n/a
Tupolev TB-3 8181930–1942n/aAlso mothership for parasite I-16s
Tupolev Tu-2 2,5271943–1950Bat
Tupolev Tu-4 8471949–1960sBull Boeing B-29 Superfortress copy.
Tupolev Tu-12/Tu-7741947–1950n/aNo production.
Tupolev Tu-14 ~1001949–?BosunInclude reconnaissance and torpedo bomber versions; most to the navy.
Tupolev Tu-16 1,507+1954–1993Badger
Tupolev Tu-22 "Shilo"~250-3001962BlinderExcludes Tu-22M 'Backfire', Includes trainers.
Tupolev Tu-22M ~5001972Backfire
Tupolev Tu-73 11947–1948n/aEnlarged Tu-72 naval bomber.
Tupolev Tu-80 11949n/aImproved Tu-4.
Tupolev Tu-82/Tu-221Butcher
Tupolev Tu-85 2BargeFinal Tu-4 refinement.
Tupolev Tu-91 Boot1954 prototype naval bomber
Tupolev Tu-95 300+1956–1997BearIncludes trainers.
Tupolev Tu-95MS1984Bear-HTu-142 airframe.
Tupolev Tu-98 2Backfin1955 Technology demonstrator.
Tupolev Tu-160 161987Blackjack
Tu PAK DA ?No prototypes
Yakovlev Yak-2 1111940–?n/a
Yakovlev Yak-4 901941–1945n/aNight bomber later used for reconnaissance.
Yakovlev Yak-26 9?Flashlight-BVersion of Yak-25 interceptor.
Yakovlev Yak-28 ~7001960–1994Brewer
Yermolayev Yer-2 ~3201941–?n/a


TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
Antonov An-30 1974ClankAerial survey; few built.
Ilyushin Il-28R?Beagle
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21R1965Fishbed-H
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25R1970Foxbat1190 built all variants.
Myasishchev M-17/M-55 "Geofizika" 6+1982Mystic-A/BWas ELINT, One used for meteorological research.
Neman R-10 4901937–1943n/a
Polikarpov R-1 & R-2 2,800+1924–1934n/a Airco DH.9A copy. Also light bomber.
Polikarpov R-5 4901928–1944n/a
Polikarpov R-Z 1,0311935–1941?n/aImproved R-5.
Sukhoi Su-17R "Strizh"?FitterSome Su-17M used reconnaissance pods. Su-20R was export only.
Sukhoi Su-24MR110+1985Fencer-E
Tupolev R-3 1031926–?n/a
Tupolev R-6 7,000+1929–?n/aAll variants.
Tupolev R-7 1?n/a1930 prototype
Tupolev Tu-16R1,507+?Badger-E
Tupolev Tu-22R1271962–?Blinder-C
Yakovlev Yak-4 901941–1945n/aReassigned to reconnaissance.
Yakovlev Yak-25RV1651959–1974MandrakeTwo unmanned variants.
Yakovlev Yak-27R~160-1801960–?Mangrove
Yakovlev Yak-28R220+1960s-1990sBrewer-D

Maritime patrol

TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
Antonov An-72P1987Coaler
Beriev Be-2/KOR-1 1938–1942MoteCruiser floatplane
Beriev Be-4/KOR-2 1941–?MugFlying boat
Beriev Be-6 1949–1960sMadgeFlying boat
Beriev Be-10 1956–?MallowJet flying boat; few produced.
Beriev Be-12 "Chaika"1961MailAmphibious
Beriev Be-42/Be-44 "Albatros"1989MermaidAmphibious
Consolidated PBY/PBN "Catalina"1939-?MopAmphibious
Ilyushin Il-38 ~1001971MaySome with the Indian Navy.
Myasishchev 3M/3MD "Molot"931956–1980sBison-B/CConverted to tankers.
Tupolev Tu-16PL/R/RM/SP1,507+?–1994Badger-D/E/F
Tupolev Tu-95MR121970sBear-E
Tupolev Tu-142/Tu-142M 1972Bear-F

Airborne early warning and control

TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
An-71 31985–1991MadcapCancelled
Beriev A-50 "Shmel"~401986MainstayModified IL-76
Ilyushin Il-18D/V7+?Coot-B5+ Il-18D and 2 Il-18V built.
Ilyushin Il-18D-36 "Bizon"20+1970s–?Coot-B
Ilyushin Il-22M-11 "Zebra"21+1987Coot-B
Ilyushin Il-76VKP/Il-8221990s
Ilyushin Il-86VKP/Il-87 Aimak4+1990sMaxdome
Tupolev Tu-126 81968–1980sMossModified Tu-114 airliner
Tupolev Tu-142MR10+1980Bear-J

Electronic warfare

TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
Antonov An-12B-PP/BK-IS/-PP/-PPS150+1964Cub-A/B/C/D EW
Antonov An-26M?CurlELINT;
Antonov An-26RM/RTR/RR42+1986Curl-BSIGINT/COMINT variants.
Ilyushin Il-20RT1978Coot-AELINT variant.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25RB?FoxbatELINT variants
Sukhoi Su-24MP12-241980sFencer-FELINT variant.
Tupolev Tu-16Ye/P/SPS and "Elka"?–1994Badger-A/H/J/K/L
Tupolev Tu-22P47?Blinder-E
Tupolev Tu-22MR20+1990sBackfireConversions
Tupolev Tu-95RT451960sBear-D
Yakovlev Yak-28PP120+1970-1990sBrewer-EEscort jammer

Transport and liaison

TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
Antonov An-2 "Annushka"5000+1947ColtMany other operators, excludes Polish production.
Antonov An-8 1511956–2004Camp
Antonov An-10 "Ukraine"1081957–1972CatPassenger version of An-12 cargo.
Antonov An-12 1,2531959Cub
Antonov An-14 "Pchelka"~3001958–?ClodMost for Aeroflot, some to military.
Antonov An-22 "Antei"661967Cock
Antonov An-24 ~1,4651963Coke
Antonov An-26 1,3981969Curl
Antonov An-28 1911969CashBuilt in Poland.
Antonov An-30 1231968ClankMapping development of An-24/An-26.
Antonov An-32 3571977ClineRe-engined An-26.
Antonov An-72A "Cheburashka"1987Coaler-C180+ An-72 and An-74 built; in production
Antonov An-74 "Cheburashka"1990sCoaler-B180+ An-72 and An-74 built; in production
Antonov An-124 "Ruslan"561986Condor
Antonov An-225 "Mriya"11989–2022CossackOperated commercially from 2001-2022. The An-225 was destroyed in the Battle of Antonov Airport during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Ilyushin Il-12 6631945–?CoachMost for Aeroflot, some to military.
Ilyushin Il-14 1,000+1953–?Crate
Ilyushin Il-18 ~251965–?Coot~25 used as VIP transports.
Ilyushin Il-62M20+1974Classic
Ilyushin Il-76 900+1978Candid
Ilyushin Il-86 1031977–1994Camber
Ilyushin Il-96PU22003Two used by Russian president
Ilyushin Il-112VTunder development
Kharkiv KhAI-5 60+1940–?n/aconverted bomber
Lisunov Li-2 2,000+CabLicense-built Douglas DC-3.
Polikarpov Po-2 ~30,0001929–?MuleUtility biplane
Tupolev PS-9 ~701933–?n/a
Tupolev Tu-104 2001955–?Camel
Tupolev Tu-110 31957CookerUsed as testbeds.
Tupolev Tu-114 "Rossiya"311957–1975Cleat
Tupolev Tu-124 1651960–?CookpotSome used as trainers (Tu-124Sh-1 and Sh-2).
Tupolev Tu-134BSh/UBL?CrustyTu-22M and Tu-160 crew trainer .
Tupolev Tu-154M?–2006CarelessSome used as VIP transports.
Tupolev Tu-204/214681995Number includes Tupolev Tu-214.
Yakovlev Yak-6 3811942–1950CribLight bomber and transport.
Yakovlev Yak-10 40(?)1945–1947CrowWas Yak-14.
Yakovlev Yak-12 3,8011947–?CreekYak-10 development.
Yakovlev Yak-14 4131948–?n/aGlider
Yakovlev Yak-16 1948–?CorkSome used for training
Yakovlev Yak-40 1968CodlingA few dozen used by military
Yakovlev Yak-42 1980ClobberTu-134 replacement


TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
Ilyushin Il-76MDKPlanned tanker conversion
Ilyushin Il-78/Il-78Mup to 301989MidasConverted airliner
Myasishchev 3MS-2/3MN-2 "Molot"?–1990sBisonConverted bomber
Myasishchev M-4-2 "Molot"?–1994BisonConverted bomber
Tupolev Tu-16D/N/Z?–1996Badger-A


TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
Aero L-29 "Delphin"2,000+1963MayaCzechoslovakian jet.
Aero L-39 "Albatros"1972n/aCzechoslovakian jet
Avro 504 (U-1) 700+1918–?n/a
Ilyushin Il-28U?–1980sMascot
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15UTI?–1970sMidget
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21U1962Mongol
Polikarpov U-2 ~30,0001929–?MuleAlso used by other operators
North American AT-6 82? Lend-Lease from the United States
Sukhoi Su-7U?–1980sMoujik
Sukhoi Su-9U~501962–1970sMaiden
Sukhoi Su-11U?–1983Maiden
Yakovlev UT-1 1,2411936–?n/a
Yakovlev UT-2 7,2431937–1950sMinkMain World War II basic trainer.
Yakovlev Yak-7U6,399?Mark
Yakovlev Yak-11 4,5661946–1962Moose
Yakovlev Yak-17UTI~430?Magnet
Yakovlev Yak-18 9,000+1946Max
Yakovlev Yak-28U?–1994Maestro
Yakovlev Yak-30 4Magnumlost to L-29 Delfin.
Yakovlev Yak-52 ~1,8001976n/a


TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
Kamov Ka-15/Ka-18Hen
Kamov Ka-20 Harp
Kamov Ka-22 "Vintokryl"Hoop
Kamov Ka-25 1401960sHormoneFor the Soviet Navy
Kamov Ka-26 816+1970Hoodlum-Anumber includes military and civilian examples.
Kamov Ka-226 "Sergei"~10Hoodlum-C~10 on order for the Russian Navy.
Kamov Ka-27/Ka-292671982HelixAll variants, 59 Ka-29 troop transports.
Kamov Ka-31 2003?Helix 'B'Naval AEW Platform
Kamov Ka-32 170+2006Helix 'C'umber includes military and civilian examples.
Kamov Ka-50 "Chernaya Akula"81995Hokum-APrototypes
Kamov Ka-52 1002012Hokum-B
Mil Mi-1 < 1,8001951–?HareProduction transferred to Poland. Military and civilian use
PZL Mi-2 5,250+1965Hoplitebuilt in Poland for military and civilian use.
Mil Mi-4 < 3,5001953–?HoundProduced for military and civil use and exported.
Mil Mi-6/Mi-22~8601960HookProduced for military and civil use and exported.
Mil Mi-8 17,000+1967HipAll variants including Mi-17 (see below) and exports.
Mil Mi-9/Mi-191977Hip-G/?Mi-8/Mi-17 Airborne command post
Mil Mi-10 55+1963HarkeIn civilian use by NPO-Vzylot
Mil Mi-14 ~75-1001975Haze
Mil Mi-17/Mi-8M?1977Hip-H
Mil Mi-24 "Krokodil"5,200+1973Hindincludes exports, Mi-24V redesignated as Mi-35
Mil Mi-26 ~3001982Halo
Mil Mi-28 "'Ночной охотник'"242009Havocmore planned
Yakovlev Yak-24 ~1001952–?Horse


TypeNo.Service periodNATO nameRemarks
Antonov An-74AEW/An-711MadcapPrototype AEW variant.
Beriev A-60 2Laser-armed Il-76MD.
Bisnovat 5 2Rocket research aircraft.
Mikoyan-Gurevich I-270 2n/a1945 rocket interceptor, cancelled.
Mikoyan Project 1.44 1FlatpackTechnology demonstrator.
Mil V-12 2HomerPrototype helicopter.
Myasishchev M-50/M-522BounderCancelled intercontinental bomber.
OKB-1 EF 140 1 Junkers jet bomber development.
Sukhoi Su-47/S-37 "Berkut"1FirkinForward-swept wing demonstrator.
Sukhoi T-4 1Reconnaissance/strike/interceptor, cancelled.
Tupolev I-12 11931 fighter armed with recoilless 76 mm cannons.
Yakovlev Yak-36 4Freehand1960s experimental VTOL aircraft; only 2 flown.
Yakovlev Yak-141 4Freestyle VTOL fighter; only 2 flown; cancelled.
Sukhoi Su-9 (1946) 2soviet attempt to make a early fighter jet.

See also