List of municipalities in Valencia

Last updated

Map of Spain with Valencia highlighted Valencia in Spain.svg
Map of Spain with Valencia highlighted

As of 2019, the province of Valencia in the Valencian Country, Spain, is composed of 266 municipalities.

The 266 municipalities of the province of Valencia. Valencia - Mapa municipal.svg
The 266 municipalities of the province of Valencia.
Ademuz 1,1151,2501,042
Ador 1,2371,4971,508
Agullent 2,2792,4642,410
Aielo de Malferit 4,1554,6954,618
Aielo de Rugat 197185155
Alaquàs 27,73330,14829,561
Albaida 5,9516,1535,900
Albal 12,65215,69516,399
Albalat de la Ribera 3,4313,4913,360
Albalat dels Sorells 3,4993,9093,977
Albalat dels Tarongers 7171,1381,232
Alberic 9,26811,15410,526
Alborache 9341,2451,160
Alboraia 18,20122,91524,454
Albuixech 3,0763,9484,017
Alcàntera de Xúquer 1,4191,3791,291
Alcàsser 7,5579,45910,039
Alcublas 812769628
L'Alcúdia de Crespins 4,3445,2315,157
L'Alcúdia 10,54711,39712,009
Aldaia 24,80030,64131,864
Alfafar 18,62220,70220,890
Alfara de la Baronia 490559557
Alfara del Patriarca 2,6233,2163,310
Alfarb 1,3531,5411,544
Alfarrasí 1,2281,3021,225
Alfauir 357421437
Algar de Palancia 424549481
Algemesí 24,56328,20327,331
Algímia d'Alfara 9471,0621,011
Alginet 11,94713,60713,380
Almàssera 5,9317,2967,349
Almiserà 247312262
Almoines 1,7092,3552,414
Almussafes 7,0708,4758,967
Alpuente 911759633
L'Alqueria de la Comtessa 1,4211,5131,476
Alzira 39,66844,6621,183
Andilla 372398319
Anna 2,7422,7292,628
Antella 1,5181,4141,175
Aras de los Olmos 383421381
Atzeneta d'Albaida 1,2631,2241,165
Ayora 5,4975,4385,312
Barx 1,2071,3231,277
Barxeta 1,6021,6221,601
Bèlgida 709720673
Bellreguard 3,9124,6794,608
Bellús 405355304
Benagéber 181170192
Benaguasil 9,11611,16210,988
Benavites 645629619
Beneixida 597706651
Benetússer 13,42514,92314,799
Beniarjó 1,2171,8101,765
Beniatjar 236234223
Benicolet 509625569
Benicull de Xúquer [4] 9641,012
Benifaió 12,05011,96511,962
Benifairó de la Valldigna 1,6921,6361,571
Benifairó de les Valls 1,8982,2352,186
Beniflà 221462457
Benigànim 5,5726,3025,841
Benimodo 1,9302,2792,268
Benimuslem 576676653
Beniparrell 1,6801,9931,952
Benirredrà 1,3221,6491,592
Benissanó 1,8282,3062,260
Benissoda 309413430
Benissuera 193189194
Bétera 15,23821,81524,272
Bicorb 662556533
Bocairent 4,4574,4764,195
Bolbaite 1,4471,4621,356
Bonrepòs i Mirambell 2,2313,4583,691
Bufalí 197187161
Bugarra 817814727
Bunyol 9,0909,8929,408
Burjassot 35,33037,94738,024
Calles 399468355
Camporrobles 1,3611,4021,191
Canals 12,71013,95113,587
Canet d'En Berenguer 3,0075,9886,697
Carcaixent 19,50820,63920,358
Càrcer 2,0012,0481,862
Carlet 14,21315,23715,598
Carrícola 839994
Casas Altas 161155131
Casas Bajas 273227164
Casinos 2,2682,8332,777
Castelló de la Ribera
(Villanueva de Castellón)
Castelló de Rugat 2,1862,3282,274
Castellonet de la Conquesta 139170147
Castielfabib 302301317
Catadau 2,3002,7582,777
Catarroja 20,99027,63128,120
Caudete de las Fuentes 820760700
Cerdà 279407331
Chella 2,5192,7532,435
Chelva 2,0461,7141,489
Chera 547590474
Cheste 7,0028,5898,494
Chiva 10,57715,08615,123
Chulilla 751710665
Cofrents 9671,0231,130
Corbera 3,0293,3083,100
Cortes de Pallás 8391,006814
Cotes 361387333
Cullera 20,37922,69222,145
Daimús 1,9223,1043,117
Domenyo 526715708
Dos Aguas 448507376
L'Eliana 13,66817,09518,235
Emperador 205629687
Énguera 5,1915,4254,752
L'Ènova 1,034998887
Estivella 1,1481,3861,456
Estubeny 152128121
Faura 2,8043,5203,538
Favara 1,7772,4322,518
Foios 5,5407,0207,367
La Font de la Figuera 2,0812,1702,038
La Font d'En Carròs 3,1904,0053,794
Fontanars dels Alforins 9821,009971
Fortaleny 9971,0301,026
Fuenterrobles 706716682
Gandia 59,85077,59574,562
Gàtova 471436378
Gavarda 1,1691,1141,038
Genovés 2,4782,8332,842
Gestalgar 624745556
Gilet 1,6313,2883,324
Godella 11,08013,16213,088
Godelleta 2,3653,3423,533
La Granja de la Costera 349412285
Guadassèquies 380446468
Guadassuar 5,4146,0845,893
Guardamar de la Safor 76499526
Figueroles de Domenyo
Xalans (Jalance)1,021977830
Xarafull (Jarafuel)849818754
Llanera de Ranes 1,0381,1071,055
Llaurí 1,4021,3041,170
Llíria 17,21123,28923,253
Llocnou de la Corona 109152118
Llocnou de Sant Jeroni 573568546
Llocnou d'En Fenollet 798902916
Llombai 2,3272,8062,685
La Llosa de Ranes 3,7613,9703,575
Llutxent 2,4552,5092,345
Loriguilla 1,0451,8272,025
La Llosa del Bisbe
(Losa del Obispo)
Macastre 1,0631,3061,283
Manises 25,68530,88330,919
Manuel 2,4502,5662,428
Marines 1,3961,8661,828
Massalavés 1,5861,6461,596
Massalfassar 1,4122,3512,469
Massamagrell 13,13115,48715,952
Massanassa 7,3708,9059,667
Meliana 8,98810,68610,822
Millares 604452345
Miramar 1,3642,5182,634
Mislata 40,54843,51543,691
Moixent (Mogente)4,3164,6684,302
Moncada 18,63121,97321,935
Montaverner 1,7241,8151,630
Montesa 1,3481,3161,164
Montitxelvo 645667584
Montroi 1,6282,8502,867
Montserrat 3,3867,0667,878
Museros 4,1676,1686,458
Nàquera 3,0025,8726,577
Navarrés 2,7933,1922,968
Novetlè 633873837
Oliva 21,00327,17025,101
L'Olleria 7,1978,4008,281
Olocau 9191,6161,771
Ontinyent 32,66437,17435,347
Otos 524475434
Paiporta 18,86024,41126,088
Palma de Gandia 1,5861,7911,631
Palmera 6181,0171,024
El Palomar 511601590
Paterna 46,97466,85370,195
Pedralba 2,1952,8902,778
Petrés 822989997
Picanya 9,02411,22311,513
Picassent 16,33320,18620,942
Piles 2,1482,8012,685
Pinet 202176157
La Pobla de Farnals 5,2877,6857,978
La Pobla de Vallbona 12,93822,03624,433
La Pobla del Duc 2,5332,5132,543
La Pobla Llarga 4,3594,5764,452
Polinyà de Xúquer
(Polinyá de Júcar) [5]
Potríes 9379881,046
Puçol 14,96519,28919,495
La Pobla de Sant Miquel (Puebla de San Miguel)668062
El Puig de Santa Maria7,3528,9748,630
Quart de les Valls 1,0771,083988
Quart de Poblet 25,30525,25324,760
Quartell 1,3591,5231,636
Quatretonda 2,5382,4532,212
Quesa 753726670
Rafelbunyol 5,7278,6368,941
Rafelcofer 1,3671,4601,345
Rafelguaraf 2,3812,5142,335
El Ràfol de Salem 369423462
Real de Gandia 1,8702,2342,461
(Real de Montroi)
Requena 19,13521,27220,254
Riba-roja de Túria 14,20921,16322,264
Riola 1,5911,8761,759
Rocafort 5,3416,7957,240
Rotglà i Corberà 1,0001,1651,138
Ròtova 1,2591,2911,294
Rugat 183187158
Sagunt 56,47165,81366,140
Salem 477452424
Sant Antoni de Benaixeve
(San Antonio de Benagéber)
Sant Joan de l'Ènova 363479504
Sedaví 8,45710,14010,333
Segart 211191163
Sellent 474427389
Sempere 294334
Senyera 9711,1941,136
Serra de Portaceli 2,0043,3513,124
(Siete Aguas)
Silla 16,20818,87318,771
Simat de la Valldigna 3,0923,5763,329
Sinarques 1,1881,1751,125
Sollana 4,4714,9914,861
Sot de Xera 312415369
Sueca 25,37128,70827,479
Sumacàrcer 1,3231,2401,096
Tavernes Blanques 8,6539,3259,120
Tavernes de la Valldigna 16,52318,01417,201
Teresa de Cofrents 661660636
Terrateig 225308278
Titaigües 527512453
Torre Baixa (Torrebaja)423447411
Torrella 153159146
Torrent 65,41780,82982,208
Torres Torres 443596637
Tous 1,1991,2651,263
Toixa (Tuéjar)1,2181,2211,116
Torís 4,8796,6116,646
Utiel 11,50012,33511,531
València 738,441792,054794,288
Vallada 3,1113,3033,039
Vallanca 213161139
Vallés 96152157
Venta del Moro 1,5161,4181,207
Vilamarxant 6,1199,3259,717
Vilallonga 3,6964,3644,270
El Villar 3,4663,7463,554
Villargordo del Cabriel 666659589
Vinalesa 2,4313,2183,420
Xàtiva 25,73629,12529,231
Xeraco 5,1426,0655,655
Xeresa 1,8822,2912,168
Xirivella 26,71029,95229,623
Iàtova 1,9492,1032,067
La Iessa 252254229
Zarra 392489359

See also

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Place names and populations are taken from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE).

  1. Census of 1 November 2001: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid, 2019.
  2. Census of 1 November 2011: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid, 2019.
  3. Official estimate as at 1 January 2019: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid, 2019.
  4. Part of Polinyà de Xúquer in 2001
  5. Polinyà de Xúquer municipality was split into two municipalities (Benicull de Xúquer and Polinyá de Júcar) between the 2001 and 2011 Censuses; The 2001 population of the former is included in that given for the latter in the table above.