List of ships of the Spanish Armada

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The Spanish Armada was the fleet that attempted to escort an army from Flanders as a part the Habsburg Spanish invasion of England in 1588, was divided into ten "squadrons" (escuadras) [1] The twenty galleons in the Squadrons of Portugal and of Castile, together with one more galleon in the Squadron of Andalucia and the four galleasses from Naples, constituted the only purpose-built warships (apart from the four galleys, which proved ineffective in the Atlantic waters and soon departed for safety in French ports); the rest of the Armada comprised armed merchantmen (mostly naos/carracks) and various ancillary vessels including urcas (storeships, termed "hulks"), zabras and pataches, pinnaces, and (not included in the formal count) caravels. The division into squadrons was for administrative purposes only; upon sailing, the Armada could not keep to a formal order, and most ships sailed independently from the rest of their squadron. Each squadron was led by a flagship (capitana) and a "vice-flagship" (almiranta).
This list is compiled by a survey drawn up by Medina Sidonia on the Armada's departure from Lisbon on 9 May 1588 and sent to Felipe II; it was then published and quickly became available to the English. The numbers of sailors and soldiers mentioned below are as given in the same survey and thus also relate to this date.


List of Squadron Commanders

These commanders did not necessarily sail in the capitana (flagship) of the squadron of which they were technically in command. For example, Juan Martínez de Recalde, as second-in-command of the whole enterprise, was aboard Medina Sidonia's flagship São Martinho (or San Martin in Spanish), which also carried the Duke's principal staff officers - Diego Flores de Valdés (chief advisor on naval matters) and Francisco Arias de Bobadilla  [ es ] (the general in charge of the fleet's military contingent). In view of this, in the event of the loss of the fleet flagship with its commanders aboard, it was determined by Felipe II that command of the enterprise would then devolve upon Alonso Martínez de Leiva, who commanded the Rata Santa María Encoronada of the Squadron of Levantines.

Ships of the Squadrons [2]

Squadron of Portugal

Twelve ships comprising ten galleons and two zabras (total seamen 1,293; total soldiers 3,330);

NameTypeTonsBuilt atYear builtNo of gunsCrewTroopsFate
São Martinho
(Sp. San Martín)
galleon1,000Portugal157848161317Returned to Santander
São João
(Sp. San Juan)
galleon1,050Portugal158650156387Returned to A Coruña, subsequently burned there by Sir Francis Drake in May 1589
São Marcos
(Sp. San Marcos)
galleon790Portugal158533108274Wrecked on the coast of County Clare, Ireland.
São Luís
(Sp. San Luis)
galleon830Portugal158538100339Returned to Santander
São Filipe
(Sp. San Felipe)
galleon800Portugal158540108362Ran aground and lost off Flanders, between Nieuport and Ostend.
São Mateus
(Sp. San Mateo)
galleon750Portugal157934110286Ran aground and lost off Flanders, between Nieuport and Ostend.
São Tiago
(Sp. Santiago)
galleon520Portugal15852480293Returned to Santander
São Francisco
(Sp. San Francisco de Florencia)
galleon961Tuscany15855289294Returned to Santander
São Cristóvão
(Sp. San Cristóbal)
galleon352Portugal15802079132Returned to Santander
São Bernardo
(Sp. San Bernardo)
galleon352Cantabria15862165171Returned to A Coruña

Squadron of Castile

Sixteen ships comprising ten galleons, four armed merchant carracks (naos) and two pataches (total seamen 1,719; total soldiers 2,458); seven of the galleons were built as a class at Guarnizo in 1583–83.

NameTypeTonsBuilt atYear builtNo of gunsCrewTroopsFate
San Cristóbalgalleon700 Santander 158336116202Returned to Laredo
San Juan Bautistagalleon750Santander15852490244Returned to Santander
San Juan (el Menor)galleon530 Guarnizo 15842477231Returned to Santander
San Pedro (el Mayor)galleon530 Guarnizo 15842490184Returned to Santander
Santiago el Mayorgalleon530Guarnizo158424103290Returned to Santander
San Felipe y Santiagogalleon530Guarnizo15842475204Returned to Santander
Asuncióngalleon530Guarnizo15842470170Returned to Santander
Nuestra Señora del Barriogalleon530 Guarnizo 15832481202Returned to Laredo
San Medel y Celedóngalleon530 Guarnizo 15842475200Returned to Laredo
Santa Anagalleon250France1581245498Returned to Santander
Nuestra Señora de Begoñanao750Santander15852481202Returned to Cangas (Galicia)
Trinidadnao872Santander15862479173Lost off the coast of Desmond — probably at Valentia Island, off the coast of south Kerry Ireland
Santa Catalinanao882Santander158624134193Returned to Santander
San Juan Bautistanao650Santander15852457183Returned to Santander
on 7 October 1588
Nuestra Señora del Socorro
(or Nuestra Señora del Rosario)
patache75Santander1586141520Possibly lost in Tralee Bay, County Kerry, Ireland. [4]
San Antonio de Paduapatache75Santander1586122020Sank off the west coast of Ireland

Squadron of Galleasses of Naples

Four ships (galleasses); the flagship (capitana) of Don Hugo de Moncada was the San Lorenzo; when she was captured by the French at Calais after a hard fight with the English, Moncada died from a bullet wound.

These powerfully-armed vessels were built for the Neapolitan Navy (probably in Sicily) a decade earlier. Each had 28 oars on each side, but relied on a square-rigged sailing arrangement installed for the 1588 campaign, as they were slow under oars alone. Their armament consisted on six forward-firing heavy cannon in the bows and four similar guns rear-firing in the stern; they also had 20 smaller guns (4- to 12-pounders) mounted in the fore and stern castles, and 20 swivel-mounted light guns on the raised catwalks above the rowers' benches.

NameNo of GunsBuilt atYear builtTonsCrewOarsmenSoldiersFate
San Lorenzo50Naples1578380124300248Grounded at Calais after the Battle of Gravelines.
Zúñiga50Naples1578380104300226Returned to Le Havre, where abandoned
Girona 50Naples1580380129300229Lost driven on to Lacada Point and the "Spanish Rocks'" (as they were known, thereafter) near Ballintoy in County Antrim, Ireland on the night of 26 October 1588.
Napolitana50Naples1581380102300221Returned home intact, making landfall at Laredo, Spain.

Squadron of Viscaya (Biscay)

Fourteen ships comprising ten naos and four pataches (total seamen 863; total soldiers 1,937);

NameTypeTonsBuilt atYear builtNo of gunsCrewTroopsFate
Santa Ananao768Cantabria158630101311Lost off Le Havre
Gran Grinnao1,160Cantabriaunknown2875261Wrecked near southwest tip of Clare Island, Clew Bay, County Mayo, Ireland.
Santiagonao666Cantabria158525106204Returned to Guipuzcoa
Concepcion de Zubelzunao468 Pasajes 15851658161Returned to Guipuzcoa
Concepcion de Juan del Canonao418Cantabria15851858167Wrecked on Carna, County Galway, Ireland.
Magdalenanao530Cantabria15851861183Returned to Guipuzcoa
San Juannao350Cantabria15852149141Wrecked at Dunkirk, France.
María Juannao665Cantabria15852494207Damaged during the Battle of Gravelines and sank two days later.
(i.e. a prize)
1248124Returned to Santander
Santa María de Montemayornao707 Ragusa 1847158Returned to Santander
María de Aguirrepatache70Cantabria158562519unknown
Isabelapatache71Cantabria1585102924Returned to A Coruña
María de Miguel Susopatache96Cantabria158562520Returned to Guipuzcoa
San Estebanpatache78Cantabria158562510Returned to A Coruña

Squadron of Andalusia

Eleven ships comprising nine naos, one galleon and one patache (total seamen 780; total soldiers 2,325);

NameTypeTonsBuilt atYear builtNo of gunsCrewTroopsFate
Nuestra Señora del Rosario nao1,150 Ribadeo 158546119345Captured by Drake in the Channel, sent into Torbay
San Francisconao915Cantabria15852185227Returned to Santander
San Juan Bautistagalleon810Cantabria15843184249Returned to Santander
San Juan de Gargarínnao569Cantabria15851638175Returned to Santander
Concepciónnao862Cantabria15842069201Returned to Laredo
Duquesa Santa Ananao900Flanders15852365253Wrecked at Loughros More, County Donegal, Ireland.
Santa Catalinanao730Cantabria15852369238unknown
Santa María de Juncalnao730Cantabria15862066219unknown
San Bartoloménao976Cantabria15852756211unknown
Espíritu Santopatache70Cantabria1585101518Scuttled at Portencross, 6 August 1588

Squadron of Guipúzcoa

Fourteen ships comprising ten naos and four pataches (total seamen 616; total soldiers 1,992);

NameTypeTonsBuilt atYear builtNo of gunsCrewTroopsFate
Santa Ananao1,200Cantabria15864797341Lost at San Sebastian
Nuestra Señora de la Rosa
(or Santa María de la Rosa)
nao956Cantabria15872685238Wrecked on Stromboli Reef at Blasket Sound, Ireland, 21 September 1588.
San Salvadornao958Cantabria15862590281Captured in the Channel, taken into Weymouth
San Estebannao936Cantabria15862673204Wrecked near Doonbeg River, County Clare, Ireland.
Santa Marta
(or Santa María)
nao548San Sebastian15862073183Returned to Guipúzcoa.
Santa Bárbaranao525Cantabria15861254161Returned to Guipúzcoa
San Buenaventuranao379Cantabria15862154154Returned to Guipúzcoa
María San Juannao291Cantabria15861240154Returned to Lisbon
Santa Cruznao680Genoa15511840127Returned to Santander
Doncellanao500Germany15861629112foundered when she returned to Santander
Asunciónpatache60Cantabria158691618Returned to Guipúzcoa
San Bernabépatache69Cantabria158691717Returned to San Sebastian
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupepinnace50Cantabria15861120unknown

Squadron of Levantines

Ten Mediterranean merchant carracks (naos) embargoed in Sicily and in Lisbon (total seamen 767; total soldiers 2,780);

NameTypeTonsBuilt atYear builtNo of gunsCrewTroopsFate
Regazonanao1,294 Ragusa, Sicily unknown3080333Returned to A Coruña very damaged, subsequently burned there by Sir Francis Drake in May 1589
Lavianao728 Venice unknown2571271Grounded near Streedagh Strand, ten miles North of Sligo town, Ireland. [5]
Santa María /
(Rata Encoronada)
nao820 Genoa unknown3593344Grounded and set alight, late September 1588 in Blacksod Bay, County Mayo, Ireland.
San Juan de Sicilianao800Ragusaunknown2663279Vessel carrying 300 troops and silver plate for the use of noblemen was wrecked or run aground on the coast of Islay or Mull. Lachlan sent news of the ship to James VI at Stirling Castle. Lachlan Mòr befriended the crew and borrowed two cannon and 100 soldiers to besiege the house of Angus MacAulay, leaving a hostage as a pledge. After this, a man called John Smallet set a fuse made of lint in the gunpowder store and blew the ship up [6] in Tobermory harbour, Isle of Mull, Scotland.In October 1588 he gathered a force including 100 Spanish soldiers against Clan MacDonald of Clanranald and raided the Isles of Canna, Rùm, Eigg, and "Elennole", and besieged Mingary Castle, the stronghold of Clan MacDonald of Ardnamurchan. [7]
Trinidad Valenceranao1,100 Venice 15864275338Wrecked, 16 September 1588 at Glenagivney, Kinnagoe Bay Inishowen, County Donegal, Ireland.
Presveta Anunciadanao703Ragusaunknown2480200Anchored in the mouth of the River Shannon at Scattery Roads, Ireland, and was burnt and abandoned by her crew who were rescued by other Armada ships.
San Nicolás Prodanelinao834Ragusaunknown2668226Anchored in the mouth of the River Shannon at Scattery Roads, Ireland, and was burnt and abandoned by her crew who were rescued by other Armada ships.
Juliananao860Genoaunknown3265290Grounded near Streedagh Strand, ten miles North of Sligo town, Ireland. [5]
Santa María de Visónnao666Ragusaunknown1838183Grounded near Streedagh Strand, ten miles North of Sligo town, Ireland. [5]
Trinidad de Escalanao900Genoaunknown2266342Returned to Spain (Santander) very damaged and was unrigged.
San Bautista de la Esperanza (omitted from most censuses)nao300 Castro Urdiales,
unknown12Returned to Spain.

Squadron of Urcas

Twenty three ships (total seamen 608; total soldiers 3,121);

AS noted in the above lists 9 Spanish Armada vessels fates are listed as "Unknown". 9 unidentified Armada vessels were reported lost off Ireland:
County Donegal:
Six further ships — unidentified — were wrecked on the Donegal coast:

County Mayo:
Three vessels lost County Mayo:

Squadron of Communication

Twenty two Pataches and Zabras (5 to 10 guns) under Don Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza (total seamen 574; total soldiers 479);

Squadron of São João Galleons of Portugal

Squadron of Galleons under Admiral Juan Martínez de Recalde (total rowers 888; no soldiers); [16]

Miscellaneous Caravels ("Round" caravels and Lateen caravels)

Complement of the Fleet

Ship Types

Source [20]


Galleon: A heavy square-rigged sailing ship of the 16th to early 18th centuries used for war or commerce especially by the Spanish. They were the fastest ships built during the 16th century. Galleons were large, multi-decked sailing ships first used as armed cargo carriers. The full body of the fleet took two days to leave port. A typical Spanish galleon was 100–150 feet in length and 40–50 feet wide. [21]


Galley: A ship or boat propelled solely or chiefly by oars:

  1. a long low ship used for war and trading especially in the Mediterranean Sea from the Middle Ages to the 19th century;
  2. also : galleass : a warship of classical antiquity — compare bireme, trireme;
  3. a large open boat (as a gig) formerly used in England. [22]


Galleass: A large fast galley used especially as a warship by Mediterranean countries in the 16th and 17th centuries and having both sails and oars but usually propelled chiefly by rowing. [23]






Square-rigged caravel (Round caravel)

Nao (Carrack)

Summary of Armada Make Up

By 5LK

Collecting Data/ Under Construction

See also


  1. Journal of Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society. No 23 (1990) "The Surrender of an Armada Vessel near Tralee" by Brendan G. McCarthy
  2. Hutchinson 2013, pp. 202, 276–288.
  3. A galleon of 961 tons, built in Florence for the Tuscan Navy during the 1570s (the only galleon in the Tuscan Navy), and carrying 89 sailors and 194 soldiers.
  4. Discovering Kerry by T.J. Barrington. Backwater Press, 1976. ISBN   0-905471-00-8
  5. 1 2 3 Irlanda halla los restos de uno de los navíos de la Armada Invencible, El País.
  6. William Boyd, Calendar State Papers Scotland, vol. 9 (Edinburgh, 1915), pp. 618-9, 627-9, 635.
  7. David Masson, Register of the Privy Council of Scotland: 1585-1592, vol. 4 (Edinburgh, 1881), pp. 341-2.
  8. "The Kinlochbervie Shipwreck". back-to-the-future. Retrieved 20 September 2022.
  9. National Geographic June 1969 p.762
  10. .p.37 The London Magazine 1904 picture of "Armada" Anchor
  11. (BBC Newsreport)
  12. A nao of 300 tons, with 173 sailors.
  13. A hulk of 180 tons, with 80 sailors.
  14. A hulk of 150 tons, with 65 sailors.
  15. A patache of 150 tons, with 64 sailors.
  16. "La Costa da Morte y la Armada Invencible - Adiante Galicia". Adiantegalicia (in Spanish). 12 February 2015. Retrieved 31 August 2024.
  17. Resumen del Historial de los navíos portugueses que participaron en la jornada de Inglaterra en 1588, José I. González-Aller Hierro Contra Almirante (r) - Instituto de Historia e Cultura naval - Armada Española (2012)
  18. Casado Soto, José L.: Atlantic shipping in sixteenth-century Spain and the 1588 Armada, in Rodríguez-Salgado, M. J. and Simon Adams (eds.): "England, Spain and the Gran Armada, 1585–1604". Barnes & Noble, 1991. ISBN   0389209554, pp. 114-117
  19. The Spanish Armada,
  20. Complete List of Sailing Vessels
  21. Galleon, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  22. Galley, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  23. Galleass, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  24. The Spanish Armada by R. Whiting
  25. Casado Soto, José L.: Atlantic shipping in sixteenth-century Spain and the 1588 Armada, in Rodríguez-Salgado, M. J. and Simon Adams (eds.): "England, Spain and the Gran Armada, 1585–1604". Barnes & Noble, 1991. ISBN   0389209554, p. 116
  26. Garrett Mattingly rejects old estimations, makes a recount and concludes: "So, lost, at most, 31 ships (not 41), 10 pinnaces at most (not 20), two galleasses (not three), one galley. Total, not more than 44 (not 65), probably five or six and perhaps a dozen less." Mattingly, Garrett: The Armada. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987. ISBN   9780395083666, p. 426.
  27. Casado Soto, José L.: Atlantic shipping in sixteenth-century Spain and the 1588 Armada, in Rodríguez-Salgado, M. J. and Simon Adams (eds.): "England, Spain and the Gran Armada, 1585–1604". Barnes & Noble, 1991. ISBN   0389209554, p. 116, fate of 8 ships unknown, 3 damaged, 4 lost in combat, 28 lost to weather 5 abandoned before the action
