List of wars involving Honduras

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This is a list of wars involving the Republic of Honduras .

ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2Results
First Central American Federal War
Flag of the Federal Republic of Central America.svg  Federal Republic of Central America Flag of Guatemala (1825-1838).svg Guatemalan rebels
Flag of the Federal Republic of Central America.svg Salvadoran rebels
  • Decisive victory of the Army Protector of the Law led by general Morazán.
Honduran Campaign (1827) Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras

Supported byCivil Flag of El Salvador.png  El Salvador

Flag of Guatemala (1825-1838).svg  Guatemala Victory
Olancho Uprising (1829-1839) Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg Olanchan rebelsVictory
  • Suppression of the rebellion
  • Agreement between the Honduran government and Olanchan rebels
War of 1832 Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras

Flag of Nicaragua (1839-1858).svg  Nicaragua

Civil Flag of El Salvador.png  El Salvador Victory
  • José María Cornejo is overthrown
  • Salvadoran rebellion is put down
Domínguez's Expedition to Honduras (1831-1832)Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Civil Flag of El Salvador.png  El Salvador

Flag of Guatemala (1825-1838).svg Guatemalan rebels
Cespedes flag.svg Cuban mercenaries Garifuna rebels Flag of Mexico.svg Mexican Mercenaries

  • Rebels defeated
  • Vicente Domínguez is executed
  • Honduran independence is preserved
Second Central American Civil War


Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras

Flag of Guatemala (1839-1843).svg  Guatemala

Flag of Nicaragua (1839-1858).svg  Nicaragua

Flag of the Federal Republic of Central America.svg  United Provinces of Central America

Civil Flag of El Salvador.png  El Salvador

Cordero's Expedition Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Flag of Guatemala (1839-1843).svg  Guatemala Victory
  • Defeat of Guatemalan forces
Uprisings of 1843 Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg Rebels

supported byFlag of Nicaragua (1839-1858).svg  Nicaragua

  • Suppression of the rebellion
Western Uprisings (1844) Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg RebelsVictory
  • Suppression of the rebellion
Malespin's War (1844)Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras

Civil Flag of El Salvador.png  El Salvador

Flag of Nicaragua (1839-1858).svg  Nicaragua Victory
Honduran-Salvadoran War of 1845 (1845)Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Civil Flag of El Salvador.png  El Salvador Victory
British Occupation of Trujillo and the Tigre Islands (1849-1850)Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Victory
Battle of La Arada
Civil Flag of El Salvador.png  El Salvador
Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras
Flag of Guatemala (1851-1858).svg Guatemala Defeat
  • Acta Constitutiva de la República ("Constitutive Act of the Republic")
  • Reassurance of Guatemalan sovereignty
  • Dominance of Guatemala in Central America
1851 Honduran Expedition to Nicaragua Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras


Flag of Nicaragua (1839-1858).svg  Nicaragua Victory
  • José Trinidad Muñoz is overthrown
Battle of Los Llanos de Santa Rosa Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Flag of Guatemala (1851-1858).svg  Guatemala

Civil Flag of El Salvador.png  El Salvador

  • Honduran army repulses Guatemalan-Salvadoran armies combined
  • Jose Trinidad Cabañas retains the presidency
Honduran-Guatemalan War (1853-1855) Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Flag of Guatemala (1851-1858).svg  Guatemala

Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg Rebels

Filibuster War
Flag of Costa Rica (1848-1906).svg  Costa Rica
Flag of Nicaragua (1839-1858).svg  Nicaragua
Flag of Moskitia.webp Mosquitia
Flag of Guatemala (1851-1858).svg Guatemala
Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras
Flag of El Salvador (1839-1865).svg  El Salvador
Flag of the United States (1851-1858).svg  United States
Flag of Nicaragua under William Walker (1856-1857).svg Filibusters Victory
  • William Walker's army is defeated and he is arrested by the American Navy, later executed in Honduras
Walker's Expedition to Honduras


Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Flag of the United States (1859-1861).svg American filibustersVictory
War of the Priests
Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras
Flag of El Salvador (1839-1865).svg  El Salvador
Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg Anti-secular rebelsVictory
  • Victory of the Honduran Government Forces, Honduras became a secular state
Nicaraguan-Salvadoran War (1863)Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras

Flag of El Salvador (1839-1865).svg  El Salvador

Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua Defeat
  • Honduran-Salvadoran armies are defeated
  • Guatemalan-Nicaraguan alliance
Olancho War
Flag of Honduras (1839-1866).svg  Honduras Bandera de olancho.jpg Olancho Rebel ForcesVictory
  • Honduras manages to defeat the Olancho's rebels
Honduran-Salvadoran War of 1871 (1871)Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg  Honduras Flag of El Salvador (1839-1865).svg  El Salvador Victory
First Guatemalan-Salvadoran Intervention in Honduras (1872)Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg  Honduras Flag of El Salvador (1839-1865).svg  El Salvador

Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala

Sherman Expedition (1873)Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg  Honduras

Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala

Flag of El Salvador.svg Salvadoran rebels

Flag of Guatemala (1825-1838).svg Guatemalan rebels
Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica

  • Rebels repulsed
Bombardment of Omoa (1873)Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg  Honduras Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Defeat
  • Recompensation for damages suffered for British subjects
Second Guatemalan-Salvadoran Intervention in Honduras (1874)Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg  Honduras Flag of El Salvador (1839-1865).svg  El Salvador

Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala

Medinas' Revolt Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg  Honduras Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg Medina's supporters
Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala
  • The power is given to Marco Aurelio Soto through a negotiation
  • Defeat of Medina's and Guatemalan forces
1884 Coup attempt against Luis Bogran Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg  Honduras Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua

Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg Honduran emigrants

Barrios' War of Reunification
Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala
Supported by:
Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg  Honduras
Flag of El Salvador (1875-1877).svg  El Salvador
Flag of Mexico (1823-1864, 1867-1893).svg  Mexico
Flag of Costa Rica (1848-1906).svg  Costa Rica
Flag of Nicaragua (1839-1858).svg  Nicaragua
Policarpist Revolt (1893)Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua

Policarpist rebels

  • Defeat of Policarpist rebels
  • Policarpo Bonilla exiled in Nicaragua
Nicaraguan-Honduran War (1893-1894) Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg  Honduras Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua
Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg Policarpist rebels
  • Domingo Velasquez is overthrown
  • Policarpo Bonilla gains power
Combats of Carrizal and Calpules (1894) Flag of Honduras (1866-1898).svg  Honduras Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua Victory
  • Defeat of Nicaraguan forces
  • Settlement between Nicaraguan and Honduran governments
British invasion of Honduras (1898) Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg  Honduras Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Victory
  • Expulsion of British forces from Honduran territory
  • Apologies to the Honduran government of part of the British
  • Financial compensation for families affected by the war
  • Compensation and reconstruction of damage caused by the British army.
Armed Conflict of 1903
Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg  Honduras Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg Manuelista rebel armyDefeat
  • Victory of the rebel forces.
Honduran-Guatemalan War (1906) Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg  Honduras Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala Victory
  • Honduras resists a Guatemalan Invasion
Armed Conflict of 1907
Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg  Honduras
Supported by:
Flag of El Salvador (1875-1877).svg  El Salvador
Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg Honduran rebels
Flag of Nicaragua (1896-1908).svg  Nicaragua
War of 1907
Flag of Nicaragua (1896-1908).svg  Nicaragua
Flag of El Salvador (1875-1877).svg Salvadoran exiles
Flag of the United States (1896-1908).svg American filibusters
Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg Honduras
Flag of El Salvador (1875-1877).svg  El Salvador Inconclusive
World War I
Flag of France (1794-1958).svg  France
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg  United States
Flag of Italy (1861-1946) crowned.svg  Italy
Merchant flag of Japan (1870).svg  Japan
Flag of the Republic of China 1912-1928.svg  China
Canadian Red Ensign (1868-1921).svg  Canada
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
British Raj Red Ensign.svg  India
Red Ensign of South Africa (1912-1951).svg  South Africa
State Flag of Serbia (1882-1918).svg  Serbia
Flag of Montenegro (1905-1918).svg  Montenegro
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Flag of Greece (1822-1978).svg  Greece
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg  Brazil
Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg  Cuba
Flag of Panama.svg  Panama
Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala
Flag of Nicaragua (1908-1971).svg  Nicaragua
Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica
Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg  Honduras
Flag of the German Empire.svg  Germany
Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg  Austria-Hungary
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844-1922).svg  Ottoman Empire
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria
First Honduran Civil War
Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg  Honduras
Supported by:
Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg  United States
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg United Rebel ArmyDefeat
Second Honduran Civil War
Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg  Honduras Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg Constitutionalist Army
Supported by:
Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg  United States
Insurrection of 1924
Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg  Honduras Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg Ferrera's Loyal ArmyVictory
  • The modernized and experienced Honduran Army managed to handle better the conflict and lead to the defeat of general Ferrera's loyalist army.
World War II
Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg  United States
Flag of the Soviet Union (1936 - 1955).svg  Soviet Union
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of the Republic of China.svg  China
Flag of France (1794-1815, 1830-1958).svg  France
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Canadian Red Ensign (1921-1957).svg  Canada
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
British Raj Red Ensign.svg  India
Flag of South Africa (1928-1982).svg  South Africa
Yugoslav Partisans flag 1945.svg  Yugoslavia
Flag of Greece (1822-1978).svg  Greece
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia
Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg  Brazil
Flag of Mexico (1934-1968).svg  Mexico
Flag of Panama.svg  Panama
Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica
Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador
Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala
Flag of Honduras (1898-1949).svg  Honduras
Flag of Nicaragua (1908-1971).svg  Nicaragua
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic
Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg  Cuba
Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg  Germany
Merchant flag of Japan (1870).svg  Japan
Flag of Italy (1861-1946) crowned.svg  Italy
Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg  Hungary
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria
Flag of Independent State of Croatia.svg  Croatia
Flag of First Slovak Republic 1939-1945.svg  Slovakia
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
Flag of Manchukuo.svg  Manchukuo
Flag of the Mengjiang.svg  Mengjiang
Mocoron War (1957) Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua Victory
Combats of El Chaparral and El Dorado Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras Sandinist Rebels Victory
Dominican Civil War
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Loyalists
Flag of the United States (Pantone).svg  United States
Flag of Brazil (1960-1968).svg  Brazil
Flag of Paraguay (1954-1988).svg  Paraguay
Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras
Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua
Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica
Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Constitutionalists Victory
Football War
Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador Ceasefire
Operation Golden Pheasant
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras
Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua Victory
  • Withdrawal of Nicaraguan forces from Honduran territory
Iraq War
Flag of Iraq.svg  Iraq
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador
Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras
Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic
Flag of the Ba'ath Party.svg Baath Loyalists
Flag of the Islamic State in Iraq.svg ISI
Flag of al-Qaeda in Iraq.svg al-Qaeda in Iraq
Flag of Jihad.svg Mahdi Army
Flag of Jihad.svg Special Groups
Flag of Jihad.svg IAI
Flag of Jihad.svg Ansar al-Sunnah

Flag of Iraq (1963-1991).svg  Ba'athist Iraq

