Meteoric iron

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Meteoric iron (native iron)
Widmanstätten pattern on a 500g endcut from the Toluca iron meteorite
CategoryNative element mineral
(repeating unit)
Fe and Ni in different ratios
Space group Different structures
Luster Metallic
Diaphaneity Opaque

Meteoric iron, sometimes meteoritic iron, [1] is a native metal and early-universe protoplanetary-disk remnant found in meteorites and made from the elements iron and nickel, mainly in the form of the mineral phases kamacite and taenite. Meteoric iron makes up the bulk of iron meteorites but is also found in other meteorites. Apart from minor amounts of telluric iron, meteoric iron is the only naturally occurring native metal of the element iron (in metallic form rather than in an ore) on the Earth's surface. [2]



The bulk of meteoric iron consists of taenite and kamacite. Taenite is a face-centered cubic and kamacite a body-centered cubic iron-nickel alloy.

Meteoric iron can be distinguished from telluric iron by its microstructure and perhaps by its chemical composition also, since meteoritic iron contains more nickel and less carbon. [2]

Trace amounts of gallium and germanium in meteoric iron can be used to distinguish different meteorite types. The meteoric iron in stony iron meteorites is identical to the "gallium-germanium group" of the iron meteorites. [3]

Overview over meteoric iron mineral phases
MineralFormulaNickel (Mass-% Ni)Crystal structureNotes & references
Antitaenite γLow Spin-(Ni,Fe)20–40face centered cubicOnly approved as a variety of taenite by the IMA
Kamacite α-(Fe,Ni); Fe0+0.9Ni0.15–10body centered cubicSame structure as ferrite
Taenite γ-(Ni,Fe)20–65face centered cubicSame structure as austenite
Tetrataenite (FeNi)48–57tetragonal [4]


Meteoric iron forms a few different structures that can be seen by etching or in thin sections of meteorites. The Widmanstätten pattern forms when meteoric iron cools and kamacite is exsolved from taenite in the form of lamellas. [5] Plessite is a more fine-grained intergrowth of the two minerals in between the lamella of the Widmanstätten pattern. [6] Neumann lines are fine lines running through kamacite crystals that form through impact-related deformation. [7]

Cultural and historical usage

A lance made from a narwhal tusk with an iron head made from the Cape York meteorite. Meteorite iron harpoon 2023.JPG
A lance made from a narwhal tusk with an iron head made from the Cape York meteorite.

Before the advent of iron smelting, meteoric iron was the only source of iron metal apart from minor amounts of telluric iron. Meteoric iron was already used before the beginning of the Iron Age to make cultural objects, tools and weapons. [8]

Bronze Age

Iron in hieroglyphs
Meteoric ironMeteoric ironMeteoric ironMeteoric iron
Meteoric iron
Meteoric iron

literally "metal of the sky"

Many examples of iron working from the Bronze Age have been confirmed to be meteoritic in origin. [9]

The Americas



Even after the invention of smelting, meteoric iron was sometimes used where this technology was not available or metal was scarce. A piece of the Cranbourne meteorite was made into a horseshoe around 1854. [22]

Today meteoritic iron is used in niche jewellery and knife production, but most of it is used for research, educational or collecting purposes.

Atmospheric phenomena

Meteoric iron also has an effect on the Earth's atmosphere. When meteorites descend through the atmosphere, outer parts are ablated. Meteoric ablation is the source of many elements in the upper atmosphere. When meteoric iron is ablated, it forms a free iron atom that can react with ozone (O3) to form FeO. This FeO may be the source of the orange spectrographic bands in the spectrum of the upper atmosphere. [23]

See also

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Taenite</span> Alloy of iron and nickel found in meteorites

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Telluric iron</span> Iron found naturally on Earth that is neither in an ore nor from a meteorite

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">IVB meteorite</span> Type of iron meteorite

IVB meteorites are a group of ataxite iron meteorites classified as achondrites. The IVB group has the most extreme chemical compositions of all iron meteorites, meaning that examples of the group are depleted in volatile elements and enriched in refractory elements compared to other iron meteorites.

The Itqiy meteorite is an enstatite-rich stony-iron meteorite. It is classified as an enstatite chondrite of the EH group that was nearly melted and is therefore very unusual for that group. Other classifications have been proposed and are an ongoing scientific debate.

IIG meteorites are a group of iron meteorites. The group currently has six members. They are hexahedrites with large amounts of schreibersite. The meteoric iron is composed of kamacite.

This is a glossary of terms used in meteoritics, the science of meteorites.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">IIAB meteorites</span> Type of iron meteorite

IIAB meteorites are a group of iron meteorites. Their structural classification ranges from hexahedrites to octahedrites. IIABs have the lowest concentration of nickel of all iron meteorite groups. Most iron meteorites are derived from the metallic planetary cores of their respective parent bodies, but in the case of the IIABs the metallic magma separated to form not only this meteorite group but also the IIG group.

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