Pentzia incana

Last updated

African sheepbush
Karoo Bush (Pentzia incana) (31742953344).jpg
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Pentzia
P. incana
Binomial name
Pentzia incana

The African sheepbush (Afrikaans: goeiekaroo, "good karoo", [1] Pentzia incana) is a plant native to South Africa and Namibia. It ranges throughout the Succulent Karoo, Nama Karoo, renosterveld, and fynbos, and it is listed under the SANBI Red List as "safe" (LC). [2]

The African sheepbush has been imported to Australia.

The grey, downy shrub grows to around 60 cm (24 in) in height, with fibrous stem branches that rise, bundled 3-9 mm leaves of egg or wedge shape split one or two ways, and yellow flowers resembling chamomile. [3]

It is a reasonable grazing plant:

Header textEIWSWIWLnregWIW
Grazing Response Index [4] 45.72.88

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  1. ook: alsbossie, ankerkaroo ("anchor karoo"), gansie, gansogiebos ("goose eye bush"), goedkaro ("well karoo"), karobos ("karoo bush"), karoobossie ("karoo bush"), kleingansie, kortbeenkaroo ("short leg karoo"), rooikarobos ("red karoo bush"), skaapbossie ("sheepbush"), skaapkaroo ("sheek karoo"), soetkaroo ("sweet karoo"), vaalkaroo ("pale karoo"), vleikaroo ("marsh karoo"), witkaroobos ("white karoo bush")
  2. "Red List Entry". SANBI.
  3. "Atlas of Living Australia". Archived from the original on 2019-04-14. Retrieved 2019-04-14.
  4. du Toit, P.C.V. "Objektiewe weidingsindekswaardes van Nama-Karoo plantegroei: grasse en bossies van die Karoo". Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute.