The Polish language, like most others, contains swear words and profanity. Although some words are not always seen as pejorative, others are considered by some to be highly offensive. There is debate amongst scholars regarding the language's swear words that are considered to be the most derogatory.[1][2][3][4]
Research has suggested that Polish people perceive profanity differently depending on context, for example, swearing in public versus swearing in private.[6] 65% of surveyed adults said they have sworn due to emotions and only 21% claimed they never swore.[6]
The CBOS (Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej; The Center for Public Opinion Research) has conducted surveys to examine the use of profanity. In the research report, it was pointed out that information given about the private sector might not be accurate, as it is a protected and idealized space, meaning that the subjects of the survey could be downplaying or changing their answers, thus making the report potentially inaccurate.[7]
Vulgar words
Linguist Jerzy Bralczyk calculated that there are only five basic vulgarisms in Polish. These are "cock" (chuj), "cunt" (pizda), "fuck" (pierdolić, jebać) and "whore/shit/fuck" (kurwa). The rest are combinations of these five, derived words and phraseological relationships. New vulgarisms appear when new word configurations are created or their semantic context changes.[8] The dictionary of real Polish gives four words in 350 configurations, including the word "shit" in 47 functions.[9]
An adjective derived from "chuj", literally meaning "dick-like". "Chujowy" is the masculine form, the feminine form is "chujowa" and the neuter form is "chujowe".
Often used to describe an object (or situation) of a rather deplorable or otherwise undesirable quality, e.g. "Chujowy samochód" meaning "A vehicle that broadly fails in its utility to be of use (breaks down often, looks like crap, etc.)"
The litersal meaning is "to fuck"/have sex with someone. This word has many derivative words and figurative meankings, and is in fact one of the most versatile words in the Polish language. Examples include:
Example (PL)
Break off/Screw up
Co ty odjebałeś!?
What did you do?!
To break/destroy
Rozjebałem samochód na drzewie
I wrecked the car driving it into a tree
To screw up/be in trouble
On ma przejebane
He's in a world of shit
Throw away
Wyjebałem telewizor przez okno
I tossed the TV out of the window
To beat someone/get wasted
Chłopaki się najebali jak żule pod Biedronką
The boys got drunk like bums in front of Biedronka
Numerous studies have been done to examine the way that profanity is used in everyday life situations as well as online. No studies give a definite answer as to whether vulgarity is more common online or not and has proved to be a difficult topic to study as it can change with time as well.[22] One such study looked at different internet forums: one that was an open discussion, a closed discussion, and a social networking site. An open discussion allowed for the most anonymity while the other two conditions required some form of the users identifying themselves. The study found that users often used vulgar expressions criticized other users arguments in the discussions, attacked the users directly or used that language to insult a larger group. At times it is also just used as a way for users to express their general frustrations.[22]
It is said that profanity started being used in songs around the late 1970s and into the 1980s in Poland. It was a response to the state of the country at the time. The youth used vulgar expressions to show their frustrations.[23] Though songs that used such language would be presented in the mass media, works with profanities more often circulated within communities.[23] This censorship paved the way for innovation in the way of expressing emotion and frustration, which streamlined the development of Polish rock in the 1980s (which would become popular and influential). Profanity has not been censored as heavily in Polish music in recent years.[citation needed]
Lexical borrowing
A number of words in the Polish lexicon have been borrowed from foreign languages and used with similar meanings. There are several profane words or expressions that have been borrowed from other languages. One such word would be MILF. Borrowed from the English language, it means exactly what it does in its original context. The use of the abbreviation "WTF", as in "what the fuck" can also be used in Polish profanity. The noun "swołocz" is a borrowing from the Russian "сволочь". Some profanities have been borrowed from German and transcribed phonetically according to their pronunciation, e.g. "szajs" was derived from the German "Scheiße" which carries the same meaning as the Polish word.
↑ Grochowski, Maciej (1948- ). (2008). Słownik polskich przekleństw i wulgaryzmów. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. ISBN9788301156534. OCLC297671369.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
↑ Dokowicz, Agnieszka. (2015). Wulgaryzmy w języku kibiców polskich, czyli "Polska grać, k... mać!". Wydawnictwo Naukowe Silva Rerum. ISBN9788364447532. OCLC939912647.
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