Qi Baishi (crater)

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Qi Baishi
Qi Baishi crater EN0217986716M.jpg
MESSENGER image showing the rays of Qi Baishi
Feature typeImpact crater
Location Tolstoj quadrangle, Mercury
Coordinates 4°12′S196°00′W / 4.2°S 196.0°W / -4.2; -196.0
Diameter16 km (9.9 mi)
Eponym Qi Baishi
Oblique view at low sun angle showing detail of the crater's interior Qi Baishi crater EN0250538099M.jpg
Oblique view at low sun angle showing detail of the crater's interior

Qi Baishi is a crater on Mercury. The crater was named after famed Chinese painter Qi Baishi. The crater has an asymmetric pattern of ejecta rays, which formed by an object traveling to the east or to the west and impacting Mercury's surface at a very low incidence angle. However, Qi Baishi crater is still roughly circular, which is in contrast to the elongated shape of neighboring Hovnatanian crater. [1]

Qi Baishi was named by the IAU on Nov 20, 2008. [2]

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  1. MESSENGER : Low-angle Impacts: A Look at Qi Baishi and Hovnatanian. Archived February 1, 2014, at the Wayback Machine
  2. "Qi Baishi". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. IAU/NASA/USGS . Retrieved 26 February 2024.