Secretary of State (Mexico)

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In the United Mexican States, the federal executive power of the government is exercised by the president of the republic whose official denomination is Constitutional President of the United Mexican States, to carry out the development of its powers and functions, the president has the power to freely appoint members of his cabinet, each of which is the head of a secretariat of state that is responsible for a branch of the federal public administration; and the organization of these agencies and the powers that each have, are set by the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration (in Spanish).


The federal public administration is centralized and parastatal in accordance with the organic law issued by the Congress, which distributes the administrative business of the federation among the state secretaries who constitute the cabinet in Mexico. The Secretaries of State are appointed by the President of the United Mexican States. The President may convene the meetings of secretaries of state and other competent officials when it comes to defining or evaluating the policy of the Federal Government in matters that are the concurrent competence of several agencies, or entities of the federal public administration.


Requirements to be a secretary of state

^^. The holders of the delegations will be appointed by the head of the respective agency or entity and will have the powers indicated by their internal regulations or the legal regulations for the creation of parastatal entities.

In addition, they must meet at least the following requirements:

Secretariats of state

DepartmentHead of DepartmentIncumbentImageIn Office since
GMX horizontal - SEGOB.png
Secretariat of the Interior
(Spanish : Secretaría de Gobernación)
Secretary of the Interior
(Spanish : Secretaria de Gobernación)
Olga Sánchez Cordero
(b. 1947)
04242012Ministra olga sanchez derecho03 (cropped).JPG 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SRE.png
Secretariat of Foreign Affairs
(Spanish : Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores)
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
(Spanish : Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores)
Marcelo Ebrard
(b. 1959)
Marcelo Ebrard at Quinceaneras celebrations.jpg 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SHCP.png
Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit
(Spanish : Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público)
Secretary of Finance
(Spanish : Secretario de Hacienda)
Carlos Manuel Urzúa Macías
(b. 1955)
03212012Presentacion libro egap051.jpg 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SEDENA.png
Secretariat of National Defense
(Spanish : Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional)
Secretary of Defense
(Spanish : Secretario de Defensa)
Luis Cresencio Sandoval
(b. 1960)
1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SEMAR.png
Secretariat of Navy
(Spanish : Secretaría de Marina)
Secretary of Navy
(Spanish : Secretario de Marina)
José Rafael Ojeda Durán
(b. 1954)
1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SEGURIDAD.png
Secretariat of Security and Civilian Protection
(Spanish : Secretaría de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana)
Secretary of Security
(Spanish : Secretario de Seguridad)
Alfonso Durazo
(b. 1954)
Dr. Alfonso Durazo Montano.jpg 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SE.png
Secretariat of Economy
(Spanish : Secretaría de Economia)
Secretary of Economy
(Spanish : Secretaria de Economía)
Graciela Márquez Colín
(b. 1963)
Graciela Marquez Colin (cropped).png 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - BIENESTAR.png
Secretariat of Welfare
(Spanish : Secretaría de Bienestar)
Secretary of Welfare
(Spanish : Secretaria de Bienestar)
María Luisa Albores González
(b. 1976)
1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - PGR.png
Attorney General
Spanish : Fiscalía General de la República
Attorney General
Spanish : Fiscal General de la República
Alejandro Gertz Manero
(b. 1939)
Alejandro Gertz.jpg 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SFP.png
Secretariat of the Civil Service
Spanish : Secretaría de la Función Pública
Secretary of the Civil Service
Spanish : Secretaria de la Función Pública
Irma Sandoval-Ballesteros
(b. 1972)
Irma Erendira Sandoval.jpg 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SCT.png
Secretariat of Communications and Transportation
(Spanish : Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes)
Secretary of Communications
(Spanish : Secretario de Comunicaciones)
Javier Jiménez Espriú
(b. 1937)
1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - STPS.png
Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare
(Spanish : Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social)
Secretary of Labor
(Spanish : Secretaria del Trabajo)
Luisa María Alcalde Luján
(b. 1987)
Luisaalcalde.jpg 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SEMARNAT.png
Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources
(Spanish : Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales)
Secretary of Environment
(Spanish : Secretaria de Medio Ambiente)
Josefa González Blanco Ortíz Mena
(b. 1965)
1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SENER.png
Secretariat of Energy
(Spanish : Secretaría de Energía)
Secretary of Energy
(Spanish : Secretaria de Energía)
Rocío Nahle García
(b. 1964)
1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SADER.png
Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development
(Spanish : Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural)
Secretary of Agriculture
(Spanish : Secretario de Agricultura)
Víctor Manuel Villalobos Arámbula
(b. 1950)
1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SEP.png
Secretariat of Public Education
(Spanish : Secretaría de Educación Pública)
Secretary of Education
(Spanish : Secretario de Educación)
Esteban Moctezuma
(b. 1954)
Firma de Convenio con Fundacion Azteca (cropped).jpg 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SALUD.png
Secretariat of Health
(Spanish : Secretaría de Salud)
Secretary of Health
(Spanish : Secretario de Salud)
Jorge Alcocer Varela
(b. 1946)
Jorge Carlos Alcocer Varela (cropped).jpg 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SECTUR.png
Secretariat of Tourism
(Spanish : Secretaría de Turismo)
Secretary of Tourism
(Spanish : Secretaria de Turismo)
Miguel Torruco Marqués
(b. 1951)
Miguel Torruco Marques.jpg 1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - SEDATU.png
Secretariat of Agrarian, Land, and Urban Development
Spanish : Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano
Secretary of Agrarian Development and Urban Planning
Spanish : Secretario de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano
Román Meyer Falcón
(b. 1983)
1 December 2018
GMX horizontal - CULTURA.png
Secretariat of Culture
Spanish : Secretaría de Cultura
Secretary of Culture
Spanish : Secretaria de Cultura
Alejandra Frausto Guerrero ManosAlmaOaxaca024.JPG 1 December 2018

Former secretariats of state

Many secretariats have been changing their name with the passage of time, as a reflection of the change that each president intends to exercise on the government, its priorities and changes of programs and objectives, however some Secretariats have disappeared completely, their faculties being absorbed by another dependence, these are the following cases:

List of presidential cabinets of Mexico

See also


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