Municipalities of Mexico

Last updated
Municipio (Spanish)
Municipalities of Mexico (black borders).svg
Municipalities of Mexico as of January 2020
Category Municipio / Municipality
LocationFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Found in Mexican states
Number2,462 (as of December 2024)
81 (Santa Magdalena Jicotlán, Oax.)
1,922,523 (Tijuana, B.C.)
2.2 km2 (0.85 sq mi) (Natividad, Oax.)
32,953.3 km2 (12,723.3 sq mi) (Mulegé, B.C.S.)

Municipalities (Spanish : Municipios ) are the administrative divisions under the states of Mexico according to the constitution. Municipalities are considered as the second-level administrative divisions by the federal government. However, some state regulations have designed intrastate regions to administer their own municipalities. Municipalities are further divided into localities in the structural hierarchy of administrative divisions of Mexico. As of December 2024, there are 2,462 municipalities in Mexico. [1]


In Mexico, municipalities should not be confused with cities (Spanish : ciudades). Cities are locality-level divisions that are administered by the municipality. Although some larger cities are consolidated with its own municipality and form a single level of governance. In addition, the 16 boroughs of Mexico City are considered municipality equivalent, this makes the total number of municipality-level divisions to be 2,478.

The internal political organization and their responsibilities are outlined in the 115th article of the 1917 Constitution [2] and detailed in the constitutions of the states to which they belong. Municipalities are distinct from cities, a form of Mexican locality, and are divided into colonias (neighborhoods); some municipalities can be as large as full states, while cities can be measured in basic geostatistical areas or city blocks.


Puebla City Hall Palacio Municipal de Puebla.JPG
Puebla City Hall

All Mexican states are divided into municipalities. Each municipality is autonomous; citizens elect a municipal president (Spanish : presidente municipal) who heads a municipal council (Spanish : ayuntamiento), responsible for providing all the public services for their constituents. This concept, which originated after the Mexican Revolution, is known as a municipio libre (free municipality).

The municipal president is elected by first-past-the-post voting system for a three-year term and cannot be reelected for the next immediate term. The municipal council consists of a cabildo (chairman) with a síndico and several regidores (trustees).

If the municipality covers a large area and contains more than one city or town (collectively called localidades), one city or town is selected as a cabecera municipal (head city, seat of the municipal government) while the rest elect representatives to a presidencia auxiliar or junta auxiliar (auxiliary presidency or council). In that sense, a municipality in Mexico is roughly equivalent to the counties of the United States, whereas the auxiliary presidency is equivalent to a township. Nonetheless, auxiliary presidencies are not considered a third-level administrative division since they depend fiscally on the municipalities in which they are located.

North-western and south-eastern states are divided into small numbers of large municipalities (e.g. Baja California is divided into only seven municipalities), and therefore they cover large areas incorporating several separated cities or towns that do not necessarily conform to one single conurbation. Central and southern states, on the other hand, are divided into many small municipalities (e.g. Oaxaca is divided into 570 municipalities), and therefore large urban areas usually extend over several municipalities which form one single conurbation. Although an urban area might cover an entire municipality, auxiliary councils might still be used for administrative purposes.

Municipalities are responsible for public services (such as water and sewerage), street lighting, public safety, traffic, supervision of slaughterhouses and the cleaning and maintenance of public parks, gardens and cemeteries. They may also assist the state and federal governments in education, emergency fire and medical services, environmental protection and maintenance of monuments and historical landmarks. Since 1983, they can collect property taxes and user fees, although more funds are obtained from the state and federal governments than from their own collection efforts.

Some municipalities in Mexico are subdivided into internal, third-level administrative organizations. All municipalities of Baja California are subdivided into boroughs, or delegaciones. Mexicali municipality, for example, is divided into 14 boroughs besides the City of Mexicali, which comprises the municipal seat and three additional metropolitan boroughs. [3] Querétaro municipality is subdivided into seven boroughs. [4] Nonetheless, the heads of government of the boroughs are not elected by the residents but rather appointed by the municipal president.

Mexico City is a special case in that it is not organized into municipalities. As a result of the Political Reforms enacted in 2016, it is no longer designated as a Federal District and became a city, a member entity of the Mexican federation, seat of the Powers of the Union and the capital of Mexico. [5] Mexico City is divided in 16 boroughs, officially called demarcaciones territoriales, substituting the old delegaciones. The boroughs are considered as third-level territorial divisions for statistical data collection and cross-country comparisons.


According to Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography, there are in total 2,462 municipalities under the 31 states of Mexico as of December 2024. [6] Consider also the 16 boroughs of Mexico City, the total number of municipality-level divisions to be 2,478.

01Flag of Aguascalientes.svg  Aguascalientes 11 Municipalities of Aguascalientes
02Flag of Baja California.svg  Baja California 7 Municipalities of Baja California
03Flag of Baja California Sur.svg  Baja California Sur 5 Municipalities of Baja California Sur
04Flag of Campeche.svg  Campeche 13 Municipalities of Campeche
05Flag of Coahuila.svg  Coahuila 38 Municipalities of Coahuila
06Flag of Colima.svg  Colima 10 Municipalities of Colima
07Flag of Chiapas.svg  Chiapas 124 Municipalities of Chiapas
08Flag of Chihuahua.svg  Chihuahua 67 Municipalities of Chihuahua
10Flag of Durango.png  Durango 39 Municipalities of Durango
11Flag of Guanajuato.svg  Guanajuato 46 Municipalities of Guanajuato
12Flag of Guerrero.svg  Guerrero 85 Municipalities of Guerrero
13Flag of Hidalgo.svg  Hidalgo 84 Municipalities of Hidalgo
14Flag of Jalisco.svg  Jalisco 125 Municipalities of Jalisco
15Flag of the State of Mexico.svg  México 125 Municipalities of the State of Mexico
16Flag of Michoacan.svg  Michoacán 113 Municipalities of Michoacán
17Flag of Morelos.svg  Morelos 36 Municipalities of Morelos
18Flag of Nayarit.svg  Nayarit 20 Municipalities of Nayarit
19Flag of Nuevo Leon.svg  Nuevo León 51 Municipalities of Nuevo León
20Flag of Oaxaca.svg  Oaxaca 570 Municipalities of Oaxaca
21Flag of Puebla.svg  Puebla 217 Municipalities of Puebla
22Flag of Queretaro.svg  Querétaro 18 Municipalities of Querétaro
23Flag of Quintana Roo.svg  Quintana Roo 11 Municipalities of Quintana Roo
24Flag of San Luis Potosi.svg  San Luis Potosí 59 Municipalities of San Luis Potosí
25Flag of Sinaloa.svg  Sinaloa 20 Municipalities of Sinaloa
26Flag of Sonora.svg  Sonora 72 Municipalities of Sonora
27Flag of Tabasco.svg  Tabasco 17 Municipalities of Tabasco
28Flag of Tamaulipas.svg  Tamaulipas 43 Municipalities of Tamaulipas
29Flag of Tlaxcala.svg  Tlaxcala 60 Municipalities of Tlaxcala
30Flag of Veracruz.svg  Veracruz 212 Municipalities of Veracruz
31Flag of the Republic of Yucatan.svg  Yucatán 106 Municipalities of Yucatán
32Flag of Zacatecas.svg  Zacatecas 58 Municipalities of Zacatecas


Veracruz City Hall Ver-Pal Mpal.jpg
Veracruz City Hall

Since the Conquest and colonization of Mexico, the municipality became the basic entity of the administrative organization of New Spain and the Spanish Empire. The first city council in Mexico was established by Hernán Cortés in 1519 in Veracruz; it was also the first in the American mainland. [7] Settlements located in strategic locations received the status of ciudad (the highest status within the Empire, superior to that of villas and pueblos) and were entitled to form an ayuntamiento or municipality. During the first decades, the local authorities had full powers on the public and economic administration of each municipality, but successive reforms diminished their attributions. [8]

After Independence, the 1824 Constitution did not specify any regulation for the municipalities, whose structure and responsibilities were to be outlined in the constitution of each state of the federation. As such, every state set its own requirements for a settlement to become a municipality (usually based on population).

The Constitution of 1917 abolished the jefatura política ("political authority"), the intermediate administrative authority between the states and converted all existing municipalities into municipios libres ("free municipalities"), that is, gave them full autonomy to manage local affairs, while at the same time restricting the scope of their competencies. [9] However, in 1983 the 115th article was modified to expand the municipalities' authority to raise revenue (through property taxes and other local services) and to formulate budgets.

Since the 2015 Intercensal Survey, the following municipalities have been created by the state governments.

Ranking of municipalities

By population

Data from the 2020 Mexican National Census. [15]

Bellas Artes, Mexico City Bellas Artes 01.jpg
Bellas Artes, Mexico City
1 Mexico City Mexico City 9,209,944
2 Tijuana Baja California 1,922,523
3 León Guanajuato 1,721,215
4 Puebla Puebla 1,692,181
5 Ecatepec Mexico 1,645,352
6 Juárez Chihuahua 1,512,450
7 Zapopan Jalisco 1,476,491
8 Guadalajara Jalisco 1,385,629
9 Monterrey Nuevo León 1,142,994
10 Nezahualcóyotl Mexico 1,077,208
2,450 San Mateo Tlapiltepec Oaxaca 229
2,451 Santiago Nejapilla Oaxaca 174
2,452 Santiago Tepetlapa Oaxaca 130
2,453 Santo Domingo Tlatayapam Oaxaca 113
2,454 Santa Magdalena Jicotlán Oaxaca 81

By area

Data from the 2020 Mexican National Census. [16]

El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve, Mulege El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve Landsat picture annotated.jpg
El Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve, Mulegé
RankingMunicipalityState Land Area
km2sq mi
1 Mulegé Baja California Sur 32,953.312,723.3
2 San Quintín Baja California 32,009.912,359.1
3 Ocampo Coahuila 26,024.410,048.1
4 Ensenada Baja California 19,526.87,539.3
5 Comondú Baja California Sur 18,318.67,072.9
6 Ahumada Chihuahua 16,910.06,529.0
7 Hermosillo Sonora 15,724.36,071.2
8 La Paz Baja California Sur 15,413.75,951.3
9 Mexicali Baja California 14,528.35,609.4
10 Calakmul Campeche 13,987.55,400.6
2,450 Ánimas Trujano Oaxaca 3.01.2
2,451 San Pedro Cajonos Oaxaca 2.81.1
2,452 Santa Inés Yatzeche Oaxaca 2.40.9
2,453 Santa Cruz Amilpas Oaxaca 2.30.9
2,454 Natividad Oaxaca 2.20.8

By location

See also


  2. Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Article 115) (in Spanish). 1917. Retrieved January 5, 2018.
  3. "Territorial Statutes of Mexicali Municipality's Interior Boroughs" (PDF) (in Spanish). Gobierno de Mexical. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  4. "Boroughs of Querétaro" (in Spanish). Gobierno de Querétaro. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  5. "Constitution of Mexico City" (PDF) (in Spanish). Gobierno de la Ciudad de México. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  6. Catálogo Único de Claves de Áreas Geoestadísticas Estatales, Municipales y Localidades
  7. Sanchez Diez, Jaime R (18 October 2000). "Estudio sobre reestructuración portuaria - Impacto Social Sinopsis Histurica del Puerto de Veracruz" [Study about the port's restructuring- Social Impact Historic Sinopsis of the Port of Veracruz] (in Spanish). Mexico: Puerto de Veracruz Organización Internacional. Retrieved 29 October 2009.
  8. "El municipio en España y Nueva España" (PDF) (in Spanish). Retrieved May 19, 2018.
  9. Inform sobre Desarrollo Humano México 2004 Archived 2007-01-26 at the Wayback Machine p. 50
  10. Norma Anaya (November 5, 2015). "Puerto Morelos nuevo municipio de Quintana Roo" (in Spanish). El Financiero. Retrieved December 21, 2015.
  11. Constitución Política del Estado Libre y Soberano de Chiapas (PDF) (2) (in Spanish). September 6, 2017. Retrieved January 5, 2018.
  12. "Habrá a partir de 2019 4 municipios indígenas en Morelos". Diario de Morelos (in Spanish). November 9, 2017. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  13. "Decreto de Creación municipio San Quintín" (PDF). Retrieved February 2, 2021.
  14. "Decreto Número 45" (PDF). Periódico Oficial del Estado de Campeche, Segunda Sección (in Spanish). 26 April 2019. pp. 3–4. Retrieved 17 October 2020.
  15. "Censo de Población y Vivienda 2020 - SCITEL" (in Spanish). INEGI. Retrieved 2021-01-27.
  16. "México en cifras - Medio Ambiente - Superficie continental" (in Spanish). INEGI. January 2016. Retrieved February 12, 2021.