In theoretical physics, a supermultiplet is a representation of a supersymmetry algebra, possibly with extended supersymmetry.
Then a superfield is a field on superspace which is valued in such a representation. Naïvely, or when considering flat superspace, a superfield can simply be viewed as a function on superspace. Formally, it is a section of an associated supermultiplet bundle.
Phenomenologically, superfields are used to describe particles. It is a feature of supersymmetric field theories that particles form pairs, called superpartners where bosons are paired with fermions.
These supersymmetric fields are used to build supersymmetric quantum field theories, where the fields are promoted to operators.
Superfields were introduced by Abdus Salam and J. A. Strathdee in a 1974 article. [1] Operations on superfields and a partial classification were presented a few months later by Sergio Ferrara, Julius Wess and Bruno Zumino. [2]
The most commonly used supermultiplets are vector multiplets, chiral multiplets (in supersymmetry for example), hypermultiplets (in supersymmetry for example), tensor multiplets and gravity multiplets. The highest component of a vector multiplet is a gauge boson, the highest component of a chiral or hypermultiplet is a spinor, the highest component of a gravity multiplet is a graviton. The names are defined so as to be invariant under dimensional reduction, although the organization of the fields as representations of the Lorentz group changes.
The use of these names for the different multiplets can vary in literature. A chiral multiplet (whose highest component is a spinor) may sometimes be referred to as a scalar multiplet, and in SUSY, a vector multiplet (whose highest component is a vector) can sometimes be referred to as a chiral multiplet.
Conventions in this section follow the notes by Figueroa-O'Farrill ( 2001 ).
A general complex superfield in supersymmetry can be expanded as
where are different complex fields. This is not an irreducible supermultiplet, and so different constraints are needed to isolate irreducible representations.
A (anti-)chiral superfield is a supermultiplet of supersymmetry.
In four dimensions, the minimal supersymmetry may be written using the notion of superspace. Superspace contains the usual space-time coordinates , , and four extra fermionic coordinates with , transforming as a two-component (Weyl) spinor and its conjugate.
In supersymmetry, a chiral superfield is a function over chiral superspace. There exists a projection from the (full) superspace to chiral superspace. So, a function over chiral superspace can be pulled back to the full superspace. Such a function satisfies the covariant constraint , where is the covariant derivative, given in index notation as
A chiral superfield can then be expanded as
where . The superfield is independent of the 'conjugate spin coordinates' in the sense that it depends on only through . It can be checked that
The expansion has the interpretation that is a complex scalar field, is a Weyl spinor. There is also the auxiliary complex scalar field , named by convention: this is the F-term which plays an important role in some theories.
The field can then be expressed in terms of the original coordinates by substituting the expression for :
Similarly, there is also antichiral superspace, which is the complex conjugate of chiral superspace, and antichiral superfields.
An antichiral superfield satisfies where
An antichiral superfield can be constructed as the complex conjugate of a chiral superfield.
For an action which can be defined from a single chiral superfield, see Wess–Zumino model.
The vector superfield is a supermultiplet of supersymmetry.
A vector superfield (also known as a real superfield) is a function which satisfies the reality condition . Such a field admits the expansion
The constituent fields are
Their transformation properties and uses are further discussed in supersymmetric gauge theory.
Using gauge transformations, the fields and can be set to zero. This is known as Wess–Zumino gauge. In this gauge, the expansion takes on the much simpler form
Then is the superpartner of , while is an auxiliary scalar field. It is conventionally called , and is known as the D-term.
A scalar is never the highest component of a superfield; whether it appears in a superfield at all depends on the dimension of the spacetime. For example, in a 10-dimensional N=1 theory the vector multiplet contains only a vector and a Majorana–Weyl spinor, while its dimensional reduction on a d-dimensional torus is a vector multiplet containing d real scalars. Similarly, in an 11-dimensional theory there is only one supermultiplet with a finite number of fields, the gravity multiplet, and it contains no scalars. However again its dimensional reduction on a d-torus to a maximal gravity multiplet does contain scalars.
A hypermultiplet is a type of representation of an extended supersymmetry algebra, in particular the matter multiplet of supersymmetry in 4 dimensions, containing two complex scalars Ai, a Dirac spinor ψ, and two further auxiliary complex scalars Fi.
The name "hypermultiplet" comes from old term "hypersymmetry" for N=2 supersymmetry used by Fayet (1976); this term has been abandoned, but the name "hypermultiplet" for some of its representations is still used.
This section records some commonly used irreducible supermultiplets in extended supersymmetry in the case. These are constructed by a highest-weight representation construction in the sense that there is a vacuum vector annihilated by the supercharges . The irreps have dimension . For supermultiplets representing massless particles, on physical grounds the maximum allowed is , while for renormalizability, the maximum allowed is . [3]
The vector or chiral multiplet contains a gauge field , two Weyl fermions , and a scalar (which also transform in the adjoint representation of a gauge group). These can also be organised into a pair of multiplets, an vector multiplet and chiral multiplet . Such a multiplet can be used to define Seiberg–Witten theory concisely.
The hypermultiplet or scalar multiplet consists of two Weyl fermions and two complex scalars, or two chiral multiplets.
The vector multiplet contains one gauge field, four Weyl fermions, six scalars, and CPT conjugates. This appears in N = 4 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory.
In the classical bosonic sector of a supersymmetric field theory, the Bogomol'nyi–Prasad–Sommerfield (BPS) bound provides a lower limit on the energy of static field configurations, depending on their topological charges or boundary conditions at spatial infinity. This bound manifests as a series of inequalities for solutions of the classical bosonic field equations. Saturating this bound, meaning the energy of the configuration equals the bound, leads to a simplified set of first-order partial differential equations known as the Bogomolny equations. Classical solutions that saturate the BPS bound are called "BPS states." These BPS states are not only important solutions within the classical bosonic theory but also play a crucial role in the full quantum supersymmetric theory, often corresponding to stable, non-perturbative states in both field theory and string theory. Their existence and properties are deeply connected to the underlying supersymmetry of the theory, even though the bound itself can be formulated within the bosonic sector alone.
Superspace is the coordinate space of a theory exhibiting supersymmetry. In such a formulation, along with ordinary space dimensions x, y, z, ..., there are also "anticommuting" dimensions whose coordinates are labeled in Grassmann numbers rather than real numbers. The ordinary space dimensions correspond to bosonic degrees of freedom, the anticommuting dimensions to fermionic degrees of freedom.
In theoretical physics, supergravity is a modern field theory that combines the principles of supersymmetry and general relativity; this is in contrast to non-gravitational supersymmetric theories such as the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Supergravity is the gauge theory of local supersymmetry. Since the supersymmetry (SUSY) generators form together with the Poincaré algebra a superalgebra, called the super-Poincaré algebra, supersymmetry as a gauge theory makes gravity arise in a natural way.
The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is an extension to the Standard Model that realizes supersymmetry. MSSM is the minimal supersymmetrical model as it considers only "the [minimum] number of new particle states and new interactions consistent with "Reality". Supersymmetry pairs bosons with fermions, so every Standard Model particle has a superpartner. If discovered, such superparticles could be candidates for dark matter, and could provide evidence for grand unification or the viability of string theory. The failure to find evidence for MSSM using the Large Hadron Collider has strengthened an inclination to abandon it.
In theoretical physics, a super-Poincaré algebra is an extension of the Poincaré algebra to incorporate supersymmetry, a relation between bosons and fermions. They are examples of supersymmetry algebras, and are Lie superalgebras. Thus a super-Poincaré algebra is a Z2-graded vector space with a graded Lie bracket such that the even part is a Lie algebra containing the Poincaré algebra, and the odd part is built from spinors on which there is an anticommutation relation with values in the even part.
In nuclear physics, the chiral model, introduced by Feza Gürsey in 1960, is a phenomenological model describing effective interactions of mesons in the chiral limit (where the masses of the quarks go to zero), but without necessarily mentioning quarks at all. It is a nonlinear sigma model with the principal homogeneous space of a Lie group as its target manifold. When the model was originally introduced, this Lie group was the SU(N), where N is the number of quark flavors. The Riemannian metric of the target manifold is given by a positive constant multiplied by the Killing form acting upon the Maurer–Cartan form of SU(N).
In theoretical physics, there are many theories with supersymmetry (SUSY) which also have internal gauge symmetries. Supersymmetric gauge theory generalizes this notion.
In physics, a sigma model is a field theory that describes the field as a point particle confined to move on a fixed manifold. This manifold can be taken to be any Riemannian manifold, although it is most commonly taken to be either a Lie group or a symmetric space. The model may or may not be quantized. An example of the non-quantized version is the Skyrme model; it cannot be quantized due to non-linearities of power greater than 4. In general, sigma models admit (classical) topological soliton solutions, for example, the skyrmion for the Skyrme model. When the sigma field is coupled to a gauge field, the resulting model is described by Ginzburg–Landau theory. This article is primarily devoted to the classical field theory of the sigma model; the corresponding quantized theory is presented in the article titled "non-linear sigma model".
In theoretical physics, the Wess–Zumino model has become the first known example of an interacting four-dimensional quantum field theory with linearly realised supersymmetry. In 1974, Julius Wess and Bruno Zumino studied, using modern terminology, dynamics of a single chiral superfield whose cubic superpotential leads to a renormalizable theory. It is a special case of 4D N = 1 global supersymmetry.
In theoretical physics, Seiberg–Witten theory is an supersymmetric gauge theory with an exact low-energy effective action, of which the kinetic part coincides with the Kähler potential of the moduli space of vacua. Before taking the low-energy effective action, the theory is known as supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory, as the field content is a single vector supermultiplet, analogous to the field content of Yang–Mills theory being a single vector gauge field or connection.
The Newman–Penrose (NP) formalism is a set of notation developed by Ezra T. Newman and Roger Penrose for general relativity (GR). Their notation is an effort to treat general relativity in terms of spinor notation, which introduces complex forms of the usual variables used in GR. The NP formalism is itself a special case of the tetrad formalism, where the tensors of the theory are projected onto a complete vector basis at each point in spacetime. Usually this vector basis is chosen to reflect some symmetry of the spacetime, leading to simplified expressions for physical observables. In the case of the NP formalism, the vector basis chosen is a null tetrad: a set of four null vectors—two real, and a complex-conjugate pair. The two real members often asymptotically point radially inward and radially outward, and the formalism is well adapted to treatment of the propagation of radiation in curved spacetime. The Weyl scalars, derived from the Weyl tensor, are often used. In particular, it can be shown that one of these scalars— in the appropriate frame—encodes the outgoing gravitational radiation of an asymptotically flat system.
In supersymmetry, harmonic superspace is one way of dealing with supersymmetric theories with 8 real SUSY generators in a manifestly covariant manner. It turns out that the 8 real SUSY generators are pseudoreal, and after complexification, correspond to the tensor product of a four-dimensional Dirac spinor with the fundamental representation of SU(2)R. The quotient space , which is a 2-sphere/Riemann sphere.
In theoretical physics a nonrenormalization theorem is a limitation on how a certain quantity in the classical description of a quantum field theory may be modified by renormalization in the full quantum theory. Renormalization theorems are common in theories with a sufficient amount of supersymmetry, usually at least 4 supercharges.
A non-expanding horizon (NEH) is an enclosed null surface whose intrinsic structure is preserved. An NEH is the geometric prototype of an isolated horizon which describes a black hole in equilibrium with its exterior from the quasilocal perspective. It is based on the concept and geometry of NEHs that the two quasilocal definitions of black holes, weakly isolated horizons and isolated horizons, are developed.
In theoretical particle physics, the gluon field is a four-vector field characterizing the propagation of gluons in the strong interaction between quarks. It plays the same role in quantum chromodynamics as the electromagnetic four-potential in quantum electrodynamics – the gluon field constructs the gluon field strength tensor.
In theoretical physics, more specifically in quantum field theory and supersymmetry, supersymmetric Yang–Mills, also known as super Yang–Mills and abbreviated to SYM, is a supersymmetric generalization of Yang–Mills theory, which is a gauge theory that plays an important part in the mathematical formulation of forces in particle physics. It is a special case of 4D N = 1 global supersymmetry.
In supersymmetry, 4D global supersymmetry is the theory of global supersymmetry in four dimensions with a single supercharge. It consists of an arbitrary number of chiral and vector supermultiplets whose possible interactions are strongly constrained by supersymmetry, with the theory primarily fixed by three functions: the Kähler potential, the superpotential, and the gauge kinetic matrix. Many common models of supersymmetry are special cases of this general theory, such as the Wess–Zumino model, super Yang–Mills theory, and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. When gravity is included, the result is described by 4D supergravity.
In supersymmetry, 4D supergravity is the theory of supergravity in four dimensions with a single supercharge. It contains exactly one supergravity multiplet, consisting of a graviton and a gravitino, but can also have an arbitrary number of chiral and vector supermultiplets, with supersymmetry imposing stringent constraints on how these can interact. The theory is primarily determined by three functions, those being the Kähler potential, the superpotential, and the gauge kinetic matrix. Many of its properties are strongly linked to the geometry associated to the scalar fields in the chiral multiplets. After the simplest form of this supergravity was first discovered, a theory involving only the supergravity multiplet, the following years saw an effort to incorporate different matter multiplets, with the general action being derived in 1982 by Eugène Cremmer, Sergio Ferrara, Luciano Girardello, and Antonie Van Proeyen.
In supersymmetry, type IIA supergravity is the unique supergravity in ten dimensions with two supercharges of opposite chirality. It was first constructed in 1984 by a dimensional reduction of eleven-dimensional supergravity on a circle. The other supergravities in ten dimensions are type IIB supergravity, which has two supercharges of the same chirality, and type I supergravity, which has a single supercharge. In 1986 a deformation of the theory was discovered which gives mass to one of the fields and is known as massive type IIA supergravity. Type IIA supergravity plays a very important role in string theory as it is the low-energy limit of type IIA string theory.
In supersymmetry, type I supergravity is the theory of supergravity in ten dimensions with a single supercharge. It consists of a single supergravity multiplet and a single Yang–Mills multiplet. The full non-abelian action was first derived in 1983 by George Chapline and Nicholas Manton. Classically the theory can admit any gauge group, but a consistent quantum theory resulting in anomaly cancellation only exists if the gauge group is either or . Both these supergravities are realised as the low-energy limits of string theories, in particular of type I string theory and of the two heterotic string theories.
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