The Great Christmas Light Fight is an American reality television competition show that premiered on December 9, 2013 on ABC. The seasonal miniseries is traditionally scheduled in a double-run of two hour-long episodes, all airing Mondays in the first three weeks of December annually as part of ABC's seasonal programming lineup.
Spin the Wheel is an American trivia and strategy game show that premiered on Fox on June 20, 2019. Hosted by actor and comedian Dax Shepard, the show features a 40 feet (12 m) high vertical roulette wheel divided into 48 wedges that can award money to contestants or partially/completely wipe out their winnings. The show's producers scout for Good Samaritans to reward with a chance to earn up to $23 million per episode.
The Hustler is an American television game show that aired on ABC from January 4 to September 23, 2021. Hosted by Craig Ferguson, it follows five contestants who collaborate to build up a cash prize by answering a series of trivia questions. One of the contestants is secretly designated as the Hustler beforehand and given the answers to all the questions. By the end of the game, two of the honest contestants have been eliminated; the other two must correctly choose the Hustler in order to stop them from winning the entire prize.
Crime Scene Kitchen is an American reality television series that premiered on Fox on May 26, 2021. The series is hosted by Joel McHale with Yolanda Gampp and Curtis Stone serving as judges.
Claim to Fame is an American reality competition series that premiered on ABC on July 11, 2022. The series is hosted by Kevin Jonas and Frankie Jonas. A second season premiered on June 26, 2023, followed by a third season on July 10, 2024.
Generation Gap is an American game show that aired on ABC from July 7, 2022 to September 21, 2023. The series is hosted by Kelly Ripa.
The 1% Club is a British game show that has aired on ITV1 since 9 April 2022, and is hosted by Lee Mack. The show is styled as an IQ test and the questions are not based on general knowledge, like many shows, but on "logic and common sense". The top prize achievable is £100,000.
Celebrity Jeopardy! is an American game show that consists of 13-episode tournaments - each played by 27 celebrities. Their winnings in the tournaments are donated to a charity of their choice.
Grimsburg is an American adult animated sitcom created by Catlan McClelland and Matthew Schlissel for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Before its first-season premiere, the series was renewed for a second season in October 2022. The series premiered on the Animation Domination programming block on January 7, 2024. The first season concluded on May 12, 2024. The second season will premiere on February 16, 2025.
Fight to Survive is an American reality competition television series that premiered on The CW on August 10, 2023. The series is hosted by Akbar Gbaja-Biamila. The series received negative reviews from critics.
Snake Oil is an American game show that premiered on September 27, 2023, on Fox. The show is hosted and produced by David Spade.
Raid the Cage is an American television game show hosted by Damon Wayans Jr. and Jeannie Mai that premiered on CBS on October 13, 2023. It is an adaptation of the Israeli television series of the same name. Two teams of two contestants compete on each episode to earn time to retrieve prizes from a giant cage, with the team having the highest total keeping the prizes and playing the bonus round.
The Floor is an American game show based on the Dutch game show of the same name. The series is hosted by Rob Lowe and premiered on January 2, 2024, on Fox. Standing in separate squares of a floor grid, contestants with expertise in a variety of trivia subjects challenge each other in head-to-head duels, with the winner of each duel taking over all territory controlled by the loser.
We Are Family is an American game show that premiered on January 3, 2024 on Fox. Hosted by Anthony Anderson and his mother Doris Bowman, the show featured three unknown singers, each performing in one round, and a celebrity relative to each singer who is hidden until the end of their round.
Totally Funny Kids is an American clip show television series hosted by actress and comedian Tacarra Williams. It premiered on February 16, 2024 on The CW, alongside Totally Funny Animals; both are productions of FishBowl Worldwide Media and executive produced by Vin Di Bona among others.
Totally Funny Animals is an American clip show television series, hosted by comedian Andy Woodhull. It premiered on February 16, 2024, on The CW, alongside Totally Funny Kids; both are productions of FishBowl Worldwide Media and executive produced by Vin Di Bona among others.
The fourteenth season of the American competitive reality television series MasterChef premiered on Fox on May 29, 2024. Gordon Ramsay, Aarón Sánchez, and Joe Bastianich all returned as judges.
The Quiz with Balls is an American game show that premiered on May 28, 2024, on Fox. The series is produced by Talpa Studios and the Eureka Productions division of Fremantle, and hosted by Jay Pharoah. Contestants must answer pop culture and general knowledge questions correctly, or else incorrect answers will result in contestants being pushed into a giant pool of water.
Lucky 13 is an American game show that aired on ABC from July 18 to September 19, 2024. The series is hosted by Shaquille O'Neal and Gina Rodriguez.