Tyrannis oversees his city and is confronted by the barbaric and cannibalistic Killassians living nearby. His mother Deliria and father Shlub visit and Deliria is obsessed with people building a temple to her. Hippocampus develops a bomb and he and Stupendous attempt to give it to the Killassians in a Trojan horse. After Deliria is told by Hermes that Athena wants to talk to her and plans to get her back on Mount Olympus, Athena arrives to fight Deliria due to the Killassians worshiping Athena, but is defeated by the Trojan horse bomb.
Tyannis starts the first series of games which is attended by other rulers Asskill, King Zika, and King Papatonis. Stupendous is among those competing the games and ends up turning the games into a competition. Meanwhile, Shlub takes Hippocampus onto the streets as an alternative to his experiments and they find that someone has been murdered as Hippocampus plans to do an autopsy to find the murderer. At the same time, Deliria works to serve some wine as Hermes informs her that Aphrodite's falcon form and Poseidon's nephew Broseidon are in attendance.
Tyrannis returns from his quest on rescuing with a sea nymph named Herophile who has become his girlfriend after he saved her from a Kraken. His family learns that Herophile is the daughter of Poseidon. It is soon revealed that Deliria bribed the Kraken to take a dive. Because the Kraken didn't received the payment he was owed, he will not leave the coasts of Krapopolis. Because of what happened, Tyrannis and Herophile head to a location called "The Swamp" that the gods won't go until Tyrannis encounters Herophile's centaur ex-boyfriend Carrots who is hiding from Poseidon. When Poseidon finds them, he makes Tyrannis and Carrots fight for Herophile's hand in marriage. Meanwhile, Shlub, Stupendous, and Hippocampus deal with a pack of wolves who are one of man's enemies. Hippocampus disguises Stupendous as a wolf with wolf urine to complete the scent in order to get close to the wolves. When that attempt fails, Stupendous finds a new way to befriend wolves.
Tyrannis and Hippocampus free Prometheus from his punishment that Zeus put him in as he is revealed to have a history with Deliria. Though it is revealed that Prometheus has plans to get payback on Zeus for his eternal punishment. Meanwhile, Shlub takes Stupendous to Cyclopia to find the Cyclops that Deliria previously mated with to give birth to Stupendous. She finds her father Donny as Shlub learns the hard way to stay out of certain things.
When Shlub is accused of eating the goats of the goat farmers, Tyrannis invents the court system, with Shlub represented by Tyrannis and the goat farmers represented by Brenda the Sphinx. Meanwhile, Hippocampus is snubbed by Deliria who won't let him call her mom and makes a sprinkler system for Killassas where he takes up the alias of a god. Deliria hears about it from Hermes and competes with him.
While at a party in the forest, Tyrannis meets a wood nymph named Daphne who is conspiring to protect the forests by ridding the world of humans. Tyrannis' hard partying after getting kissed by Daphne attracts the attention of Dionysus: the God of Wine and Parties who intensifies the party and makes things worse for Daphne, who is forced to team up with Stupendous and Hippocampus to get Tyrannis to end the party. Meanwhile, Deliria and Shlub meet Hegemone: Goddess of Plants Blooming and Bearing Fruit and her Mantitaur Paizo.
While dealing with a grain blight, Tyrannis is told by Deliria that Demeter handles agriculture, but Deliria won't ask her for help as she once stole Demeter's earrings. He ends up praying to Demeter himself and winds up getting a date with her. Meanwhile, Stupendous learns that her friend Prack the Unstoppable has died from a bee sting. She enlists Hippocampus to get her into the Greek underworld so she can give Prack one last battle with one part of it involving exposing Charon to the waters of Lethe so that they can get across it.
Tyrannis takes Hippocampus to a tech convention called VolCon to meet other inventors which also includes a panel that Hephaestus is hosting. Hephaestus soon befriends Hippocampus when he mentions that he picked the lock that was previously used on Prometheus. After Tyrannis meets King Minos who trash-talks Daedalus, he decides to find a replacement for Hippocampus. Meanwhile, Deliria and Shlub have the temple to themselves until Stupendous returns with her petrified friend Felix after a disastrous fight with a Gorgon. To prevent her daughter from asking Athena for help, Deliria tries to unpetrify Felix with disastrous results.
A civilian has invented pants which the other civilians mock. Shlub enlists Tyrannis to help resolve the situation with the bar and the civilians. Meanwhile, Hippocampus hunts a rampaging Monstadon where he encounters Daphne and they get stuck underground. Now they must work to get out of the cavern and slay the Monstadon. At the same time, Stupendous joins her friends in a quest to the peaks of Oligyrtos to retrieve the Helmet of Iapetus and she ends up followed by Deliria, disguised as a woman named Susan who claims to be Stupendous' friend. She wins over Stupendous' party and soon runs afoul of Iapetus when the party members unknowingly free him from his imprisonment.
Displeased that the Killassians are stealing the town's cattle and other livestock for food, Tyrannis takes a break and accompanies Shlub to the funeral of Shlub's Manticore father in Persia where they meet the witch Belinda. In addition to being Shlub's ex, Belinda also cursed Tyrannis as an unborn child. When Belinda undoes the curse, Tyrannis starts growing a scorpion tail which he uses to intimidate Asskill and his own citizenry. Meanwhile, Stupendous and Hippocampus tend to the Pegasus in Deliria's possession against her instructions where they discover a disturbing connection between Pegasi and Unicorns.
Stupendous comes across a cave and orders whatever monster to vacate it as it is in range of Krapopolis. She finds that a Hydra named Camille is inside it and she offers to leave since there are more cities in every direction. Stupendous then stops her from committing suicide when Camille doesn't want to fight any more warriors. The rest of Stupendous' family find that Stupendous had brought Camille home as Tyrannis allows Stupendous to keep it while stating that it is not cleaning up after her. After Camille is seen by the town crier, Tyrannis and Stupendous help to spread messages around as they chop off more heads to produce more heads. Soon, Shlub uses Camille to send anonymous messages which soon plunges Krapopolis into chaos.
As Tyrannis works to improve Krapopolis, he encounters a man from Athens named Gregorios who has invented vacation and money. Hippocampus invents Krapopolis' first coin so that the people of Krapopolis won't use chicken and goats to get what they want. This impresses the civilians enough that they go along with the idea of using coins. When chickens start to cost more, Tyrannis and Hippocampus head to Athens to see if they can ask for advice from Gregorios, only to be surprised on what happened to Athens where the money caused its inhabitants to act like savages. Now Tyrannis, Hippocampus, and Gregorios must find a way to fix both cities before things get worse. Meanwhile, Shlub is told by the bartender about the tab as he is given a job to tell his stories in exchange for free drinks. At the same time, Stupendous helps Deliria with cleaning out the dead animal sacrifices and will accept coins and other treasures as tributes until she learns what Shlub is doing with her worshipers at the bar.
Stupendous tells Tyrannis about the spies from New Scepsia that are outside Krapopolis. When talking to them, Tyrannis is told by Hippocampus that the spies have come down with a case of empathy which Deliria claims was created by the tears of the Titan Empathis which almost wiped out the Olympian gods. Then he is told about Spartans by Shlub while flying in the sky. With empathy spreading to Stupendous and the Krapopolis civilians when a Spartan army is approaching, Tyrannis and Deliria head to New Scepsia in order to find the special mushrooms needed to cure so that Stupendous can be cured which leads to their encounter with Empathis' dragon form. Meanwhile, Hippocampus works to make his own cure for empathy and ends up coming up with a way infect the Spartan army which goes comically awry.
Hippocampus has been attacked by the orphans for the fourth time as he is instructed by Tyrannis to take care of the situation. With Stupendous' help, Hippocampus rounds up the orphans as they work to control them by inventing a school. Once that was done, Hippocampus and Stupendous find them acting like an apex predator starting with them killing a Roc and get addicted to school. Meanwhile, Tyrannis goes undercover to a rally as Anarrkis the Truth Teller speaks about Tyrannis being a bad king. As Deliria and Shlub create a parade to draw away some people from the assembly, Tyrannis tries to get Anarkkis to like him which doesn't go well she ties him up and causes a coup d'état.
Deliria receives a message orb from Hestia who invites her to her all-inclusive party on her private island Vitalus somewhere in the Three Realms and she wants her to bring Tyrannis with her. Upon arrival, they find that Broseidon is among the guests. Everyone meets with Hestia and her mortal boyfriend Humanus/Tony where the Brotos flower negates godly powers so that everyone would be equal. When it comes to the final event, Humanus turns against Hestia by not having the antidote distributed so that the Age of Man can rise much to the dismay of Tyrannis and Deliria. Now Tyrannis and Deliria work to survive the uprising. Meanwhile, Shlub, Stupendous, and Hippocampus gain a visit from Jason and the Argonauts who have stopped to resupply. When Stupendous accidentally kills all of the Argonauts, she, Shlub, and Hippocampus find a blind Homer as their travel companion as they work to cover up their deaths in order for Homer to not make a bad story about Krapopolis until he figures it out during a mock giant bladed serpent fight.
A solar eclipse is happening. Deliria claims to Tyndarius that a solar eclipse is the result of Zeus ordering Apollo to park the Moon in front the Sun. Hermes states that the Olympians have become angry at Deliria and is needed on Mount Olympus. Apollo, Ares, Athena, and Hephaestus arrive stating that Zeus has gone missing as Apollo claims that his sister is in charge of the Moon and gets frozen trying to move the Sun becauses there is no air near it. As nobody knows how the sky works, Hippocampus and Hephaestus work to study the sky and make a program about it. Ares hits on Stupendous, Deliria assumes that Athena is taking advantage of Tyrannis in order to prove herself to Zeus, and Shlub and Apollo reminisce about when they are still part of a musical group.
Poseidon busts Ares for wanting a spanking from the soldiers who worship him after their victory in a war. At Ares' trial presided over Apollo, Hermes, Poseidon, Athena, Hera, Aphrodite, Dionysus, and Pan on Mount Olympus, Apollo sentences Ares to be stripped of his title and be downgrading to a minor god. Deliria meets Salt who is a minor god who makes the ocean "pukey". At the auditions for the replacement Olympian held by Apollo which is not an excuse to mock the minor gods, the auditioning minor gods include but are not limited to Meticulus: God of Groupings and Order, Nocturnus: God of Nocturnal Missions, Jinx: God of Jinxing, the unnamed Goddess of Cups and Containers, the unnamed Goddess of Orange Rinds, and the unnamed God of Near-Sneezing and the Orgasms That Happen During That Time. Deliria gets involved in helping Salt when competing against Athena and her protege Mackenzus: Goddess of Accessories. Meanwhile, the people of Krapopolis have left to the forests because of an increase of poop. Hippocampus works to find a way to deal with the poop which leads to the invention of the toilet which Tyrannis is unable to do in front of everyone as well as people fearing that snakes might come up it and bite people in the butt.
The wood nymphs have been uping nature's attack on Krapopolis as Stupendous suggests that they go to war with nature. Hippocampus goes into the forest to meet with Daphne where they talk about how their families won't listen to them. They come up with to trick Tyrannis and the nature's ruler Queen Iris into meeting for an anti-war negotiation as Queen Iris arrives with Daphne, a mud monster named Thea, and a yak named Bartleby. Pan has also arrived to assist Queen Iris as Hippocampus claims that he and Deliria might get involved in the possible war. When the negotiations go south, war between Krapopolis and nature occurs. Daphne follows Hippocampus into his bunker as they end up coming up with a solution to end the war. Deliria is tricked into doing a divine intervention against nature when Tyrannis dares her to mention to Pan what really happened to Zeus.
Tyrannis reveals to the crowd that he has created the new flag for Krapopolis only for its unveiling to be outstaged by a play that was invented by Craig who was inspired. Hippocampus discovers that the Muses are behind Craig's inspiration as he claims that they consume their resources and destroy city. He plans to come up with a way to catch a Muse. When it works, Hippocampus works on a device that harvests the inspiration from the Muses as they later take advantage of Tyrannis. Meanwhile, Deliria learns that Shlub is undergoing a metamorphosis that all Mantitaurs go through and stays by his side to keep him safe from different predators.
Hippocampus is interrupted in his surgery on a net weaver named Philbert by Tyrannis who wants all the family to be present for the launching of an unsinkable boat that will be the first of Krapopolis' navy. This event is crashed by the fish-like Atlanteans from the underwater city of Atlantis who want Hippocampus to come home. After some persuasion from Tyrannis, Hippocampus goes to Atlantis with Tyrannis and Shlub. Upon arrival, Tyrannis and Shlub learn that Hippocampus is a Prince of Atlantis and that his biological mother is the unnamed Queen of Atlantis who doesn't remember Shlub. He proceeds to show her how to handle their breathing apparatus to work on land so that the Atlanteans can invade the land. Meanwhile, Deliria is introduced to one of the heads of her cult by Stupendous who wants to be her high priestess as Deliria gives her some of her power as Stupendous states that she just met him. Stupendous discovers that the High Priestess is a Hittite who wants the worship of Deliria to be continued without her.
Amidst a lot of crisis on Krapopolis, Deliria takes Stupendous on a mission to assume the form of geese in order to poop on a new temple for Athena. After getting struck in the head by a rock thrown by a hunter, Deliria loses her memory and thinks that she is a goose. After a brief memory loss, Deliria and Stupendous are then caught by the hunter. Meanwhile, Tyrannis gets the information on the olive oil shortage from Shlub and Tyrannis asks him to attend the trade meeting after hearing about the win-win phrase. After missing the meeting, Shlub got the olive oil from Asskill. Tyrannis then puts Shlub in charge of handling the different crisis involving the sinkhole, produce shortage, bat swarms, and fire-breating orc situations. It soon comes to the point when Asskill and the bar patrons want Shlub to be the new King of Krapopolis.
A thief has been robbing from rich people. Tyrannis appoints Stupendous to deal with the thieves as he takes Stupendous' old fighting force and turns them into a police force. The police force proceed to subdue the thieves. When another rich person is robbed, the thief overwhelmes the police force and makes off with Tyrannis crown. Stupendous takes action in order to pursue the thief and reclaim Tyrannis' crown. Meanwhile, Hippocampus and Deliria receive an invitation to Hermes' Monster Dome which used to be Deliria and Hermes' Pageant of Monstrous Wonders until Deliria was thrown out of Mount Olympus and the name was changed. They plan to release the monsters there. As Deliria distracts Hermes, Hippocampus makes his way to the monster pens which goes horribly awry when he gets mistaken for a contestant and is paired up against a Minotaur/crocodile hybrid.
In the present, a female archaeologist named Alice stumbles upon the ruins of an underground temple. She finds a sea shell that enables her to contact Tyrannis in the past after he bought it from a merchant. He learns from Alice that Krapoplis has become a lost city by the present day and gets advice on how to make Krapopolis exist into the present. After some changes in the present, Tyrannis is told by Alice about a carving of a king where different fates occur causing different things to occur that changes Tyrannis' outcomes. Meanwhile, Shlub is invited to a monster wedding by an old monster friend of his. Deliria goes along with Shlub where she tries not to offend the monster guests which goes horribly awry when she accidentally dismembers them in self-defense.
No. overall | No. in season | Title [5] | Directed by | Written by | Original release date [5] | Prod. code | U.S. viewers (millions) | Rating (18-49) |
24 | 1 | "Ice Week!" | Patrick Kochakji | Matt Roller | September 29, 2024 | 3BBDH01 | 0.58 [30] | 0.2 [30] |
It is Ice Week as Tyrannis receives a large shipment of ice for the people of Krapopolis as they make different uses for it and prepare for the Ice Week Dance. During this time, Tyrannis meets a known vase reporter named Tina as Tyrannis gets smitten by her. To impress her, Tyrannis takes in an orphan that he nicknames Little Ty that his servant Kolax tried to drown on his orders. Meanwhile, Schlub finds his old Ophiotaurus friend Opie frozen in a block of ice. This causes Deliria to get him out of the sadness by thawing Opie out as they catch up where Opie finds that things have changed since the Titans were in power. At the same time, Stupendous and Hippocampus receive items from a witch to keep the ice melting and find the horses for their chariot missing as they find another way to get back to Krapopolis. Cast : Krizia Bajos as Witch, Alison Brie as Tina, SungWon Cho as Citizen, Zehra Fazal as Julia and Ice Virgin, John Gemberling as Phil, Echo Kellum as Richard, Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Opie, Kathy Nagler as Chloe, Danny Pudi as Orphan, Cedric Yarbrough as Kolax | ||||||||
25 | 2 | "Thor" | Blake Lemons | Andy Bobrow | October 6, 2024 | 3BBDH03 | 0.51 [31] | 0.1 [31] |
Tyrannis and a Harpy companion hunt a wolf into the "Northern World" where he accidentally uses an Olympian steel arrow on a Yggdrasil. The Norse Gods Odin, Hela, Loki, and Thor arrive with Jörmungandr. Deliria doesn't want Stupendous to end up experience the same thing that she had when she once dated Thor at the time when the Norse Gods interact with the Olympian Gods. In an attempt to get Thor to remember her while trying to keep Tyrannis from interfering, Deliria turns into Stupendous which gets ruined by Tyrannis and results in Deliria accidentally injuring Thor. Meanwhile, Shlub and Hippocampus see that three trolls named Grarg, Grunk, and Grelda have come with the Norse Gods as they work to befriend them with unexpected results. Cast : Colton Dunn as Odin, Kate Flannery as Hela, Nick Kroll as Grarg and Jörmungandr, Rachael MacFarlane as Aphrodite, Cristina Milizia as Grelda, Randall Park as Loki, Seth Rogen as Thor and Grunk, Michael Urie as Hermes, Amber Stevens West as Athena | ||||||||
26 | 3 | "Hades Nuts" | Jake Hollander | Matt Roller | October 20, 2024 | 3BBDH02 | 0.99 [32] | 0.3 [32] |
Tyrannis states that the Axeman's Guild are coming to Krapopolis for an audition so that they can see if anyone takes death seriously. Displeased that Deliria and Shlub are not taking humanity seriously, Tyrannis plans to teach them the value of human life and win the approval of the Axeman's Guild where they accidentally kill their assigned prisoners Hector and Gregorios. Meanwhile, Stupendous uses the Death Machine to go to the Greek underworld to visit Prack the Unstoppable who she started to develop a crush on and partake in different activities like thwarted Eurynomos from preying off corpses while taking a liking to Prack the Unstoppable. As Hippocampus had been banned from the Greek underworld for stealing from Hades, he has Stupendous sneak into Hades' palace during her visits to Prack the Unstoppable as they get a job working as enforcers to Hades. Cast : Krizia Bajos as Arke, Holmes as Prack the Unstoppable, Erik Charles Nielsen as Axeman Guild Member #1, Zac Oyama as Axeman Guild Member #2, June Diane Raphael as Eurynonos' Wife, Sam Richardson as Hades, Ryan Ridley as Axeman Guild Member #3, Paul Scheer as Eurynomos, Cedric Yarbrough as Axeman Guild Member #4 | ||||||||
27 | 4 | "Mr. Boogens" | Dominic Polcino | Danielle Weisberg | October 27, 2024 | 3BBDH06 | 0.56 [33] | 0.1 [33] |
Krapopolis is suffering its first garbage crisis after Tyrannis comes up with the word "garbage" when addressing the crowd. He tells everyone including his family that they need to start doing something about the piling garbage. Deliria then takes the job of Goddess of Garbage. When it comes to someone who collects garbage, he comes up with the god Mr. Boogens who he claims to a civilian named Joshua having been grown from Deliria's pinky toe where some people believe that he is actually real. Meanwhile, Hippocampus comes up with the idea of a grease pit to trap invaders which Stupendous objects to. She gives in and they make one which they accidentally get trapped in it. Shlub also ends up trapped after getting spooked by a fly and gets grease on his wings and it also traps an invading army and two of their war elephants causing both sides to work together to get out. Cast : John Gemberling as Invading Army General, Tessa Bonham Jones as Narrator, Jason Mantzoukas as Joshua, Lisa McGrillis as Kayleigh, Kathy Nagler as Philomena, Erik Charles Nielsen as Scott, Diona Reasonover as Miram, Joe Wong as "Knife-Hawk" Theme Singer, Cedric Yarbrough as Kolax | ||||||||
28 | 5 | "Krapocalypse" | Frank Marino | Matt Roller | November 3, 2024 | 3BBDH08 | 0.93 [34] | 0.2 [34] |
As Hippocampus gets displeased that Stupendous has been washing her blood-covered swords in the pool that he sleeps in, Tyrannis reports to Hippocampus, Stupendous, and Shlub that the volcano Mount Krapopolis is erupting. He reveals that he has been cursed by Chronos: Personification of Time for confusing him with Cronus: King of the Titans, and has been in a time loop. In order to remedy this, Deliria plans to find a way to help Tyrannis to remove the curse that Chronos placed on him. Deliria learns that Chronos in fact cursed Tyrannis because he built Krapopolis near a volcano, causing Tyrannis to think of a way to save the city by finding a way to neutralize Mount Krapopolis with help from the rest of his family. Cast : James Adomian as Chronos, Erik Charles Nielsen as Scott | ||||||||
29 | 6 | "National Lampoon's The Odyssey!" | Patrick Kochakji | Zac Oyama | November 10, 2024 | 3BBDH10 | 0.56 [35] | 0.2 [35] |
After giving Kayleigh a palace tour, Tyrannis is pulled away by Deliria where Shlub tells him, Stupendous, and Hippocampus that they are going on a boat trip to Storgos to attend the birthday of Shlub's mother who never met his grandchildren. As they sail off to Storgos on the boat Deliria's Rump, Shlub is challenged about his sailing by his kids. When Stupendous is thrown overboard and stung by a jellyfish, she is saved by a mermaid named Maya who is on a migration with her family. After Hippocampus gets Stupendous away from Maya, he warns her about the dark side of mermaids. Soon, the family lost the rudder gets broken, and an encounter with Scylla, Charybdis, Lobster-Man, Eel-Man, and Whalefall. Even when they arrive at Storgos that is inhabited by centaurs, Stupendous goes looking for Maya as Shlub finds that his mother is not pleased that Shlub is still hanging out with mortals. Cast : Eric Bauza as Lobster-Man, Offended Centaur, and Thomas, Minnie Driver as Shlub's Mother, Brandon Johnson as Tapestry Monster, Lisa McGrillis as Kayleigh, Zac Oyama as Sculpture Centaur, Ashley Park as Maya, Kari Wahlgren as Caroline, Charybdis, and Scylla | ||||||||
30 | 7 | "Ty's Man Woman Table Chairs Food" | Otis Brayboy | Hilary Winston | November 24, 2024 | 3BBDH05 | 0.94 [36] | 0.3 [36] |
After Asskill gives two hogs to him, Tyrannis encounters a caravan of mapmakers led by Sophie who explains how maps work. While Killassas is on the map, Krapopolis is not on the map as Sophie states to Tyrannis that Krapopolis can be added to the map if it has a restaurant. Showing the map to his family which would put their finder Casey out of a job and suggesting that they open a restaurant, Tyrannis persuades Hippocampus to be the chef at the restaurant that he calls Ty's Man Woman Table Chair Food. They soon start to take a liking to the different dishes that Hippocampus makes as Deliria and Shlub take on different disguises to get to the restaurant. Meanwhile, Stupendous and Spike use the map to go to Kissuria to fight the Kissurians. As Spike dies in the icy mountains, Stupendous reaches the Uncrossable Chasm and encounters Babak of Kissuria after a bridge is built for the confrontation. Cast : Dee Bradley Baker as Spike and Octopus Dad, Brian Baumgartner as Casey, Keith David as Asskill, Grey DeLisle as Woman in Line, Michael Dorn as Babak, Dylan Gelula as Sophie, John Gemberling, Matt Gourley as Bard, Lisa McGrillis as Kayleigh, Kathy Nagler, Debra Wilson | ||||||||
31 | 8 | "SHLUB$" | Dominic Polcino | Raza Syed | December 8, 2024 | 3BBDH04 | 0.71 [37] | 0.2 [37] |
Shlub is found passed out near a large vase and is not feeling well. Hippocampus claims that Shlub is very sick and can try to find a way to cure him as Deliria does not want to use her powers on him. He invents a zapper to split Shlub into Centaur Shlub and Manticore Shlub and then splits Manticore Shlub into a human, a lion, a small dragon, and a scorpion. As it was discovered that the lion part is sick, it needs a new lion part to take its place. Tyrannis does not want to subjected to the zapper and uses it on Hippocampus splitting him into an Atlantean and a Mantitaur before splitting Mantitaur Hippocampus into a centaur, a human, a lion, a small dragon, and a scorpion. After Atlantean Hippocampus kills Lion Hippocampus, Tyrannis opts not to be split by the zapper ray and tries to get a lion essence from Paizo, a third generation Mantitaur. This fails, causing Tyrannis to be split into his god core. Meanwhile, Deliria make lunch in the kitchen with Kolax as she fears that she might use her powers. Cast : Carlos Alazraqui as Dragon Paizo, Dragon Shlub, and Mantitaur Hippocampus, Eric Bauza as Lion, Jeff Bennett as Manticore Paizo and Lion Paizo, Khary Payton as Centaur Hippocampus, Centaur Paizo, and Centaur Shlub, Roger Craig Smith as Atlantean Hippocampus, Human Hippocampus, and Human Shlub, Cedric Yarbrough as Kolax | ||||||||
32 | 9 | "Enter Prophecy Duck" | Blake Lemons Sue Perrotto | Dash Turner | December 15, 2024 | 3BBDH09 | 0.82 [38] | 0.2 [38] |
As Shlub replaces his horseshoes, Hippocampus appears stating that he has trapped a Prophecy Duck which is said to have oracle powers as Tyrannis learns of this. It's gives a prophecy that Shlub translates regarding a rival king rising and that Tyrannis will fall. After checking with Killass to see if he'll overthrow him, Tyrannis meets a silk rug merchant who Joshua calls the Rug King. While Shlub claims that oracle prophecies come true, Hippocampus tries to keep Tyrannis to not think of the prophecy and works to befriend him. Meanwhile, Stupendous takes Deliria into a cave so that she can have a heart to heart talk with her which Deliria tries to escape. She brings up recent incidents that Deliria caused like a fight against the cows that walk on their hindlegs who are racists had Deliria using cow poison on one of their general. However, the cave is filled with strange creatures. Cast : Sara Amini as Shelly, Dee Bradley Baker as Prophecy Duck, Keith David as Asskill, Colton Dunn as Shelly's Husband, John Gemberling as Joshua, Echo Kellum as Rug King, Erik Charles Nielsen as Scott, Kevin Michael Richardson as Bartender | ||||||||
33 | 10 | "John Fate Comes a-Knockin'" | Jake Hollander | Sarah Carbiener | February 16, 2025 | 3BBDH07 | N/A | TBA |
As Hippocampus is examining Shlub's rear, Tyrannis learns about knocking when his palace is visited by John Fate who is the brother of the Fates as he claims that the three Fate sisters Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos are the more popular ones that everyone cares about. Deliria is against letting John Fate in as he is one of Deliria's ex-boyfriends. While being cryptic about when Tyrannis will be confronted by an angry mob and when Stupendous will fall in battle, he states that he can't predict sneezes. Tyrannis, Stupendous, and Hippocampus later see during dinner why Deliria couldn't stand him as Tyrannis tries to get John Fate who claims that he will remarry Deliria when Shlub passes away. Cast : Abby Elliott as Lachesis, Ana Gasteyer as Clotho, Laraine Newman as Atropos, Wallace Shawn as John Fate | ||||||||
34 | 11 | "Stavros Live and in Concert" | Frank Marino | Malloy Moseley | February 23, 2025 | 3BBDH11 | 0.53 [39] | 0.1 [39] |
One night, Athena's followers arrive outside of Krapopolis with sheep and wolves for symbolism only to be busted by the Krapoplis army. Stupendous was surprised that her soldier Terry is with Athena's followers when they were brought to Tyrannis. She is told by Tyrannis that the blinde singer Stavros is in town. Upon entering the forest where Stavros is performing, he learns from Alexi that there is no "king line". At the concert, Tyrannis encounters an incognito Athena who is a Stavros fan like he is. Though Stupendous is not pleased that Tyrannis and Athena have bonded over the Stavros concert while having to contend with the threat of the Athena Boys as Athena states that she has nothing to do with them. Due to the threat of the Athena Boys, Athena and Tyrannis plan to hold a peace concert with Stavros performing. Meanwhile, Shlub learns that Deliria wants her me time as Hippocampus uses a formula to shrink Shlub so that he can follow her. He finds that Deliria has been working as a worker ant with some worker ant friends Dolores, Patty, and Winifred. Cast : James Adomian, Yvette Nicole Brown as Winifred, Ian Cardoni, Zehra Fazal as Patty, Vince Gilligan, Craig Robinson as Stavros, Isaac Robinson-Smith, Nick Rutherford, Roger Craig Smith, Cree Summer as Dolores, Amber Stevens West as Athena | ||||||||
35 | 12 | "Baby Boom" | Otis Brayboy | Mo Welch | March 2, 2025 | 3BBDH12 | 0.60 [40] | 0.1 [40] |
As Shlub shows a vase about two women advertisements, Stupendous interpret this as Aphrodite putting an ad on a fertility fest. Deliria brings Stupendous to keep an eye on Aprhodite. Upon arrival, Deliria and Stupendous see Aphrodite induce pregnancy on anyone who becomes her followers. Stupendous encounters her old Battle Belles sleep-away camp friends Tina, Iris, and Cora who are now proud mothers and learns how they balanced between mothers and warriors. This causes Stupendous to want to have a child much to the dismay of Deliria. Meanwhile, Shlub and Hippocampus plan to go to the bathhouse and didn't tell Tyrannis because they know how he reacts to nudity. He works to get over it as he overhears some of the patrons talking bad about him causing Tyrannis to retaliate in the most unlikeliest of ways. Cast : Sara Amini as Cora, Diedrich Bader, H. Michael Croner, Grey DeLisle as Machine Operator, Zehra Fazal as Tina and Bartender, Dave Franco as Broseidon, Riki Lindhome as Lucy and Tar Maid, Rachael MacFarlane as Aphrodite, Vanessa Marshall as Iris, Erik Charles Nielsen as Scott, Cedric Yarbrough as Kolax Note: This episode was dedicated in memory of Abigail Nangle. | ||||||||
36 | 13 | "Ty Big Fat Greek Wedding" | Patrick Kochakji | Monica Padrick | March 9, 2025 | 3BBDH13 | 0.44 [41] | 0.1 [41] |
Tyrannis is meeting with a warrior king named Fatherinlawsus the Great as Stupendous meets him. She is told that King Fatherinlawsus has found a way to expand his empire by having Tyrannis marry someone. Stupendous is displeased that she wasn't consulted about it first. Hippocampus mentions about how some of the weddings ended in a masscre. Wanting to make sure he doesn't want to get massacred, Tyrannis is persuaded to have a baker named Cyrus to take his place in the wedding. He finds out that Cyrus in debt with the head baker and meets a baker named Ana who is actually the true bride who switched places with her identical cousin Sarah. Meanwhile, Stupendous gets to know King Fatherinlawsus as he plans to donate some of his pre-castrated soldiers to her. At the same time, Deliria prepares to set up the wedding while preparing for Hermes' arrival as he still blames her for ripping out his eye. Cast : Steve Blum, H. Michael Croner, Gillian Jacobs as Ana and Sarah, Robert Patrick as King Fatherinlawsus, Michael Urie as Hermes | ||||||||
37 | 14 | "Love Trap, Baby!" | Dominic Polcino | Matt Roller | March 16, 2025 | 3BBDH14 | 0.45 [42] | 0.1 [42] |
Kolax introduces a messenger from Messinia who informs Tyrannis about the squid and gets thrown out by Stupendous. The next messenger is Angelioforos who invites Tyrannis and other bachelors to meet with Princess Lycosa at the Paradise Peninsula. Tyrannis accepts much to the dismay of Stupendous and Hippocampus who assume that it's a trap. They meet Princess Lycosa's servants Don Who Smiles and Tia Who Smiles as Tyrannis meets the suitors Musculus, Cork the Wheel-Maker, and Tod. When the suitors meet Princess Lycosa, Hippocampus finds that the flowers are enchanted as Stupendous is also affected after previously eating them. Meanwhile, Deliria and Shlub are left in charge of Krapopolis while their children are away and are told not to break anything. To invite the neighboring cities to their secret orgy when a housefly person and a witch are the only ones to attend, Deliria ends up improving Krapopolis in order to get the neighboring cities to attend by improving the roads leading to other types of improvements to Krapopolis. Cast : James Adomian, Sara Amini as Shelly, Eric Bauza as Messinia Messenger and Moustache Guy, Jamie Chung as Princess Lycosa, Colton Dunn as Shelly's Husband, John Gemberling as Joshua, Skyler Gisondo as Cork, Nick Lachey as Don Who Smiles, Vanessa Lachey as Tia Who Smiles, Lamorne Morris as Housefly Person, Kathy Nagler, Jerry O'Connell as Musculus, Diona Reasonover as Joshua's Wife, Nick Rutherford, Cedric Yarbrough as Kolax | ||||||||
38 | 15 | "The Weather Stick" [43] | TBA | TBA | March 23, 2025 | TBA | TBD | TBA |
39 | 16 | "Number Twos" [44] | TBA | TBA | March 30, 2025 | TBA | TBD | TBA |
40 | 17 | "One Eye One Heart She's Stupe" [45] | TBA | TBA | April 6, 2025 | TBA | TBD | TBA |
In June 2020, it was announced that Dan Harmon signed a deal with Fox to create a new adult animated comedy for 2022, with a straight-to-series order. [46] It is Fox Entertainment Studios' first fully owned animated comedy series. Bento Box Entertainment is the animation studio.
In May 2021, it was announced that the series would be titled Krapopolis. [47] At the same time, Fox stated that it would be "the first-ever animated series curated entirely on the blockchain", and the network would sell NFTs and other digital tie-ins to the series. [47] [48] According to Fox, NFT owners "will be able to vote on specific show content and dictate exclusive on-air elements." [49]
In June 2021, it was announced that Jordan Young would be the showrunner for the series. [50]
In October 2022, Fox gave the series an early renewal for a second season ahead of its premiere. [2]
In March 2023, Fox gave the series another early renewal ahead of its premiere, with the show lasting for a total of three seasons. [3] In April 2023, it was announced that Alex Rubens was replacing Young as showrunner for the second and third seasons. [51]
In July 2024, the series was renewed for a fourth season ahead of the second season premiere. [6]
In July 2022, Fox announced the series was scheduled to premiere with a special preview episode on November 27, 2022, before its official premiere in 2023. [52] It was delayed to September 24, 2023. [4] The second season premiered on September 29, 2024. [53]
In Canada, Citytv and CHCH share the broadcast rights due to scheduling issues and is available to stream on Citytv+.[ citation needed ]
The show has received generally mixed reviews. The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported an approval rating of 56% with an average rating of 6/10, based on 16 critic reviews. The website's critics consensus reads, "Carried by its superb voice cast like Atlas shouldering the Earth, Krapopolis falls short of divine comedy but offers consistent enough chuckles for fans of animated raunch." [54] Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned a score of 60 out of 100 based on 14 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". [55]
Season | Timeslot (ET) | Episodes | First aired | Last aired | TV season | Viewership rank | Avg. viewers (millions) | 18–49 rank | Avg. 18–49 rating | ||
Date | Viewers (millions) | Date | Viewers (millions) | ||||||||
1 | Sunday 8:00 p.m. (1, 8, 10–11) Sunday 8:30 p.m. (2–6, 9, 12–23) Sunday 8:31 p.m. (7) | 23 | September 24, 2023 | 3.82 [8] | May 19, 2024 | 0.48 [29] | 2023–24 | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
2 | Sunday 9:30 p.m. [5] | TBA | September 29, 2024 | 0.58 [30] | TBA | TBD | 2024–25 | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Year | Award | Category | Nominee | Episode | Result | Ref. |
2024 | Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards | Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance | Hannah Waddingham | "Big Man on Hippocampus" | Nominated | [56] |
Fox ... spelled out in a little more detail what they meant by 'curated entirely on the blockchain'. Essentially, it's a way of selling merch