Tomstown Dolomite

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Tomstown Dolomite
Stratigraphic range: Cambrian
Tomstown Dolomite 51ddbe2ce4b0f72b447206b7.jpg
USGS photo 1 mile east of Bakerton, West Virginia
Type Sedimentary
Underlies Rome Group and Waynesboro Formation
Overlies Antietam Formation and Chilhowee Group
Thickness200 - 1000 feet
Primary dolomite
Other Chert, limestone, shale
Region Appalachia, Mid-Atlantic United States, and Southeastern United States
Country United States
Extent Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, [1] West Virginia

The Tomstown Dolomite or Tomstown Formation is a geologic formation in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. [2] [3] [4] It preserves fossils dating to the Cambrian Period.

In Maryland it is described as "Interbedded light gray to yellowish-gray, thin- to thick-bedded dolomite and limestone; some shale layers; gradational contact with Antietam; thickness 200 to 1,000 feet." [2]

In southern Maryland it is divided into four members: [5]

Dargan Member Interbedded and cyclical dolomite and limestone.
Benevola Member Light gray to white, massive to poorly bedded, highly fractured sugary dolomite.
Fort Duncan Member Medium- to dark-gray, thick bedded, mottled dolomite with white, void-filling sparry dolomite.
Bolivar Heights Member Three lithologies from the basal layer of a tan, vuggy dolomite, to a light gray dolomitic marble called the Keedysville bed, to thin- to medium bedded layers of lime mudstone containing burrows.

See also

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