Treaty of Constantinople (1562)

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In 1562, Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I and the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I formalized a truce made in 1547 between the Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire. [1]


The treaty confirmed that the Ottoman Empire kept its gains in central Hungary, while the western and northern Hungary remained under Habsburg rule. [1] The treaty confirmed that Transylvania remained under Ottoman control. [1]

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The Treaty of Paris of 14 March 1812 created an alliance between the Austrian Empire and the French Empire against the Russian Empire. Austria pledged to provide an auxiliary corps of 30,000 troops under the command of the French emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, in the event of a war with Russia. The signatory for France was its foreign minister, the Duke of Bassano, and for Austria its ambassador in Paris, the Prince of Schwarzenberg. The treaty had nine public and eleven secret articles. The treaty was published in Le Moniteur Universel on 5 October 1813.

