United Nations Security Council Resolution 890

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UN Security Council
Resolution 890
Angola in Africa
Date15 December 1993
Meeting no.3,323
CodeS/RES/890 (Document)
Voting summary
  • 15 voted for
  • None voted against
  • None abstained
Security Council composition
Permanent members
Non-permanent members

United Nations Security Council resolution 890, adopted unanimously on 15 December 1993, after reaffirming resolutions 696 (1991), 747 (1992), 785 (1992), 793 (1992), 804 (1993), 811 (1993), 823 (1993), 834 (1993), 851 (1993) and 864 (1993) on the situation in Angola, the council noted the slight improvements in the country and extended the stationing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II (UNAVEM II) until 16 March 1994. [1]


The security council began by underlining the importance it attached to the full implementation of the 'Accordos de Paz' peace agreements and relevant resolutions of the council. It also welcomed the resumption of negotiations in Lusaka between the Government of Angola and UNITA, noting that incidents of violence had decreased. At the same time however, it recognised the serious humanitarian situation in the country, the lack of ceasefire and the refusal of UNITA to accept the results of the 1992 elections.

The importance of a peaceful solution was stressed and urged both parties to be flexible in negotiations. The parties were called upon to abide by their commitments in Lusaka, urging both to immediately cease all military actions to stop the further suffering of the people and damage to the Angolan economy as well as establishing a durable ceasefire. The Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was asked to report on the progress of the talks by 1 February 1994. The council also noted that the secretary-general had already taken steps to expand the UNAVEM II peacekeeping mission in the event of developments in the peace process. At the time, UNAVEM II was understaffed and was unable to monitor the entire country. [2]

The resolution also affirmed the need for humanitarian aid to be delivered to the affected population, commending member states, United Nations agencies and non-governmental organisations for the efforts in this regard and urging them to continue the provision of humanitarian assistance. Given the ongoing negotiations between the Angolan government and UNITA, the security council decided not to impose an oil embargo against UNITA in Resolution 864 but announced its willingness to do so in the event of a recommendation by the secretary-general. [3]

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  1. Yusuf, Abdulqawi (1995). African Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire Africain de Droit International: 1994. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. p. 184. ISBN   978-0-7923-3284-8.
  2. Cooper, Andrew Fenton; English, John; Thakur, Ramesh Chandra (2002). Enhancing global governance: towards a new diplomacy?. United Nations University Press. p.  252. ISBN   978-92-808-1074-5.
  3. Brzoska, Michael; Lopez, George A. (2009). Putting teeth in the tiger: improving the effectiveness of arms embargoes. Emerald Group Publishing. p. 146. ISBN   978-1-84855-202-9.