Zenith Cable Modem

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Zenith Cable Modem was one of the first proprietary cable modems. The two basic models are one operating at 500 kilobits per second (Kbit/s), and the other at four megabits per second (Mbit/s) with BPSK and approximately a 25% alpha.



The Zenith Cable Modem was originally developed for a mid-split cable television network in the mid-1980s. It was used as an 8-bit full-height PC/AT-type card containing an Intel 80186 dedicated CPU, connected to an external white box about 2" x 12" x 6". Other similar products were made by Ungermann-Bass (UB) under the 10BROAD36 standard and Vital ink. UB had models supporting RS-232 and Ethernet outputs, as well as a re-modulating frequency translator.

In late 1993, Zenith Electronics and Prodigy provided 12 modified 500 Kbit "white modems" to Cox Communications in San Diego, including two with IBM Microchannel support. These modified modems were intended to support the Prodigy Cable Modem trial, which began on a 1500 homes-passed fiber node in El Cajon, CA. The modification allowed sub-split operation, with a fixed upstream frequency and a downstream at 74.75  MHz, within the 4 MHz space between analog channels four and five.

The initial trial consisted of a Prodigy server in the El Cajon headend, connected via the Microchannel-based cable modem to an Olsen Frequency Translator. This basic network supported the 1500 home passed fiber nodes, with six "subscribers" including one employee of Cox, who was also the head-end manager. One card was installed in rackmount PC in the Federal headend, another in the El Cajon headend. 1500 high pass filters were installed to eliminate any ingress from the drops. Service was reasonably reliable.

Zenith updated their white modems to a matte black case, adding the Homework name and marketing to cable operators at the $350 price range for 250 units. The new design used the same size external case, added LEDs to indicate power/TX/RX/activity and replaced the full sized 8-bit ISA card with a smaller 16-bit version. The new design dropped the onboard CPU. The modem connected to the card used a 15-pin D-shell connector—which exactly matched the PC's game connector. Both models were powered by the PC. The new modem was frequency agile, with a configuration utility that ran on the PC to set up US and DS frequencies. The option to configure the card's MAC address was soon dropped. However, the card's MAC address was not printed on the outside of the board, and thus was invisible once installed into the PC. Nor was the MAC address printed in a machine readable (bar code) format. Cox added these to the CM prior to installation, and tracked the subscriber to modem MAC address in an Excel spreadsheet, as the MAC address contained too many digits to fit into any fields within the customer billing system.

Product versions

All Zenith modems contained a small switch controlling the second coax port. The modem could either operate on one coax (built in diplex filter) or two (Headend use, dual plant networks, or external diplex filter.)

The initial Zenith "Headend" design was to use a residential cable modem inside a server, and a frequency translator to convert the upstream transmit frequency to the downstream receive frequency.

This design did not scale to more than a few networks, so the Channelizer was introduced—a 2.5" tall rack mountable device with separate US and DS RF ports, the diplex filter switch, and an Ethernet port.

The first large scale Zenith headend was constructed in Cox San Diego using Zenith's booth demonstration hardware from the 1994 Western Cable Show. Three Frequency Translators, plus four Channelizers were installed in El Cajon. These plus three other Channelizers were interconnected to an 8 port Cisco Catalyst 1200 Ethernet switch with single mode FDDI uplink for a 4 device, 140 km FDDI ring around San Diego county. The Prodigy server obtained a traditional Ethernet card.

The seven frequency translators plus seven Channelizers supported 65,000 homes passed on 23 fiber nodes, and occupied a full rack.

Technology demonstration to initial deployment

Prodigy was deployed over cable modem to 200 users in time for the 1994 Western Cable Show. To grow the system from 16 users in three fiber nodes, to 200 required adding what became 64,000 homes passed, making the Cox San DiegoProdigy cable modem field trial the world's largest cable modem deployment (by service area) at the time.

The acceptance criteria were too strict to achieve the 65% homes passed high speed internet penetration which is common today:

The result was a population of 1/4 of 1% of the homes passed, or 64,000 homes passed for 150 users.

At the time two-way communication over this service area was assumed reliable given that two-way Impulse Pay Per View cable boxes were deployed to these same places. The Pioneer Set Top Boxes used FSK, retransmitted up to 32 times over three days, and worked for up to five purchases without a return path.

The Zenith MAC layer

CSMA/CD, or Ethernet "like" was expanded by reducing the data rate to 500 kbit/s for up to 50 (100?) miles plant radius and to 4 Mbit/s for up to 25 miles (40 km) plant radius. The transmitting device first listened for activity. If there was activity, it would activate the "A" LED, and wait. Activity is defined as any RF energy, intelligible or not, at an absolute amplitude of -25 dBmV into the device receive port within a 1 MHz or 6 MHz passband (500 kbit/s or 4 Mbit/s respectively.)

Upon detection of no activity, using appropriate back off timers (as per Ethernet CSMA/CD standard), the CM transmitted a preamble followed by the start of the Ethernet frame. Simultaneously, the transmitting CM would begin listening for its own burst. If the CM were able to decode its own burst, and correctly compare a checksum of the first 17 bytes of the packet, it would declare no-collision, and continue. If there was a checksum error, it would declare a collision, and stop transmitting after the 19th byte. This was easily and directly measured using Novell Analyzer software on a dedicated Windows 3.1 for Workgroups PC. [1]

The card kept some locally accessible counters on excessive and late collisions, but there was no driver or management.

By November 20, 1996, Zenith released SNMP MIBs and management for their Channelizer under software release 9.32, under the title "Node Data Controller SNMP".


The physical possession of a properly installed modem connected the subscriber to the network, and the use of this modem with a packet sniffer would enable full viewing of all transmitted and received packets from every user sharing that frequency translator.

Removing a device for non-payment required physically retrieving the device and preventing the availability of used or stolen modems. Modems could not be disabled remotely.

Quality and reception

While not directly competing against an existing product, residential ISDN penetration was sub 0.1%, the technology had severe growing pains:

The team identified 19 Independent causes of two errors—CT-9 and CT-16, "A communications failure has occurred".


Modem hardware


RF requirements

Carrier/anything of at least 25 dB at the receive port of all modems. To support the time varying nature of an HFC network, 35 dB C/anything was required at the input to the frequency translator in the headend.

"Carrier/anything" includes: C/Noise, C/Interference and distortion products.

Downstream input to each cable modem of +5 dBmV ± 2 dB. Due to the non-existence of any real input AGC, the lack of a re-modulating frequency translator and lack of upstream transmit power control, the tight receive level range accommodated upstream path variation.

In comparison, a 2003 DOCSIS 2.0 compliant CMTS operating at 0.5 to 1 dB from theory provide both 16QAM and 64 QAM in 6.4 MHz at 25 dB C/noise, and in some cases negative C/I. [2]

RF plant maintenance in 19941995

An HP 8590L (low cost version of 8591c), video out connected to a Caddo channel modulator operating above 550 MHz, with a Radio Shack black and white TV (picture tube) tuned to UHF channels to see the picture. Add to that a comb generator with 46 CW tones, an HP Callan 1776 "portable" spectrum analyzer. Not all amplifiers contained a good return-path test point, so the repair lab was asked to modify some line extender diplex filters to pass the forward, and divert the return path to an F connector. A pad socket was also converted. Any signal entering an amplifier with an amplitude above -45 dBmV was located and fixed. CLI was reduced to under 5 uV/m. Two years later, Milo Medan, CTO of @Home was reported to have said, "Please show me the fiber receivers that are connected to the outside plant, these don't have enough noise, so they are certainly not connected or properly aligned." Later, he was quoted as saying "Cox San Diego return plant is so clean you could eat off it." San Diego never had serious RF issues when it came to return path after 1995.

Network Operations Center (NOC)

Modeled after the University of California, San Diego Telecommunications NOC at the Central Utilities Building, Novell Analyzer software w/ internal cable modem, and a technician to manually move the test connection between frequency translators. Only one frequency translator could be measured at a time. HP OpenView (HPOV) and a 24 port HP Advance Stack Ethernet HUB with AUI "uplink" was available. This combination allowed the Advance Stack hub to send out IPX diagnostic packets to the NDIS driver in each PC. Assuming the PC was running the driver at all times, the HP Open View application would display the NetWare device ID – 00000, mac-address as there was no real NetWare server router. The management software would generate NDIS "diagnostic pings" from the hub, and report the number of successful responses. Rebooting the PC, loading and unloading the driver, or experiencing RF faults would cause each cable modem to transition from active to inactive hundreds of times per day.

HPOV could export the log file to a Paradox database for later analysis and trending. Eliminating the PC reloads and driver reloads from the RF faults, and correlating RF faults on a single frequency translator vs. the entire flat network was not available. These methods became the justification and fundamental research for what was later patented by others: US 6032019   and US 5943604  . Eventually, this technique became mandatory in DOCSIS 3.0, although it was rejected and ignored for three years as a "proprietary extension to DOCSIS" by @Home and copied by every DOCSIS CMTS vendor.

By September 1994, the NOC was expanded with the introduction of two @ Cisco Catalyst 1200 Ethernet to FDDI switches, and two @ Cabletron MMAC-three FNB hubs (six Ethernet plus two FDDI), constructing a reliable path from the Federal Headend to the El Cajon headend, and eliminating one unreliable path between the Advance Stack hub and the various Channelizers and frequency translators.

Videoconferencing over cable modems in 19941995

CUs-SeeMe and Apple QuickTime Conferencing 1.0 beta [3] ran over the Zenith and Lan city proprietary cable modems when the RF path was sufficiently clean. These modems were able to interoperate on the same RF fiber nodes using Frequency Division Multiplexing, using an Ethernet switch to join the otherwise incompatible networks.

Late in the beta, 160 x 120 pixel video was increased to 320 x 240, and the audio quality greatly improved on the Apple Power Macintosh 7100 AV.


Cogeco in Canada launched with the 4 Mbit/s, external Rev D cable modem in roughly 1996, and by August 1997 had 2500 subscribers. The network experienced failures for three reasons:

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  1. [Novel NetWare LANalyzer for Windows, P/N 136-001692-002 Rev A Rel 2.0 Copyright 1983-1993]
  2. Francis Edginton, 2003 article
  3. QuickTime Conferencing Press Release