1153 papal election

Last updated

Papal election
Dates and location
8 July 1153
Key officials
Dean Corrado Demetri della Suburra
Protopriest Guido Florentinus
Protodeacon Odone Bonecase
Elected pope
Corrado Demetri della Suburra
Name taken: Anastasius IV

The 1153 papal election followed the death of Pope Eugene III and resulted in the election of Pope Anastasius IV.


Election of Anastasius IV

Pope Eugenius III died on 8 July 1153 at Tivoli. On 12 July the cardinals elected as his successor cardinal Corrado Demetri della Suburra, bishop of Sabina and dean of the College of Cardinals, who was 80 years old. He took the name Anastasius IV and was crowned on the same day, probably in Rome. [1]


There were 35 cardinals in the Sacred College of Cardinals in July 1153, [2] but it seems that no more than 30 (perhaps even fewer) participated in the election:

ElectorCardinalatial TitleElevatedElevatorNotes
Corrado Demetri della Suburra Bishop of Sabina 1113/14Paschalis II Dean of the College of Cardinals; Elected Pope Anastasius IV
Imar, O.S.B.Cluny Bishop of Tusculum 13 March 1142Innocent II
Guarino Foscari, Can.Reg. Bishop of Palestrina 22 December 1144Lucius II Cardinal-nephew
Hugo, O.Cist. Bishop of Ostia e Velletri 21 December 1151Eugenius III
Guido Florentinus Priest of S. Crisogono1139Innocent II Protopriest
Gregorio della Suburra Priest of S. Maria in Trastevere1 March 1140Innocent II
Ubaldo Allucingoli Priest of S. Prassede16 December 1138Innocent IIFuture Pope Lucius III (1181-1185)
Ottaviano de Monticelli Priest of S. Cecilia25 February 1138Innocent IIFuture Antipope Victor IV (1159-1164)
ManfredoPriest of S. Sabina17 December 1143Celestine II
AribertoPriest of S. Anastasia17 December 1143Celestine II
Giovanni Paparoni Priest of S. Lorenzo in Damaso17 December 1143Celestine II
Astaldo degli Astalli Priest of S. Prisca17 December 1143Celestine II
GiulioPriest of S. Marcello19 May 1144Lucius II
Ubaldo Caccianemici, Can.Reg.Priest of S. Croce in Gerusalemme19 May 1144Lucius II Cardinal-nephew
Guido Puella Priest of S. Pudenziana22 December 1144Lucius II
Jordan, O.Carth.Priest of S. Susanna22 December 1144Lucius II
Rolando Priest of S. Marco and Chancellor of the Holy Roman Church 22 September 1150Eugenius IIIFuture Pope Alexander III (1159-1181)
GerardPriest of S. Stefano al Monte Celio2 March 1151Eugenius III
Cencio de Gregorio Priest of S. Lorenzo in Lucina2 March 1151Eugenius III
Giovanni da Sutri Priest of SS. Giovanni e Paolo21 February 1152Eugenius III
Errico Moricotti, O.Cist.Priest of SS. Nereo ed Achilleo21 February 1152Eugenius III
Giovanni Mercone Priest of SS. Silvestro e Martino23 May 1152Eugenius III
Odone Bonecase Deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro4 March 1132Innocent II Protodeacon
RodolfoDeacon of S. Lucia in Septisolio17 December 1143Celestine II
Giacinto Bobone Deacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin22 December 1144Lucius IIFuture Pope Celestine III (1191–98)
Guido di Crema Deacon of S. Maria in Portico21 September 1145Eugenius IIIFuture Antipope Paschal III (1164-1168)
Giovanni da Napoli, Can.Reg.Deacon of SS. Sergio e Bacco22 September 1150Eugenius III
Gerard de Namur Deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata21 February 1152Eugenius III
Ottone da Brescia Deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere21 February 1152Eugenius III
Bernard de Rennes, O.Cist.Deacon of SS. Cosma e Damiano23 May 1152Eugenius III

Six electors were created by Pope Innocent II, five by Pope Celestine II, six by Pope Lucius II, twelve by Pope Eugenius III and one by Pope Paschalis II.


ElectorCardinalatial TitleElevatedElevatorNotes
Nicholas Breakspeare, Can.Reg. Bishop of Albano 16 December 1149Eugenius IIIPapal legate in Scandinavia; [3] future Pope Adrian IV (1153-1154)
Rainaldo di Collemezzo, O.S.B.Cas.Priest of SS. Marcellino e Pietroca. 1139-1141Innocent II Abbot of Montecassino (external cardinal) [4]
Bernard, Can.Reg.Priest of S. Clemente22 December 1144Lucius IIPapal legate in Germany; [5] archpriest of the Vatican Basilica
GregorioDeacon of S. Angelo17 December 1143Celestine IIPapal legate in Germany [6]
Ildebrando Grassi, Can.Reg.Deacon of S. Eustachio23 May 1152Eugenius IIIPapal legate in Lombardy [7]


  1. Robinson, p. 526; Jaffé, p. 90.
  2. Reconstruction based on Brixius, p. 23.
  3. Zenker, p. 37-38; he did not subscribe any papal bulls between 21 February 1152 and 30 November 1154 (Jaffé, p. 20 and 89).
  4. Ganzer, p. 94-97
  5. Zenker, p. 30; He did not subscribe any papal bulls between 5 February 1153 and 16 February 1154 (Jaffé, p. 20 and 89)
  6. Zenker, p. 49-50; he did not subscribe any papal bulls between 5 February 1153 and 1 January 1154 (Jaffé, p. 20 and 90).
  7. Ganzer, p. 100-101
