2010 Transnational Constituent Assembly of Tamil Eelam election

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Area claimed for Tamil Eelam Location Tamil Eelam territorial claim.png
Area claimed for Tamil Eelam

In 2010 elections were held in Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora communities to elect members to the first Transnational Constituent Assembly of Tamil Eelam .



One of the main recommendations of the Advisory Committee on the Formation of a Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam was that a Transnational Constituent Assembly be formed consisting of 135 members. [1] Of these, 115 would be elected and the remaining 20 shall consist of delegates selected by the elected assembly to represent regions where elections aren't feasible.

The distribution of the 115 elected representatives is: Australia 10; Benelux 3; Canada 25; Denmark 3; Finland 1; France 10; Germany 10; Ireland 1; Italy 3; New Zealand 2; Norway 3; South Africa 3; Sweden 1; Switzerland 10; UK 20; and USA 10.

The distribution of the 20 appointed delegates is: Caribbean & South America 1; India 5; Malaysia 3; Mauritius 1; Middle East 2; Oceania 1; Rest of Africa 1; Rest of Asia 1; Rest of Europe 1; Singapore 2; and South Africa 2.

Working groups were established in countries with significant diaspora communities to organise elections.



Election is due to held on 22 May 2010 to elect four members in one constituency (NSW). Five members from three constituencies have already been elected unopposed: [2]

Constituency 1 (New South Wales)

Sivasambu Brabaakaran
Dharshan Gunasingam
Ramalingam Karunanithy
Balasingham Prabhakaran
Sinnapu Victor Rajakulendran
Kulasegaram Sanchayan
Seran Sribalan

Constituency 2 (Victoria)

Janani BalachandranU/C*Elected
Dominic Savio SanthiapillaiU/C*Elected
Thuraisingam ShanmugananthakumarU/C*Elected

Constituency 4 (Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania)

Apiramy Visuvanathan U/C*Elected

Constituency 5 (Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia)


Election was held on 2 May 2010 in Canada to elect 25 members across five districts: [3] [4] [5]

District 1 (Toronto GTA & Vicinities)

Tharani Prapaharan4,96715.50%Elected
Thiru S. Thiruchelvam4,93615.40%Elected
M. K. Eelaventhan 4,16112.98%Elected
Pon Balarajan3,77711.79%Elected
Joe Antony3,38810.57%Elected
Piraba Nalliah3,1759.91%
Deva Sabapathy2,7548.59%
Sri Bavan Sri-Skanda-Rajah2,6918.40%
Nimal Vinayagamoorthy2,1976.86%
Valid Votes7,004
Rejected Votes2
Total Polled7,006

District 2 (Eastern Ontario)

Vanitha Rajendram8,45115.07%Elected
Esan Kulasekaram7,81013.92%Elected
Waran Vaithilingam6,52311.63%Elected
Mariampillai Anjalo Yogendran6,47811.55%Elected
Suresh Ratnabalan6,10910.89%Elected
Selvanayaki Sridas4,6328.26%
Vin Mahalingam3,8456.85%
R. Rajkumar Nada3,6926.58%
Jeyabalan Alagaratnam3,5946.41%
Srisangar (Shean) Sinnarajah2,5414.53%
Henry Kirupairajah2,4204.31%
Valid Votes12,021
Rejected Votes5
Total Polled12,026

District 3 (Western Ontario)

Iyampillai (Shan) Shanmuganathan5,04916.96%Elected
Suren Mahendran5,00216.80%Elected
Sam Sangarasivam4,99716.79%Elected
Ram Sivalingam4,99316.77%Elected
Balan Ratnarajah4,84416.27%Elected
S. M. Thanapalan Marakandu2,5018.40%
Charles Devasagayam2,3828.00%
Valid Votes6,617
Rejected Votes4
Total Polled6,621

District 4 (Quebec & Eastern Canada)

Luxan Sivapragasapillai3,22114.14%Elected
Maharajah (Nanthan) Nanthakumar2,81812.37%Elected
Niruthan Nagalingam2,79412.27%Elected
Kanthiah Theiventhiran2,69011.81%Elected
Majendran (Indran) Raveendran2,58611.35%
Bhuvan-Endra Nadarajah2,55711.22%Elected
Manoharan Majooran2,43510.69%
Muthuckumaru Sivananthan1,8868.28%
Roy Yarl Vaanan Wignarajah1,7937.87%
Valid Votes
Rejected Votes
Total Polled5,491

District 5 (Western Canada)

Sivasothy JeyamathyU/C*Elected
Nagendra KatpanaU/C*Elected
Mokanasingham MarkanduU/C*Elected
Muthukumarasamy RatnaU/C*Elected
Sothinathan SumughanU/C*Elected


Election was held on 2 May 2010 in Denmark to elect three members: [6] [7]

2 Syddan
3 Midt
& Nord
Remmon Washington3759631,4002,73832.63%Elected
Sukenthini Nimalanathan3709431,3132,62631.30%Elected
Maheswaran Ponnampalam3389161,2962,55030.39%Elected
Elayaraj Kannan Sithamparanathan431223114765.67%
Valid Votes3851,0541,6053,044
Rejected Votes8252558
Total Polled3931,0791,6303,102
Eligibile Votersc6,500


Election was held on 2 May 2010 in France to elect 10 members across eight constituencies: [8]

Constituency 1 (Electoral District 75)

Christian Gregory
Rajamalar Gunsegaralingam
Balachandran Sivaguuru
Mahintan Sivasubramaniam

Constituency 2 (Electoral District 93)

Rayappu Arulanantham
Collins MickealElected
Ramesh Pathmanathan
Kirushanthi SakthithasanElected

Constituency 3 (Electoral Districts 78 & 95)

Ariyaratnam Kanagasabai
Balasundaram Paramanathan
Sutharsan Sivagurunathan

Constituency 4 (Electoral District 94)

Balachandran NagalingamU/C*Elected

Constituency 5 (Electoral District 92)

Thiruchchoti ThirukulasingamElected
Balakanesan Thamotharampillay

Constituency 6 (Electoral Districts 77 & 91)

Subashini KuruparanathanU/C*Elected

Constituency 7 (Northern France)

Sasikumar SaravanamuththuU/C*Elected

Constituency 8 (Southern France)

Krishanth TharmendranU/C*Elected


Election was held on 2 May 2010 in Germany to elect one member in one constituency: [9] [10] Election is due to held on 16 May 2010 to elect seven members in two constituencies.

Constituency 1 (Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen, Thüringen)

Vithiya Jeyasangar44170.11%Elected
Vazuki Thangarajah18829.89%
Valid Votes629100.00%
Rejected Votes1
Total Polled630

Constituency 2 (Bremen, Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein)

Rajaratnam JeyachandranU/C*Elected
Renuga LogeswaranU/C*Elected

Constituency 3 (Nordrhein-Westfalen)

Gratian James Alston|
Mughunthan Indralingam
Subramaniam Paramananthan
Thaniga Subramaniam
Rasiah Thanabalasundaram
Nadarajah Thiruchelvam
Valid Votes
Rejected Votes
Total Polled

Constituency 4 (Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland)

Paramu Ananthasingam
Rajivan Arunasalam
Ananther Boopathy–Balavadivetkaran
Piriyatharsieni Manoharan
Nadarajah Rajendra
Selvaratnam Ratnaroopan
Valid Votes
Rejected Votes
Total Polled

New Zealand

Two members across two electorates were elected unopposed: [11]

Electorate 1 (Northern - Auckland)

Theva RajanU/C*Elected

Electorate 2 (Southern - Wellington)

K. S. NaguleswaranU/C*Elected


Election was held on 2 May 2010 across 17 centres in Norway to elect three members on a nationwide constituency: [12]

Sivakanesan Thillaiampalam2,449Elected
Jeyasri Balasubramaniam2,342Elected
Murali Sivanandan2,321Elected
Eligibile Votersc6,500


Election was held on 2 May 2010 in Switzerland to elect 10 members across seven constituencies: [13] [14]

Constituency 1 (Bern, Solothurn)

Suganya Puthirasigamani1,88030.99%Elected
Suntharalingam Virakathi1,84630.43%Elected
Thileepan Krishnasamy1,36722.54%
Suresh Selvaratnam97316.04%

Constituency 2 (Zurich, Schaffhausen, Thurgau)

Jeyam Selvarajah1,05829.36%Elected
Thayananth Alvaipillai85423.70%Elected
Sreetharan Ramanathan64517.90%
Ilango Visvalingam53014.71%
Devarajah Markandu51714.35%

Constituency 3 (Basel, Aargau, Jura)

Baskaralingam MahalingamU/C*Elected

Constituency 4 (Luzern, Zug, Nidwalden, Uri, Obwalden, Schwyz)

Balan Sivapatham51544.90%Elected
Kanapathipillai Uruthiran41235.92%
Balachandran Amuthaharan22019.18%

Constituency 5 (Vaud, Valais, Genève, Fribourg, Neuchâtel)

Sukinthan MurugaiahU/C*Elected
Rajinithevi SinnathambyU/C*Elected

Constituency 6 (Graubünden, Glarus, St. Gallen)

Srisajeetha Sivarajah1,00285.79%Elected
Sountharajah Muthukumar16614.21%

Constituency 7 (Tessin, Ticino)

Mahenthirampillai Sellathurai11150.92%Elected
Deivendran Arulanandam10749.08%

United Kingdom

Election was held on 2 May 2010 in the United Kingdom to elect 20 members across five constituencies: [15] [16] [17]

Constituency 1 (North East London)

Arththy Arumugam4,15416.81%Elected
Sasithar Maheswaran3,79615.37%Elected
Shanmuganathan Kaviraj3,75815.21%Elected
Selvarajah Sellathurai2,79611.32%Elected
Manivannan Pathmanabhan2,60810.56%
Vasuki Muruhathas2,0068.12%
Arumugam Kandiah Manoharan1,9567.92%
Senthinathan Suntherampillai9904.01%

Constituency 2 (South East London)

Nicholas ManoranjanU/C*Elected
Janarthanan PulenthiranU/C*Elected

Constituency 3 (South West London)

David Joseph
Paramasivan Karthikesan
Jeyashanker Murugiah
Namasivayam Sathiyamoorthy
Ruthirapathy Sekar
Vasuky Somaskanda
Vadivelu Surendran
Thanikasalam Thayaparan
Appathurai Vairavamoorthy

Constituency 4 (North West London)

Senathirajah Jeyanandamoorthy 8,35716.58%Elected
Deluxon Morris6,33412.57%Elected
Balambigai Murugadas5,87911.67%Elected
Lalithasorubiny Pratheeparaj5,52110.96%Elected
Jeyavani Atchuthan5,44610.81%Elected
Sugirthakalas Gobiratnam4,9599.84%
Sugantha Mala Radhakrishnan3,9887.91%
Nimalan Seevaratnam3,6787.30%
Sockalingam Yogalingam2,7395.44%
Sivapoosam Sukumar1,7533.48%
Sivasambu Sivarajah1,7413.45%

Constituency 5 (Outside London)

Vanniyasingam Gunaseelan
Reginald Kingston
Navaratnam Paramakumaran
Logeswaran Sivasubramaiyam
Sinnathurai Sriranjan
Arumugam Vivekanandarajah

United States

Elections were held on 2 May 2010 in the United States to elect 10 members across nine regions, though eight regions were uncontested: [18]

Region 1 (New England)

Suba SuntharalingamU/C*Elected

Region 2 (New York)

Jeyaprakash JeyalingamElected
Sellathurai K. Dhayaparan

Region 3 (New Jersey)

Shan SundaramU/C*Elected

Region 4 (Mid Atlantic)

Prabharan PonnuthuraiU/C*Elected

Region 5 (South)

Ranjan SelvaU/C*Elected

Region 6 (Mid West)

Thave ThavendrarajahU/C*Elected

Region 7 (North West)

Siva SangaryU/C*Elected

Region 8 (South West)

Alex DossU/C*Elected

Region 9 (National)

Gerard FrancisU/C*Elected
Visvanathan Rudrakumaran U/C*Elected

See also

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  1. "Formation of a Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam: Final report based on the study by the Advisory Committee" (PDF). Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam. 15 March 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 April 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  2. "Election of Representatives from Australia to the Constituent Assembly of Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam". TGTE Australia. Archived from the original on 10 May 2010. Retrieved 15 May 2010.
  3. "Election Results". Committee for the Formation of a Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam - Canada. Archived from the original on 6 May 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  4. "31,000 vote in Canadian TGTE elections". TamilNet. 3 May 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  5. Reinhart, Anthony (1 May 2010). "Tamils' transnational elections 'an experiment in democracy'". The Globe and Mail . Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  6. "Committee for the formation of a Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam". Committee for the formation of a Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam. Archived from the original on 29 April 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  7. "Eezham Tamils in Denmark elect 3 representatives for TGTE". TamilNet. 3 May 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  8. "Third party required to resolve TGTE election dispute in France". TamilNet . 12 May 2010. Retrieved 15 May 2010.
  9. "Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam - Germany". Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam - Germany. Archived from the original on 17 April 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  10. "Germany elects first representative for TGTE". TamilNet. 4 May 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  11. "TGTE member from New Zealand speaks on Vaddukkoaddai Resolution". TamilNet. 10 May 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  12. "Candidates of common opinion elected in Norway for TGTE". TamilNet. 3 May 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  13. "Country Working Group for the Formation of a Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam - Swiss". Country Working Group for the Formation of a Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam - Swiss. Archived from the original on 25 April 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  14. "TGTE election results for Switzerland announced". TamilNet. 3 May 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  15. "Results - TGTE Election 02-05-2010". Election Commission for the Formation of a Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  16. "Jeyananthamoorthy tops TGTE list in UK". TamilNet. 3 May 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
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  18. "Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam - Election Commission of the United States". Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam - Election Commission of the United States. Retrieved 9 May 2010.