2025 Greek presidential election

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2025 Greek presidential election
Flag of Greece.svg
  2020 25 January – 12 February 2025

300 members of the Hellenic Parliament
First round: 200 votes needed to win
Fourth round: 151 votes needed to win
  KonstantinosTasoulas (cropped).jpg Blank.png
Nominee Konstantinos Tasoulas Tasos Giannitsis
Party New Democracy PASOK–KINAL
Electoral vote16034

  LOUKA KATSELI IN 2020.jpg Blank.png
Nominee Louka Katseli Konstantinos Kyriakou
Party Syriza NIKI
Electoral vote2914

President before election

Katerina Sakellaropoulou

President after election

Konstantinos Tasoulas
New Democracy

Indirect presidential elections were held in Greece beginning on 25 January 2025 for the president of the Hellenic Republic. [1] A second round was held on 31 January 2025 after no candidate won a majority in the Hellenic Parliament, with the same result as in the first. A third round of voting was held on 6 February 2025, where no candidate reached the reduced required majority of 180. The fourth round was held on 12 February 2025, where Konstantinos Tasoulas was elected as President of Greece.


Constitutional provisions

According to Article 32 of the Constitution of Greece, the president is elected for a five-year term by the Hellenic Parliament in a special session at least a month before the incumbent's term expires. The first and second rounds require a supermajority of 200 out of the 300-strong body, dropping to 180 on the third. [2]

As of November 2019, after a constitutional amendment, Article 32, Paragraph 4 of the Greek Constitution which states about the election of the President was changed and the new reform of the paragraph is as follows: If after 3 ballots, the president is not elected, the 4th ballot's threshold will drop to 151 votes, and the 5th and last ballot would be contested between the two candidates with the most votes and decided by a relative majority. That means that the 6th ballot, in place before that, is removed. [2]


Christos Rammos

On 4 December 2024, the New Left party proposed that the various left-wing parties rally behind the candidacy of the chairman of the Communications Privacy Authority (ADAE), Christos Rammos. [3] The Communist Party of Greece nevertheless refused to support this proposal, recalling its opposition to the existence of the presidential institution. [4] He himself refused the nomination. [5]

Katerina Sakellaropoulou

In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the outgoing President Katerina Sakellaropoulou is eligible for a second five-year term. She has nontheless been the subject of much criticism, notably both for her alleged inaction on the violations of the rule of law for which the conservative government has been criticized, [6] and her progressive stances on issues like LGBT and refugee rights, [7] by opposite sides of the political aisle. Moreover, during her five-year term, the presidential office suffered an unprecedented loss of popularity. [8] [9] [10]

Konstantinos Kyriakou

On 13 January 2025, in an interview on a radio station, the chairman of the party Niki, Dimitris Natsios, announced his proposal to nominate as a candidate Konstantinos Kyriakou, a Greek minority member of Albania and a member of the party, who was imprisoned during the days of Albania's socialist regime in the 1970s. [11] [12]

Konstantinos Tasoulas

On 15 January 2025, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in a televised message, announced his intention to nominate the Speaker of the Parliament, Konstantinos Tasoulas, as a presidential candidate. [13]

Louka Katseli

On 13 January 2025, the economist, university professor and former PASOK minister, Louka Katseli, was proposed as a candidate by the president of SYRIZA-P.S., Sokratis Famellos, as "a personality who can unite Greek women and Greek men as a common candidacy of the progressive parties of our country". [14]

Tassos Giannitsis

Former multiple PASOK minister, academic and business executive Tassos Giannitsis was proposed by the PASOK–KINAL alliance. [15]

Nikos Konstantopoulos

Zoe Konstantopoulou, president of the Course of Freedom party, proposed as a candidate, her father, Nikos Konstantopoulos, former Synaspismos and SYRIZA president from 1993 to 2004, without informing him beforehand. [16]

Other potential candidates

Against this backdrop, many within the ND party are calling for another candidate to be put forward by the Prime Minister for this presidential election, with some party deputies going so far as to call for the appointment of a political figure chosen from the right. In this case, the names of former prime ministers Kostas Karamanlis, Panagiotis Pikrammenos, and Antonis Samaras, as well as parliamentary speaker Konstantinos Tasoulas, were mentioned. [17]

The possibility of a candidacy by the Minister of Culture, Lina Mendoni, is also being put forward within the ranks of the parliamentary majority. [18]


Parliament failed to elect a president in the first round of voting held on 25 January. Konstantinos Tasoulas received 160 votes (200 needed), Louka Katseli 40, Tassos Giannitsis 34, and Konstantinos Kyriakou 14. Since no candidate won a majority in parliament, another round of voting was held on 31 January. [19] In the second round, the members voted in the same division as the first round, with 52 other members abstaining from the vote. The third round, which saw the required majority lowered to 180, was held on 6 February, which again saw little change in the voting totals. [20] A final round took place on 12 February. In this round, the required majority was reduced to 151 votes. Konstantinos Tasoulas got 160 votes, thus winning the election and becoming president-elect. [21]

CandidateNominated byFirst roundSecond roundThird roundFourth round
Konstantinos Tasoulas New Democracy 16053.8716053.3315653.2416057.97
Tassos Giannitsis PASOK–KINAL 3411.453411.333110.583412.32
Louka Katseli Syriza 4013.474013.334013.652910.51
Konstantinos Kyriakou Niki 144.71144.67144.78145.07
Total minimum200200180151
Valid votes24883.5024882.6724182.2523785.87


  1. "The presidential election and latent risks". eKathimerini. 12 December 2024. Retrieved 16 December 2024.
  2. 1 2 "Πώς θα εκλέγεται ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας". eretikos.gr (in Greek). 25 November 2019. Archived from the original on 14 December 2019. Retrieved 14 December 2019.
  3. "Χρήστος Ράμμος: Η «αριστερή πρόταση» για την Προεδρία - Η πρόταση Χαρίτση, οι αντιδράσεις Φάμελλου και Τσίπρα". protothema.gr (in Greek). 4 December 2024. Retrieved 27 December 2024.
  4. "Ο Χρήστος Ράμμος η πρόταση Νέας Αριστεράς για Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας - «Όχι» από ΚΚΕ". lifo.gr (in Greek). 3 December 2024. Retrieved 27 December 2024.
  5. Ράμμος: «Δεν επιθυμώ να είμαι υποψήφιος για ΠτΔ – Επικράτησαν οι μικροπολιτικοί υπολογισμοί και οι κομματικές στρατηγικές», TO BHMA, 16 December 2024
  6. "Θα επιτρέψει η Πρόεδρος να γίνει κουρέλι το Σύνταγμα;". news247.gr (in Greek). 23 December 2023. Retrieved 23 November 2024.
  7. "Για την Κατερίνα Σακελλαροπούλου". capital.gr (in Greek). 4 December 2024. Retrieved 31 December 2024.
  8. "Εξαιρετικά αρνητική η άποψη των πολιτών για την Κατερίνα Σακελλαροπούλου". protagon.gr (in Greek). 6 January 2023. Retrieved 23 November 2024..
  9. "Πού οφείλεται η αρνητική εικόνα της Κατερίνας Σακελλαροπούλου;". lifo.gr (in Greek). 27 January 2023. Retrieved 23 November 2024..
  10. "Η ρήξη Προεδρίας - Εκκλησίας και οι θεσμικές παρενέργειες: Το παράδειγμα Παπούλια". dnews.gr (in Greek). 8 March 2024. Retrieved 23 November 2024.
  11. "Νατσιός στα Παραπολιτικά 90,1: Προτείνουμε τον Κώστα Κυριακού για την Προεδρία της Δημοκρατίας - '"Ήταν ήρωας, γεννήθηκε στη Βόρεια Ήπειρο και φυλακίστηκε από τον Χότζα"". parapolitika.gr (in Greek). 13 January 2025. Retrieved 13 January 2025.
  12. "Ο ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΥ Η ΠΡΟΤΑΣΗ ΤΗΣ "ΝΙΚΗΣ" ΓΙΑ ΥΠΟΨΗΦΙΟΣ ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ – Εδεσσαϊκή" (in Greek). 22 December 2024. Retrieved 3 January 2025.
  13. "Parliament speaker, advocate for return of sculptures from Britain, tapped to be Greece's president". AP News. 15 January 2025. Retrieved 16 January 2025.
  14. "ΣΥΡΙΖΑ: Προτείνει τη Λούκα Κατσέλη για Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας". documentonews.gr (in Greek). 13 January 2025. Retrieved 13 January 2025.
  15. Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης πριν από λίγο: Γιατί επελέγη ο Τάσος Γιαννίτσης ως υποψήφιος του ΠΑΣΟΚ για την Προεδρία της Δημοκρατίας[Nikos Androulakis a short while ago: Why Tasos Giannitsis was chosen as PASOK's candidate for the Presidency of the Republic]. ertnews.gr. Retrieved 16 January 2025
  16. "Ζωή Κωνσταντοπούλου: Πρότεινε για ΠτΔ τον πατέρα της, Νίκο Κωνσταντόπουλο". LIFO.gr. 9 January 2025. Retrieved 10 January 2025.
  17. "Ζητείται δεξιός Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας". news247.gr (in Greek). 29 June 2024.
  18. "Αυτή την Προεδρία ποιος θα την πάρει; Η λύση Σακελλαροπούλου, η έκπληξη Μενδώνη και τo τουρκικό κοστούμι" (in Greek). Naftemporiki. 23 December 2024. Retrieved 28 December 2024.
  19. "Greek lawmakers fail to elect new president in first round of voting". Reuters. 25 January 2025. Retrieved 28 December 2024.
  20. "Tasoulas Falls Short Again; Final Presidential Vote February 12". tovima.com. 6 February 2025. Retrieved 6 February 2025.
  21. "Νέος Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας ο Κωνσταντίνος Τασούλας - Εκλέχτηκε με 160 ψήφους". ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ (in Greek). 12 February 2025. Retrieved 12 February 2025.