Constitutional history of Greece

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In the modern history of Greece, starting from the Greek War of Independence, the Constitution of 1975/1986/2001 is the last in a series of democratically adopted Constitutions (with the exception of the Constitutions of 1968 and 1973 imposed by a dictatorship).


Greek War of Independence

During the Greek War of Independence, three constitutional texts (Constitutions of 1822, 1823 and 1827) were adopted by the Greek National Assemblies, the national representative political gatherings of the Greek revolutionaries. These constitutions were influenced by:

A year before the adoption of the Greek Constitution of 1822, local Assemblies had ratified the so-called Greek local statutes, such as the Senate Organization of Western Greece, the Legal Order of Eastern Greece and the Peloponnesian Senate Organization.

From the absolute to the constitutional monarchy (1833–1924)

In the name of the Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity...are the first words of the Greek Constitution of 1844. Constitution 1844.jpg
In the name of the Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity...are the first words of the Greek Constitution of 1844.

King Otto governed for more than 10 years (including the first two years under a regency council) without any constitutional restrictions since the "hegemonical" Greek Constitution of 1832 was never implemented. On 3 September 1843, the infantry, led by Colonel Dimitrios Kallergis and the Revolutionary captain Ioannis Makriyannis, assembled in the square in front of the palace in Athens. Eventually joined by much of the population of the small capital, the rebellion refused to disperse until the king agreed to grant a constitution. Left with little recourse, King Otto gave in to the pressure and agreed to the demands of the crowd over the objections of his opinionated Queen. This square was renamed to Constitution Square (Syntagma Square) to commemorate the events of September 1843.

The Greek Constitution of 1844 defined Greece as a constitutional monarchy, [3] providing for a bicameral parliament, consisting of a Chamber of Deputies and a Senate. After the expulsion of King Otto, the Constitution of 1864 was established to implement the transition from constitutional monarchy to a crowned republic (abolishing the senate in favor of a parliament) under a new sovereign. The Constitution of 1864 was somewhat more liberal, and transferred most of the real power to the parliament. In 1874, Charilaos Trikoupis published a manifesto entitled "Who's to blame?" (Τίς πταίει;), naming King George I as the answer. Specifically, he condemned the king for bypassing parliamentary opinion in his selection of Prime Ministers. The article landed him briefly in jail, but also boosted his popularity significantly. A year later, on 8 May 1874 he mustered a parliamentary plurality and George reluctantly named him as Prime Minister. Thanks to Trikoupis' article, a new constitutional principle, the Principle of the Stated (Αρχή της Δεδηλωμένης) was recognized and implemented: the king was required to give the largest party in parliament first choice of forming a government. In 1911, Eleftherios Venizelos amended 54 non-fundamental of the 110 articles of the Constitution, trying to bring the constitution in line with his Liberal Party's principles. Nevertheless, the National schism of 1916 caused a huge constitutional crisis, as two governments were formed: one in Athens and one in Thessaloniki.

The Second Hellenic Republic and the return of the king (1925–1941)

Front page of the 1927 Constitution Greek Constitution of 1927 - front page.png
Front page of the 1927 Constitution

The Constitution of 1925 provided for a Republic in accordance with the results of the plebiscite of 1924. Nonetheless, on 24 June 1925, officers loyal to Theodoros Pangalos, fearing that the political instability was putting the country at risk, overthrew the government in a coup and violated the Constitution. On 24 August 1926, a counter-coup deposed him and Pavlos Kountouriotis returned as president.

Since the previous Constitution was not fully implemented, it was the Constitution of 1927 which formally established the Second Hellenic Republic and provided for a largely ceremonial president as head of state. [4]

After the plebiscite of 1935, King George II was restored, but the Third Revisionary Parliament of 1936 did not have the time to replace or amend the Constitution of the Republic. Instead, the Constitution of 1911 was restored, ostensibly on a temporary basis. The elections of 1936 had produced a political deadlock and, thereby, George II appointed Ioannis Metaxas to be interim prime minister. Widespread industrial unrest in May allowed Metaxas to declare a state of emergency. On 4 August, he suspended the parliament indefinitely and suspended various articles of the constitution, with the king's approval. For all intents and purposes, Metaxas was now a dictator. No constitutional amendment was adopted before Germany invaded Greece in 1941.

The Kingdom of Greece after the Second World War (1942–1967)

After the end of the Second World War, King George II was once again restored by virtue of the plebiscite of 1946. The implications of the Greek Civil War did not allow the ratification of the liberal Draft Constitution of 1948. The Constitution of 1952 was based on the Constitution of 1911, but it was effectively a new constitution since it was in violation of the revision clause of the Constitution of 1911. [5] It established a parliamentary monarchy with the king as head of state and the army, based on the principle of the separation of powers. [5] However, the king maintained considerable powers, such as dissolving the government and parliament and calling new elections. Moreover, article 31 [6] stated that the king hires and fires ministers (Greek : Ο βασιλεύς διορίζει και παύει τους υπουργούς αυτού). This created confusion as the prime minister was chosen by popular election, but the elected prime minister could not select the government's ministers without the king's approval. Two prime ministers in the 1950s had raised the question as to who governs the state, the king or the prime minister, [7] echoing the disagreements between Venizelos and Constantine I during the National Schism. Moreover, the constitution imposed restrictions on basic human rights and banned the Communist Party of Greece (KKE).

From 1955 to 1963, Greece was under the governorship of Constantine Karamanlis, who was widely acknowledged for bringing political and economic stability to Greece. [8] However, in the early 1960s, there was a growing awareness that the repressive measures taken due to civil war and its aftermath were no longer needed. This became clear with the death of a left-wing member of parliament Grigoris Lambrakis, where several high state officials were found to be involved either in the assassination or in its cover-up. [9] While no one, even from the severest of his left-wing critics, blamed Karamanlis for the incident, he resigned and self-exiled to France. [10]

Georgios Papandreou and his political party, Center Union, having a moderate reformist platform, gained considerable traction and rose to power in elections of 1963 and later in elections of 1964. [8] [11] However, seeds of resentment towards Papandreou from the military grew as they were excluded from salary increases. [12] He also made a faint attempt to gain control of the military, which alarmed many officers without weakening them. [13] [14] The latter created friction with the King Constantine II, who wanted to be in command of the army and not the elected government. [15] In the meantime, the son of Georgios Papandreou, Andreas Papandreou, who had joined Greek politics after 23 years in the United States as a prominent academic, [16] was campaigning by having fierce anti-monarchy and anti-American rhetoric, destabilizing the fragile political equilibrium. [17] [18] Andreas Papandreou's militant and uncompromising stance made him a target of conspiratorial accusations from ultra-rightists who feared that following any new elections, which the nearly 80-year-old Georgios Papandreou would likely win, his son would be the actual focus of power in the party. [19] These incidents caused a dispute between Georgios Papandreou and King Constantine II, leading to the resignation of the former. [20]

For the next twenty-two months, there was no elected government, and hundreds of demonstrations took place, with many being injured and killed in clashes with the police. [21] The constitutionality of the king's actions is disputed. [i] Constantine tried to bribe members of the Center Union party to his side and form a government, leading to Apostasia of 1965. [22] He temporarily succeeded in getting 45 members, including Constantine Mitsotakis, to his side, who later were called 'apostates' by the side supporting Papandreous. [21] [23] To end the political deadlock, Georgios Papandreou attempted a more moderate approach with the king, but Andreas Papandreou publicly rejected his father's effort and attacked the whole establishment, attracting the support of 41 members of the Center Union in an effort designed to gain the party's leadership and preventing any compromise. [17] The prolonged political instability between the politicians and the king in finding a solution led a group of Colonels to intervene and rule Greece for seven years.

The Colonels' Regime (1967–1974)

On 21 April 1967, a coup took place by right-wing officers, which established a dictatorship known as the Colonels' Regime. An attempted counter-coup by King Constantine II in December failed, forcing him to leave the country. Thus, legally, there was no government and no Head of State in Athens. Thereby, the Revolutionary Council of Stylianos Pattakos, George Papadopoulos and Nikolaos Makarezos made a brief appearance to cause a Resolution to be published in the Government Gazette, appointing another member to the military administration, Major General Georgios Zoitakis, as Regent. Zoitakis then appointed Papadopoulos as Prime Minister. A new constitution was adopted by referendum in 1968. King Constantine was officially retained as head of state, though he would not be allowed to return until the first parliamentary election unless the government recalled him sooner. Many of the guarantees of civil rights were suspended, and elections were postponed until the "Revolution of April 21" (as the coup was called) had reformed the "Greek mentality."

Five years later, during Papadopoulos' attempts at controlled democratization, he abolished the monarchy and declared Greece a republic with himself as president. A plebiscite formally abolished the monarchy on 29 July 1973. A new Constitution was drafted, providing for a popularly elected president with wide-ranging powers, effectively establishing a presidential republic. After the hard-liners' coup on 25 November 1973 deposed Papadopoulos, the regime retained the trappings of the Republic, but not the 1973 constitution; it reverted to exclusively military control until its final collapse in the wake of the Cyprus crisis in August 1974.

The Third Hellenic Republic (1975-)

With the return of civilian rule under Constantine Karamanlis, the new government, acting under extraordinary circumstances, issued a "Constituting Act" which voided the 1973 constitution. Pending a referendum on a new constitution, the 1952 constitution was temporarily restored, "except for the articles dealing with the form of the State"; the last phrase referred to whether the monarchy would be restored or not. In the meantime, the functions of the king were to be discharged by the incumbent President of the Republic General Phaedon Gizikis who was appointed by the Ioannides' short-lived regime as a nominal figurehead.

The matter was settled by plebiscite on 8 December 1974, by which the monarchy was definitively abolished. A new Constitution, adopted by Parliament and promulgated on 11 June 1975, established a parliamentary democracy with a president as head of state. Karamanlis reinforced the executive branch's power, represented by the prime minister, while the president would act as the head of state with sufficient reserve powers, the right to call elections, appoint a government, dissolve Parliament, and call referendums on important national questions. Moreover, the president could veto any legislation that did not reflect the popular will that could only be overcome with three fifth parliamentary majority. [24] [25] The presidential powers, which overall exceeded those of the monarch under the 1952 Constitution, were drawn inspiration from the recent Gaullism reforms in the France where Karamanlis spent time (1963-1974). [24]

Papandreou triggered a constitutional crisis by employing dubious constitutional methods, [26] to revise the constitution in 1985 to increase the powers of the prime minister by removing the reserve powers of the president, which were acting as checks and balances; effectively turning the prime minister into a "parliamentary autocrat." [27] [28] The Constitution was amended again in 2001, 2008, and 2019 and is in force today.

List of Greek Constitutions

In a chronological order, the Greek Constitutions are:

  1. Greek Constitution of 1822
  2. Greek Constitution of 1823
  3. Greek Constitution of 1827
  4. Greek Constitution of 1832
  5. Greek Constitution of 1844
  6. Greek Constitution of 1864
  7. Greek Constitution of 1911
  8. Greek Constitution of 1925
  9. Greek Constitution of 1927
  10. Draft Constitution of 1948
  11. Greek Constitution of 1952 pdf
  12. Greek Constitution of 1968
  13. Greek Constitution of 1973
  14. Greek Constitution of 1975/1986/2001/2008/2019

See also


  1. ^
    Writing in 1981, legal scholar George Anastadiadis stated that scholars are cautious in taking sides regarding the constitutionality of the king's actions. Of those who take a side, there are two schools of thought: the strict and legal interpretation of the Constitution (the letter of the law) and the emphasis on the constitutional conventions and principles (the spirit of the law). In the former school of thought, the king acted within his constitutional rights, while in the latter, the king's actions violated the constitution of 1952. [29] [ need quotation to verify ] Historian Richard Clogg writes that Constantine was potentially within his constitutional rights, but adopting a politically dubious approach, [20] while constitutional scholar Nikos Alivizatos argues that the king's initiative to force Papandreou to resign and his insistence to appoint prime ministers who had no chance to win the Parliament's confidence was unconstitutional, contradicting the dedilomeni principle, which was enshrined in the 1952 Constitution, entailed a legal obligation for the King to respect the declared preference of Parliament regarding government formation and prohibited him to appoint a prime minister of his own preference with the possible exception of the appointment of a caretaker minority governmnt entrusted with holding elections. Alivizatos also argues that, although the king was named in the constitution "leader" of the armed forces, absolutely no competence was therein recognized to him and Constantine's insistence to control the armed forces was a consequence of an unconstitutional view bequaethed to him by his namesake grandfather. [30] Law scholars Fortsakis and Spyropoulos consider "unjustifiabl[e]" Constantine's demand to have a say in the appointments of ministers in constitutional terms, while stating that the king's insistence to appoint friendly governments disregarding parliamentary preferences was "verging on the unconstitutional". [31]


  1. Consisting of two main parts: 35 articles concerning the Human Rights and 124 articles concerning the legislative, judicial and executive powers. See the full text of the Draft Constitution in Mavrias Kostas, Pantelis Antonis (1996). Constitutional Texts (in Greek). Antonis Sakkoulas.
  2. See Alivizatos, Nicos [in Greek] (1996). Introduction of the Greek Constitutional History-Volume I (in Greek). Antonis Sakkoulas. p. 27 etc.
  3. See Alivizatos, Nicos (1996). Introduction of the Greek Constitutional History-Volume I (in Greek). Antonis Sakkoulas. p. 62 etc.
  4. See Alivizatos, Nicos (1996). Introduction of the Greek Constitutional History-Volume I (in Greek). Antonis Sakkoulas. p. 140 etc.
  5. 1 2 Spyropoulos & Fortsakis 2017, pp. 52–53.
  6. Greek Constitution 1952, p. 6.
  7. Dervitsiotis 2019, p. 240.
  8. 1 2 Clogg 1975, p. 334.
  9. Clogg 1975, pp. 334–335.
  10. Clogg 1975, p. 335.
  11. Koliopoulos & Veremis 2009, p. 137.
  12. Lagos & Othon 2021, p. 47.
  13. Tsarouhas 2005, p. 9.
  14. Mouzelis 1978, p. 126.
  15. Curtis 1995, p. 70.
  16. Clive 1985, p. 491.
  17. 1 2 Close 2014, p. 109.
  18. Featherstone & Papadimitriou 2015, p. 84.
  19. Clogg 1996, p. 383.
  20. 1 2 Clogg 2013, pp. 158–159.
  21. 1 2 Close 2014, p. 108.
  22. Close 2014, pp. 108–109.
  23. Hatzivassiliou 2006, pp. 129–130.
  24. 1 2 Clive 1985, p. 492.
  25. Koliopoulos & Veremis 2009, p. 155.
  26. Alivizatos 2011, pp. 530–531.
  27. Featherstone & Katsoudas 1987, p. 28.
  28. Pridham 2012, p. 183.
  29. Anastasiadis 1981, p. 139.
  30. Αλιβιζάτος 2011, pp. 382–7.
  31. Fortsakis & Spyropoulos, pp. 53–4.


Constitutions of Greece