Alliance Graphique Internationale

Last updated

Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) is a club of the world's leading graphic artists and designers. There are 510 members from 46 countries. Its members have been collectively responsible for the identity design of most of the world's top corporations and institutions as well as for countless examples of globally known packaging, publications, illustration and posters. Bernard Baissait is the only member who left the AGI following disagreement. [1]



In 1951 two Swiss and three French graphic artists decided to formalise their relationship into a kind of association. In 1952 the Alliance Graphique Internationale was incorporated in Paris with 65 members. The first AGI show was in Paris in 1955. In 1969 the AGI headquarters moved to Zürich. [2]

The organization's most important events are the annual AGI Congress and AGI Open which take place in a different country each year. [3]

Today, the AGI is a professional gathering, currently spanning seven decades and consisting of 512 creative professionals from 45 countries.


NameCountryYear joined
Zach Lieberman USA2022
Yvo HaehlenSwitzerland2022
Ying HouChina2022
Simone TrumNetherlands2022
Ruohan WangGermany2022
Ricardo BáezVenezuela2022
Minmin QuChina2022
Qian JiangChina2022
Priscilla BalmerSwitzerland2022
Özge GüvenTurkey2022
Nejc PrahSlovenia2022
Loes van EschNetherlands2022
Ksenya SamarskayaUSA2022
Konrad RennerGermany2022
Jonathan Castro AlejosNetherlands2022
Irene PereyraSpain2022
Rejane Dal BelloUK2022
Guodong ZhanChina2022
Fraser MuggeridgeUK2022
Erik van BloklandNetherlands2022
Christoph KnothGermany2022
Byungrok ChaeSouth Korea2022
Brian Thomas CollinsUSA2022
Arch MacDonnellNew Zealand2022
Michael AmzalagFrance (registered as Japanese member) [4] 2020
Mathias AugustyniakFrance (registered as Japanese member) [4] 2020
Majid AbbasiIran2009
Erik Adigard US2009
Roland AeschlimannSwitzerland1986
Zak KyesUK2019
Yah-Leng YuSingapore2018
Liza EnebeisNetherlands2018
Josefina BunsterChile2018
Evi O.Australia2023
sang-soo ahnSouth Korea1999
José AlbergariaFrance2010
Jorge AldareteArgentina/Mexico2015
Cordula AlessandriAustria2003
Hans-Ulrich AllemannUS1998
Walter AllnerUS1962
Yurdaer AltintasTurkey2009
Peter AndermattSwitzerland1971
Ian AndersonUK2010
Gordon AndrewsAustralia1969
Samuel AntupitUS1974
Masuteru AobaJapan1988
Philippe Apeloig France1997
Robert Appleton Canada2001
Dana ArnettUS1998
Antoine AudiauFrance2012
Bob AufuldishUS2011
Paul AustinUK2010
Kiyoshi AwazuJapan1966
Bernard Baissait France1997 (Dismiss in 2001) [1]
Franco BalanItaly1997
André BaldingerFrance2002
Andreu BaliusSpain2010
Ludovic BallandSwitzerland2010
Walter BallmerItaly1970
Marian Bantjes Canada2008
Rik Bas BackerFrance2010
Saul Bass US1958
Franco BassiItaly1970
Ruedi BaurFrance1992
Michael BavieraSwitzerland1998
Edward Bawden UK1956
Herbet BayerUS1954
Lester Beall US1954
Timothy BeardUK2011
Anders BeckmanSweden1952
Anthon BeekeNetherlands1979
Dirk BehageFrance2010
Nick BellUK2009
Félix BeltránMexico1974
Ephram E. BenguiatUS1980
Francis Bernard France1954
Pierre Bernard France1987
Polly BertramSwitzerland1997
Xuefeng BiChina2006
John Bielenberg US2002
Michael S. Bierut US1989
Peter Bilak Netherlands2006
Joseph BinderUS1954
Heribert BirnbachGermany2000
Bruce BlackburnUS1981
Karl Oskar BlaseGermany1963
Bernard BlatchNorway1993
Andrew Blauvelt US2007
Nicholas BlechmanUS2001
R.O. Blechman US1975
Walter BohatschAustria1997
Egidio BonfanteItaly1978
Hermann BongardNorway1967
Irma Boom Netherlands1997
Ben BosNetherlands1978
Günter Karl Bose Germany2000
Pierre BoucherFrance1952
Paul BoudensBelgium2008
Michel Bouvet France1997
Helmut BradeGermany2003
Peter BradfordUS1974
Erik BrandtUS2012
Pieter Brattinga Netherlands1975
Erich BrechbühlSwitzerland2007
Walter BrekerGermany1956
Tony BrookUK2006
Peter BrookesUK1988
James BrownAustralia2013
Donald BrunSwitzerland1951
Dick Bruna Netherlands1978
Wim BrusseNetherlands1952
Mayo BucherSwitzerland1997
Stephan BundiSwitzerland2001
Will Burtin US1955
Andrew ByromUS2012
Fritz BühlerSwitzerland1951
Feliks BüttnerGermany1993
Georges CalameSwitzerland1967
Mel CalmanUK1974
Margaret Calvert UK1976
Fang CaoChina2004
Frederick Vincent CarabottUK1968
Ken CarboneUS1997
Erberto CarboniItaly1952
Alois Carigiet Switzerland1957
Jean Carlu France1952
Matthew Carter US1978
Jacqueline Casey US1974
A.M Cassandre France1955
Mimmo CastellanoItaly1981
Dr Kenneth W. Cato AOAustralia1978
Pierluigi CerriItaly1985
Alan Chan-2014
Alvin ChanNetherlands2007
Vladimir ChaïkaRussia1999
Ivan Chermayeff US1978
Seymour Chwast US1975
Roman Cieslewicz France1966
Giulio CittatoItaly1976
Stephen CoatesUK1998
Flavia CocchiSwitzerland2012
Jean ColinFrance1951
Paul Colin France1955
Jeanette CollinsUK1977
Giulio ConfalonieriItaly1967
Muriel Cooper US1983
Silvio CoppolaItaly1975
Thomas Couderc-2014
Paul CoxFrance2003
Jeremy CoystenUK2012
Bart CrosbyUS1997
Theo CrosbyUK1966
James CrossUS1975
Wim Crouwel Netherlands1957
Ronald CurchodFrance2005
Richard DanneUS1974
Louis DanzigerUS1974
Jean DavidIsrael1957
Paul Brooks Davis US1974
Michel De BoerNetherlands1998
Rudolph De Harak US1963
Esther De Vries-2014
Wout De VringerNetherlands2002
Lizá Defossez RamalhoPortugal2007
Mike DempseyUK1998
Marion DeucharsUK2000
Alexandre Dimos-2014
Theo DimsonCanada1977
Bob DinetzUS2004
Pierre DiSciulloFrance2010
Lou Dorfsman US1955
Stephen DoyleUS1996
William Drenttel US2010
Markus DressenGermany2004
Jacques DuboisFrance1952
Gert DumbarNetherlands1978
Sonya DyakovaUK2013
Tatsuo EbinaJapan2001
Tom Eckersley UK1952
Heinz Edelmann Germany1963
Hermann M. EggmannSwitzerland1972
Rick EiberUS1997
Hermann EidenbenzSwitzerland1952
Olle Eksell Sweden1952
Dick Elffers Netherlands1952
Garry W. EmeryAustralia1978
Klaus EnsikatGermany1993
Bülent ErkmenTurkey1998
Mario EskenaziSpain1997
Simon EstersonUK1998
Roger Excoffon France1952
Oded EzerIsrael2009
Hans FabiganAustria1965
Germano Facetti UK1966
Sara FanelliUK2000
Kiko FarkasBrazil2006
Ben FaydherbeNetherlands2002
Gene Federico US1960
Diego FeijóoSpain2013
Mário FelicianoPortugal2009
Isidro FerrerSpain2000
Dieter FesekeGermany2003
Detlef FiedlerGermany2000
Louise Fili US1998
Enzo FingerNorway1993
Jeffrey FisherUK1996
Gilles FiszmanBelgium1974
Willy Fleckhaus Germany1976
Josef FlejšarCzech Republic1981
Allan Robb FlemingCanada1974
Alan Fletcher UK1966
Karin FongUS2001
Colin Forbes US1966
Francesco Franchi Italy2019
André François France1952
Barnett Freedman UK1952
Tobias Frere-Jones US2014
Vince Frost UK2001
Adrian Frutiger Switzerland1980
Shigeo Fukuda Japan1979
Osamu FukushimaJapan2012
Paul Marcus FuogAustralia2017
Martin GaberthüelSwitzerland1998
Louis GagnonCanada2010
Jacques Nathan GaramondFrance1951
Ken GarlandUK2013
Christof GassnerGermany1988
Reinhard GassnerAustria2000
Pierre GauchatSwitzerland1952
Martin GavlerSweden1952
Tom Geismar US1975
K. Domenic GeissbühlerSwitzerland1968
Steff GeissbühlerUS1980
David Gentleman UK1972
Michael Gericke US1998
Stephen GilmoreUK2012
George GiustiUS1955
Milton Glaser US1975
Keith GodardUS1997
James GogginUS2010
Carin Goldberg US1998
Andrew GoldsteinGermany2012
Jeffrey GoldsteinGermany2012
Tomás GondaUS1980
Nikki GonnissenNetherlands2012
Baruch Gorkin US2001
Fritz GottschalkSwitzerland1975
Mark GowingAustralia2013
Milner Gray UK1952
J. Malcolm GrearUS1998
Robert M. GreenbergUS1994
April Greiman US1985
Franco GrignaniItaly1952
Frieder GrindlerGermany1976
Joost GrootensNetherlands2010
Yu Guang-2014
Chengcheng Guo-2013
Igor GurovichRussia2013
Fernando GutiérrezUK1997
Stefan Guzy Germany2016
O.H.W HadankGermany1955
Helfried HagenbergGermany1999
Ebrahim HaghighiIran2001
Jiaying HanChina2007
Aage Sikker HansenDenmark1952
Kenya Hara Japan2001
Rolf P. HarderCanada1974
George Hardie UK1994
Hans HartmannSwitzerland1958
Niels HartmannDenmark1967
Julia Hasting US2000
Kazunari HattoriJapan2011
Daniela HaufeGermany2000
Ashley Havinden UK1952
Luke HaymanUS2011
Jianping HeGermany2005
Jun HeChina2008
Yiyang HeiChina2012
Jessica Helfand US2010
Steven Heller US2010
F.H.K HenrionUK1952
Walter Herdeg Switzerland1952
Richard HessUS1972
Fons Hickmann Germany2004
Ernst HiestandSwitzerland1968
Ursula HiestandSwitzerland1968
David Hillman UK1976
Hans HillmannGermany1961
George HimUK1952
Kit Hinrichs US1990
Keiko HiranoJapan2011
Hara HiromuJapan1966
Masaaki HiromuraJapan2012
Hans Peter HochGermany1974
Armin Hofmann Switzerland1967
Dominic HofstedeAustralia2023
Paul Hogarth UK1969
Max Huber Switzerland1958
Lam HungChina2011
Thomas Huot-MarchandFrance2010
Allen HurlburtUK1972
Angus HylandUK1999
Takenobu IgarashiJapan1981
Melchior ImbodenSwitzerland1998
Alexander Isley US1998
Norman Ives US1967
Marcel JacnoFrance1952
Jonathon JeffreyUK2011
Werner JekerSwitzerland1989
Radovan JenkoSlovenia-
Hua JiangChina2006
Dan JonssonSweden1981
Alex(ander) JordanFrance1989
Maira Kalman US2007
Tibor Kalman US1996
YUSku KamekuraJapan1955
Tai-Keung KanChina1997
Herbert W. KapitzkiGermany1958
Sadik KaramustafaTurkey1997
Hjalti KarlssonUS2009
Kaoru KasaiJapan2006
Aimo KatajamäkiFinland2013
Mitsuo KatsuiJapan1984
Michalis KatzourakisGreece1968
Pat Keely UK1952
Johnny KellyIreland2012
Timothy KelleherNew Zealand2023
Itoh KenjiJapan1966
Sano KenjiroJapan2013
Frith KerrUK2011
Martin KerschbaumerItaly2018
Erik Kessels Netherlands2012
Chip Kidd US1998
Günther KieserGermany1963
Atsuki KikuchiJapan2014
Do-hyung KimKorea2012
Jock Kinneir UK1976
Max KismanNetherlands2002
Issay KitagawaJapan2001
Alan Kitching UK1994
Peter KnappFrance1989
René KnipNetherlands2005
Jacques KoeweidenNetherlands1997
Takashi KonoJapan1961
Elisabeth KopfAustria2006
Stanislav KovářCzech Republic1969
Burton Kramer Canada1974
Thomas KronbichlerItaly2018
Henrik KubelUK2007
Willi KunzUS1998
Mervyn KurlanskyDenmark1970
Björn KusoffskySweden2000
Ruedi KüllingSwitzerland1968
David LancashireAustralia1996
Eric LancasterFrance1952
Admin Last--
Freeman Lau Siu HongChina2002
Roger LawUK1994
Alain Le QuernecFrance1989
Matthew LeibowitzUS1955
Jan Lenica Poland1956
Anette LenzFrance1999
Michel LepetitdidierFrance2003
Jeremy LeslieUK2011
Herbert Leupin Switzerland1952
Jean-Benoit LevySwitzerland1998
Jan LewittUK1952
Tommy LiChina2004
Harmen Liemburg --
Stig Lindberg Sweden1952
Rico Lins Brazil1997
Leo LionniUS1955
Domenic LippaUK2005
Zhizhi LiuChina-
Flemming LjorringDenmark1980
Sascha LobeGermany2009
Uwe LoeschGermany1988
Celso LongoBrazil2013
Helmut LortzGermany1954
Charles LoupotFrance1955
Jingren LuChina2006
Herbert Lubalin US1960
Chi Cheong LukChina2012
Italo Lupi Italy1981
Alvin Lustig US1955
Hans-Rudolf LutzSwitzerland1992
Emanuele Luzzati Italy1972
Huimin Ma--
Michael Mabry US2000
Laurence MadrelleFrance1994
Alejandro MagallanesMexico2004
P. Scott Makela US1997
Jean-Dennis MalclèsFrance1952
Eduardo MansoSpain2010
Riccardo ManziItaly1956
Javier Mariscal Spain1995
Carlos Augusto Martins LacazBrazil2010
Pablo Martín Spain2000
Les MasonAustralia1975
John MasseyUS1967
Robert MassinFrance2001
Keizo MatsuiJapan1997
Shin MatsunagaJapan1988
Kei MatsushitaJapan2003
Herbert Matter US1955
Holger MatthiesGermany1976
John McConnellUK1975
Katherine McCoy US1986
Edward McKnight Kauffer UK1952
Fernando MedinaSpain1979
Peter MegertSwitzerland1974
Fanette Mellier-2014
Pierre MendellGermany1980
Peter Mendelsund US2012
Saed MeshkiIran2002
Frédéric MetzCanada1998
Rudi MeyerFrance1993
Anthony MichaelUK1998
Gérard MiedingerSwitzerland1970
James MihoUS1995
Tomoko Miho US1974
Paul Mijksenaar Netherlands2013
Ken MikiJapan1998
Armando P. MilaniItaly1981
J. Abbott Miller US1998
Philippe MillotFrance2000
Etienne MineurFrance2000
Jan Mlodozeniec Poland1974
Morteza Momayez Iran1977
Bruno Monguzzi Italy1979
Isolde Monson-BaumgartGermany1976
Germán Montalvo AguilarMexico1997
John MorganUK2011
Antonio Morillas i VerduraSpain1966
Jennifer Morla US1998
Peter MoserSwitzerland2000
Jósef Mrosczak Poland1966
Hamish MuirUK2004
Bruno Munari Italy1952
Martti MykkänenFinland1966
Lars MüllerSwitzerland1993
Rolf Müller Germany1976
Josef Müller-Brockmann Switzerland1952
Kazufumi NagaiJapan2011
Kazumasa Nagai Japan1966
Keisuke NagatomoJapan2001
Hideki NakajimaJapan1998
Makoto NakamuraJapan1985
Flávia NalonBrazil2013
Stephanie NashUK1998
Andreas NetthoevelSwitzerland1998
Hans NeuburgSwitzerland1967
Yung-Chen NiehTaiwan (Chinese Taipei)2012
Christoph Niemann US1999
Richard Niessen-2014
Minoru NiijimaJapan1998
Erik Nitsche US1964
Bob Noorda Italy1966
Finn Nygaard Denmark1997
Henrik Nygren-2014
Sabina OberholzerSwitzerland1997
Siegfried OdermattSwitzerland1974
Justus OehlerGermany2003
Tadashi OhashiJapan1966
Hiroshi OhchiJapan1955
Bruno Oldani Norway1976
Vaughan Oliver UK2012
Clotilde OlyffBelgium2004
Michel OlyffBelgium1962
Anukam Edward OparaUS2011
István Orosz Hungary2003
Anders OsterlinSweden1959
Nicolaus OttGermany1997
R.D.E. Oxenaar Netherlands1978
Julian PalkaPoland1956
Gábor Palotai Sweden2002
Kum-jun ParkSouth Korea2008
Ben ParkerUK2010
Alejandro PaulArgentina2011
Arthur PaulUS1978
Harry PearceUK2005
David PearsonUK2012
Harry Peccinotti France1975
Alan Peckolick US1978
B. Martin PedersenUS1987
Remy PeignotFrance1957
Sean PerkinsUK2010
Giorgio PesceSwitzerland2003
Michael Peters UK1979
Thom PfisterSwitzerland2011
Roger Pfund Switzerland1981
Felix PfäffliSwitzerland2013
Volker PfüllerGermany1997
Celestino Piatti Switzerland1957
Jean Picart le DouxFrance1951
David PidgeonAustralia2006
Kari PiippoFinland1997
Cipe Pineles-BurtinUS1955
Giovanni Pintori Italy1952
Woody T. Pirtle US1980
Josep Pla-NarbonaSpain1963
David Plunkert US2011
Santiago PolVenezuela1997
Leif PodhajskyAustralia2023
Dean PooleNew Zealand2010
Hans-Georg PospischilGermany1988
Fábio PrataBrazil2013
Robert ProbstUS1997
Matt PykeUK2009
Jan Rajlich sen.--
Jan RajlichCzech Republic1981
Gunter RambowGermany1974
Elaine RamosBrazil2012
Michael RandUK1976
Hermann RastorferAustria1966
Brian ReaUS2012
Artur RebeloPortugal2007
Hans Dieter ReichertUK2003
Edgar ReinhardSwitzerland1982
Dan Reisinger Israel1970
Lex ReitsmaNetherlands1997
Roger R. RemingtonUS2012
Jacques RichezBelgium1952
Jean RobertSwitzerland1986
Lucienne RobertsUK2013
Ernst RochCanada1974
Gabriela Rodriguez ValenciaMexico1998
Sarah RosenbaumNorway1993
David RuizSpain1997
John RushworthUK1994
Marte RölingNetherlands1978
Ruedi RüeggSwitzerland1971
Mehdi Saeedi US-IRAN2017
Guy SaggeeIsrael2012
Stefan Sagmeister US1998
Paul Sahre US2005
Makoto Saito Japan1994
Arnold SaksUS1968
Roberto SambonetItaly1975
Willem Sandberg Netherlands1952
Kashiwa SatoJapan2011
Koichi SatoJapan1988
U. G. SatoJapan1998
Taku Satoh Japan1998
Raymond Savignac France1952
Peter Saville UK2011
Yasuhiro SawadaJapan2001
Gerald Scarfe UK1988
Clemens Theobert SchedlerAustria1998
Paula Scher US1993
Hans Schleger UK1952
Georg SchmidAustria1963
Helmut SchmidGermany1988
Max Schmidt Switzerland1967
Gerwin SchmidtGermany2003
Hans Günter SchmitzGermany1997
Niels SchraderNetherlands2010
Ralph SchraivogelNetherlands1995
Jurriaan Schrofer Netherlands1966
Arnold SchwartzmanUS1974
Ronald Searle UK2003
James SebastianUS1998
Serge SerovRussia2013
Chen ShaohuaChina2000
Adrian ShaughnessyUK2011
Imatake ShihiroJapan1957
Ghobad ShivaIran2001
Mariano SigalArgentina2014
Jorge SilvaPortugal2011
António Silveira GomesPortugal2010
Louis Silverstein US1969
Nancy Skolos US1998
Finn SködtDenmark1997
David SmithIreland2010
Edo SmitshuijzenNetherlands1988
Leslie SmolanUS1997
Lanny SommeseUS1998
Xiewei SongChina2003
Leonardo SonnoliItaly2000
Alvaro SotilloVenezuela1997
Kris SowersbyNew Zealand2013
Ariane SpanierGermany2013
Herbert SpencerUK1966
Todd St. John-2014
Anton Stankowski Germany1956
Franciszek Starowieyski Poland1966
Astrid Stavro Spain2010
Bernard SteinGermany1997
Albe SteinerItaly1955
Heiri SteinerSwitzerland1952
Henry Steiner China1980
Jennifer SterlingUS2000
André StolarskiBrazil2012
Swip StolkNetherlands2000
Shinnoske SugisakiJapan2001
Jaroslav SuraCzech Republic1981
Yuri SurkovRussia2000
Deborah Sussman US1985
Josef Svoboda Czech Republic1968
Waldemar Swierzy Poland1966
Fumio TachibanaJapan2006
Ikko Tanaka Japan1966
David Tartakover Israel1998
Paolo TassinariItaly2005
Tiit TelmetCanada1998
Lucille Tenazas US1998
Evelyn ter BekkeFrance2010
Frédéric TeschnerFrance2010
Patrick ThomasUK2005
Bradbury Thompson US1955
Peter TillUK1998
Rosmarie TissiSwitzerland1974
Henryk Tomaszewski Poland1957
Feliks Topolski UK1956
Pino Tovaglia Italy1967
Daniel TrenchBrazil2013
Otto TreumannNetherlands1952
Alex Trochut Spain2011
Fred Troller US1974
Annik TroxlerSwitzerland2013
Niklaus Troxler Switzerland1989
Paula Troxler-2014
George Tscherny US1965
Barrie TuckerAustralia1979
Richard James TurleyUS2013
Alice Twemlow US2013
Mehmet Ali TürkmenTurkey2009
Andreas UebeleGermany2007
Ryosuke UeharaJapan2013
Arne UngermannDenmark1952
Maciej Urbaniec Poland1974
Rick Valicenti US1998
Julien ValléeCanada2013 (left in 2019)
Richard van der LakenNetherlands2012
Jelle Van der Toorn VrijthoffNetherlands1978
Bob van DijkNetherlands2006
Jan Van ToornNetherlands1972
Michael Vanderbyl US1986
Yarom Vardimon Israel1982
Mihaly VargaSwitzerland1999
Kyösti VarisFinland1974
Clément Vauchez-2014
Jukka VeistolaFinland1975
Tomàs VellvéSpain1967
Pier Paolo VettaItaly2003
Massimo Vignelli US1965
Bernard Villemot France1952
Jonas VögeliSwitzerland2010
Douglas WaddenUS1998
Henning WagenbrethGermany2002
Heinz WaiblItaly1976
Garth WalkerSouth Africa2002
Min WangChina2004
Xu WangChina2000
Yue Fei WangChina2002
Teeranop WangsillapakunThailand2016
Manuel WaroszFrance2012
Russell Warren-FisherUK2004
Kurt WeidemannGermany1975
Markus WeisbeckGermany2011
Mason WellsUK2011
Hugo WetliSwitzerland1967
Thomas WiddershovenNetherlands2012
Jean WidmerFrance1976
Bruno K. WieseGermany1974
Jan WilkerUS2009
Marina Willer UK2007
Scott WilliamsUK2007
Kurt WirthSwitzerland1956
Benno WissingUS1966
Hans WolbersNetherlands2002
Henry Wolf US1966
Demian Conrad Switzerland2017
Robert WongUS2013
Stanley WongChina2004
Martin WoodtliSwitzerland2000
Yong WuChina2012
Richard Saul Wurman US1986
Lance WymanUS2013
Tamotsu YagiUS1990
Ryuichi YamashiroJapan1966
Bingnan YuChina1992
Garson YuUS2006
Lu YuChina2004
Hermann Zapf Germany1980
Catherine Zask France1997
Mark ZeuginSwitzerland1967
Jian ZhaoChina2004
Qing ZhaoChina2010
Liu ZhizhiChina2010
Zdenek ZieglerCzech Republic1981
Jorg ZintzmeyerSwitzerland1997
Pepijn ZurburgNetherlands2012
Michiel SchuurmanNetherlands2018
Hansje van Halem Netherlands2017
Jiangping FangChina2018
Ricardo BáezVenezuela2022
Fan DingChina2018
Stuart Ash Canada1974


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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gordon Andrews (industrial designer)</span> Australian artist and designer (1914–2001)

Gordon Andrews (1914–2001) was an Australian artist, graphic designer, and industrial designer. He is best known for the design of Australia's first decimal banknotes. His work also included the design of products such as cookware, jewellery, and furniture, as well as interior design, exhibition design, painting, sculpture, and photography. "He is widely acknowledged as one of Australia's most prominent mid-20th century multi-disciplinary artists."

Gainax's 1987 debut work Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise was the first project on which Hiromasa Ogura served as art director; although later noted for creating much of the aesthetic behind the influential 1995 film Ghost in the Shell, Ogura himself in a 2012 interview regarded Royal Space Force as the top work of his career. Working from Yoshiyuki Sadamoto's color scheme and Takashi Watabe's architectural drawings, Ogura then gave a "a sense of life" to the aesthetics of the world setting of Royal Space Force through background paintings created by himself and a staff of 16, including future Studio Ghibli art director Yōji Takeshige, whose first work in the anime industry was on the film. The film's writer and director, Hiroyuki Yamaga, sought to avoid using what he regarded as the usual visual symbolism of anime, and instead wanted Royal Space Force's art direction to express specific times of day and night; Ogura attempted to convey Yamaga's verbal instructions in graphic form.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shukusei!! Loli Kami Requiem</span> 2022 song by Ui Shigure

"Shukusei!! Loli Kami Requiem" is a song by Japanese artist Ui Shigure from her debut album The Rain Doesn't Stop Yet. Featuring vocals by Shigure in her nine-year-old schoolgirl persona and narration by Tamaki Inuyama, it was composed by D.watt and written by Maron, both members of IOSYS. It is musically a denpa song, having lyrics that attack fictional pedophiles which borrow tropes from the lolicon genre.
