Anthem of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic

Last updated
Qazaq SSR memlekettık änūrany
English: State Anthem of the Kazakh SSR
Қазақ ССР мемлекеттік әнұраны
Гимн Казахской ССР
Kazakh SSR Anthem Music Sheet.InstrumentalSimple.svg

Former regional anthem of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic
Lyrics Abdilda Tazhibaev et al.
Music Yevgeny Brusilovsky et al., 1945
1956 (modified version)
Succeeded by Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan (until 2006)
My Kazakhstan (since 2006)
Audio sample
State Anthem of the Kazakh SSR (vocal)

The State Anthem of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic [lower-alpha 1] was the official regional anthem of Kazakhstan when it was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union. [1] [2]



The music was composed by Mukan Tölebaev, Russian composer Yevgeny Brusilovsky and Tatar composer Latıf Hamıdı, with lyrics written by Kazakh authors Äbdilda Täjibaev, Qaiym Muhamedhanov and Ğabıt Müsirepov. The Soviet-era lyrics were removed after the Kazakh SSR was renamed the Republic of Kazakhstan on 10 December 1991, In 1992, new lyrics were adopted with the same melody as the anthem of independent Kazakhstan, until 7 January 2006. [2]

From 1991 to 1997, it was one of the five remaining republics that appreciated its old anthem, then from 1997 to 2000, it became one of four (when Turkmenistan changed its anthem). From 2000 to 2006, it is one of the five remaining again (when Russia changed its anthem). It is the only SSR anthem played in 3
, with all others using 4


Original words which were removed during the post-Stalinist era are indicated with parenthesis.

Kazakh lyrics (Cyrillic script)Original Cyrillic orthographyKazakh lyrics (Latin script) [3]
(2021 reform)
IPA transcription [lower-alpha 2] English translation

Біз қазақ ежелден еркіндік аңсаған,
Бостандық өмір мен ар үшін қиған жан.
Торлаған тұманнан жол таппай тұрғанда,
Жарқырап Лениндей күн жығып, атты таң.

Жасасын Советтер [lower-alpha 3] Одағы,
Жеткізген еркіндік, теңдікке,
Бастайтын елдерді бірлікке,
Жеңіске, шаттыққа, ерлікке!

Дақ салмай Лениннің жеңімпаз салтына,
Ұрпағы қосты даңқ Оттаның даңқына,
Одақтас, ұрандас елдердің қамқоры,
Көп алғыс айтамыз ұлы орыс халқына.


Іргелі мемлекет, ерікті болдық ел,
Достықпен, бірлікпен жайнайды туған жер.
Еңбекте, майданда, жеткізген жеңіске
Данышпан Партия [lower-alpha 4] – сүйікті кемеңгер.

[1] [2]

Биз казак ежелден еркиндик аҥсаган,
Бостандык ӧмир мен ар ӱшин кыйган жан.
Торлаган тӯманнан жол таппай тӯрганда,
Жаркырап Лениндей кӱн жыгып, атты таҥ.

Жасасын Советтер [lower-alpha 5] Одагы,
Жеткизген еркиндик, теҥдикке,
Бастайтын елдерди бирликке,
Жеҥиске, шаттыкка, ерликке!

Дак салмай Лениниҥ жеҥимпаз салтына,
Ӯрпагы косты даҥк Оттаныҥ даҥкына,
Одактас, ӯрандас елдердиҥ камкоры,
Кӧп алгыс айтамыз ӯлы орыс халкына.


Иргели мемлекет, ерикти болдык ел,
Достыкпен, бирликпен жайнайды туган жер.
Еҥбекте, майданда, жеткизген жеҥиске
Данышпан Партия [lower-alpha 6] – сӱйикти кемеҥгер.


Bız qazaq ejelden erkındık añsağan,
Bostandyq ömır men ar üşın qiğan jan.
Torlağan tūmannan jol tappai tūrğanda,
Jarqyrap Lenindei kün jyğyp, atty tañ.

Jasasyn Sovetter Odağy,
Jetkızgen erkındık, teñdıkke,
Bastaityn elderdı bırlıkke,
Jeñıske, şattyqqa, erlıkke!

Daq salmai Leninnıñ jeñımpaz saltyna,
Ūrpağy qosty dañq Ottanyñ dañqyna,
Odaqtas, ūrandas elderdıñ qamqory,
Köp alğys aitamyz ūly orys halqyna.


Irgelı memleket, erıktı boldyq el,
Dostyqpen, bırlıkpen jainaidy tuğan jer.
Eñbekte, maidanda, jetkızgen jeñıske
Danyşpan Partia – süıktı kemeñger.


[bɪ̞z̪ qɑ̝.ˈz̪ɑ̝q je̘.ʒʲe̘l̪ʲ.ˈd̪ʲẽ̘n̪ | je̘r̪.kɪ̞̃n̪.ˈd̪ɪ̞k ɑ̝̃ŋ.s̪ɑ̝.ˈʁɑ̝̃n̪ |]
[bo̞s̪.t̪ɑ̝̃n̪.ˈd̪əq w̜ɵ̃.ˈmʏ̞r̪ mʲẽ̘n̪ | ɑ̝r̪‿ʏ̞.ˈʃʏ̞̃n qəj.ˈʁɑ̝̃n̪ ʒɑ̝̃n̪ ǁ]
[t̪o̞r̪.ɫ̪ɑ̝.ˈʁɑ̝̃n̪ t̪õ̙.mɑ̝̃n̪.ˈn̪ɑ̝̃n̪ | ʒo̞ɫ̪ t̪ɑ̝p̚.ˈpɑ̝j t̪o̙r̪.ʁɑ̝̃n̪.ˈd̪ɑ̝ |]
[ʒɑ̝r̪.qə.ˈr̪ɑ̝p l̪ʲẽ.n̪ʲɪ̃n̪.ˈd̪ʲɪ̞j | kʏ̞̃n ʒə.ˈʁəp ɑ̝t̪̚.ˈt̪ə t̪ɑ̝̃ŋ ǁ]

[ʒɑ̝.s̪ɑ̝.ˈs̪ə̃n̪ s̪ɐ.vʲet̪̚.ˈt̪ʲɪ̞r̪ wo̞.d̪ɑ̝.ˈʁə |]
[ʒʲe̘t̪.kɪ̞z̪.ˈɡʲẽ̘n̪ je̘r̪.kɪ̞̃n̪.ˈd̪ɪ̞k | t̪ʲẽ̘ŋ̟.d̪ɪ̪k̚ʲ.ˈkʲe̘ |]
[bɑ̝s̪.t̪ɑ̝j.ˈt̪ə̃n je̘l̪ʲ.d̪ʲe̘r̪.ˈd̪ɪ̞ bɪ̞r̪.l̪ɪ̞k̚ʲ.ˈkʲe̘ |]
[ʒʲẽ̘.ŋ̟ɪ̞s̪⁽ʲ⁾.ˈkʲe̘ ʃɑ̝t̪̚.t̪əq̚.ˈqɑ̝ je̘r̪.l̪ɪ̞k̚ʲ.ˈkʲe̘ ǁ]}

[d̪ɑ̝q s̪ɑ̝ɫ̪.ˈmɑ̝j ˌl̪ʲẽ.n̪ʲɪ̃n̪.ˈn̪ɪ̞̃ŋ | ʒʲẽ̘.ŋ̟ɪ̞̃m.ˈpɑ̝z̪ s̪ɑ̝ɫ̪.t̪ə̃.ˈn̪ɑ̝ |]
[o̙r̪.pɑ̝.ˈʁə qo̞s̪.ˈt̪ɤ d̪ɑ̝̃ɴq | wo̞t̪̚.t̪ɑ̝̃.ˈn̪ə̃ŋ d̪ɑ̝̃ɴ.qə̃.ˈn̪ɑ̝ |]
[wo̞.d̪ɑ̝q.ˈt̪ɑ̝s̪ o̙.r̪ɑ̝̃n̪.ˈd̪ɑ̝s̪ | je̘l̪ʲ.d̪ʲe̘r̪.ˈd̪ɪ̞̃ŋ qɑ̝̃m.qo̞.ˈr̪ɤ |]
[kɵp ɑ̝ɫ̪.ˈʁəs̪ ɑ̝j.t̪ɑ̝̃.ˈməz̪ | o̙.ˈɫ̪ɤ wo̞.r̪ɤs̪ χɑ̝ɫ̪.qə̃.ˈn̪ɑ̝ ǁ]


[ɪ̞r̪.ɡʲe̘.ˈl̪ɪ̞ mʲẽ̘m⁽ʲ⁾.l̪ʲe̘.ˈkʲe̘t̪ | je̘.r̪ɪ̞k.ˈt̪ɪ̞ bo̞ɫ̪.ˈd̪ɤq je̘l̪ʲ |]
[d̪o̞s̪.t̪ɤq.ˈpẽ̘n bɪ̞r̪.l̪ɪ̞k.ˈpʲẽ̘n̪ | ʒɑ̝j.n̪ɑ̝j.ˈd̪ə t̪u.ˈʁɑ̝̃n ʒʲe̘r̪ ǁ]
[jẽ̘m.bʲe̘k⁽ʲ⁾.ˈt̪ʲe̘ mɑ̝j.d̪ɑ̝̃n̪.ˈd̪ɑ̝ | ʒʲe̘t.kɪ̞z̪⁽ʲ⁾.ˈɡʲẽ̘n̪ ʒʲẽ̘.ŋ̟ɪ̞s̪⁽ʲ⁾.ˈkʲe̘ |]
[d̪ɑ̝̃.n̪əʃ.ˈpɑ̝̃n ˈpar̪.t̪ʲɪ.jə | s̪ʏ̞.jʏ̞k.ˈt̪ʏ̞ kʲẽ̘.mʲẽ̘nʲ.ˈɡʲe̘r̪ ǁ]


We, olden Kazakhs, seeking liberty,
Sacrificing our lives for honour and glory.
Traversing the desolate fog of darkness,
Yet forth Lenin came and morning rose upon us.

Long live the Soviet Union,
To liberty and equality.
For the unity of our country,
To victory, joy and bravery!

Lenin's victorious path shall never fade,
Our future's glory shall in our land spread.
To the protector of the Union's republics,
We all thank the mighty Russian folks.


We have become a country strong and free,
Where friendship and unity have been established.
Lead us to triumph in war and toil,
O wise Party/Stalin, you are truly loved.



  1. Kazakh: Қазақ ССР мемлекеттік әнұраны, romanized: Qazaq SSR memlekettık änūrany, pronounced [qɑˈzɑqsɐvʲetˈtɘksət͡sɨɐlʲɪstˈtɘkrʲespublʲɪkɑsɯˈnɯŋmʲemlʲekʲetˈtɘkæno̙rɑˈnɯ] ; Russian: Национальный гимн Казахской ССР
  2. See Kazakh phonology and Help:IPA/Kazakh.
  3. Since independence, "Soviets" is translated as "Кеңестер" (Keñester).
  4. "Сталин" (Stalin) was previously used instead.
  5. Since independence, "Soviets" is translated as «Кеңестер» Keñester («Кеҥестер» in old orthography).
  6. «Сталин» Stalin was previously used instead.

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  2. 1 2 3 Kazakhstan (1945-1992). Kendall, David.
  3. Fourth version of Kazakh Latin script will preserve language purity, linguists say, The Astana Times. Yergaliyeva, Aidana. 2019-11-18.