Anthem of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic

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Moldova Sovietică
Молдова Советикэ
English: 'Soviet Moldavia'
Moldovan SSR Anthem Music Sheet.InstrumentalSimple (1980-1991).svg

Former regional anthem of the Flag of Moldavian SSR.svg  Moldavian SSR
Lyrics Emilian Bukov and Bogdan Istru (Ivan Bodarev)
Music Ștefan Neaga (1945)
Eduard Lazarev (musical renovation in 1980)
Adopted1945 (original version)
1980 (renewed version)
Relinquished1980 (original version)
1991 (renewed version)
Preceded by Deșteaptă-te, române!
Succeeded byDeșteaptă-te, române!(until 1994)
Limba Noastra
"Imnul de Stat al RSS Moldovenești" (original version)
"Imnul de Stat al RSS Moldovenești" (original version, instrumental)

The State Anthem of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic was the anthem of Moldova whem it was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union. [1]


Originally, the anthem began with the words, "Moldova cu doine străbune pe plaiuri" [2] and was composed by Ștefan Neaga, with lyrics by the poets Emilian Bukov and Bogdan Istru (Ivan Bodarev) in 1945.

First Secretary of the Communist Party of Moldavia Ivan Bodiul and composer Eduard Lazarev modified the second edition of the anthem in a "musical renovation". [3]

The lyrics were rewritten, removing all references to Joseph Stalin. The music was also altered, removing the original three-stanza structure in favor of a single-stanza three-part structure. [1]

The beginning words of the anthem were changed to Moldova Sovietică.


In 1945, Ștefan Neaga wrote the melody for the Anthem of the Moldavian SSR, and the poets Emil Bukov and Bogdan Istru created the lyrics. The composer and the writers then won the first prize of a national musical contest in the Soviet Union,[ citation needed ] where composers from Moldavia and other Soviet republics presented their works. [4]

E. Bukov remarked on how demanding and self-critic Ștefan Neaga was. He composed dozens of variants for the anthem, each time being dissatisfied. Neaga said that the anthem had to be composed so when a person hears it, he would stand up filled by a deep patriotic sentiment. [5]

The anthem they created was highly appreciated by musicians, becoming the main song of the country for over 45 years. Through this musical work, Neaga became the eternal pride and joy of the Moldavian people. Moldova Socialistă remarked on the anthem, "Moldavian SSR's anthem is one of the best creations of this genre. Adopted in 1945, it entered for three and half decades in our republic's symbolism". [6]

Stalin in 1945 Stalin 1945.jpg
Stalin in 1945

Moldovan politician and historian Valeriu Passat [ ro] stated in his exhibition, "13 ani de Stalinism. RSS Moldovenească în anii 1940–1953" (13 Years of Stalinism, Moldavian SSR in years 1940–1953) that Iosif Mordoveț [ ro] forced the authors to write the anthem. [7]

In the only instrumental recording of the Moldavian SSR national anthem, made by the Brass Band of the USSR Ministry of Defence in 1968, the original version made by Neaga in 1945 can be heard. It is a typical Soviet republic anthem with three stanzas and three choruses.[ citation needed ]

According to Vladimir Poțeluev, [8] this anthem was created by an order made by the Supreme Soviet in Moscow, after the annexation of the Moldavian ASSR and Bessarabia (the west and east territory of the Dniester River) to the Soviet Union. The Supreme Soviet also said that the top brass (Stalin and others) set multiple rules for the writers of the lyrics:

Rejected lyrics:

Emil SamoilăLeonid CornenanuVariant of Liviu Deleanu – rejected for aggression
  • „Cotropitorii fasciști au cutezat
  • Să înrobească al nostru sfânt pământ.
  • Din piepturi zid de oțel am ridicat.
  • Dușmanului noi i-am săpat mormânt!
  • Republică-suroră, în vecii să fii slăvită!
  • În armonie noroadele trăiesc!
  • Puterea lor îi astăzi însutită
  • și din izbândă, izbândă făuresc!”
  • „Noi veacuri întregi am zăcut în robir,
  • La Nistru și Prut ne doineam versul trist.
  • Dar Lenin și Stalin ne-au dat bucurie,
  • Ne-a dat-o iubitul partid comunist.”
  • „Crescută sub spada lui Ștefan cel Mare
  • și slova înțeleptului Domn Cantemir,
  • moldova renaște din noi în hotare,
  • călită în lupte și mari izbândiri.”

"It was very melodic and it had some ties with folk music," the musicologist Leonid Răilean said of the anthem. When Stalin died in 1953, during De-Stalinization, the state anthems were muted by Nikita Khrushchev and the Moldovian SSR anthem was simply a long melody during this period, without any official lyrics. In 1977, the Soviet Union adopted a new constitution and replaced the lyrics of the national anthem, and all of its constituent republics followed the same path. Ivan Bodiul, who took over in 1961, was dissatisfied of the long and lyric-less anthem, and decided to make it shorter and simpler, keeping the original idea of the anthem. And, as its author was no longer alive, Ivan Bodiul authorized Eduard Lazarev "to renovate" the anthem. The new composition maintained the music of the verses, added an introduction, an intermezzo, and in the end a variation of the old Chorus. This renovation deformed and damaged the music structure and thus, its sonority. One way or another, in the early 90s, this anthem was "thrown to the garbage dump of history, as well as other signs of the past times". [9]

Ștefan Neaga said that he wanted to represent with his work "the creativity and love of Great Stalin, the certainty of the victory of communism, and his desire to give all his forces in this unique case". [10]

"I wanted to play in this gratifying music event, to create the symbol of these historic victories, in which the Moldavian people regained their freedom." [11]



The Cyrillic script was used officially for the Romanian language (also called Moldovan) [12] [13] during Soviet times. However, after 1989, the Romanian language in modern-day Moldova now officially uses the Latin script; only the breakaway state of Transnistria (internationally recognized as a part of Moldova) still officially uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

Original version (1945–1953)

Cyrillic script
(then official)
Latin script
(now official)
IPA transcription
(Moldavian dialect)
Poetic English translation

Молдова ку дойне стрэбуне пе плаюрь,
Ку поамэ ши пыне пе дялурь ши вэй.
Луптынд ку-ажуторул Русией мэреце,
А врут неатырнаря пэмынтулуй ей.

Славэ ын вякурь, Молдовэ Советикэ,
Креште ку алте републичь сурорь,
Ши ку драпелул Советик ыналцэ-те,
Каля сэ-ць фие авынт крятор.

Пе друмул луминий ку Ленин ши Сталин,
Робия боерилор крунць ам ынвинс.
Пе ной дин избындэ-н избындэ ынаинте,
Не дуче слэвитул партид комунист.


Ын армия ноастрэ, луптынд витежеште,
Пе душманий цэрий ый вом бируй,
Ши-н маря фамилие а Униуний,
Молдова Советикэ-н вечь а-нфлори.

Рефрен [1]

Moldova cu doine străbune pe plaiuri,
Cu poamă și pâne pe dealuri și văi.
Luptând cu-ajutorul Rusiei mărețe,
A vrut neatârnarea pământului ei.

Slavă în veacuri, Moldovă Sovietică,
Crește cu alte republici surori,
Și cu drapelul Sovietic înalță-te,
Calea să-ți fie avânt creator.

Pe drumul luminii cu Lenin și Stalin,
Robia boierilor crunți am învins.
Pe noi din izbândă-n izbândă înainte,
Ne duce slăvitul partid comunist.


În armia noastră, luptând vitejește,
Pe dușmanii țării îi vom birui,
Și-n marea familie a Uniunii,
Moldova Sovietică-n veci a-nflori.

Refren [1]


[mol.ˈ ku doj.nʲe strə.bu.nʲe pʲe pla.jurʲ |]

[ku pʷa.mə ʃʲi pɨ.nʲe pʲe dʲa.lurʲ ʃʲi vəj ‖]

[lup.tɨnd kw‿a.ʒ ru.sʲi.jej mə.rʲe.t͡sʲe |]

[a vrut nʲa.tɨʲa pə.mɨn.tu.luj jej ‖]


[sla.və ɨn vʲa.kurʲə so.vʲe.tʲi.kə |]

[krʲeʃ.tʲe ku al.tʲe rʲe.pu.blʲit͡ʃʲ su.rorʲ ‖]

[ʃʲi ku dra.pʲe.lul so.vʲe.tʲik ɨ.nal.t͡sə‿tʲe |]

[ka.lʲa sə‿t͡sʲ fʲ a.vɨnt krʲa.tor ‖]


[pʲe dru.mul lu.mʲi.nʲij ku lʲe.nʲin ʃʲi sta.lʲin |]

[ro.bʲi.jaʲi.lor krunt͡sʲ am ɨn.vʲins ‖]

[pʲe noj dʲin iz.bɨn.də‿n iz.bɨn.də ɨʲe |]

[nʲe du.t͡ʃʲe slə.vʲi.tul par.tʲitʲist ‖]



[ɨn ar.mʲ nʷas.trə lup.tɨnd vʲi.tʲe.ʒəʃ.tʲe |]

[pʲe duʃ.ma.nʲij t͡sə.rʲij ɨj vom bʲ ‖]

[ʃʲi‿n ma.rʲa fa.mʲi.lʲ a u.nʲi.u.nʲij |]

[ so.vʲe.tʲi.kə‿n vʲet͡ʃʲ a‿ɱ.flo.rʲi ‖]


Moldavia, land of ancestral doinas abound,
Its hills and valleys, where grapes and bread are found.
With the aid of Great Russia, we fight in battle,
To make thy land free, we conquer thy struggle.

O Soviet Moldavia, eternally flourish,
With the others, we are able to grow,
And around the Soviet flag, up it riseth,
Let the path be thy great gifted flow.

Lenin and Stalin, with us, in thy path agleam,
We have defeated the cruel boyar's bondage.
For us from victory to victory alee,
The glorious Communist Party leadeth us!


Among our Army, fighting valiantly,
We'll beat the enemies of thy country,
And in the great family of the Union,
Soviet Moldavia shall flourish evermore.


Post-Stalinist version (1980–1991)

After Stalin's death in 1953, like other SSR anthems, any mentions of the former leader have been removed; however, a new version of the anthem was not adopted until 1980. The anthem was rewritten from the typical three verses with choruses—like other SSR anthems—to a three-part single verse without choruses, which was used until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. [1]

The music was composed by Ștefan Neaga and was arranged by Eduard Lazarev, and the lyrics were written by Emilian Bucov and Bogdan Istru. [1]

Moldovan Cyrillic script
(then official)
Romanian Latin script
(now official)
IPA transcription
(Moldavian dialect)
Poetic English translation

Молдова Советикэ, плаюл ностру-н флоаре,
Алэтурь де алте републичь сурорь.
Пэшеште ымпреунэ ку Русия маре,
Спре ал Униуний сенин виитор.

Дойна ынфрэцирий прослэвеште Цара,
Ку ынцелепчиуне кондусэ де Партид.
Кауза луй Ленин – каузэ мэряцэ –
О ынфэптуеште попорул стрынс унит.

Славэ ын вякурь, ренэскут пэмынт!
Мунка сэ-ць фие крятор авынт!
Ши комунисмул – цел нестрэмутат –
Ыналцэ-л прин фапте пентру феричиря та! [1] [14] [15]

Moldova Sovietică, plaiul nostru-n floare,
Alături de alte republici surori.
Pășește împreună cu Rusia mare,
Spre al Uniunii senin viitor.

Doina înfrățirii proslăvește Țara,
Cu înțelepciune condusă de Partid.
Cauza lui Lenin – cauză măreață –
O înfăptuiește poporul strâns unit.

Slavă în veacuri, renăscut pământ!
Munca să-ți fie creator avânt!
Și comunismul – țel nestrămutat –
Înalță-l prin fapte pentru fericirea ta! [1] [14]


[ so.vʲe.tʲi.kə pla.jul nos.tru‿n flʷa.rʲe |]

[a.lə.turʲ dʲe al.tʲe rʲe.pu.blʲit͡ʃʲ su.rorʲ ‖]

[pə.ʃʲeʃ.tʲe ɨm.prʲew.nə ku ru.sʲ ma.rʲe |]

[sprʲe al u.nʲi.u.nʲij sʲe.nʲin vʲi.ji.tor ‖]


[ ɨɱ.frər.t͡sʲi.rʲij pro.slə.vʲeʃ.tʲe t͡sa.ra |]

[ku ɨn.t͡sʲe.lʲep.t͡ʃʲi.u.nʲe kon.du.sə dʲe par.tʲid ‖]

[ luj lʲe.nʲin kaw.zə mə.rʲa.t͡sə |]

[o ɨɱ.fəp.tu.jeʃ.tʲe po.po.rul strɨns u.nʲit ‖]


[sla.və ɨn vʲa.kurʲ rʲe.nəs.kut pə.mɨnt |]

[muŋ.ka sə‿t͡sʲ fʲ krʲa.tor a.vɨnt ‖]

[ʃʲiʲiz.mul t͡sʲel nʲes.trə.mu.tat |]

[ɨ.nal.t͡sə‿l prʲin fap.tʲe pʲen.tru fʲe.rɨ.t͡ʃʲi.rʲa ta ‖]

Soviet Moldavia, our land of flowers,
Along with our sister republics,
Together with Great Mother Russia we march on,
Toward the Union's future so serene.

The fraternal doina the country praiseth,
As our great Party sagaciously us leadeth.
The cause of Lenin, a cause so noble,
Brought about by our undivided people.

Of aeons glorious, oh land renewed!
For thee may labour be a sire great!
And communism, this goal unshaken –
Thou raisest it through the achievements for thy blessing!

See also


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    15. Духовой оркестр МО СССР - Государственный гимн Молдавской ССР текст песни