Anthem of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic

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Surudi milliyi JSS Tojikiston
English: State Anthem of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic
Суруди миллии ҶШС Тоҷикистон
Tajik SSR Anthem Music Sheet.InstrumentalSimple.svg

Former regional anthem of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic
Former national anthem of Tajikistan [lower-alpha 1]
Lyrics Abulqosim Lohutiy
Music Sulaymon Yudakov, 1946
Adopted1946 (1946)
Readopted1991 (1991)(without lyrics)
Relinquished1991 (1991)(with lyrics)
September 1994 (1994-09)(music only)
Succeeded by"Surudi Milliy"
Audio sample
Official orchestral and choral vocal recording [1]

The State Anthem of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic [lower-alpha 2] was the regional anthem of Tajikistan when it was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, known as the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic. The music and the lyrics were created in 1946, and the anthem was adopted later that year. The lyrics were dropped after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the national anthem of the newly independent Tajikistan had used the same melody without any lyrics until 1994, [2] [3] when the country adopted a new anthem, under the title "Surudi Milliy", with new lyrics, while retaining the same melody. [4]



The anthem was used between 1946 and 1994. The music was composed by Sulaymon Yudakov, and the lyrics were written by Abulqosim Lohutiy. The melody is preserved in "Surudi Milliy", the current national anthem of Tajikistan, with different lyrics. In 1977, the lyrics were changed to remove mentions of Joseph Stalin. This is the version presented here for the Tajik version, but the Russian version given here is the old one. [5]

Unlike other former Soviet countries, like Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, that appropriated their old Soviet-era regional anthems as national ones but did so without the Soviet lyrics, Tajikistan retained the Soviet lyrics for some time before replacing them in 1994. [5]

It is also one of the nine countries to continuously use their Soviet-era anthems; the other eight being Uzbekistan, Russia (since 2000), Kazakhstan (until 2006), Turkmenistan (until 1996), Belarus, Kyrgyzstan (until 1992), Azerbaijan (until 1992), and Ukraine (until 1992).


1977 version

Tajik lyrics (Cyrillic script) [6] [2] [7] Tajik lyrics (Perso-Arabic script) [2] Tajik lyrics (Latin script) IPA transcription [lower-alpha 3]

Чу дасти Рус мадад намуд,
бародарии халқи Совет устувор шуд,
ситораи ҳаёти мо шарорабор шуд.
Гузаштаҳои пурифтихори мо
ба ҷилва омаданду дар диёри мо, диёри мо
Мустақил давлати Тоҷикон барқарор шуд.

Ба ҳоли таб даруни шаб
Садои раъди даъвати Ленин фаро расид
Зи барқи байрақаш сиёҳии ситам парид
Саодати ҷовидон дар ин замин
Зи партия ба мо расид, ба партия сад офарин
Марду озода моро чунин ӯ бипарварид.

Шиори мо диҳад садо:
Баробарӣ, бародарӣ миёни халқи мо.
Зи хонадони мо касе намешавад ҷудо,
Ягонагиро ба худ сипар кунем
Ба сӯи фатҳи Коммунизм сафар кунем, сафар кунем,
Зинда бод мулки мо, халқи мо, Иттиҳоди мо.

،چو دست روس مدد نمود
،برادرئ خلق سوویت استوار شد
.ستارهٔ حیات ما شراره‌بار شد
گذشته‌های پرافتخار ما
به جلوه آمدند و در دیار ما، دیار ما
.مستقل دولت تاجیکان برقرار شد

به حال تب درون شب
صدای رعد دعوت لنین فرا رسید
ز برق بیرقش سیاهی ستم پرید
سعادت جاودان در این زمین
ز پارتیه به ما رسید، به پارتیه صد آفرین
.مرد آزاده مارا چنین نو بپرورید

شعار ما دهد صدا
.برابری، برادری میان خلق ما
،ز خاندان ما كسی نمی‌شود جدا
يگانگی را به خود سپر كنیم
،به سوی فتح كمونیزم سفر كنیم، سفر كنیم
.زنده باد ملك ما، خلق ما، اتحاد ما

Chu dasti Rus madad namud,
Barodariyi xalqi Sovet ustuvor shud,
sitorayi hayoti mo sharorabor shud.
Guzashtahoyi puriftixori mo
Ba jilva omadandu dar diyori mo, diyori mo
Mustaqil davlati Tojikon barqaror shud.

Ba holi tab daruni shab
Sadoyi ra’di da’vati Lenin faro rasid
Zi barqi bayraqash siyohiyi sitam parid
Saodati jovidon dar in zamin
Zi partiya ba mo rasid, ba partiya sad ofarin
Mardu ozoda moro chunin o‘ biparvarid.

Shiori mo dihad sado:
Barobariy, barodariy miyoni xalqi mo.
Zi xonadoni mo kase nameshavad judo,
Yagonagiro ba xud sipar kunem
Ba so‘yi fathi Kommunizm safar kunem, safar kunem,
Zinda bod mulki mo, xalqi mo, Ittihodi mo.

[t͡ʃʰu ˈdas.tʰɪ rus ǀ mɐ.ˈdad nɐ.ˈmud ǀ]
[bɐ.ɾɔ.dɐ.ˈɾi.(j)ɪ χɐl.ˈqʰɪ sɔ.ˈʋetʰ ʊs.tʰʊ.ˈʋɔɾ ʃʊd ǀ]
[sɪ.tʰɔ.ˈɾa.(j)ɪ hɐ.ˈjɔ.tʰɪ mɔ ʃɐ.ɾɔ.ɾɐ.ˈbɔɾ ʃʊd ǁ]
[gʊ.zɐʃ.tʰɐ.ˈhɔ.(j)ɪ pʰʊ.ɾɪf.tʰɪ.ˈχɔ.ɾɪ mɔ ǀ]
[bɐ d͡ʒɪl.ˈʋa ɔ.mɐ.ˈdan.d‿ʊ dɐɾ dɪ.ˈjɔ.ɾɪ mɔ ǀ dɪ.ˈjɔ.ɾɪ mɔ ǀ]
[mʊs.tʰɐ.ˈqʰɪl dɐʋ.ˈla.tʰɪ tʰɔ.d͡ʒi.ˈkʰɔn bɐɾ.qʰɐ.ˈɾɔɾ ʃʊd ǁ]

[bɐ ˈhɔ.lɪ tʰɐb ǀ dɐ.ˈɾu.nɪ ʃɐb ǀ]
[sɐ.ˈdɔ.(j)ɪ ˈraʔ.dɪ dɐʔ.ˈʋa.tʰɪ ˈle.nin fɐ.ˈɾɔ rɐ.ˈsid ǀ]
[zɪ ˈbaɾ.qʰɪ bɐj.ɾɐ.ˈqʰaʃ sɪ.jɔ.ˈhi.(j)ɪ sɪ.ˈtʰam pʰɐ.ˈɾid ǀ]
[sɐ.ʔɔ.ˈda.tʰɪ d͡ʒɔ.ʋɪ.ˈdɔn dɐɾ in zɐ.ˈmin ǁ]
[zɪ ˈpʰaɾ.tʰi.jɐ bɐ mɔ rɐ.ˈsid ǀ bɐ ˈpʰaɾ.tʰi.jɐ sɐd ɔ.fɐ.ˈɾin ǀ]
[ˈmaɾ.dʊ ɔ.zɔ.ˈda ˈmɔ.ɾɔ t͡ʃʰʊ.ˈni.n‿ɵ ˈbɪ.pʰɐɾ.ʋɐ.ɾid ǁ]

[ʃɪ.ˈʔɔ.ɾɪ mɔ ǀ dɪ.ˈhad sɐ.ˈdɔ ǀ]
[bɐ.ɾɔ.bɐ.ˈɾi bɐ.ɾɔ.dɐ.ˈɾi mɪ.ˈjɔ.nɪ ˈχal.qʰɪ mɔ ǀ]
[zɪ χɔ.nɐ.ˈdɔ.nɪ mɔ kʰɐ.ˈse nɐ.ˌme.ʃɐ.ˈʋad d͡ʒʊ.ˈdɔ ǀ]
[jɐ.gɔ.nɐ.ˈgi.ɾɔ bɐ χud sɪ.ˈpʰaɾ ˈkʰʊ.nem ‖]
[bɐ sɵ.(j)ɪ ˈfa.tʰɪ kʰɔ.mu.ˈnizm sɐ.ˈfaɾ ˈkʰʊ.nem ǀ sɐ.ˈfaɾ ˈkʰʊ.nem ǀ]
[zɪn.ˈda bɔd ˈmʊl.kʰɪ mɔ ǀ ˈχal.qʰɪ mɔ ǀ ɪ.tʰɪ.ˈhɔː.dɪ mɔ ‖]

Russian version [2] [8] English version

Руси рука на все века
В семью могучую слила советский весь народ.
Над нами новая судьба в лучах зари встаёт.
Мы древней доблестью вновь сердца зажгли,
Повсюду слава гремит родной земли, родной земли.
В государстве таджикском таджик воле гимн поёт.
Под игом тьмы томились мы.
Но грянул громом благодатным Ленина призыв,
Багряной молнией сверкнуло знамя, тьму пронзив.
Счастливый день, вольный труд, стальную мощь
Нам партия-мать несёт, любимый вождь, любимый вождь.
Нас растила она, в трудах и в битвах закалив.
Велим сынам, подобно нам,
Крепить народов братство, наш святой советский строй,
И верность вечную хранить семье своей большой.
Единство стало нам вековым щитом.
И коммунизм на земле мы возведём, мы возведём.
Век живи, милый край, век живи, наш Союз родной!

When Russia's hand supported us,
The guild of the Soviet folk was created,
The star of our life was enlightened.
Oh, our pasts with effulgence filled
Came to vision into our land, our homeland.
An independent state of the Tajik folk was formed.
Feverishness during the night
The thunderous roar of Lenin's summon sounded
From the glow of his flag, there the dark oppression went
The eternal happiness that lieth upon this Earth
Was delivered to us from the Party of hundred creations,
Like a father who fought for and nurtured us anew.
Our motto shall call to us
Equality, fraternity among our folk
From our family no one shall break apart
We shall craft a shield of unity
Toward communist victory we'll travel on, we'll travel on.
Long live our land, our folk, our union.

1946 version

Tajik lyrics (Cyrillic script) [6] Tajik lyrics (Perso-Arabic script)Tajik lyrics (Latin script) IPA transcription

Чу дасти рус мадад намуд,
бародарии халқи Совет устувор шуд,
ситораи ҳаёти мо шарорабор шуд.
Гузаштаҳои пурифтихори мо
ба ҷилва омаданду дар диёри мо, диёри мо
Мустақил давлати тоҷикон барқарор шуд.

Ба ҳоли таб даруни шаб
Садои раъди давъати Ленин ба мо расид
Зи барқи байрақаш сиёҳии ситам парид
Саодати ҷовидон дар ин замин
Дар ин замон ба мо расид аз(и) Сталин аз(и) Сталин
Марду озода моро чунин ӯ бипарварид.

Ба расми мо, зи насли мо
Касе намедихад амон бо хасми беҳаё.
Аз иттиҳоди советӣ намешавад ҷудо
Ягонагиро ба худ сипар кунем,
Ба душманон ҳамеша мо зафар кунем, зафар кунем,
Зинда бод мулки мо, насли мо, иттиҳоди мо.

،چو دست روس مدد نمود
،برادرئ خلق سوویت استوار شد
.ستارهٔ حیات ما شراره‌بار شد
گذشته‌های پرافتخار ما
به جلوه آمدند و در دیار ما، دیار ما
.مستقل دولت تاجیکان برقرار شد

به حال تب درون شب
صدای رعد دعوت لنین فرا رسید
ز برق بیرقش سیاهی ستم پرید
سعادت جاودان در این زمین
در اين زمان به ما رسيد عز(ى) ستالين عز(ى) ستالين
.مرد آزاده مارا چنین نو بپرورید

به رسم ما، ز نسل ما
.کسی نمی‌دهد امان با خصم بی‌حیا
از اتحاد سوویت نمی‌شود جدا
،يگانگیرا به خود سپر كنیم
،به دشمنان همیشه ما ظفر کنیم ظفر کنیم
.زنده باد ملک ما، نسل ما، اتحاد ما

Chu dasti rus madad namud,
Barodariyi xalqi Sovet ustuvor shud,
sitorayi hayoti mo sharorabor shud.
Guzashtahoyi puriftixori mo
Ba jilva omadandu dar diyori mo, diyori mo
Mustaqil davlati tojikon barqaror shud.

Ba holi tab daruni shab
Sadoyi ra’di da’vati Lenin ba mo rasid
Zi barqi bayraqash siyohiyi sitam parid
Saodati jovidon dar in zamin
Dar in zamon ba mo rasid azi Stalin azi Stalin
Mardu ozoda moro chunin o‘ biparvarid.

Ba rasmi mo, zi nasli mo
Kase namedixad amon bo xasmi behayo.
Az ittihodi sovetiy nameshavad judo
Yagonagiro ba xud sipar kunem,
Ba dushmanon hamesha mo zafar kunem, zafar kunem,
Zinda bod mulki mo, nasli mo, ittihodi mo.

[t͡ʃʰu ˈdas.tʰɪ rus ǀ mɐ.ˈdad nɐ.ˈmud ǀ]
[bɐ.ɾɔ.dɐ.ˈɾi.(j)ɪ χɐl.ˈqʰɪ sɔ.ˈʋetʰ ʊs.tʰʊ.ˈʋɔɾ ʃʊd ǀ]
[sɪ.tʰɔ.ˈɾa.(j)ɪ hɐ.ˈjɔ.tʰɪ mɔ ʃɐ.ɾɔ.ɾɐ.ˈbɔɾ ʃʊd ǁ]
[gʊ.zɐʃ.tʰɐ.ˈhɔ.(j)ɪ pʰʊ.ɾɪf.tʰɪ.ˈχɔ.ɾɪ mɔ ǀ]
[bɐ d͡ʒɪl.ˈʋa ɔ.mɐ.ˈdan.d‿ʊ dɐɾ dɪ.ˈjɔ.ɾɪ mɔ ǀ dɪ.ˈjɔ.ɾɪ mɔ ǀ]
[mʊs.tʰɐ.ˈqʰɪl dɐʋ.ˈla.tʰɪ tʰɔ.d͡ʒi.ˈkʰɔn bɐɾ.qʰɐ.ˈɾɔɾ ʃʊd ǁ]

[bɐ ˈhɔ.lɪ tʰɐb ǀ dɐ.ˈɾu.nɪ ʃɐb ǀ]
[sɐ.ˈdɔ.(j)ɪ ˈraʔ.dɪ dɐʔ.ˈʋa.tʰɪ ˈle.nin fɐ.ˈɾɔ rɐ.ˈsid ǀ]
[zɪ ˈbaɾ.qʰɪ bɐj.ɾɐ.ˈqʰaʃ sɪ.jɔ.ˈhi.(j)ɪ sɪ.ˈtʰam pʰɐ.ˈɾid ǀ]
[sɐ.ʔɔ.ˈda.tʰɪ d͡ʒɔ.ʋɪ.ˈdɔn dɐɾ in zɐ.ˈmin ǁ]
[dɐɾ in zɐ.ˈmɔn bɐ mɔ rɐ.ˈsid ɐ.ˈzi‿s.ta.lin ǀ ɐ.ˈzi‿s.ta.lin ǀ]
[ˈmaɾ.dʊ ɔ.zɔ.ˈda ˈmɔ.ɾɔ t͡ʃʰʊ.ˈni.n‿ɵ ˈbɪ.pʰɐɾ.ʋɐ.ɾid ǁ]

[bɐ ˈras.mɪ mɔ ǀ zɪ ˈnas.lɪ mɔ ǀ]
[kʰɐ.ˈse nɐ.ˌme.dɪ.ˈχad ɐ.ˈmɔn bɔ ˈχas.mɪ be.hɐ.ˈjɔ ǀ]
[ɐz ɪ.tʰɪ.ˈhɔː.dɪ sɔ.ˈʋe.tɪ nɐ.ˌme.ʃɐ.ˈʋad d͡ʒʊ.ˈdɔ ǀ]
[jɐ.gɔ.nɐ.ˈgi.ɾɔ bɐ χud sɪ.ˈpʰaɾ ˈkʰʊ.nem ‖]
[bɐ dʊʃ.mɐ.ˈnɔn ˈʃɐ mɔ ǀ zɐ.ˈfaɾ ˈkʰʊ.nem ǀ zɐ.ˈfäɾ ˈkʰʊ.nem ǀ]
[zɪn.ˈda bɔd ˈnas.lɪ mɔ ǀ ˈχal.qʰɪ mɔ ǀ ɪ.tʰɪ.ˈhɔː.dɪ mɔ ‖]

Russian version [6] [2] [9] English version

Руси рука на все века
В семью могучую слила Советский весь народ.
Над нами новая судьба в лучах зари встаёт.
Мы древней доблестью вновь сердца зажгли,
Повсюду слава гремит родной земли, родной земли.
В государстве Таджикском Таджик воле гимн поёт.

Под игом тьмы томились мы.
Но грянул громом благодатным Ленина призыв,
Багряной молнией сверкнуло знамя, тьму пронзив.
Счастливый день, вольный труд, стальную мощь
Несёт нам Сталин родной, любимый вождь, любимый вождь.
Как отец, нас растил он, в трудах, в битвах закалив.

Велим сынам, подобно нам,
Рукою грозною разить бесчестный вражий строй
И верность вечную хранить семье своей большой.
Единство стало щитом нам боевым.
Во всех сраженьях врагов мы победим, мы победим.
Век живи, милый край, век живи, наш Союз родной!

When Russia's hand supported us,
The guild of the Soviet folk was created,
The star of our life was enlightened.
Oh, our pasts with effulgence filled
Came to vision into our land, our homeland.
An independent state of the Tajik folk was formed.

Feverishness during the night
The thunderous roar of Lenin's summon sounded
From the glow of his flag, there dark oppression went
The eternal happiness that lieth upon this Earth
'Twas since this time that we've reached good ol' Stalin, good ol' Stalin
Like a father who fought for and nurtured us anew.

In our tradition, under our epoch
No one is spared with indignant hostility.
For we are inseparable from the Union
We shall craft a shield of unity
Against the enemies we shall always triumph, always triumph!
Long live our land, our age, our union.


  1. Without lyrics.
  2. Tajik: Суруди миллии Ҷумҳурии Шӯравии Сотсиалистии Тоҷикистон, romanized: Surudi milliyi Jumhuriyi Sho‘raviyi Sotsialistiyi Tojikiston, IPA: [sʊˈrudimɪlˈlijɪdʒʊmɦʊˈrijɪʃɵrɐˈʋijɪsətsɨɐˈlʲistɪjɪtʰɔdʒikʰɪsˈtʰɔn] ; Russian: Государственный гимн Таджикской Советской Социалистической Республики, romanized: Gosudarstvennyj gimn Tadžikskoj Sovetskoj Socialističeskoj Respubliki
  3. See Help:IPA/Persian and Tajik phonology.

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The State Anthem of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic was the national anthem of Uzbekistan when it was a republic of the former Soviet Union.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Anthem of the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic</span>

The State Anthem of the Kirghiz SSR was the national anthem of the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic. The music was composed by Vladimir Vlasov, Abdylas Maldybaev and Vladimir Fere, and the lyrics were written by Kubanychbek Malikov, Tulgebai Sydykbekov, Mukanbet Toktobaev, and Aaly Tokombaev.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Anthem of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic</span>

The State Anthem of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic was an anthem of Georgia from 1946 to 1990 when it was occupied by the Soviet Union.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">National Anthem of the Kyrgyz Republic</span>

The National Anthem of the Kyrgyz Republic was adopted on 18 December 1992 by a resolution of the Supreme Council of Kyrgyzstan. The music was composed by Nasyr Davlesov and Kalyi Moldobasanov, and the words were written by Jalil Sadykov and Shabdanbek Kuluyev.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Anthem of Transnistria</span>

The State Anthem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, known by its incipit "We Sing the Praises of Transnistria" and also simply known as the Anthem of Transnistria, was written by Boris Parmenov, Nicholas Bozhko and Vitaly Pishchenko, and composed by Boris Alexandrovich Alexandrov. The anthem has lyrics in all three official languages of Transnistria: Russian, Romanian, and Ukrainian. They are, however, not all literal translations of one another. The origin of the anthem was from the Russian patriotic song "Long Live Our State", a 1943 composition that was one of the proposed songs to be the State Anthem of the Soviet Union. Boris Alexandrov's composition was, however, rejected in favor of the one submitted by his father, Alexander Alexandrov.

Tooruktug Dolgai Tañdym is a Tuvan folk song. It was first adopted in 1944 as the national anthem of the Tuvan People's Republic (TPR) when Tuva was an independent socialist republic recognised only by the Soviet Union and the Mongolian People's Republic. Later in the same year following the Soviet annexation of Tuva, the country was then incorporated into the USSR and thus became the Tuvan Autonomous Oblast (TAO). In 1961, the political status of the region was upgraded to the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, yet the anthem still remained.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Anthem of the Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic</span>

The State Anthem of the Karelo-Finnish SSR was the national anthem of Karelia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Karelo-Finnish SSR.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Anthem of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic</span>

The State Anthem of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic was the anthem of Azerbaijan when it was a part of the former Soviet Union. It was created in 1944 and was used from 1945 to 1992 upon the nation's independence.


  1. Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic - National Anthem , retrieved 2018-07-30
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Гимн Таджикской ССР.
  3. Ануфриев, Александр; авторов, Коллектив (2022-05-15). Ладья у переправы (in Russian). Litres. ISBN   978-5-457-61380-5.
  4. Tadzhikistan Legal Texts:The Foundations of Civic Accord and a Market Economy
  5. 1 2 "Tajikistan (1946-1994)". 2013-04-27. Retrieved 2018-07-30.
  6. 1 2 3 "Гимн без Сталина. Трансформация гимна Советского Таджикистана". Asia-Plus. 2018-11-15.
  7. "Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic - National Anthem".
  8. Гимн Таджикской ССР.
  9. Гимн Таджикской ССР.