Anthem of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic

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Dziaržawny himn Biełaruskaj Savieckaj Sacyjalistyčnaj Respubliki
English: Anthem of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic
Дзяржаўны гімн Беларускай Савецкай Сацыялістычнай Рэспублікі (Belarusian)
Anthem of the Byelorussian SSR - sheet music.jpg

Former regional anthem of the Flag of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (1951-1991).svg  Byelorussian SSR
Lyrics Michas Klimkovič
Music, 1944
Adopted17 September 1955 (first approval)
24 September 1955 (legislative approval)
Succeeded by"My Belarusy"
Audio sample
Official orchestral and choral vocal recording [1]

The State Anthem of the Belarusian SSR [lower-alpha 1] was the regional anthem of the Byelorussian SSR, a republic of the Soviet Union. It was used from 1955 to 1991.


It took 11 years to create lyrics for it, [2] even producing a version that mentions then-Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. [3] The music was composed by Nestar Sakalowski, and the lyrics were written by Mikhas' Klimkovich, who also created the current national anthem.

In 1991, when the Byelorussian SSR became independent from Soviet rule as Belarus, it retained the Soviet-era regional anthem as its national one, albeit without lyrics until 2002, when new lyrics were created (this version is still in use today).


On 3 February 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree "On the State Anthems of the Soviet Republics". The Azerbaijan SSR and the Armenian SSR responded by instituting anthems by their most prominent composers, while the Lithuanian SSR reverted to its old anthem, "Tautiška giesmė".


The lyrics on a poster containing the state symbols of the Byelorussian SSR. National symbols of the Byelorussian SSR.jpg
The lyrics on a poster containing the state symbols of the Byelorussian SSR.

Post-Stalinist version

Belarusian original Łacinka IPA transcription [lower-alpha 2] English translation

Мы, Беларусы, з братняю Руссю,
Разам шукалі к шчасцю дарог.
Ў бітвах за волю, ў бітвах за долю
З ёй здабылі мы сцяг перамог!

Прыпеў I:
Нас аб’яднала Леніна імя,
Партыя к шчасцю вядзе нас ў паход.
𝄆 Партыі слава! Слава Радзіме!
Слава табе, Беларускі народ! 𝄇

Сілы гартуе, люд Беларусі,
Ў братнім саюзе, ў мужнай сям’і.
Вечна мы будзем, вольныя людзі,
Жыць на шчаслівай, вольнай зямлі!

Прыпеў II:
Нас аб’яднала Леніна імя,
Партыя к шчасцю вядзе нас ў паход.
𝄆 Партыі слава! Слава Радзіме!
Слава табе, наш свабодны народ! 𝄇

Дружба народаў – сіла народаў,
К шчасцю працоўных сонечны шлях.
Горда ж узвіся ў светлыя высі,
Сцяг камунізму – радасці сцяг!

Прыпеў III:
Нас аб’яднала Леніна імя,
Партыя к шчасцю вядзе нас ў паход.
𝄆 Партыі слава! Слава Радзіме!
Слава табе, наш савецкі народ! 𝄇 [4] [5] [6]

My, Biełarusy, z bratniaju Russiu,
Razam šukali k ščasciu daroh.
W bitvach za volu, w bitvach za dolu
Z joj zdabyli my sciah peramoh!

Prypiew I:
Nas ab’jadnała Lenina imia,
Partyja k ščasciu viadzie nas w pachod.
𝄆 Partyi słava! Słava Radzimie!
Słava tabie, Biełaruski narod! 𝄇

Siły hartuje, lud Biełarusi,
W bratnim sajuzie, w mužnaj siam’i.
Viečna my budziem, volnyja ludzi,
Žyć ma ščaslivaj, volnaj ziamli!

Prypiew II:
Nas ab’jadnała Lenina imia,
Partyja k ščasciu viadzie nas w pachod.
𝄆 Partyi słava! Słava Radzimie!
Słava tabie, naš svabodny narod! 𝄇

Družba narodaw – siła narodaw,
K ščasciu pracownych sonečny šlach.
Horda ž uzvisia w svetłyja vysi,
Sciah kamunismy – radasci sciah!

Prypiew III:
Nas ab’jadnała Lenina imia,
Partyja k ščasciu viadzie nas w pachod.
𝄆 Partyi słava! Słava Radzimie!
Słava tabie, naš saviecki narod! 𝄇

[mɨ bʲe̞.ɫ̪ä.ru.s̪ɨ | z̪‿brät̪.n̪ʲä.ju rus̪ʲ.s̪ʲu |]

[rä.z̪äm ʂu.kä.l̪ʲi k‿ʂʈ͡ʂäs̪ʲ.t̻͡s̪ʲu d̪ä.ro̞x ‖]

[β‿bʲit̪.väɣ z̪ä vo̞.l̪ʲu | β‿bʲit̪.väɣ z̪ä d̪o̞.l̪ʲu]

[z̪ʲ‿jo̞j z̪d̪ä.bɨ.l̪ʲi mɨ s̪ʲt̻͡s̪ʲäx pʲe̞.rä.mo̞x ‖]

[prɨ.pʲe̞w] 1:

[n̪äs̪ äb.jäd̪.n̪ä.ɫ̪ä l̪ʲe̞.n̪ʲi.n̪ä ji.mʲä |]

[pär.t̪ɨ.jä k‿ʂʈ͡ʂäs̪ʲ.t̻͡s̪ʲu vʲä.d̻͡z̪ʲe̞ n̪äs̪ ɸ‿pä.xo̞t̪ ‖]

𝄆 [pär.t̪ɨ.ji s̪ɫ̪ä.vä | s̪ɫ̪ä.vä rä.d̻͡z̪ʲi.mʲe̞ |]
[s̪ɫ̪ä.vä t̪ä.bʲe̞ | bʲe̞.ɫ̪ä.rus̪ʲ.kʲi n̪ä.ro̞t̪ ‖] 𝄇

[s̪ʲi.ɫ̪ɨ ɣär.t̪̞ | l̪ʲud̪ bʲe̞.ɫ̪ä.ru.s̪ʲi |]
[β‿brät̪.n̪ʲim s̪ä.ju.z̪ʲe̞ | β‿muʐ.näj s̪ʲäm.ji ‖]
[vʲe̞ʈ͡ʂ.n̪ä mɨ bu.d̻͡z̪ʲe̞m | vo̞l̪ʲ.n̪ɨ.jä l̪ʲu.d̻͡z̪ʲi |]
[ʐɨt̻͡s̪ʲ n̪ä ʂʈ͡ʂäs̪.l̪ʲi.väj | vo̞l̪ʲ.n̪äj z̪ʲäm.l̪ʲi ‖]

[prɨ.pʲe̞w] 2:

[n̪äs̪ äb.jäd̪.n̪ä.ɫ̪ä l̪ʲe̞.n̪ʲi.n̪ä ji.mʲä |]

[pär.t̪ɨ.jä k‿ʂʈ͡ʂäs̪ʲ.t̻͡s̪ʲu vʲä.d̻͡z̪ʲe̞ n̪äs̪ ɸ‿pä.xo̞t̪ ‖]

𝄆 [pär.t̪ɨ.ji s̪ɫ̪ä.vä | s̪ɫ̪ä.vä rä.d̻͡z̪ʲi.mʲe̞ |]
[s̪ɫ̪ä.vä t̪ä.bʲe̞ | n̪äʂ s̪vä.bo̞d̪.n̪ɨ n̪ä.ro̞t̪ ‖] 𝄇

[d̪ruʐ.bä n̪ä.ro̞.d̪äw | s̪ʲi.ɫ̪ä n̪ä.ro̞.d̪äw |]

[k‿ʂʈ͡ʂäs̪ʲ.t̻͡s̪ʲu prä.t̻͡s̪o̞w.n̪ɨx s̪o̞.n̪ʲe̞ʈ͡ʂ.n̪ɨ ʂl̪ʲäx ‖]
[ɣo̞r.d̪ä ʐ‿uz̪.vʲi.s̪ʲä‿w s̪ʲvʲe̞t̪.ɫ̪ɨ.jä vɨ.s̪ʲi ǀ]

[s̪ʲt̻͡s̪ʲäx kä.mu.n̪ʲiz̪.mu | rä.d̪äs̪ʲ.t̻͡s̪ʲi s̪ʲt̻͡s̪ʲäx ‖]

[prɨ.pʲe̞w] 3:

[n̪äs̪ äb.jäd̪.n̪ä.ɫ̪ä l̪ʲe̞.n̪ʲi.n̪ä ji.mʲä |]

[pär.t̪ɨ.jä k‿ʂʈ͡ʂäs̪ʲ.t̻͡s̪ʲu vʲä.d̻͡z̪ʲe̞ n̪äs̪ ɸ‿pä.xo̞t̪ ‖]

𝄆 [pär.t̪ɨ.ji s̪ɫ̪ä.vä | s̪ɫ̪ä.vä rä.d̻͡z̪ʲi.mʲe̞ |]
[s̪ɫ̪ä.vä t̪ä.bʲe̞ | n̪äʂ s̪ä.vʲe̞t̻͡s̪ʲ.kʲi n̪ä.ro̞t̪ ‖] 𝄇

We, Belarusians, together with fraternal Russia,
Together we looked for roads to fortune.
In struggles for freedom, in struggles for fate,
We have gained our banner of victories.

Chorus I:
The name of Lenin united us,
The Party leadeth us in quest to joy.
𝄆 Glory to the Party! Glory to the Motherland!
Glory to ye, our Belarusian people! 𝄇

People of Belarus, gathering strength,
In a fraternal union, in a powerful family.
We shall forever be a free people,
To live on a happy, free land!

Chorus II:
The name of Lenin united us,
The Party leadeth us in quest to joy.
𝄆 Glory to the Party! Glory to the Motherland!
Glory to ye, our free people! 𝄇

The friendship of peoples – the strength of peoples,
The happiness of the workers is the sunny path.
We proudly raise to the high skies,
Communism's banner – the flag of joy!

Chorus III:
The name of Lenin united us,
The Party leadeth us in quest to joy.
𝄆 Glory to the Party! Glory to the Motherland!
Glory to ye, our Soviet people! 𝄇

Stalinist version

Belarusian original Łacinka IPA transcription [lower-alpha 2] English translation

Мы, Беларусы, з братняю Руссю,
Разам шукалі к долі дарог.
Ў бітвах за волю, ў бітвах за долю
Мы здабылі з ёй сцяг перамог!

Нас аб’яднала Леніна імя,
Сталін павёў нас к шчасцю ў паход.
𝄆 Слава Саветам! Слава Радзіме!
Слава табе, Беларускі народ! 𝄇

Ў слаўным саюзе люд Беларусі
Вырас, як волат нашых былін.
Вечна мы будзем вольныя людзі,
Жыць на шчаслівай, вольнай зямлі!


Дружбай народаў мы назаўсёды,
Нашы граніцы ў сталь закуём.
Ворагаў хмары грозным ударам,
З нашых прастораў прэч мы змяцём!

Прыпеў [7]

My, Biełarusy, z bratniaju Russiu,
Razam šukali k doli daroh.
W bitvach za volu, bitvach za volu
My zdabyli z joj sciah peramoh!

Nas ab’jadnała Lenina imia,
Stalin paviow nas k ščasciu w pachod.
𝄆 Słava Savietam! Słava Radzimie!
Słava tabie, Biełaruski narod! 𝄇

W sławnym sajuzie lud Biełarusi
Vyras, jak vołat našych bylin.
Viečna my budziem volnyja ludzi,
Žyć na ščaslivaj, volnaj ziamli!


Družbaj narodaw my nazawsiody,
Našy hranicy w stal zakujom.
Vorahaw chmary hroznym uradam,
Z našych prastoraw preč my zmiaciom!


[mɨ bʲe̞.ɫ̪ä.ru.s̪ɨ | z̪‿brät̪.n̪ʲä.ju rus̪ʲ.s̪ʲu |]

[rä.z̪äm ʂu.kä.l̪ʲi g‿d̪o̞.l̪ʲi d̪ä.ro̞x ‖]

[β‿bʲit̪.väɣ z̪ä vo̞.l̪ʲu | β‿bʲit̪.väɣ z̪ä d̪o̞.l̪ʲu]

[mɨ‿z̪.d̪ä.bɨ.l̪ʲi z̪ʲ‿jo̞j s̪ʲt̻͡s̪ʲäx pʲe̞.rä.mo̞x ‖]


[n̪äs̪ äb.jäd̪.n̪ä.ɫ̪ä l̪ʲe̞.n̪ʲi.n̪ä ji.mʲä |]

[s̪t̪ä.l̪ʲin̪ pä.vʲo̞w n̪äs̪ k‿ʂʈ͡ʂäs̪ʲ.t̻͡s̪ʲu ɸ‿pä.xo̞t̪ ‖]

𝄆 [s̪ɫ̪ä.vä s̪ä.vʲe̞.t̪äm | s̪ɫ̪ä.vä rä.d̻͡z̪ʲi.mʲe̞ |]
[s̪ɫ̪ä.vä t̪ä.bʲe̞ | bʲe̞.ɫ̪ä.rus̪ʲ.kʲi n̪ä.ro̞t̪ ‖] 𝄇

[ɸ‿s̪ɫ̪äw.nɨm s̪ä.ju.zʲe̞ l̪ʲud̪ bʲe̞.ɫ̪ä.ru.s̪ʲi |]

[vɨ.räs̪ jäg vo̞.ɫ̪ät̪ nä.ʂɨɣ bɨ.l̪ʲin̪ ‖]

[vʲe̞ʈ͡ʂ.n̪ä mɨ bu.d̻͡z̪ʲe̞m vo̞l̪ʲ.n̪ɨ.jä l̪ʲu.d̻͡z̪ʲi |]
[ʐɨt̻͡s̪ʲ n̪ä ʂʈ͡ʂäs̪.l̪ʲi.väj | vo̞l̪ʲ.n̪äj z̪ʲäm.l̪ʲi ‖]


[d̪ruʐ.bäj n̪ä.ro̞.d̪äw mɨ n̪ä.z̪äw.s̪ʲo̞.d̪ɨ |]

[n̪ä.ʂɨ ɣrä.n̪ʲi.t̻͡s̪ɨ‿w s̪t̪äɫ̪ z̪ä̞m ‖]

[vo̞.rä.ɣäw xmä.rɨ xro̞z̪.n̪ɨm u.d̪ä.räm |]

[z̪‿n̪ä.ʂɨx prä.s̪t̪o̞.räw pre̞ʈ͡ʂ mɨ‿z̪.mʲä.t̻͡s̪ʲo̞m ‖]


We Belarusians, with brother Russia,
Together looking for roads to the share.
In struggles for freedom, in struggles for fate,
We have found our banner of victories!

The name of Lenin united us,
Stalin leadeth us in quest to joy.
𝄆 Glory to the Soviets! Glory to the Motherland!
Glory to ye, our Belarusian people! 𝄇

The people of Belarus in thy glorious union
Grew up as the heroes of our epics.
We shall forever be a free people,
To live on a happy, free land!


Friendship of peoples is what we stand for
Our steel borders are what we'll defend.
O'er our formidable foes do clouds blow,
We shall sweep them away from lands of our own!



  1. Belarusian: Дзяржаўны гімн Беларускай Савецкай Сацыялiстычнай Рэспублікі, romanized: Dziaržawny himn Biełaruskaj Savieckaj Sacyjalistyčnaj Respubliki
  2. 1 2 See Belarusian phonology and Help:IPA/Belarusian.

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  7. "Анатолий Матвиенко: Нужен ли Беларуси новый гимн?". Политринг - Новости Беларуси.