Aria edulis

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Aria edulis
Sorbus aria-3420.jpg
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Aria
A. edulis
Binomial name
Aria edulis
(Willd.) M.Roem.
Sorbus aria range.svg
Distribution map
  • Aria nivea var. edulis(Willd.) Koehne
  • Hahnia aria var. edulis(Willd.) Dippel
  • Pyrus aria proles edulis(Willd.) Asch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus edulisWilld.
  • Sorbus aria subsp. edulis(Willd.) Sved., Alm & Örtendahl
  • Sorbus aria var. edulis(Willd.) Wenz.
  • Sorbus edulis(Willd.) K.Koch
  • Aria alpinaM.Roem.
  • Aria aria(L.) Huth
  • Aria majesticaLavallée
  • Aria niveaHost
  • Aria nivea var. acutifolia(Ser.) M.Roem.
  • Aria nivea acutifolia(Ser.) Gren.
  • Aria nivea var. angustifolia(Lindl.) M.Roem.
  • Aria nivea var. bullata(Lindl.) M.Roem.
  • Aria nivea f. cyclophyllaBeck
  • Aria nivea var. glabrata(G.Kirchn.) Lavallée
  • Aria nivea var. incisa(Mutel) M.Roem.
  • Aria nivea var. lanataLavallée
  • Aria nivea var. latifoliaLavallée
  • Aria nivea latifoliaGren.
  • Aria nivea var. longifolia(Pers.) Gren.
  • Aria nivea var. rugosa(Lindl.) M.Roem.
  • Aria nivea proles tomentosa(Rouy & E.G.Camus) Bonnier
  • Aria nivea var. undulata(Lindl.) M.Roem.
  • Aria tomentosa(Rouy & E.G.Camus) Bonnier
  • Aria vulgarisDecne.
  • Aronia alpina(M.Roem.) Dippel
  • × Aroniaria alpina(M.Roem.) Mezhenskyj
  • Azarolus aria(L.) Borkh.
  • Chamaemespilus aria(L.) M.Roem.
  • Crataegus alpinaGray
  • Crataegus ariaL.
  • Crataegus pallidaSalisb.
  • Hahnia aria(L.) Medik.
  • Hahnia aria var. angustifolia(Lindl.) Dippel
  • Hahnia aria f. aureaHesse ex Dippel
  • Hahnia aria carpinifolia(J.R.Booth ex G.Kirchn.) Dippel
  • Hahnia aria glabrata(G.Kirchn.) Dippel
  • Hahnia aria microphyllaDippel
  • Hahnia aria vestitaDippel
  • Lazarolus aria(L.) Borkh.
  • Malus aria(L.) Risso
  • Mespilus aria(L.) Scop.
  • Pyrenia aria(L.) Clairv.
  • Pyrus alpinaWilld.
  • Pyrus aria(L.) Ehrh.
  • Pyrus aria var. acutifoliaSer.
  • Pyrus aria subvar. angustifolia(Lindl.) Asch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus aria var. angustifoliaLindl.
  • Pyrus aria subvar. bellojocensis(Gand.) Asch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus aria monstr. bullata(Lindl.) Asch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus aria var. bullataLindl.
  • Pyrus aria monstr. chrysophyllaAsch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus aria proles cyclophylla(Beck) Asch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus aria ellipticaTen.
  • Pyrus aria var. incisa(Mutel) Asch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus aria var. longifolia(Pers.) Steud.
  • Pyrus aria var. lutescensG.Nicholson
  • Pyrus aria monstr. lutescensAsch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus aria subvar. parvula(C.K.Schneid.) Asch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus aria roseaTausch
  • Pyrus aria var. roseaTausch ex Koehne
  • Pyrus aria rotundifoliaTen.
  • Pyrus aria var. rugosaLindl.
  • Pyrus aria var. silvestriiPamp.
  • Pyrus aria var. sulphureaG.Nicholson
  • Pyrus aria proles typicaAsch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus aria var. undulataLindl.
  • Pyrus aria' monstr. 'undulata(Lindl.) Asch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus carpaticaAsch. & Graebn.
  • Pyrus crenataK.Koch
  • × Sorbaronia alpina(M.Roem.) C.K.Schneid.
  • Sorbus acutilobaGand.
  • Sorbus alpinaHeynh.
  • Sorbus araricaGand.
  • Sorbus aria(L.) Crantz
  • Sorbus aria f. acutifolia(DC.) Kárpáti
  • Sorbus aria var. acutifolia(DC.) Jáv.
  • Sorbus aria proles acutifolia(Ser.) Rouy & E.G.Camus
  • Sorbus aria var. alnoidesTimb.-Lagr.
  • Sorbus aria var. amplifoliaRouy & E.G.Camus
  • Sorbus aria f. angustifolia(Lindl.) Buia
  • Sorbus aria var. angustifoliaLindl.
  • Sorbus aria var. arioides(Godet) Timb.-Lagr.
  • Sorbus aria f. aurea(Hesse ex Rehder) Rehder
  • Sorbus aria var. aureaHesse ex Rehder
  • Sorbus aria f. bullata(Lindl.) Buia
  • Sorbus aria var. canescensLegrand
  • Sorbus aria var. carpaticaSoó
  • Sorbus aria var. carpinifoliaJ.R.Booth ex G.Kirchn.
  • Sorbus aria subsp. carpinifolia(J.R.Booth ex G.Kirchn.) Hedl.
  • Sorbus aria f. carpinifolia(J.R.Booth ex G.Kirchn.) Kovanda
  • Sorbus aria f. chrysophyllaHesse
  • Sorbus aria var. cinereaTimb.-Lagr.
  • Sorbus aria var. concolorAlbov
  • Sorbus aria var. cyclophylla(Beck) C.K.Schneid.
  • Sorbus aria subsp. cyclophylla(Beck) Soó
  • Sorbus aria f. cyclophylla(Beck) Jáv.
  • Sorbus aria var. denticulataWaisb.
  • Sorbus aria var. detrusaHedl. ex Issler
  • Sorbus aria var. ellipticifoliaTimb.-Lagr.
  • Sorbus aria subsp. euariaHayek
  • Sorbus aria var. glabraAlbov
  • Sorbus aria glabrataW.D.J.Koch ex S.Schauer
  • Sorbus aria grandifoliaK.Koch
  • Sorbus aria f. incisa(Mutel) Jáv.
  • Sorbus aria var. incisaAlbov
  • Sorbus aria var. incisaMutel
  • Sorbus aria subsp. incisa(Mutel) Hedl.
  • Sorbus aria var. kamaonensisWall. ex Maxim.
  • Sorbus aria var. lachnophyllaMurr
  • Sorbus aria var. laniferaA.Kern. ex Borbás
  • Sorbus aria subsp. lanifera(A.Kern. ex Borbás) Jáv.
  • Sorbus aria var. latifolia(Gren.) Kárpáti
  • Sorbus aria subsp. longifolia(Pers.) Hedl.
  • Sorbus aria f. longifolia(Pers.) Rehder
  • Sorbus aria var. longifoliaPers.
  • Sorbus aria f. lutescens(Hartwig) Zabel
  • Sorbus aria var. lutescensHartwig
  • Sorbus aria f. macrocarpaKonovalov
  • Sorbus aria f. magnificaHesse
  • Sorbus aria f. matrensisSoó
  • Sorbus aria var. microphyllaTimb.-Lagr.
  • Sorbus aria f. obtusaKárpáti
  • Sorbus aria var. obtusataGren.
  • Sorbus aria obtusataGren.
  • Sorbus aria var. ovoideaChabert
  • Sorbus aria f. parvulaC.K.Schneid.
  • Sorbus aria f. pendulaKonovalov
  • Sorbus aria f. pseudocreticaSoó
  • Sorbus aria var. pseudomougeotiiIssler
  • Sorbus aria f. rotundataDüll
  • Sorbus aria var. sphaericaChabert
  • Sorbus aria var. tomentosa(Rouy & E.G.Camus) P.Fourn.
  • Sorbus aria subsp. tomentosaRouy & E.G.Camus
  • Sorbus aria var. typicaC.K.Schneid.
  • Sorbus arioides(Godet) Michalet
  • Sorbus arvernensisGand.
  • Sorbus austriaca subsp. serpentiniKárpáti
  • Sorbus bellojocensisGand.
  • Sorbus budaianaKárpáti
  • Sorbus carpatica(Soó) Kárpáti
  • Sorbus carpinifolia(J.R.Booth ex G.Kirchn.) Prain
  • Sorbus chamaemespilus var. arioidesGodet
  • Sorbus controversaGand.
  • Sorbus glabrataG.Kirchn.
  • Sorbus globuliferaHedl. ex Ridd.
  • Sorbus huljakiiKárpáti
  • Sorbus incisa(Mutel) Prain
  • Sorbus longifolia(Pers.) Prain
  • Sorbus oblongaGand.
  • Sorbus pallidifoliaGand.
  • Sorbus reverchoniiGand.
  • Sorbus scandica subsp. arioides(Godet) Nyman
  • Sorbus sphaerocarpaGand.
  • Sorbus tomentosa(Rouy & E.G.Camus) Issler
  • Sorbus turbinataGand.

Aria edulis, the whitebeam or common whitebeam, [2] is a species of deciduous tree in the family Rosaceae .

The tree often forms new shoots around the trunk. Typically compact and domed, the plant has a few upswept branches and the leaves have an almost-white underside. The hermaphrodite cream-white flowers appear in May, are insect pollinated, and go on to produce scarlet berries, which are often eaten by birds. [3]

It is native to most of Europe as well as North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) and temperate Asia (Eastern Turkey, Armenia, Georgia). [4] It generally favours dry limestone and chalk soils.

The cultivars A. edulis 'Lutescens', [5] with very whitish-green early leaves, and A. edulis 'Majestica', [6] with large leaves, have both gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. [7]

The berries are edible when overripe (bletted). [8]

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  1. Rivers, M.C.; Beech, E. (2017). "Sorbus aria". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2017: e.T62861A112294405. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T62861A112294405.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. BSBI List 2007 (xls). Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original (xls) on 26 June 2015. Retrieved 17 October 2014.
  3. The Reader's Digest Field Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of Britain p.86.
  4. "Aria edulis". Germplasm Resources Information Network . Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture.
  5. "RHS Plant Selector - Sorbus aria 'Lutescens'" . Retrieved 5 March 2021.
  6. "RHS Plant Selector - Sorbus aria 'Majestica'" . Retrieved 5 March 2021.
  7. "AGM Plants - Ornamental" (PDF). Royal Horticultural Society. July 2017. p. 98. Retrieved 13 November 2018.
  8. Mabey, Richard (2012). Food for Free. London: Collins. p. 72. ISBN   978-000-743847-1.