Citra Award for Best Actress

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Citra Award for Best Actress
Awarded forBest actress of the year
Country Indonesia
Presented by Indonesian Film Festival
First awarded1955
Currently held by Nirina Zubir, Falling in Love Like in Movies (2024)
Most awards Christine Hakim (6)
Most nominations Christine Hakim (10)

The Citra Award for Best Actress (Indonesian : Piala Citra untuk Pemeran Utama Perempuan Terbaik) is an award given at the Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) to Indonesian actresses for their achievements in leading roles. The Citra Awards, described by Screen International as "Indonesia's equivalent to the Oscars", [1] are the country's most prestigious film awards [2] and are intended to recognize achievements in films as well as to draw public interest to the film industry. [3]


Sha Ine Febriyanti is the most recent winner for her performance in Andragogy at the 2023 ceremony.


The Citra Awards, then known as the Indonesian Film Festival Awards, were first given in 1955 to two winners without a nomination process: Dhalia ( Lewat Djam Malam ) and Fifi Young ( Tarmina ). The two-way tie, also found in the Best Film and Best Actor categories, was controversial as film critics considered Lewat Djam Malam the superior film, leading to allegations that Djamaluddin Malik had bought Tarmina's prize. [4] Succeeding festivals were held in 1960 and 1967 and annually since 1973. [5]

There were no Citra Awards given between 1993 and 2003 due to sharp decline in domestic film production. It was reinstated as an annual event in 2004 after receiving funds from the Indonesian government. [1] [6]

Christine Hakim is the most decorated actress with 6 awards out of 10 nominations in this category. She has also received 3 additional awards out of 4 nominations in the Best Supporting Actress category, bringing her overall total to 9 awards out of 14 nominations. [7] Meriam Bellina has won twice out of 6 nominations, whereas Lydia Kandou and Yenny Rachman each won 2 of their 5 nominations. Atiqah Hasiholan has received the most nominations without winning any with four, followed by Jajang C. Noer, Nurul Arifin, Paramitha Rusady, and Zoraya Perucha with three nominations without any wins. However, Noer has two wins as a supporting actress for Mer's Lips in 1992 and Cinta tapi Beda in 2013.

Asha Smara Darra became the first trans woman to receive a Citra Award nomination in 2023 for her debut performance in Sara . [8]

Two actresses from the same film have been nominated for Best Actress in the same year: Pasir Berbisik and Eliana, Eliana in 2001, Virgin in 2005, as well as Mengejar Mas-Mas in 2007. Of these, only Dinna Olivia ( Mengejar Mas-Mas ) managed to win.

Nominations and awards

Fifi Young won one of the inaugural Citra Awards for Best Actress. Fifi Young, Film Varia 2.6 (Jun 1955), p5.jpg
Fifi Young won one of the inaugural Citra Awards for Best Actress.
Dhalia won the other inaugural Citra Award for Best Actress. Dhalia Film Varia May 1954 p11 edit.jpg
Dhalia won the other inaugural Citra Award for Best Actress.
Farida Arriany won the award in 1960. Farida Arriany, c. 1960 (signed).jpg
Farida Arriany won the award in 1960.
Mieke Wijaya won two Citra Awards out of two nominations. Mieke Wijaya, c. 1960, from Tati Photo Studio.jpg
Mieke Wijaya won two Citra Awards out of two nominations.
Rima Melati won the Citra Award in 1973. Rima Melati, c. 1960.jpg
Rima Melati won the Citra Award in 1973.
Yenny Rachman with the Citra Award she won in 1982 Jenny Rachman.jpg
Yenny Rachman with the Citra Award she won in 1982
Nurul Arifin has received three nominations but no wins. Nurul Arifin 2013.jpg
Nurul Arifin has received three nominations but no wins.
Indicates the winner

Winners are highlighted in blue and listed in bold.


Dhalia TIE Lewat Djam Malam [9]
Fifi Young TIE Tarmina [10]


Farida Arriany Anakku Sajang [11]
Mieke Wijaya Gadis Kerudung Putih [12]


Rima Melati Intan Berduri [13]
Christine Hakim Cinta Pertama [a] [7]
Lenny MarlinaRio Anakku [b] [14]
Tanty Josepha Setulus Hatimu [15]
Rina Hasyim Semalam di Malaysia [16]
Christine Hakim (2) Sesuatu yang Indah [7]
Joice Erna Suci Sang Primadona [17]
Christine Hakim (3) Pengemis dan Tukang Becak [7]
Yenny Rachman Binalnya Anak Muda [18]
Mutiara SaniKemelut Hidup [19]
Suzzanna Pulau Cinta [20]
Tutie KiranaBuaya Deli [21]


1980 Yenny Rachman Kabut Sutra Ungu [18]
1980Farah MeuthiaYuyun Pasien Rumah Sakit Jiwa [22]
1980Ira Maya SophaIra Maya si Anak Tiri [23]
1980MariniAnna Maria [24]
1980 Nia Daniati Antara Dia dan Aku [25]
1981 Mieke Wijaya (2) Kembang Semusim [12]
1981Jessy GusmanUsia 18 [26]
1981 Marlia Hardi Busana dalam Mimpi [27]
1981Nungki KusumastutiPerempuan dalam Pasungan [28]
1981 Widyawati Buah Hati Mama [29]
1982 Yenny Rachman (2) Gadis Marathon [18]
1982Ita MustafaBukan Istri Pilihan [30]
1982Lenny MarlinaJangan Ambil Nyawaku [14]
1982 Suzzanna Ratu Ilmu Hitam [20]
1982 Tanty Josepha Dr. Karmila [15]
1983 Christine Hakim (4) Di Balik Kelambu [7]
1983 Dewi Irawan Titian Serambut Dibelah Tujuh [31]
1983 Meriam Bellina Perkawinan 83 [32]
1983 Widyawati Amalia SH [29]
1984 Meriam Bellina Cinta di Balik Noda [32]
1984 Christine Hakim Ponirah Terpidana [7]
1984 Yenny Rachman Budak Nafsu [18]
1984 Lydia Kandou Untukmu Kuserahkan Segalanya [33]
1984Zoraya PeruchaYang [34]
1985 Christine Hakim (5) Kerikil-Kerikil Tajam [7]
1985Dewi YullKembang Kertas [35]
1985 Yenny Rachman Doea Tanda Mata [18]
1985 Meriam Bellina Kabut Perkawinan [32]
1986 Tuti Indra Malaon Ibunda [36]
1986 Christine Hakim Bila Saatnya Tiba [7]
1986 Lydia Kandou Kejarlah Daku Kau Kutangkap [33]
1986 Meriam Bellina Kulihat Cinta di Matanya [32]
1986Zoraya PeruchaPondok Cinta [34]
1987 Widyawati Arini (Masih Ada Kereta yang Akan Lewat) [29]
1987Dewi YullPenyesalan Seumur Hidup [35]
1987Ita MustafaTinggal Sesaat Lagi [30]
1987Marissa HaqueBiarkan Bulan Itu [37]
1987Zoraya PeruchaSecawan Anggur Kebimbangan [34]
1988 Christine Hakim (6) Tjoet Nja' Dhien [7]
1988 Meriam Bellina Tatkala Mimpi Berakhir [32]
1988 Nurul Arifin Istana Kecantikan [38]
1989 Tuti Indra Malaon (2) Pacar Ketinggalan Kereta [36]
1989Ira WibowoMalioboro [39]
1989Neno WarismanSemua Sayang Kamu [40]
1989 Paramitha Rusady Si Kabayan Saba Kota [41]


1990 Meriam Bellina (2) Taksi [32]
1990 Lydia Kandou Cas Cis Cus (Sonata di Tengah Kota) [33]
1990 Nurul Arifin 2 dari 3 Laki-Laki [38]
1990 Widyawati Sesaat dalam Pelukan [29]
1991 Lydia Kandou Boneka dari Indiana [33]
1991Dian NitamiPerwira dan Ksatria [42]
1991 Nia Zulkarnaen Lagu Untuk Seruni [43]
1991 Paramitha Rusady Boss Carmad [41]
1991Sonia Dara CarrascalaoLangit Kembali Biru [44]
1992 Lydia Kandou (2) Ramadhan dan Ramona [33]
1992Bella Esperance Lee Bibir Mer [45]
1992 Cornelia Agatha Rini Tomboy [46]
1992 Nurul Arifin Catatan Si Emon [38]
1992 Paramitha Rusady Selembut Wajah Anggun [41]


2004 Dian Sastrowardoyo Ada Apa dengan Cinta? [47]
2004 Christine Hakim Pasir Berbisik [7]
2004 Dian Sastrowardoyo Pasir Berbisik [47]
2004 Jajang C. Noer Eliana, Eliana [48]
2004 Rachel Maryam Eliana, Eliana [49]
2005 Marcella Zalianty Brownies [50]
2005Anggia Yulia AngelyVirgin [51]
2005Cornelia AgathaDetik Terakhir [46]
2005 Laudya Cynthia Bella Virgin [51]
2005 Sigi Wimala Tentang Dia [52]
2006 Nirina Zubir Heart [53]
2006Ayu RatnaGarasi [54]
2006 Luna Maya Ruang [55]
2006Shanty Berbagi Suami [56]
2006 Titi Kamal Mendadak Dangdut [57]
2007 Dinna Olivia Mengejar Mas-Mas [58]
2007 Acha Septriasa Love Is Cinta [59]
2007 Marsha Timothy Merah Itu Cinta [60]
2007 Nirina Zubir Kamulah Satu-Satunya [53]
2007Poppy Sovia Mengejar Mas-Mas [61]
2008 Fahrani Radit & Jani [62]
2008Ayu Laksmi Under the Tree [63]
2008 Ladya Cheryl Fiksi. [64]
2008Yenny ChangMay [65]
2008 Pevita Pearce Lost in Love [66]
2009 Titi Rajo Bintang Mereka Bilang, Saya Monyet! [67]
2009 Atiqah Hasiholan Ruma Maida [68]
2009Aty Nurhayati DjosanEmak Ingin Naik Haji [69]
2009Leony Vitria HartantiIdentitas [70]
2009 Revalina S. Temat Perempuan Berkalung Sorban [71]


2010 Laura Basuki 3 Hati Dua Dunia Satu Cinta [72]
2010Fanny FabrianaHari Untuk Amanda [73]
2010 Jajang C. Noer 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita [48]
2010 Tika Bravani Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) [74]
2010 Titi Rajo Bintang Minggu Pagi di Victoria Park [67]
2011 Prisia Nasution Sang Penari [75]
2011Dinda Hauw Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan [76]
2011Fanny FabrianaTrue Love [73]
2011Gita Novalista The Mirror Never Lies [77]
2011Salma ParamithaRindu Purnama [78]
2012 Acha Septriasa Test Pack: You're My Baby [79]
2012Annisa Hertami Soegija [80]
2012 Atiqah Hasiholan Hello Goodbye [80]
2012Geraldine Sianturi Demi Ucok [80]
2012 Jajang C. Noer Mata Tertutup [80]
2013 Adinia Wirasti Laura & Marsha [81]
2013 Happy Salma Air Mata Terakhir Bunda [82]
2013 Imelda Therinne Belenggu [82]
2013 Laudya Cynthia Bella Belenggu [82]
2013 Laura Basuki Madre [82]
2014 Dewi Irawan Tabula Rasa [83]
2014 Atiqah Hasiholan 3 Nafas Likas [84]
2014 Revalina S. Temat Hijrah Cinta [84]
2014 Maudy Koesnaedi Soekarno [84]
2014 Prisia Nasution Sokola Rimba [84]
2015 Tara Basro A Copy of My Mind [85]
2015 Adinia Wirasti Kapan Kawin? [86]
2015 Chelsea Islan Di Balik 98 [86]
2015 Dewi Sandra Air Mata Surga [86]
2015 Marsha Timothy Nada Untuk Asa [86]
2016 Cut Mini Athirah [87]
2016 Christine Hakim Ibu Maafkan Aku [88]
2016 Sha Ine Febriyanti Nay [88]
2016 Chelsea Islan Rudy Habibie [88]
2016 Atiqah Hasiholan Wonderful Life [88]
2017 Putri Marino Posesif [89]
2017 Adinia Wirasti Critical Eleven [89]
2017 Dian Sastrowardoyo Kartini [89]
2017 Sheryl Sheinafia Galih & Ratna [89]
2017 Tatjana Saphira Sweet 20 [89]
2018 Marsha Timothy Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts [90]
2018 Della Dartyan Love for Sale [90]
2018 Prisia Nasution Lima
2018 Dian Sastrowardoyo Aruna & Her Palate [90]
2018 Putri Ayudya Kafir: A Deal with the Devil [90]
2019 Raihaanun 27 Steps of May [91]
2019 Adhisty Zara Two Blue Stripes [91]
2019 Nirina Zubir Cemara's Family [91]
2019 Sha Ine Febriyanti This Earth of Mankind [91]
2019 Sissy Priscillia Milly & Mamet: Ini Bukan Cinta & Rangga [91]


Laura Basuki (2) Susi Susanti: Love All [92]
Faradina Mufti Crazy Awesome Teachers [93]
Jessica Mila Imperfect [93]
Putri Ayudya Homecoming [93]
Tara Basro Impetigore [93]
Ully Triani Humba Dreams [93]
Arawinda Kirana Yuni
Hana MalasanCinta Bete
Nirina Zubir Paranoia
Shenina Cinnamon Photocopier
Wulan Guritno Jakarta vs Everybody
Ladya Cheryl Vengeance Is Mine, All Others Pay Cash
Happy Salma Before, Now & Then
Marsha Timothy The Red Point of Marriage
Maudy Koesnaedi Losmen Bu Broto
Tika Panggabean Missing Home
Sha Ine Febriyanti Andragogy [94]
Asha Smara Darra Sara
Aurora Ribero Like & Share
Jajang C. Noer The Prize
Laura Basuki Sleep Call

Multiple wins and nominations

610 Christine Hakim
26 Meriam Bellina
5 Lydia Kandou, Yenny Rachman
4 Laura Basuki
2Mieke Wijaya, Tuti Indra Malaon
14 Dian Sastrowardoyo, Marsha Timothy, Nirina Zubir, Widyawati
3 Adinia Wirasti, Prisia Nasution, Sha Ine Febriyanti
2 Acha Septriasa, Dewi Irawan, Ladya Cheryl, Tanty Josepha, Tara Basro, Titi Rajo Bintang
04 Atiqah Hasiholan, Jajang C. Noer
3 Nurul Arifin, Paramitha Rusady, Zoraya Perucha
2 Chelsea Islan, Cornelia Agatha, Dewi Yull, Fanny Fabriana, Happy Salma, Ita Mustafa, Laudya Cynthia Bella, Lenny Marlina, Maudy Koesnaedi, Putri Ayudya, Revalina S. Temat, Suzzanna

Explanatory notes

  1. Award given as "Best Actress (with Praise)" (Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik Dengan Pujian); a similar distinction was made with the Best Actor award. Hakim received the Citra. [5]
  2. Award given as "Best Actress (with Recognition)" (Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik Dengan Penghargaan); a similar distinction was made with the Best Actor award. This was, in effect, a "runner up" award. [5]

See also

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