Citra Award for Best Picture

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Citra Award for Best Picture
Awarded forBest motion picture of the year
Country Indonesia
Presented by Indonesian Film Festival
First awarded1955
Currently held by Falling In Love Like In Movies (2024)

The Citra Award for Best Picture (Indonesian: Film Cerita Panjang Terbaik) is an award given at the Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) to the best feature film of the year. The Citra Awards, described by Screen International as "Indonesia's equivalent to the Oscars", are the country's most prestigious film awards and are intended to recognize achievements in films as well as to draw public interest to the film industry. [1] [2] [3]


Romantic drama film Falling In Love Like In Movies is the most recent winner at the 2024 ceremony.


The Citra Awards, then known as the Indonesian Film Festival Awards, were first given in 1955 to co-winners Usmar Ismail's Lewat Djam Malam and Lilik Sudjio's Tarmina . The two-way tie, also found in the Best Actor and Best Actress categories, was controversial as film critics considered Lewat Djam Malam the superior film, leading to allegations that producer Djamaluddin Malik had bought Tarmina's prize. [4] Succeeding festivals were held in 1960 and 1967 and annually since 1973. [5] There were no Citra Awards given between 1993 and 2003 due to sharp decline in domestic film production. It was reinstated as an annual event in 2004 after receiving funds from the Indonesian government. [6] [7]

The Best Picture category is considered the most important Citra Award at the Indonesian Film Festival. It is often regarded as the domestic film industry's standard of the year's best motion picture, which takes into account the overall production of a film, including the directing, performances, scoring, writing, music, sound mixing, cinematography, art direction, and editing. [8]

Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts won Best Picture in 2018 with an overall 10 awards out of 15 nominations, garnering the most wins and most nominations of all time. [9] Prior to that, both records were held by 1986 Best Picture winner Mother with an overall 9 awards out of 10 nominations. The record for most nominations was later broken by 2020 Best Picture winner Impetigore with 17 nominations. In 2023, Andragogy tied the record by receiving 17 nominations.[ citation needed ]

Upon winning in 2007, Nagabonar Jadi 2 became the first, and as of 2020 the only, sequel to have won Best Picture. Its first film Nagabonar also won Best Picture twenty years prior in 1987.[ citation needed ]

In 1967, 1977, and 1984, no Best Picture awards were given. In 1967 and 1977, the decision was made because the jury found the films in contention to be underwhelming, meanwhile in 1984 the decision was caused by an error made by the organizing committee who mishandled the envelope containing the jury's Best Picture winner selection. [10] In 1980, Arifin C. Noer's Yuyun in the Mental Hospital , licensed as a documentary film, was nominated for Best Picture, a decision that was scrutinized by film critics at the time. [10]

The award has been revoked once, in 2007, following strong criticisms from other filmmakers over 2006 Best Picture winner Ekskul 's unauthorized use of copyrighted materials from the 2000 film Gladiator and the 2005 film Munich . [11]

Winners and nominees

Winners are highlighted in blue and listed in bold.


Lewat Djam Malam TIE Usmar Ismail Perfini, Persari
Tarmina TIE Lilik Sudjio Persari


Turang Bachtiar Siagian Rentjong Film Corp, Refic Film


Perkawinan Wim Umboh Aries Raya International, Far Eastern Film Co
Cinta Pertama TIE Teguh Karya Jelajah Film
Si Mamad TIE Sjumandjaja Matari Film
Senyum di Pagi Bulan Desember Wim Umboh International Aries Angkasa Film
Cinta Wim Umboh Aries-Insantra Film
Jakarta Jakarta Ami Prijono Kamasutra Film
November 1828 Teguh Karya Interstudio
Pengemis dan Tukang Becak Deddy Armand Jaya Bersaudara Film
Binalnya Anak Muda Ismail Soebardjo Gemini Satria Film
Gara-Gara Istri Muda Wahyu Sihombing Kamasutra Film
Kemelut Hidup Asrul Sani Tridharma Bhakti Film


Perawan Desa Frank Rorimpandey Safari Sinar Sakti Film
Harmonikaku Arifin C. Noer PPFN
Rembulan dan Matahari Slamet Rahardjo Dharma Putra Jaya Film
Yuyun in the Mental Hospital Arifin C. Noer PPFN
Perempuan dalam Pasungan Ismail Soebardjo Garuda Film
Para Perintis Kemerdekaan Asrul Sani Taty & Sons Jaya Film
Gadis Penakluk Eduart Pesta Sirait Garuda Film
Usia 18 Teguh Karya Garuda Film, Interstudio, Dharma Putra Jaya Film
Serangan Fajar Arifin C. Noer PPFN
Bawalah Aku Pergi MT Risyaf Bola Dunia Film
Jangan Ambil Nyawaku Sophan Sophiaan Garuda Film, Sanggar Film
Di Balik Kelambu Teguh Karya Sukma Putra Film
RA Kartini Sjumandjaja Nusantara Film
Roro Mendut Ami Prijono Gramedia Film, Sanggar Film, Elang Perkasa Film
Titian Serambut Dibelah Tujuh Chaerul Umam KOFINA
Ponirah Terpidana Slamet Rahardjo Suka Putra Film
Budak Nafsu Sjumandjaja Soraya Intercine Film
Pengkhianatan G30S/PKI Arifin C. Noer PPFN
Sunan Kalijaga Sofyan Sharna Tobali Indah Film, Empat Gajah Film
Yang Ami Prijono Gramedia Film
Kembang Kertas Slamet Rahardjo Nusantara Film
Doea Tanda Mata Teguh Karya Citra Jaya Film
Kerikil-Kerikil Tajam Sjumandjaja Bola Dunia Film
Secangkir Kopi Pahit Teguh Karya Sukma Putra Film
Serpihan Mutiara Retak Wim Umboh Virgo Putra Film
Ibunda Teguh Karya Satria Perkasa Esthetika Film, Sufin
Opera Jakarta Sjumandjaja Gramedia Film
Matahari-Matahari Arifin C. Noer Gramedia Film
Kejarlah Daku Kau Kutangkap Chaerul Umam Prasidi Teta Film
Bila Saatnya Tiba Eduard Pesta Sirait Kanta Indah Film
Nagabonar MT Risyaf Prasidi Teta Film
Kodrat Slamet Rahardjo Multi Permai Film
Biarkan Bulan Itu Arifin C. Noer Rapi Films
Cintaku di Rumah Susun Nya' Abbas Akup Parkit Film
Arini, Masih Ada Kereta yang Akan Lewat Sophan Sophiaan Sanggar Film, Elang Prakasa Film
Tjoet Nja' Dhien Eros Djarot Kanta Indah Film
Ayahku Misbach Yusa Biran Prasidi Teta Film
Istana Kecantikan Wahyu Sihombing Tobali Indah Film
Pacar Ketinggalan Kereta Teguh Karya Perfini
Tragedi Bintaro Buce Malawau Safari Sinar Sakti Film
Semua Sayang Kamu Ida Farida Sinar Permatamas Film
Si Badung Imam Tantowi Kanta Indah Film
Noesa Penida Galeb Husein Prasidi Tera Film, Melur Film Production


Taksi Arifin C. Noer Raviman Film
Langitku Rumahku Slamet Rahardjo Ekapraya Film
Cas Cis Cus Putu Wijaya Prasidi Teta Film
Sesaat dalam Pelukan Sophan Sophiaan Parkit Film, Cahaya Lampung Film
Joe Turun ke Desa Chaerul Umam Virgo Putra Film
Cinta dalam Sepotong Roti Garin Nugroho Prasidi Teta Film, Eranusa Film
Lagu untuk Seruni Labbes Widar Sinema Utama Film
Langit Kembali Biru Dimas Haring & S. Dias Ximenes Bola Dunia Film
Potret Buce Malawau Ratna Mutiara Indah Film
Soerabaia 45 Imam Tantowi Sinar Permataemas Film
Ramadhan and Ramona Chaerul Umam Citra Wiwitan Film
Bibir Mer Arifin C. Noer Cinta Nusa Bhakti Film
Plong (Naik Daun) Putu Wijaya Mutiara Eranusa Film, Prasidi Teta Film
Nada dan Dakwah Chaerul Umam Bola Dunia Film
Kuberikan Segalanya Galeb Husein Indoasia Rekaperkasa Film


Arisan! Nia Dinata Kalyana Shira Films
Pasir Berbisik Nan Achnas Salto Films, Camila Internusa Films, NHK
Ada Apa dengan Cinta? Rudy Soedjarwo Miles Films
Marsinah: Cry Justice Slamet Rahardjo Gedam Sinemuda Perkasa
Eliana, Eliana Riri Riza Miles Films
Gie Riri Riza Miles Films
Janji Joni Joko Anwar Kalyana Shira Films
Ketika Deddy Mizwar Demi Gisela Citra Sinema
Virgin Hanny Saputra Kharisma Starvision Plus
Brownies Hanung Bramantyo SinemArt
Ekskul REVOKED [a] [12] Nayato Fio Nuala Indika Entertainment
Denias, Senandung di Atas Awan John de Rantau Alenia Pictures
Heart Hanny Saputra Kharisma Starvision Plus
Mendadak Dangdut Rudy Soedjarwo SinemArt
Ruang Teddy Soeriaatmadja Parama Entertainment
Nagabonar Jadi 2 Deddy Mizwar Demi Gisela Citra Sinema
Kamulah Satu-Satunya Hanung Bramantyo Oreima Films
Mengejar Mas-Mas Rudy Soedjarwo Depic Productions
Merah Itu Cinta Rako Prijanto Rapi Films
Get Married Hanung Bramantyo Kharisma Starvision Plus
Fiksi. Mouly Surya Cinesurya Productions
Claudia/Jasmine Awi Suryadi Nation Pictures
May Viva Westi Flix Pictures
Under the Tree Garin Nugroho Credo Pictures
3 Doa 3 Cinta Nurman Hakim TriXimages
Identitas Aria Kusumadewa Tit's Film Workshop
Mereka Bilang, Saya Monyet! Djenar Maesa Ayu Intimasi Productions
Perempuan Berkalung Sorban Hanung Bramantyo Kharisma Starvision Plus
Ruma Maida Teddy Soeriaatmadja Lamp Pictures
Jamila dan Sang Presiden Ratna Sarumpaet MVP Pictures


3 Hati Dua Dunia, Satu Cinta Benni Setiawan Mizan Productions
Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) Deddy Mizwar Demi Gisela Citra Sinema
Minggu Pagi di Victoria Park Lola Amaria Lantip Binathoro Panuluh
7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita Robby Ertanto Anak Negeri Films
I Know What You Did on Facebook Awi Suryadi Pundimas Mahakarya Sejahtera
Sang Penari Ifa Isfansyah Salto Films
? Hanung Bramantyo Dapur Film, Mahaka Pictures
Masih Bukan Cinta Biasa Benni Setiawan WannaB Pictures
Tendangan dari Langit Hanung Bramantyo SinemArt
The Mirror Never Lies Kamila Andini Set Film, World Wildlife Fund
Tanah Surga... Katanya Herwin Novianto Demi Gisela Citra Sinema
Demi Ucok Sammaria Simanjuntak  [ id ]Kepompong Gendut, Royal Cinema Multimedia
Lovely Man Teddy Soeriaatmadja Karuna Pictures
Rumah di Seribu Ombak Erwin Arnada Tabia Films, Winmark Picture
Soegija Garin Nugroho Studio Audio Visual Puskat
Sang Kiai Rako Prijanto Rapi Films
5 cm Rizal Mantovani Soraya Intercine Films
Belenggu Upi Avianto Falcon Pictures
Habibie & Ainun Faozan Rizal MD Pictures
Laura & Marsha Dinna Jasanti Inno Maleo Films
Cahaya Dari Timur: Beta Maluku Angga Dwimas Sasongko Visinema Pictures
3 Nafas Likas Rako Prijanto Oreima Films
Sebelum Pagi Terulang Kembali Lasja F. Susantyo Cangkir Kopi Production
Soekarno Hanung Bramantyo Dapur Film
Sokola Rimba Riri Riza Visi Lintas Films
Siti Eddie Cahyono Four Colours Films
A Copy of My Mind Joko Anwar CJ Entertainment, Lo-Fi Flicks
Guru Bangsa: Tjokroaminoto Garin Nugroho Picklock Production
Mencari Hilal Ismail Basbeth MVP Pictures, Studio Denny JA, Dapur Film, Argi Film, Mizan Productions
Toba Dreams Benni Setiawan TB Silalahi Center
Athirah Riri Riza Miles Films
Aisyah: Biarkan Kami Bersaudara Herwin Novianto Film One Productions
Rudy Habibie Hanung Bramantyo MD Pictures
Salawaku Pritagita Arianegara Kamala Film Productions
Letters from Prague Angga Dwimas Sasongko Visinema Pictures
Night Bus Emil Heradi Nightbus Pictures, Kaninga Pictures
Check the Store Next Door Ernest Prakasa Kharisma Starvision Plus
Kartini Hanung Bramantyo Legacy Pictures, Screenplay Films
Satan's Slaves Joko Anwar Rapi Films
Posesif Edwin Palari Films
Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts Mouly Surya Cinesurya Productions
Aruna & Her Palate Edwin Palari Films
The Seen and Unseen Kamila Andini Four Colours Films
Sultan Agung Mataram 1628 Hanung Bramantyo Mooryati Soedibyo Cinema
Memories of My Body Garin Nugroho Four Colours Films, GoStudio
27 Steps of May Ravi L. Bharwani Green Glow Pictures, GoStudio
This Earth of Mankind Hanung Bramantyo Falcon Pictures
Two Blue Stripes Gina S. Noer Kharisma Starvision Plus, Wahana Kreator Nusantara
Cemara's Family Yandy Laurens Visinema Pictures


Impetigore Joko Anwar BASE Entertainment, Ivanhoe Pictures, CJ Entertainment, Rapi Films
The Science of Fictions Yosep Anggi Noen Angka Fortuna Sinema, Kawankawan Media, Limaenam Films, Astro Shaw, Goplay, Focused Equipment
Humba Dreams Riri Riza Miles Films
Imperfect Ernest Prakasa Kharisma Starvision Plus
Homecoming Adriyanto Dewo Relate Films, Lifelike Pictures
Susi Susanti: Love All Sim F Time International Films, DAMN! I Love Indonesia Movies, Oreima Pictures, East West Synergy, Melon Indonesia, Buddy Buddy Pictures
Photocopier Wregas Bhanuteja Rekata Sudio, Kaninga Pictures
Ali & Ratu Ratu Queens Lucky Kuswandi Palari Films
Cinta BeteRoy LolangInno Maleo Films
Angel Finds Wings Aria KusumadewaMD Pictures, Citra Sinema
Paranoia Riri Riza Miles Films
Preman: Silent Fury Randolph ZainiIntroversy, Cineria
Yuni Kamila Andini Fourcolours Films, Akanga Film Asia, Manny Films, Starvision
Before, Now & Then Kamila Andini Fourcolours Films, Titimangsa Foundation
Autobiography Makbul MubarakKawanKawan Media, Kaninga Pictures
Stealing Raden Saleh Angga Dwimas Sasongko Visinema Pictures
Missing Home Bene Dion RajagukgukImajinari
Vengeance Is Mine, All Others Pay Cash Edwin Palari Films
Women from Rote Island Jeremias NyangoenBintang Cahaya Sinema, Langit Terang Sinema
Andragogy Wregas Bhanuteja Rekata Studio, Kaninga Pictures, Momo Film Co., KG Media, Masih Belajar, Hwallywood Studio
24 Hours with Gaspar Yosep Anggi Noen Kawan Kawan Media, Vi Sinema Pictures, Legacy Pictures
Like & Share Gina S. NoerStarvision, Wahana Kreator, Nusantara
Sleep Call Fajar Nugros IDN Pictures
Falling In Love Like In Movies Yandy Laurens Imajinari, Cerita Films
Borderless Fog Edwin Palari Films
Crocodile Tears Tumpal Tampubolon Talamedia
Grave Torture Joko Anwar Come and See Pictures
Samsara Garin Nugroho Cineria Films, Garin Workshop, Lynx Films

Explanatory notes

  1. The award was revoked in 2007 due to copyright violation found in the film.

See also

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  1. Silvia Wong (8 December 2004). "Indonesia's Oscars return after 12-year gap". Screen International. Retrieved 30 March 2012.(subscription required)
  2. Stephen Logan, ed. (2008). Asian Communication Handbook 2008. Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Centre and Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. p. 224. ISBN   9789814136105.
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  4. Said, Salim (1982). Profil Dunia Film Indonesia[Profile of Indonesian Cinema] (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Grafiti Pers. p. 43. OCLC   9507803.
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  6. Silvia Wong (8 December 2004). "Indonesia's Oscars return after 12-year gap". Screen International. Retrieved 30 March 2012.(subscription required)
  7. A. Junaidi (31 March 2004). "Film Festival to return with government help". The Jakarta Post. Archived from the original on 27 August 2015. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  8. "40 Movies Will Compete for Best Film Award" (in Indonesian). Pos Kota. 2009. Archived from the original on 8 April 2013. Retrieved 11 July 2010.
  9. (10 November 2018). "Inilah Daftar Lengkap Nominasi FFI 2018". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 7 February 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  10. 1 2 "Sejarah Kontroversi Penyelenggaraan FFI". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 29 January 2021.
  11. "Citra 'Ekskul' Dicabut Kembali" [Citra for 'Ekskul' Revoked]. Suara Merdeka (in Indonesian). 29 June 2007. Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 30 March 2013.
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