Commensurate line circuits are electrical circuits composed of transmission lines that are all the same length; commonly one-eighth of a wavelength. Lumped element circuits can be directly converted to distributed-element circuits of this form by the use of Richards' transformation. This transformation has a particularly simple result; inductors are replaced with transmission lines terminated in short-circuits and capacitors are replaced with lines terminated in open-circuits. Commensurate line theory is particularly useful for designing distributed-element filters for use at microwave frequencies.
It is usually necessary to carry out a further transformation of the circuit using Kuroda's identities. There are several reasons for applying one of the Kuroda transformations; the principal reason is usually to eliminate series connected components. In some technologies, including the widely used microstrip, series connections are difficult or impossible to implement.
The frequency response of commensurate line circuits, like all distributed-element circuits, will periodically repeat, limiting the frequency range over which they are effective. Circuits designed by the methods of Richards and Kuroda are not the most compact. Refinements to the methods of coupling elements together can produce more compact designs. Nevertheless, the commensurate line theory remains the basis for many of these more advanced filter designs.
Commensurate lines are transmission lines that are all the same electrical length, but not necessarily the same characteristic impedance (Z0). A commensurate line circuit is an electrical circuit composed only of commensurate lines terminated with resistors or short- and open-circuits. In 1948, Paul I. Richards published a theory of commensurate line circuits by which a passive lumped element circuit could be transformed into a distributed element circuit with precisely the same characteristics over a certain frequency range. [1]
Lengths of lines in distributed-element circuits, for generality, are usually expressed in terms of the circuit's nominal operational wavelength, λ. Lines of the prescribed length in a commensurate line circuit are called unit elements (UEs). A particularly simple relationship pertains if the UEs are λ/8. [2] Each element in the lumped circuit is transformed into a corresponding UE. However, Z0 of the lines must be set according to the component value in the analogous lumped circuit and this may result in values of Z0 that are not practical to implement. This is particularly a problem with printed technologies, such as microstrip, when implementing high characteristic impedances. High impedance requires narrow lines and there is a minimum size that can be printed. Very wide lines, on the other hand, allow the possibility of undesirable transverse resonant modes to form. A different length of UE, with a different Z0, may be chosen to overcome these problems. [3]
Electrical length can also be expressed as the phase change between the start and the end of the line. Phase is measured in angle units. , the mathematical symbol for an angle variable, is used as the symbol for electrical length when expressed as an angle. In this convention λ represents 360°, or 2π radians. [4]
The advantage of using commensurate lines is that the commensurate line theory allows circuits to be synthesised from a prescribed frequency function. While any circuit using arbitrary transmission line lengths can be analysed to determine its frequency function, that circuit cannot necessarily be easily synthesised starting from the frequency function. The fundamental problem is that using more than one length generally requires more than one frequency variable. Using commensurate lines requires only one frequency variable. A well developed theory exists for synthesising lumped-element circuits from a given frequency function. Any circuit so synthesised can be converted to a commensurate line circuit using Richards' transformation and a new frequency variable. [5]
Richards' transformation transforms the angular frequency variable, ω, according to,
or, more usefully for further analysis, in terms of the complex frequency variable, s,
Comparing this transform with expressions for the driving point impedance of stubs terminated, respectively, with a short circuit and an open circuit,
it can be seen that (for θ < π/2) a short circuit stub has the impedance of a lumped inductance and an open circuit stub has the impedance of a lumped capacitance. Richards' transformation substitutes inductors with short circuited UEs and capacitors with open circuited UEs. [6]
When the length is λ/8 (or θ=π/4), this simplifies to,
This is frequently written as,
L and C are conventionally the symbols for inductance and capacitance, but here they represent respectively the characteristic impedance of an inductive stub and the characteristic admittance of a capacitive stub. This convention is used by numerous authors, and later in this article. [7]
Richards' transformation can be viewed as transforming from a s-domain representation to a new domain called the Ω-domain where,
If Ω is normalised so that Ω=1 when ω=ωc, then it is required that,
and the length in distance units becomes,
Any circuit composed of discrete, linear, lumped components will have a transfer function H(s) that is a rational function in s. A circuit composed of transmission line UEs derived from the lumped circuit by Richards' transformation will have a transfer function H(jΩ) that is a rational function of precisely the same form as H(s). That is, the shape of the frequency response of the lumped circuit against the s frequency variable will be precisely the same as the shape of the frequency response of the transmission line circuit against the jΩ frequency variable and the circuit will be functionally the same. [8]
However, infinity in the Ω domain is transformed to ω=π/4k in the s domain. The entire frequency response is squeezed down to this finite interval. Above this frequency, the same response is repeated in the same intervals, alternately in reverse. This is a consequence of the periodic nature of the tangent function. This multiple passband result is a general feature of all distributed-element circuits, not just those arrived at through Richards' transformation. [9]
A UE connected in cascade is a two-port network that has no exactly corresponding circuit in lumped elements. It is functionally a fixed delay. There are lumped-element circuits that can approximate a fixed delay such as the Bessel filter, but they only work within a prescribed passband, even with ideal components. Alternatively, lumped-element all-pass filters can be constructed that pass all frequencies (with ideal components), but they have constant delay only within a narrow band of frequencies. Examples are the lattice phase equaliser and bridged T delay equaliser. [10]
There is consequently no lumped circuit that Richard's transformation can transform into a cascade-connected line, and there is no reverse transformation for this element. Commensurate line theory thus introduces a new element of delay, or length. [1] Two or more UEs connected in cascade with the same Z0 are equivalent to a single, longer, transmission line. Thus, lines of length nθ for integer n are allowable in commensurate circuits. Some circuits can be implemented entirely as a cascade of UEs: impedance matching networks, for instance, can be done this way, as can most filters. [1]
Kuroda's identities are a set of four equivalent circuits that overcome certain difficulties with applying Richards' transformations directly. The four basic transformations are shown in the figure. Here the symbols for capacitors and inductors are used to represent open-circuit and short-circuit stubs. Likewise, the symbols C and L here represent respectively the susceptance of an open circuit stub and the reactance of a short circuit stub, which, for θ=λ/8, are respectively equal to the characteristic admittance and characteristic impedance of the stub line. The boxes with thick lines represent cascade connected commensurate lengths of line with the marked characteristic impedance. [11]
The first difficulty solved is that all the UEs are required to be connected together at the same point. This arises because the lumped-element model assumes that all the elements take up zero space (or no significant space) and that there is no delay in signals between the elements. Applying Richards' transformation to convert the lumped circuit into a distributed circuit allows the element to now occupy a finite space (its length) but does not remove the requirement for zero distance between the interconnections. By repeatedly applying the first two Kuroda identities, UE lengths of the lines feeding into the ports of the circuit can be moved between the circuit components to physically separate them. [12]
A second difficulty that Kuroda's identities can overcome is that series connected lines are not always practical. While series connection of lines can easily be done in, for instance, coaxial technology, it is not possible in the widely used microstrip technology and other planar technologies. Filter circuits frequently use a ladder topology with alternating series and shunt elements. Such circuits can be converted to all shunt components in the same step used to space the components with the first two identities. [13]
The third and fourth identities allow characteristic impedances to be scaled down or up respectively. These can be useful for transforming impedances that are impractical to implement. However, they have the disadvantage of requiring the addition of an ideal transformer with a turns ratio equal to the scaling factor. [14]
In the decade after Richards' publication, advances in the theory of distributed circuits took place mostly in Japan. K. Kuroda published these identities in 1955 in his Ph.D thesis. [15] However, they did not appear in English until 1958 in a paper by Ozaki and Ishii on stripline filters. [16]
One of the major applications of commensurate line theory is to design distributed-element filters. Such filters constructed directly by Richards' and Kuroda's method are not very compact. This can be an important design consideration, especially in mobile devices. The stubs stick out to the side of the main line and the space between them is not doing anything useful. Ideally, the stubs should project on alternate sides [17] to prevent them coupling with each other, taking up further space, although this is not always done for space considerations. More than that, the cascade connected elements that couple together the stubs contribute nothing to the frequency function, they are only there to transform the stubs into the required impedance. Putting it another way, the order of the frequency function is determined solely by the number of stubs, not by the total number of UEs (generally speaking, the higher the order, the better the filter). More complex synthesis techniques can produce filters in which all elements are contributing. [16]
The cascade connected λ/8 sections of the Kuroda circuits are an example of impedance transformers, the archetypical example of such circuits is the λ/4 impedance transformer. Although this is double the length of the λ/8 line it has the useful property that it can be transformed from a low-pass filter to a high-pass filter by replacing the open circuit stubs with short circuit stubs. The two filters are exactly matched with the same cut-off frequency and mirror-symmetrical responses. It is therefore ideal for use in diplexers. [18] The λ/4 transformer has this property of being invariant under a low-pass to high-pass transformation because it is not just an impedance transformer, but a special case of transformer, an impedance inverter. That is, it transforms any impedance network at one port, to the inverse impedance, or dual impedance, at the other port. However, a single length of transmission line can only be precisely λ/4 long at its resonant frequency and there is consequently a limit to the bandwidth over which it will work. There are more complex kinds of inverter circuit that more accurately invert impedances. There are two classes of inverter, the J-inverter, which transforms a shunt admittance into a series impedance, and the K-inverter which does the reverse transformation. The coefficients J and K are respectively the scaling admittance and impedance of the converter. [19]
Stubs may be lengthened in order to change from an open circuit to a short circuit stub and vice versa. [20] Low-pass filters usually consist of series inductors and shunt capacitors. Applying Kuroda's identities will convert these to all shunt capacitors, which are open circuit stubs. Open circuit stubs are preferred in printed technologies because they are easier to implement, and this is the technology likely to be found in consumer products. However, this is not the case in other technologies such as coaxial line, or twin-lead where the short circuit may actually be helpful for mechanical support of the structure. Short circuits also have a small advantage in that they are generally have a more precise position than open circuits. If the circuit is to be further transformed into the waveguide medium then open circuits are out of the question because there would be radiation out of the aperture so formed. For a high-pass filter the inverse applies, applying Kuroda will naturally result in short circuit stubs and it may be desirable for a printed design to convert to open circuits. As an example, a λ/8 open circuit stub can be replaced with a 3λ/8 short circuit stub of the same characteristic impedance without changing the circuit functionally. [21]
Coupling elements together with impedance transformer lines is not the most compact design. Other methods of coupling have been developed, especially for band-pass filters that are far more compact. These include parallel lines filters, interdigital filters, hairpin filters, and the semi-lumped design combline filters. [22]
The characteristic impedance or surge impedance (usually written Z0) of a uniform transmission line is the ratio of the amplitudes of voltage and current of a wave travelling in one direction along the line in the absence of reflections in the other direction. Equivalently, it can be defined as the input impedance of a transmission line when its length is infinite. Characteristic impedance is determined by the geometry and materials of the transmission line and, for a uniform line, is not dependent on its length. The SI unit of characteristic impedance is the ohm.
In electrical engineering, electrical length is a dimensionless parameter equal to the physical length of an electrical conductor such as a cable or wire, divided by the wavelength of alternating current at a given frequency traveling through the conductor. In other words, it is the length of the conductor measured in wavelengths. It can alternately be expressed as an angle, in radians or degrees, equal to the phase shift the alternating current experiences traveling through the conductor.
The propagation constant of a sinusoidal electromagnetic wave is a measure of the change undergone by the amplitude and phase of the wave as it propagates in a given direction. The quantity being measured can be the voltage, the current in a circuit, or a field vector such as electric field strength or flux density. The propagation constant itself measures the dimensionless change in magnitude or phase per unit length. In the context of two-port networks and their cascades, propagation constant measures the change undergone by the source quantity as it propagates from one port to the next.
In electrical engineering, a transmission line is a specialized cable or other structure designed to conduct electromagnetic waves in a contained manner. The term applies when the conductors are long enough that the wave nature of the transmission must be taken into account. This applies especially to radio-frequency engineering because the short wavelengths mean that wave phenomena arise over very short distances. However, the theory of transmission lines was historically developed to explain phenomena on very long telegraph lines, especially submarine telegraph cables.
The Smith chart, is a graphical calculator or nomogram designed for electrical and electronics engineers specializing in radio frequency (RF) engineering to assist in solving problems with transmission lines and matching circuits.
An antenna tuner is a passive electronic device inserted between a radio transmitter and its antenna. Its purpose is to optimize power transfer by matching the impedance of the radio to the signal impedance on the feedline to the antenna.
Electronic filters are a type of signal processing filter in the form of electrical circuits. This article covers those filters consisting of lumped electronic components, as opposed to distributed-element filters. That is, using components and interconnections that, in analysis, can be considered to exist at a single point. These components can be in discrete packages or part of an integrated circuit.
In microwave and radio-frequency engineering, a stub or resonant stub is a length of transmission line or waveguide that is connected at one end only. The free end of the stub is either left open-circuit, or short-circuited. Neglecting transmission line losses, the input impedance of the stub is purely reactive; either capacitive or inductive, depending on the electrical length of the stub, and on whether it is open or short circuit. Stubs may thus function as capacitors, inductors and resonant circuits at radio frequencies.
In electronics, a Lecher line or Lecher wires is a pair of parallel wires or rods that were used to measure the wavelength of radio waves, mainly at VHF, UHF and microwave frequencies. They form a short length of balanced transmission line. When attached to a source of radio-frequency power such as a radio transmitter, the radio waves form standing waves along their length. By sliding a conductive bar that bridges the two wires along their length, the length of the waves can be physically measured. Austrian physicist Ernst Lecher, improving on techniques used by Oliver Lodge and Heinrich Hertz, developed this method of measuring wavelength around 1888. Lecher lines were used as frequency measuring devices until inexpensive frequency counters became available after World War 2. They were also used as components, often called "resonant stubs", in VHF, UHF and microwave radio equipment such as transmitters, radar sets, and television sets, serving as tank circuits, filters, and impedance-matching devices. They are used at frequencies between HF/VHF, where lumped components are used, and UHF/SHF, where resonant cavities are more practical.
Zobel networks are a type of filter section based on the image-impedance design principle. They are named after Otto Zobel of Bell Labs, who published a much-referenced paper on image filters in 1923. The distinguishing feature of Zobel networks is that the input impedance is fixed in the design independently of the transfer function. This characteristic is achieved at the expense of a much higher component count compared to other types of filter sections. The impedance would normally be specified to be constant and purely resistive. For this reason, Zobel networks are also known as constant resistance networks. However, any impedance achievable with discrete components is possible.
Constant k filters, also k-type filters, are a type of electronic filter designed using the image method. They are the original and simplest filters produced by this methodology and consist of a ladder network of identical sections of passive components. Historically, they are the first filters that could approach the ideal filter frequency response to within any prescribed limit with the addition of a sufficient number of sections. However, they are rarely considered for a modern design, the principles behind them having been superseded by other methodologies which are more accurate in their prediction of filter response.
A quarter-wave impedance transformer, often written as λ/4 impedance transformer, is a transmission line or waveguide used in electrical engineering of length one-quarter wavelength (λ), terminated with some known impedance. It presents at its input the dual of the impedance with which it is terminated.
A signal travelling along an electrical transmission line will be partly, or wholly, reflected back in the opposite direction when the travelling signal encounters a discontinuity in the characteristic impedance of the line, or if the far end of the line is not terminated in its characteristic impedance. This can happen, for instance, if two lengths of dissimilar transmission lines are joined.
The primary line constants are parameters that describe the characteristics of conductive transmission lines, such as pairs of copper wires, in terms of the physical electrical properties of the line. The primary line constants are only relevant to transmission lines and are to be contrasted with the secondary line constants, which can be derived from them, and are more generally applicable. The secondary line constants can be used, for instance, to compare the characteristics of a waveguide to a copper line, whereas the primary constants have no meaning for a waveguide.
A distributed-element filter is an electronic filter in which capacitance, inductance, and resistance are not localised in discrete capacitors, inductors, and resistors as they are in conventional filters. Its purpose is to allow a range of signal frequencies to pass, but to block others. Conventional filters are constructed from inductors and capacitors, and the circuits so built are described by the lumped element model, which considers each element to be "lumped together" at one place. That model is conceptually simple, but it becomes increasingly unreliable as the frequency of the signal increases, or equivalently as the wavelength decreases. The distributed-element model applies at all frequencies, and is used in transmission-line theory; many distributed-element components are made of short lengths of transmission line. In the distributed view of circuits, the elements are distributed along the length of conductors and are inextricably mixed together. The filter design is usually concerned only with inductance and capacitance, but because of this mixing of elements they cannot be treated as separate "lumped" capacitors and inductors. There is no precise frequency above which distributed element filters must be used but they are especially associated with the microwave band.
Nominal impedance in electrical engineering and audio engineering refers to the approximate designed impedance of an electrical circuit or device. The term is applied in a number of different fields, most often being encountered in respect of:
A waveguide filter is an electronic filter constructed with waveguide technology. Waveguides are hollow metal conduits inside which an electromagnetic wave may be transmitted. Filters are devices used to allow signals at some frequencies to pass, while others are rejected. Filters are a basic component of electronic engineering designs and have numerous applications. These include selection of signals and limitation of noise. Waveguide filters are most useful in the microwave band of frequencies, where they are a convenient size and have low loss. Examples of microwave filter use are found in satellite communications, telephone networks, and television broadcasting.
Slotted lines are used for microwave measurements and consist of a movable probe inserted into a slot in a transmission line. They are used in conjunction with a microwave power source and usually, in keeping with their low-cost application, a low cost Schottky diode detector and VSWR meter rather than an expensive microwave power meter.
A frequency-selective surface (FSS) is any thin, repetitive surface designed to reflect, transmit or absorb electromagnetic fields based on the frequency of the field. In this sense, an FSS is a type of optical filter or metal-mesh optical filters in which the filtering is accomplished by virtue of the regular, periodic pattern on the surface of the FSS. Though not explicitly mentioned in the name, FSS's also have properties which vary with incidence angle and polarization as well - these are unavoidable consequences of the way in which FSS's are constructed. Frequency-selective surfaces have been most commonly used in the radio frequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum and find use in applications as diverse as the aforementioned microwave oven, antenna radomes and modern metamaterials. Sometimes frequency selective surfaces are referred to simply as periodic surfaces and are a 2-dimensional analog of the new periodic volumes known as photonic crystals.
Distributed-element circuits are electrical circuits composed of lengths of transmission lines or other distributed components. These circuits perform the same functions as conventional circuits composed of passive components, such as capacitors, inductors, and transformers. They are used mostly at microwave frequencies, where conventional components are difficult to implement.