Corn allergy

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Maize - Corn.jpg

Corn allergy is a very rare food allergy. [1] People with a true IgE-mediated allergy to corn develop symptoms such as swelling or hives when they eat corn or foods that contain corn. The allergy can be difficult to manage due to many food and non-food products that contain various forms of corn, such as corn starch and modified food starch, among many others. It is an allergy that often goes unrecognized.[ medical citation needed ]



As a result of a possible immunoglobulin E (IgE) allergy to corn, symptoms can resemble that of any other recognized allergy, including anaphylaxis. As with other food allergies, most people who are allergic to corn have mild symptoms. [2]


Corn allergies is caused by certain proteins which are found within the corn kernel. Currently, the maize lipid transfer protein is known to cause corn allergies, [3] [4] The mechanisms of the allergy are unknown.[ citation needed ]


As with other food allergies, there is no cure. [2] Since the allergy is rarely reported, diagnosis of the allergen that causes the corn allergy has been difficult. [3] Most people who are allergic to corn cannot eat corn or anything containing proteins from corn. [1] Many people who are allergic to corn can still eat sugars purified from corn, such as corn syrup. [1]


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  1. 1 2 3 "Corn Allergy". American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2019-03-08. Retrieved 2020-09-12.
  2. 1 2 Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (2020-07-16). "What You Need to Know about Food Allergies". FDA.
  3. 1 2 Pastorello, E. A.; Farioli, L.; Pravettoni, V.; et al. (2000). "The maize major allergen, which is responsible for food-induced allergic reactions, is a lipid transfer protein". The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 106 (4): 744–751. doi:10.1067/mai.2000.108712. ISSN   0091-6749. PMID   11031346.
  4. "Maize, corn - allergy information (InformAll: Communicating about Food Allergies - University of Manchester)". Retrieved 2021-05-15.