Soy allergy

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Soy allergy
Tofu (marketed).jpg
Blocks of tofu, prepared by coagulating soy milk and then pressing to remove excess water
Specialty Immunology
Canned soy milk Soymilk can and glass 2.jpg
Canned soy milk

Soy allergy is a type of food allergy. [1] It is a hypersensitivity to ingesting compounds in soy (Glycine max), causing an overreaction of the immune system, typically with physical symptoms, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, respiratory distress, or a skin reaction. [2] [3] Soy is among the eight most common foods inducing allergic reactions in children and adults. [1] It has a prevalence of about 0.3% in the general population. [2]


Soy allergy is usually treated with an exclusion diet and vigilant avoidance of foods that may contain soy ingredients. [1] The most severe food allergy reaction is anaphylaxis, [1] which is a medical emergency requiring immediate attention and treatment with epinephrine. [1]

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis.png
Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis
Hives on back Hives on back.jpg
Hives on back

Acute soy allergy can have fast onset (from seconds to one hour) or slow onset (from hours to several days), depending on the conditions of exposure, [1] [3] whereas long-term soy allergy may begin in infancy with reaction to soy-based infant formula. [4] Although most children outgrow soy allergy, some may have the allergy persist into adulthood. [4]

IgE allergy

Symptoms may include: rash, hives, itching of the mouth, lips, tongue, throat, eyes, skin, or other areas, swelling of lips, tongue, eyelids, or the whole face, difficulty swallowing, runny or congested nose, hoarse voice, wheezing, shortness of breath, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lightheadedness, fainting, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms of allergies vary from person to person and may vary from incident to incident. [1] [4] Serious danger regarding allergies can begin when the respiratory tract or blood circulation is affected. The former can be indicated by wheezing, a blocked airway and cyanosis, the latter by weak pulse, pale skin, and fainting. When such severe symptoms occur, the allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis. [1] [4] Anaphylaxis occurs when IgE antibodies are released into the systemic circulation in response to the allergen, affecting multiple organs with severe symptoms. [1] [4] [5] Untreated, the anaphylactic response can proceed to a rapid heart beat, systemic vasodilation and a rapid decrease in blood pressure as conditions of anaphylactic shock, [6] requiring emergency intervention to prevent a fatality (rare for soy allergy). [5] [7]

Non-IgE allergy

Non-IgE mediated allergic reactions are slower to appear, and tend to manifest as gastrointestinal symptoms, without cutaneous or respiratory symptoms. [8] [9] Within non-IgE reactions, clinicians distinguish among:[ citation needed ]

The most common trigger-foods for these types of reaction are cow's milk and soy. [9] [10] [11] FPIAP is considered to be at the milder end of the spectrum, and is characterized by intermittent bloody stools. FPE is identified by chronic diarrhea which resolves when the allergenic food is removed from the individual's diet. FPIES can be severe, even leading to anaphylaxis characterized by persistent vomiting 1–4 hours after an allergen-containing food, to the point of lethargy. Other symptoms may include headache and abdominal swelling (distension). [6] [11] [12] Watery and sometimes bloody diarrhea can develop 5–10 hours after the triggering meal, to the point of dehydration and low blood pressure. Infants reacting to soy formula may also react to cow's milk formula. [10] [13] International consensus guidelines have been established for the diagnosis and treatment of FPIES. [13]


Allergic reactions are hyperactive responses of the immune system to substances that are normal components of foods, such as proteins. Food protein allergens are detected by allergen-specific immune cells which produce reactions and characteristic symptoms primarily when raw foods are eaten, and even after they have been cooked or digested. [1]

Conditions caused by food allergies are classified into three groups according to the mechanism of the allergic response: [14]

  1. IgE-mediated (classic) – the most common type, manifesting acute changes that occur shortly after eating, and may progress to anaphylaxis
  2. Non-IgE mediated – characterized by an immune response not involving immunoglobulin E; may occur hours to days after eating, complicating diagnosis
  3. IgE and non-IgE-mediated – a hybrid of the above two types

In the early stages of an acute IgE-mediated allergic reaction, lymphocytes previously sensitized to a specific protein or protein fraction react by quickly producing a particular type of antibody known as secreted IgE (sIgE), which circulates in the blood and binds to IgE-specific receptors on the surface of other kinds of immune cells called mast cells and basophils. [15] Activated mast cells and basophils undergo a process called degranulation, during which they release histamine and other inflammatory chemical mediators into the surrounding tissue causing effects, such as vasodilation, mucous secretion, nerve stimulation, and smooth-muscle contraction. [4] This results in runny nose, itchiness, shortness of breath, and potentially anaphylaxis. [4] Depending on the individual, the allergen, and the mode of introduction, the symptoms can be system-wide (general anaphylaxis), or localized to the respiratory system (asthma) or skin (eczema). [4] [15]

After the chemical mediators of the acute response subside, typically 2–24 hours after the original reaction, late-phase responses referred to as non-IgE mediated can occur due to the migration of other types of white blood cells to the initial reaction sites, causing diarrhea and other signs of gastrointestinal upset. [1] [16] [17]

Allergenic proteins from soy are named under a nomenclature decided by IUIC, which is also responsible for numbering many of the proteins. Proteins numbered by IUIC include: [18]

These proteins are recognized by the immune system as antigens in susceptible individuals. As many as 8 other soy allergenic proteins are known. [19]


Diagnosis of an IgE-mediated soy allergy is based on the person's history of allergic reactions, skin prick test (SPT), patch test and measurement of soy protein specific serum immunoglobulin E (IgE or sIgE). A negative IgE test does not rule out non-IgE mediated allergy, which is also described as cell-mediated allergy. [20] SPT and sIgE have sensitivities of 55% and 83%, respectively, and specificities of 68% and 38%. These numbers mean that either test may miss diagnosing an existing soy allergy, that both could be positive for other food allergens, and that the tests have wide variability leading to a false-positive outcome of 30%. [21] Confirmation is by double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges, conducted by an allergy specialist. [20]

A diagnostic laboratory test is not available for non-IgE-mediated allergies, reflecting the obscure pathophysiology of these conditions. [1] Instead, a person's history of symptoms is studied, and if the symptoms cease with the removal of soy, the diagnosis is made. [22] [23]


Epinephrine autoinjectors are portable single-dose epinephrine-dispensing devices used to treat anaphylaxis. Epipen.jpg
Epinephrine autoinjectors are portable single-dose epinephrine-dispensing devices used to treat anaphylaxis.

Treatment for accidental ingestion of soy products by allergic individuals varies depending on the sensitivity of the person. An antihistamine such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may be prescribed. [1] Prednisone may be prescribed to prevent a possible late phase Type I hypersensitivity reaction. [24] Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) may require treatment with a bronchodilator and epinephrine pen, i.e., an injection device designed to be used by a non-healthcare professional when emergency treatment is warranted. [1] A second dose is needed in 16–35% of episodes. [25]

Avoiding soy

People with a confirmed soy allergy should avoid foods containing soy-sourced ingredients. [1] [3] [4] [26] In many countries, packaged food labels are required to list ingredients, and soy is identified as an allergen. Many fast-food restaurants commonly use soy protein in hamburger buns (soy flour), or as substitute meat (soy protein) preparations. [27] Packaged foods, school meals, and restaurant foods may contain soy ingredients. [3] [27] Some food contains soy-based ingredients that are not considered allergens under national regulations, and thus are not labeled, such as foods cooked in highly refined soy oil, which is considered safe due to absence of soy protein. [28]

Edamame is boiled or steamed immature soybeans in the pod Edamame by Zesmerelda in Chicago.jpg
Edamame is boiled or steamed immature soybeans in the pod
Tempeh, traditionally wrapped in banana leaves, is made from fermented whole soybeans Tempeh tempe.jpg
Tempeh, traditionally wrapped in banana leaves, is made from fermented whole soybeans
Textured soy protein is used as a meat substitute or meat extender, often in school lunch programs Textured vegetable protein.jpg
Textured soy protein is used as a meat substitute or meat extender, often in school lunch programs

Products containing soy protein: [3] [29] [30]

The following food additives may contain soy protein:

Less-allergenic soy derivatives

Many foods that contain soy are exempt from being labelled as a major allergen under US FDA regulations because they contain negligible soy protein, and individuals with a mild allergy may not experience any symptoms when exposed.[ citation needed ]

Non-food exposure to soy

Propofol (Diprivan, Propoven) is a commonly used intravenous sedative. [33] Because it is only slightly soluble in water, it is incorporated into a lipid emulsion containing 10% refined soybean oil and 1.2% highly purified egg lecithin. [33] [34] Product instructions state: "Diprivan Injectable Emulsion is contraindicated in patients with allergies to eggs, egg products, soybeans or soy products." [35] The potential allergenicity of the propofol emulsion is disputed. According to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, and to 2019 reviews, hives or systemic allergic reactions to propofol [33] (including life-threatening anaphylaxis) may occur, but most of those instances are in people who do not have a soy or egg allergy, and the vast majority of people with known soy or egg allergies do not have a reaction to propofol. [34] [36]

Protein contact dermatitis may occur in some individuals when a product containing soy protein contacts skin.[ citation needed ]

Cross-reactivity with dairy

Infants – either still 100% breastfeeding or on infant formula – may be prone to a combined cow milk and soy protein allergy referred to as milk soy protein intolerance (MSPI). [37] The Nebraska government states that soy proteins from processed foods in the breast milk of nursing mothers may cause intolerance in infants. [37] In opposition, one review stated that there was not yet sufficient clinical evidence to conclude that maternal dietary food avoidance during lactation would prevent or treat allergic symptoms from soy in breastfed infants. [38]

Another review concluded that milk allergy occurred in 2-3% of infants, and declined with age, while soy allergy had an incidence of less than 1% in young children. [39] The review indicated that 10-14% of infants and young children with confirmed cow milk allergy may also be sensitized to soy, but did not address whether the cause was two separate allergies or a cross-reaction due to a similarity in protein structure. [39] There is no medication to treat MSPI or a soy sensitivity in infants, but rather the breastfeeding mother can remove soy foods from her diet. [37]

Dosage tolerance

People with a mild soy allergy can tolerate small or moderate amounts of soy protein: the typical dose needed to induce a strong allergic response in a person with a mild soy allergy is about 100 times higher than for many other food allergens. [40] Individuals with a severe soy allergy may experience allergic reactions to even trace amounts of soy, such as found in soy lecithin, but will rarely go into anaphylactic shock unless they have asthma, a peanut allergy or other complications. [4]

Society and culture

With awareness about the potential for food allergy increasing during the early 21st century, the quality of life for families and caregivers was affected. [41] [42] [43] [44] Soy is one of the most widely used food additives worldwide as one of eight foods having mandatory precautionary labeling. [45] School systems have protocols about foods with potential allergenicity. [3] Despite these precautions, people with serious allergies are aware that accidental exposure can easily occur in family homes, school or restaurants. [3] [46] Food fear has a significant impact on quality of life. [43] [44] For children with allergies, their quality of life may be affected by peers. Bullying may occur, including threats or acts of deliberately being touched with allergenic foods. [47] Despite these trends and concerns, most children having soy allergy during their early years will outgrow soy sensitivity. [1]

Regulation of labelling

An example of a list of allergens in a food item US Allergen Information Example.jpg
An example of a list of allergens in a food item

In response to the risk that certain foods pose to those with food allergies, some countries have established labeling laws that require food products to clearly inform consumers if their products contain major allergens or byproducts of major allergens among the ingredients intentionally added to foods. Except in Canada and Brazil, there are no labeling laws to declare the presence of trace amounts in the final product as a consequence of cross-contamination. [45] [48] [49] [50]

Ingredients intentionally added

In the United States, the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA) requires companies to disclose on the label whether a packaged food product contains any of the eight most common food allergens, added intentionally: cow milk, peanuts, eggs, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, soy and wheat. [51] This list originated in 1999 from the World Health Organization Codex Alimentarius Commission. [45] To meet FALCPA labeling requirements, if an ingredient is derived from one of the required-label allergens, then it must either have its "food sourced name" in parentheses, such as "Soy," or as an alternative, there must be a statement separate but adjacent to the ingredients list: "Contains soy" (and any other of the allergens with mandatory labeling). [51] [52] The FDA emphasizes to consumers that "it's very important to read the entire ingredient list to see if your allergen is present". [52] The European Union requires listing of soy and seven other common allergens, plus other potentially allergenic foods. [49]

FALCPA applies to packaged foods regulated by the FDA [50] and by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), which requires that any ingredient be declared in the labeling only by its common or usual name. [53] [54] Neither the identification of the source of a specific ingredient in a parenthetical statement nor the use of statements to alert for the presence of specific ingredients, like "Contains: soy", is mandatory, according to FSIS. [53] FALCPA does not apply to food prepared in restaurants. [55] [56] The EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation 1169/2011 requires food businesses to provide allergy information on food sold as unpackaged in public food outlets. [57]

Products that are not allergen labeled

While many countries require allergen warnings on labels of food containing soy ingredients, such labeling requirements may not apply to certain food and personal care items containing soy ingredients, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs and cosmetics. [50] [58] [59] [60] Without actually ingesting an allergen, a person allergic to soy would not likely have a reaction. [58]

Trace amounts as a result of cross-contamination

Labeling regulations in the European Union require mandatory labeling of certain ingredients, and allow voluntary labeling, termed Precautionary Allergen Labeling (PAL) for "may contain" statements to account for product ingredients included as inadvertent, trace amount or cross-contamination during production. [45] [61] PAL labeling may be confusing to consumers, possibly due to variations of wording on labels. [61] [62] [63] The European Union initiated a process to create labeling regulations for unintentional contamination, although it may not be official until 2024. [64] The US FDA requires reporting by government inspectors and manufacturers to reduce or eliminate the potential cross-contact of product ingredients, including soy, and to state possible cross-contamination on food labels, using the words "may contain". [51]

Genetically modified soybeans

Although there have been concerns that GMO soybeans might produce new or more allergic reactions than conventionally grown soybeans, [65] [66] a 2017 review, reporting on 20 years of analysis on GM crops, showed that allergenic proteins were unchanged in GM soybeans, indicating GM soybeans were safe, nutritious, and had similar low-allergenicity for food consumption in the general public as conventional soybeans. [67] The same review concluded that consuming GM foods, including foods derived from GM soy, does not cause new allergies to develop. [67]

In 2018, a European Food Safety Authority scientific panel on GMO reported that the GMO soybean, Vistive Gold (MON 87751, produced by Monsanto as an insect-resistant crop used worldwide), had no unusual allergenicity. [68] The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Health Canada also determined that MON 87751 soybeans had as low allergenicity as conventional soybeans. [69] [70]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Allergy</span> Immune system response to a substance that most people tolerate well

Allergies, also known as allergic diseases, are various conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to typically harmless substances in the environment. These diseases include hay fever, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and anaphylaxis. Symptoms may include red eyes, an itchy rash, sneezing, coughing, a runny nose, shortness of breath, or swelling. Note that food intolerances and food poisoning are separate conditions.

An allergen is a type of antigen that produces an abnormally vigorous immune response in which the immune system fights off a perceived threat that would otherwise be harmless to the body. Such reactions are called allergies.

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A food allergy is an abnormal immune response to food. The symptoms of the allergic reaction may range from mild to severe. They may include itchiness, swelling of the tongue, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, trouble breathing, or low blood pressure. This typically occurs within minutes to several hours of exposure. When the symptoms are severe, it is known as anaphylaxis. A food intolerance and food poisoning are separate conditions, not due to an immune response.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Peanut allergy</span> Type of food allergy caused by peanuts

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Milk allergy</span> Type of food allergy caused by milk

Milk allergy is an adverse immune reaction to one or more proteins in cow's milk. Symptoms may take hours to days to manifest, with symptoms including atopic dermatitis, inflammation of the esophagus, enteropathy involving the small intestine and proctocolitis involving the rectum and colon. However, rapid anaphylaxis is possible, a potentially life-threatening condition that requires treatment with epinephrine, among other measures.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Egg allergy</span> Type of food allergy caused by eggs

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tree nut allergy</span> Medical condition

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Wheat allergy</span> Medical condition

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Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is a systemic, non IgE-mediated response to a specific trigger within food – most likely food protein. FPIES presents in two different forms: an acute form and a chronic form. In its acute form, FPIES presents with vomiting that usually begins 1 to 4 hours after trigger food ingestion. Vomiting is often followed by a paleness to the skin, lethargy, and potentially watery, perhaps blood-tinged diarrhea. In the severe form of acute FPIES, a person will vomit until dehydration and until a shock-like state, which occurs in 15% of patients. In its chronic form, which can be difficult to diagnose until a person has already met diagnostic criteria for acute FPIES, after repeated or regular ingestion of the trigger food, the person presents with chronic or episodic vomiting, failure to thrive, and watery, perhaps blood-tinged diarrhea. FPIES can potentially develop at any age but seems most commonly to develop within the first few years of life. FPIES has mainly been documented in young infants, but can exist in older children and adults. Some people develop both FPIES and an IgE-mediated type of reaction to the same food, and having FPIES can increase a person's risk of also developing IgE-mediated food allergies.

The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA) is a United States law that requires all food labels in the United States to list ingredients that may cause allergic reactions and was effective as of January 1, 2006. While many ingredients can trigger a food allergy, this legislation only specifies the eight major food allergens. This law was passed largely due to the efforts of organizations such as the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ara h1</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Allergies in children</span> Medical condition

Allergies in children, an incidence which has increased over the last fifty years, are overreactions of the immune system often caused by foreign substances or genetics that may present themselves in different ways. There are multiple forms of testing, prevention, management, and treatment available if an allergy is present in a child. In some cases, it is possible for children to outgrow their allergies.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shellfish allergy</span> Type of food allergy caused by shellfish

Shellfish allergy is among the most common food allergies. "Shellfish" is a colloquial and fisheries term for aquatic invertebrates used as food, including various species of molluscs such as clams, mussels, oysters and scallops, crustaceans such as shrimp, lobsters and crabs, and cephalopods such as squid and octopus. Shellfish allergy is an immune hypersensitivity to proteins found in shellfish. Symptoms can be either rapid or gradual in onset. The latter can take hours to days to appear. The former may include anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening condition which requires treatment with epinephrine. Other presentations may include atopic dermatitis or inflammation of the esophagus. Shellfish is one of the eight common food allergens, responsible for 90% of allergic reactions to foods: cow's milk, eggs, wheat, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and soy beans.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sesame allergy</span> Food allergy caused by sesame seeds

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